View Full Version : In-game conversion time, WTF.
03-16-2004, 03:32 PM
So...three weeks ago I decided to convert my 30 ranks of pickpocketing to various other skills.
I am online an average of 4 hours each day. Somehow..I still have 18 hours left of in-game conversion time for this pickpocketing. What I don't understand is just TODAY I have been online for four hours already and I still have 18 fucking hours left. I bugged it but I'm impatient and would like to know WTF is going on.
Any ideas?
03-16-2004, 03:34 PM
It's screwy. I needed 146 ingame hours to move around 12 spells. Well 100 hours went by and 4 spells moved meaning that in 46 hours the other 8 will shift. Something is left of center on those ratios.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-16-2004, 03:34 PM
SIMU can't display their own calculations correctly is whats going on.
It says 18 hours, but its more, and they don't deem it necessary to fix since the calc is correct.
Yeah, we all got served on that bullshit.
I don't know if this was just a fluke or not but I converted some stuff and used psinet's restmode instead of the ctrl+R to keep my character in game and it seemed to convert faster. Started with 8 in game hours, went to work and it was at 4 when I got home. I tried the Ctrl+R last week on another character and the conversion time did not change at all in eight hours.
Could just be something buggy I suppose. Just thought I would mention it though.
03-16-2004, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Mint
I don't know if this was just a fluke or not but I converted some stuff and used psinet's restmode instead of the ctrl+R to keep my character in game and it seemed to convert faster. Started with 8 in game hours, went to work and it was at 4 when I got home. I tried the Ctrl+R last week on another character and the conversion time did not change at all in eight hours.
Could just be something buggy I suppose. Just thought I would mention it though.
Actually...that makes a LOT of sense. The GM's wanted to cut down on the people using up bandwith by logging on and just "sleeping" away the time. I've noticed the time drops a LOT faster when I'm RP'in, or hunting or what not, then when I just leave myself in rest mode.
That could be a very good reason. The wizard rest mode is not even entered into the game..its a hard coded script of the wizard. Hrmmm
03-16-2004, 03:41 PM
Sooo...ya suppose I bitch about it on the offical boards, and it's gonna get pulled, yeah?
Fucking Simu.
03-16-2004, 03:51 PM
Here's the thing...
The first 60/60 TPs worth of Skills being reallocated is done "fast" in a month (30 days). The rest (if you are reallocating more than 60/60 worth) are done "slow" for the rest of the same month.
The next month starts up (new 30 day period) the first 60/60 is "fast" and then the rest is again slow.
The problem that you're all experiencing is that the Game shows it based on the "fast" time. Otherwise it would be a significantly higher "time left" number if the "slow" time was factored in.
I think it was Brauden or some other GM that said that they can't code it to optimally display the "time left" because it'd be too complicated (and likely resource-intensive) to create a calculation that is 100% accurate.
So we're basically stuck with the "shortest possible time" estimate while it'll likely really take 2-4x as long.
Only reallocate 60/60 worth of TPs every 30 days.
However, it would be easier to just do the entire intended reallocation and have patience.
Though only reallocating 60/60 worth of TPs will allow you to more optimally spend the fresh TPs that you gain when acruing EXP.
[Edited on 3-16-2004 by Atlanteax]
03-16-2004, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Atlanteax
Here's the thing...
The first 60/60 TPs worth of Skills being reallocated is done "fast" in a month (30 days). The rest (if you are reallocating more than 60/60 worth) are done "slow" for the rest of the same month.
The next month starts up (new 30 day period) the first 60/60 is "fast" and then the rest is again slow.
The problem that you're all experiencing is that the Game shows it based on the "fast" time. Otherwise it would be a significantly higher "time left" number if the "slow" time was factored in.
I think it was Brauden or some other GM that said that they can't code it to optimally display the "time left" because it'd be too complicated (and likely resource-intensive) to create a calculation that is 100% accurate.
