View Full Version : Tweak 7

01-12-2010, 07:21 PM
OK...so the monolith computer I built with y'alls help on part selection is finally complete. One of the things I knew I'd miss about my old computer was a freeware program called Tweak VI. It really helped make Vista bearable to me and get rid of the UAC bullshit as well as significantly improve performance.

As soon as I started using Windows 7 I knew I was going to need a similar program, and I was a bit turned off that Tweak 7 had no freeware functionality really, but instead cost $35 for stuff I could probably eventually figure out how to do myself.

However...after a few days of trying to tweak the system on my own I gave in and purchased it. It was a rather arduous process to say the least. First, you can't use a gmail, hotmail or any other "free" account to make the purchase...which is ridiculous considering my paypal is connected with my damn hotmail account. But I used my verizon one and that worked....then it took like 12 hours for the license generation e-mail to show up. Must be some kind of manual process.

However, after all that, I have to say that I'm pretty happy with the results. It has significantly improved my performance and got rid of silly shit that Microsoft just loves to throw in for no reason like programs that run on startup and drivers for permanently disabled features. It has a built in registry cleaner/defragger, an algorithmic file eraser, and a really friendly interface to do all the tweaking.

Anyway, if you want to go through the shenanigans to get it head to http://www.totalidea.com/product.php?Product=Tweak-7

Now if only I could figure out how to put a pagefile ONLY on my secondary drive and get it off the damn raptor without generating an error each time I startup, I'll be really happy...

01-12-2010, 11:32 PM
Kudos to you for actually paying for software.

I payed for a mIRC registration a couple months ago and it felt really good.

01-12-2010, 11:49 PM
Kudos to you for actually paying for software.

I payed for a mIRC registration a couple months ago and it felt really good.

Heh...that's the government employee in me - Why get for free what you can pay an arbitrary and usually high amount for? It is probably Klaive's tax dollars that are paying for it anyway since I sent the FBI after him for his April Fools website prank a few years ago.

I think I'll actually pay for WinRAR too now that I think about it...I've been freeloading on that for years.