View Full Version : Boycott of Houston

01-20-2010, 10:06 PM
Do you want a Texas version of San Francisco? Neither do we!

Do you want Texas to be the abortion capital of America? Neither do we!

Houston has elected an openly homosexual mayor and built the largest abortion clinic in the United States and you can do something about it!

While you may or may not be a resident of Houston and eligible to vote for mayor, you can vote with your dollar.

This is why we are calling on Christians everywhere to boycott the city of Houston.

More... (http://www.boycotthouston.com/?p=46)

The above website, like a good watchdog that never sleeps, reports that Texas has a homosexual in it -- the modern day equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah right in the heart of Texas. It's sad, but in the immortal words of President Bush, "This will not stand!"

The boycott of Houston will soon set things right.

01-20-2010, 10:26 PM

01-20-2010, 10:34 PM
I was hoping this was going to be about Whitney.

01-20-2010, 10:48 PM
...and built the largest abortion clinic in the United States...

Just where exactly is this largest abortion clinic in the US located in Houston?

I dont see the address in the article or the website, just a lot of rhetoric.

I smell a libel suit forthcoming.

I give the site 2 weeks before its shut down.

So sayeth Gan.

01-21-2010, 10:47 AM
Just where exactly is this largest abortion clinic in the US located in Houston?

I dont see the address in the article or the website, just a lot of rhetoric.

Using the Google, I was easily able to find articles with a photo of the building that is being renovated and the approximate street address. Then, using my 21st century computer skills, I used the Google Maps to see the street view of the building. As someone who claims to be from the great State of Texas, I would think you would be more aware of what is going on in your own backyard.

Before you ask, no, I'm not going to post the address of the building.

01-21-2010, 11:16 AM
Before you ask, no, I'm not going to post the address of the building.

That's for the best. We don't want Gan jailed for killing doctors.

01-21-2010, 12:09 PM
I'm actually pro-choice.


I do not favor the practice and would offer up alternatives to abortion to those I know that are considering it. But in the end its the choice of the woman and the implications are between her and her God. It's not my place to judge or force someone to adhere to my beliefs if they differ.

And ClydeR, you know that there is no buliding in existence for the alleged largest abortion clinic in Houston. Its all supposed information at this juncture. Nothing factual. Kind of like you.

01-21-2010, 12:11 PM
For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you (Matthew 7:12)

01-21-2010, 12:12 PM
That scripture is in the perforated section of the Bible that the Far Right subscribe to. They just rip it out because it does not apply to them.

01-21-2010, 12:31 PM
I'm actually pro-choice.


I do not favor the practice and would offer up alternatives to abortion to those I know that are considering it. But in the end its the choice of the woman and the implications are between her and her God. It's not my place to judge or force someone to adhere to my beliefs if they differ.

Something I can completely agree with. It's not a choice I would make, were I female, nor would I encourage it by any means. However, it is and should be a choice.

My fiancee and I split up shortly before she found out she was pregnant. After she got the news we talked and decided to work things out. My son is 18 months now and we're still very happy. I cannot imagine my life without him and I'm very glad she chose to speak to me before making any other choices. To this day she still blames the preggo hormones for the breakup. ;)

01-21-2010, 12:36 PM
I was boycotting Houston before it was cool.

01-21-2010, 12:38 PM
Something I can completely agree with. It's not a choice I would make, were I female, nor would I encourage it by any means. However, it is and should be a choice.

My fiancee and I split up shortly before she found out she was pregnant. After she got the news we talked and decided to work things out. My son is 18 months now and we're still very happy. I cannot imagine my life without him and I'm very glad she chose to speak to me before making any other choices. To this day she still blames the preggo hormones for the breakup. ;)

Curious. If you were fiancee were raped and became pregant, you would want her to deliver birth to this baby?

01-21-2010, 12:59 PM
Curious. If you were fiancee were raped and became pregant, you would want her to deliver birth to this baby?

It would be her choice. Considering the risks of her last pregnancy, I would probably not encourage it but the choice would be hers.

I should add that I say that knowing her choice would be abortion in that case.

01-21-2010, 01:01 PM
I was hoping this was going to be about Whitney.
In which case I can totally get down with that.

01-21-2010, 01:12 PM
That scripture is in the perforated section of the Bible that the Far Right subscribe to. They just rip it out because it does not apply to them.


01-21-2010, 01:20 PM
That scripture is in the perforated section of the Bible that the Far Right subscribe to. They just rip it out because it does not apply to them.

