View Full Version : Accents

08-30-2003, 01:57 AM
After a lengthy discussion with a few people. I'm wondering how some people talk. Like water. Everyone around here (philadelphia) pronounces it wooder, not wah-ter. Now I know that's not really the correct way, but I think it's an accent in other places besides Philadelphia (I think.) Anyway, there was a few things that came up

Warsh instead of Wash
Melk instead of Milk
Ore-ange instead of Are-ange.

Wooder, Wash, Milk and Are-ange. (thats what I say)

Anyway, I guess my main question is, I know wooder is an accent, but don't most people say are-ange instead of ore-ange? Everyone (like 5 people) besides me said are-ange is the accent and ore-ange in the correct way. Please tell me most people pronounce it are-ange instead of ore-ange, I'd hate to think most people sound dumb and pronounce orange as ore-ange. :lol:

08-30-2003, 01:58 AM
Sintik = wooder freak

08-30-2003, 01:59 AM
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko
Sintik = wooder freak

You don't count, I refuse to believe people say Ore-ange instead of arn-age... It's got to be a michiko/hick thing.

08-30-2003, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
It's got to be a michiko/hick thing.

You're the hick, hick. Go... sleep with your sister... or uncle... or something.

[Edited on 8-30-2003 by GS3 Michiko]

08-30-2003, 02:02 AM
Er... I say ore-ange.

08-30-2003, 02:03 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Er... I say ore-ange.

Yeah you are up in New England with Michiko.... That's got to be New England thing. Normal people have to say are-ange. :lol:

08-30-2003, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Er... I say ore-ange.

YES! Go CT people!

08-30-2003, 02:06 AM
In Minnesota i say ore-ange,altho i admit to living in Mass for a couple years so i mighta been tainted.

08-30-2003, 02:09 AM
Ore-ange up here in Canada too.

Lord Whirlin
08-30-2003, 02:10 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101

Originally posted by CrystalTears
Er... I say ore-ange.

Yeah you are up in New England with Michiko.... That's got to be New England thing. Normal people have to say are-ange. :lol:

Hate to tell you Hick... but New England came before your sorry rural farmland

08-30-2003, 02:11 AM
He keeps on saying that we all live in hick-ville, and that Boston isn't a city. *eyeroll*

Sintik, PA = hick-ville... you have nothing but cows... and that's why you bought that altered cow pouch. HICK!

08-30-2003, 02:13 AM
We don't want your MA tainted ass in our peaceful state, Tendarian.

It's orange -- or-anj.

08-30-2003, 02:14 AM
Do you call soft drinks 'soda' or 'pop' or just 'Coke'?

Lord Whirlin
08-30-2003, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
Do you call soft drinks 'soda' or 'pop' or just 'Coke'?

Coke... if I don't care exactly what it is, then its Soda... You don't drink a noise

08-30-2003, 02:15 AM
Delaware, the first state to ratify the constituion, Pennsylvania, the second. PA was a US state before any state in New England!


How can PA be hicks ville when Philadelphia is bigger then ANY city in ALL of New England?

08-30-2003, 02:15 AM
It wasn't ARE-Ange...it was ARNGE....one syllable....i've never heard anybody say are-ange...kind of an awkward way to say it.

Normal, neutral accented people say

and like i said, Sintik....wooder is just wrong....it's wah-ter...


08-30-2003, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
Do you call soft drinks 'soda' or 'pop' or just 'Coke'?

Soda. POP is a hick thing.

08-30-2003, 02:17 AM
Ummmm...Ore-range. Pronounced the way it's spelled. Orange...Or-range.

Weedmage Princess
08-30-2003, 02:17 AM
I'm currently in New England, (almost two years now and I've managed to stay clear of that dreaded Bahhston accent..yay!) and I say ARE-ANGE...but that's cause I'm a displaced New Yawka...hee

[Edited on 8-30-2003 by Weedmage Princess]

08-30-2003, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
How can PA be hicks ville when Philadelphia is bigger then ANY city in ALL of New England?

'Cause you're in it, wooder-boy. Mwuahaha.

08-30-2003, 02:19 AM
I call it soda too.

Down south, everything is 'Coke'. Even Pepsi. People say, "I'll have a Coke," and they'll ask you what kind of Coke you want (if they even carry Pepsi.) It's true, it happened to me when I got stuck in Atlanta overnight on my way home from vacation. I stared blankly at the guy serving me until he *explained* it to me, haha.

Weedmage Princess
08-30-2003, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101

Soda. POP is a hick thing.

Thank you!!! You tell 'em, Sintik!!

POP is your FATHER. SODA is what you DRINK!!!

08-30-2003, 02:20 AM
I've only been living in New England for 3 years. I've been saying ore-ange for as long as I can remember. Anyway I don't think I know anyone that says arang.

