View Full Version : Signature package.

That Jay
01-19-2010, 07:32 PM
One of the items from the past EG auction was a gold certificate/"signature package". It allowed one to have two custom verbs, a custom log on/off and custom room arrival/departure. Here are mine (in Platinum) that have just been approved and implemented. I'd love to see what the Prime winners got done.


*WOOSH* With whip-crack speed, Hubris drops into the wide stance of a martial pose, his right foot drawn back and perpendicular to his leading foot. In perfect unison, his arm cannons out at chest-level and stops with quivering intensity, palm-forward, with fingers curled at the second joint as his right arm cocks back at the elbow, fist clenched tight. His lips compress into a thin humorless smile and he beckons you forward with a peremptory gesture!

SIGNATURE DISLOCATE (although I call it "Lethal Weapon")

Hubris frowns slightly, noticing that one of his arms hangs limp. He reaches across, grasping the shoulder above it firmly with his other hand and gives it a sharp violent shove as he betrays a barely perceptible wince. There is a muffled *POP* beneath the flesh as the bone resettles and he flexes the fingers once more.

(first person)

As the adrenaline rush from your recent battles recedes, you notice that one arm hangs limp and dislocated. Without hesitation, you grasp the shoulder and pop the bone back into place with a violent shove, all the while resisting the urge to scream from the pain with a herculean effort of will.

Custom log-on:

* A clarion trumpet call rings out, heralding the arrival of Hubris from the black sands of Ronan's realm.

Custom log-off:

* The Knight of Mist and Shadow, Hubris, departs the waking world for duties elsewhere in the land of dreams

In-room arrival:

A rolling thunder of furious hoof beats approaches from the distance. It clatters to a halt at a baritone command of "Whoa! Nightfall!", accompanied by the distinctive clanking of an armored dismount. Hubris strides in, slapping the dust of the road off his garments as the sound of the lone horse galloping away echoes in his wake.

In-room departure:

Putting two fingers in his mouth, Hubris lets out a piercing whistle which is answered by a deep whinny in the distance, followed by the sound of an approaching horse. He clicks his heels, turns and strides away. A welcoming neigh is heard nearby and a command of "Hi Ho! Nightfall!" rings through the air before receding along with the sound of heavy hoof beats.

01-19-2010, 07:34 PM
Surprised they approved the horse stuff.

Stanley Burrell
01-19-2010, 07:35 PM
Oh snap, my SIGNAT was SHADOWBOX, it looked a little bit like that.


01-19-2010, 07:36 PM
That's over the top. It cracks me up.

01-19-2010, 07:52 PM
But there is no horse here to mount.



01-20-2010, 07:44 AM
I hope your character is well liked. I'd be tempted to stab til dead if I saw enough of that screen scroll on arrival and departure.