So we're basically stuck with the "shortest possible time" estimate while it'll likely really take 2-4x as long.
Only reallocate 60/60 worth of TPs every 30 days.
However, it would be easier to just do the entire intended reallocation and have patience.
Though only reallocating 60/60 worth of TPs will allow you to more optimally spend the fresh TPs that you gain when acruing EXP.
[Edited on 3-16-2004 by Atlanteax]
If this is the case, I'd rather see the worst time then the shortest. At least then we would not be bitching if it finished 10 days sooner then it should have.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-16-2004, 03:57 PM
2-4x as long is so far off its ridiculous.
I have had a level 11 rogue sitting at a table, converting from OHE to Two handers (lost shield and OHE). Original estimate was 38 in game hours. He's literally been IN THE GAME (short of crashes) for over 28 days straight.
I could have rerolled him and gotten him to 11 by now, had I wanted. Also, I've even taken him hunting, though he's worthless at that because he's lost some edged and only gained some Two handed.
You know why I stubbornly sit him at a table and whore resources? Because I pay 12 bucks a month to do that, and thats what SIMU wants. Doesn't cost me a dime, he's logged onto my second computer at work with an always on fat pipe.
I've seen the wayside tables full at 7 AM eastern time. I'm certain they are all cybering.
03-16-2004, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
If this is the case, I'd rather see the worst time then the shortest. At least then we would not be bitching if it finished 10 days sooner then it should have. Apply to be a gm, plz. Because none of the ones who've heard that idea (and believe me, it's been suggested a lot) have put it in. And it would make things a lot better.
Jesae: not a bug. :( You're in the (very) slow part of your TP bucket.
03-16-2004, 04:40 PM
Geez, you'd think people would get the frigging message.
They SAID from the front it'd take a really frigging long time. Only reason they have it at all is so people don't get stuck into shitty training paths forever until they offer reallocation every five years. But we all know by now the way to make that counter move is to earn experience, not fucking goalbot and tie up every table in the world.
03-16-2004, 04:42 PM
^ Siriusle.
Originally posted by Galleazzo
Geez, you'd think people would get the frigging message.
They SAID from the front it'd take a really frigging long time. Only reason they have it at all is so people don't get stuck into shitty training paths forever until they offer reallocation every five years. But we all know by now the way to make that counter move is to earn experience, not fucking goalbot and tie up every table in the world.
Are you dense? People are bitching about the inaccuracy about the timer. Not that it's hard.
03-16-2004, 04:44 PM
People are also retarded and wouldn't have this problem if they took training seriously like in GSIII.
Anyone that needs to or does use this feature either for more than 2 ranks at a time or frequently has absolutely no room to complain. Go reroll if you've got such a problem with the system. Or quit. Thanks.
03-16-2004, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
So...three weeks ago I decided to convert my 30 ranks of pickpocketing to various other skills.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-16-2004, 04:45 PM
Yeah, my point is the number isn't reflected correctly. I could give a shit about how long it takes.
Well, I think it should be out of game time actually, so I give half a shit.
03-16-2004, 05:47 PM
I agree that it is supposed to to take a "long fucking time" but I don't appreciate having my time listed being completely off-base from the time it REALLY is.
And yeah, I sortof miss the pickpocketing but I could get more from learning to pick boxes than stealing.
And I didn't train WRONG, Bob. I just decided to try different things. I'd just like Simu to be accurate for once..obviously this is too much to ask.
I said this before I will say it again
Conversion time given is = to the time for the first 60TP's you convert.
The Conversion time will in reality be about 30-40 times the amount shown.
03-17-2004, 02:03 AM
Bah. You think people actually LISTEN to what you have to say, Edine?
Logged a character with skill conversion in the works and got this message:
There is a new beta version of StormFront available, v1.0.1.17. Download it at
** Stuck skills detected. Repairing...
Repair complete. You may want to review your skills and make new adjustments.
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