You mean the whole new testament?

01-21-2010, 04:52 PM
The above website, like a good watchdog that never sleeps, reports that Texas has a homosexual in it -- the modern day equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah right in the heart of Texas. It's sad, but in the immortal words of President Bush, "This will not stand!"

The boycott of Houston will soon set things right.

Considering that the Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau is thinking that gay travel to Houston will increase because of Mayor Parker's election, the irony of this boycott is humorous, to say the least.

01-21-2010, 04:54 PM
Its not like the entire bible hasnt been edited so often as it is, whats a few more pages

01-21-2010, 05:30 PM
Considering that the Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau is thinking that gay travel to Houston will increase because of Mayor Parker's election, the irony of this boycott is humorous, to say the least.

Thats just fabulous!

01-21-2010, 07:38 PM
Do you want a Texas version of San Francisco? Neither do we!

Do you want Texas to be the abortion capital of America? Neither do we!

Houston has elected an openly homosexual mayor and built the largest abortion clinic in the United States and you can do something about it!

While you may or may not be a resident of Houston and eligible to vote for mayor, you can vote with your dollar.

This is why we are calling on Christians everywhere to boycott the city of Houston.



No but for realz. I like driving down Fannin and seeing the retired old people next to the clinic with their SAVE THE BABIES signs. I always honk and wave. Also Richmond/Montrose has been around for a long time. And it has always rivaled Haight Ashbury. We have a huge gay community. A gay mayor was a long time coming. I'm just suprised with what is going on with the Police and Fire Chiefs.

The hardest thing about changing this city will most definately be the lack of zoning. We dont have it like most large cities do. Mass transit is a mess and so are the roads. All of that says nothing of the constant flooding, the multitude of chemical waste (not my fault) and the smog.

Personally I wish the animal licensing laws were stricter or at least on par with Miami. Dog fighting is a real problem but nobody seems concerned.

WORST OF ALL. I cant find an open air food market that will stay open longer than 6 months. Probably because of the heat. I hate the south.

I know we cant afford it but I got real excited when somebody in power, I forgot who, started talking about a high speed rail. New Orleans by rail? Hellz yeah!!

01-21-2010, 08:24 PM
I know we cant afford it but I got real excited when somebody in power, I forgot who, started talking about a high speed rail. New Orleans by rail? Hellz yeah!!

Was it this guy?


01-21-2010, 11:16 PM
http://forum.gsplayers.com/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gifBoycott of Houston (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?p=1052980#post1052980)01-21-2010 06:42 PM Pro choice is a conformist, sexist, perception based on the faulty assumptions that we should kill our young to control the population of our species. I thought you were smarter than that.

I am smarter than that, and smarter than you. Especially since you think prochoice is only about population control. No wonder you would not ascribe your name to such drivel much less attempt to throw this out in the actual thread. I would not claim it either. Retard.

01-22-2010, 12:56 PM
In reading the Baptist News today, I came across this article about the new ginormous abortion clinic near Gan.

Pro-lifers pray, protest at mega abortion clinic in Houston

Posted on Jan 21, 2010 | by Bonnie Pritchett

HOUSTON (BP)--As two African American organizations gathered Jan. 18 on separate parade routes in Houston to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., a diverse gathering in a third location called attention to what they said is the new issue of the civil rights movement -- the sanctity of human life -- a cause they declared would have been championed by the late civil rights leader.

More... (http://www.bpnews.net/bpnews.asp?id=32094)

I bet Dr. King would be delighted that Southern Baptists are using his name. I mean they've already -- in 1995 -- renounced their support of slavery.

01-22-2010, 02:47 PM
I know we cant afford it but I got real excited when somebody in power, I forgot who, started talking about a high speed rail. New Orleans by rail? Hellz yeah!!

One of the Republican congressmen here will put a stop to that and any other mass transit ideas. First it was Tom Delay, now it's John Culberson. It never fails. I still can't figure out Republican opposition to mass transit.

01-22-2010, 03:06 PM

01-22-2010, 03:08 PM


01-22-2010, 03:14 PM
I still can't figure out Republican opposition to mass transit.There was once a dictator of an impoverished nation who wanted to cloak his ambition in religion, so he (re-)proclaimed the Ten Commandments with one addition: No bikes. In the absence of a communication infrastructure, ideas can only move around as fast as people. Keep people static, and you go a long way towards preserving the status quo.