08-30-2003, 02:20 AM
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko

Originally posted by Gemstone101
How can PA be hicks ville when Philadelphia is bigger then ANY city in ALL of New England?

'Cause you're in it, wooder-boy. Mwuahaha.

I live 5 minutes away from Philly. There are NO farms anywhere near me.

08-30-2003, 02:22 AM
Minnesota = Min-a-soo-dah

08-30-2003, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
I live 5 minutes away from Philly. There are NO farms anywhere near me.

Still a hick, Mr. Wooder.

And yes, pop is for hicks... so you're not a total hick, but a hick none-the-less.

08-30-2003, 02:25 AM
Thought the log of that conversation might be an amusing read...here it is.

cul-de-sac on the pronounciation of water
Leloo says, "Like... wha-ter"
Sintik scoffs.
Sintik says, "Yeah, you are too far north"
Sintik waves a hand at Leloo, dismissing her indifferently.
Leloo snickers at Sintik.
Leloo bites Sintik!
Whirlin grins at Sintik.
>You quietly say, "wuh-ter"
Sintik says, "wooder"
>nod sin
You nod to Sintik.
You quietly say, "wooder"
Leloo nods to you.
Sintik lets out a cheer!
Leloo says, "Like that too"
You snicker.
Leloo nods to you.
Sintik exclaims, "See!"
Sintik points at Michiko.
Leloo says, "It is with a wuh.. you're right"
Leloo nods to you.
>'wuh ter
You quietly say, "wuh ter"
Leloo says, "I thought it was more of a wha... but it's a wuh"
>'that's the wrong way to say it!
You quietly exclaim, "that's the wrong way to say it!"
>'that's like saying warsh
You quietly say, "that's like saying warsh"
>'instead of wash
You quietly say, "instead of wash"
Sintik exclaims, "NO!"
Leloo says, "I don't know, someone see for me! I can't figure out how to say it"
Sintik says, "Warsh is illegal, you should be jailed for that"
Sintik nods.
Suravold came through a narrow opening.
Suravold just went north.
You chuckle.
>nod sin
You nod to Sintik.
Whirlin grins at Sintik.
>'i prefer the neutral accent
You quietly say, "i prefer the neutral accent"
Sintik says, "But wooder is fine"
Sintik nods.
Whirlin nods to you.
>'you waaahsh with waah terrr.
You quietly say, "you waaahsh with waah terrr."
Gorelo just arrived.
Riptide just arrived.
Riptide went through a narrow opening.
Whirlin softly says, "I'll find out how she says water"
Whirlin nods.
>'not warsh with wooder
You quietly say, "not warsh with wooder"
Leloo grins at Whirlin.
>grin whirl
You grin at Whirlin.
Sintik says, "You wash with wooder"
Sintik nods.
Leloo snickers.
>'not with wooder, you don't
Whirlin chuckles.
You quietly say, "not with wooder, you don't"
Leloo just licked Whirlin!
>'you warsh with wooder.
You quietly say, "you warsh with wooder."
Sintik scoffs.
Whirlin beats you severely.
You quietly say, "ow"
Whirlin softly says, "You deserve it... you're killing the language"
You quietly say, "heh."
Drakam leans on Leloo, giving her a companionable grin.
Whirlin softly says, "as bad as Elisa Doolittle"
Whirlin shakes his head, clucking his tongue.
Sintik nods to Michiko.
Drakam just licked Leloo!
Leloo gives Drakam a playful bite.
lean crate
You lean against an empty wooden crate.
[Wehnimer's, Cul-de-Sac]
Broken bottles, discarded rubbish, and uneasy feelings pervade this dank, ill-lit dead end. Several unsavory-looking citizens seem to be lurking here and there in the shadows for want of anything better to do, and the scratching of rats can be heard from within the nearby walls. A pile of old crates is stacked against the back wall of the alley. You also see a golden brown jaguar, the Drakam disk, the icy blue Whirlin disk and an empty wooden crate.
Also here: Adrasta, Drakam, Sintik, Lady Leloo, Michiko, Great Lord Whirlin
Obvious paths: north


Michiko melodically says, "Sintik says wooder"
You quietly say, "ehehe."
Michiko stares at Sintik.
Whirlin softly says, "Stop killing our language"
Sintik says, "Oh get use to it"
Michiko melodically says, "He admitted to it"
Sintik nods to Whirlin.
Michiko nods to you.
Whirlin roars at Sintik!
Sintik nods to Michiko.
Sintik says, "both of you are going to deal with it soon"
Michiko melodically says, "Will not."
Sintik says, "She's going to say it, and you are going to listen to her"
Sintik nods.
Whirlin yells, "Murderer!"
You quietly say, "wooder."
>'at least it's not warsh.
You quietly say, "at least it's not warsh."
Whirlin pulls Michiko closer to himself.
Sintik says, "Or Melk"
>'ha. melk.
You quietly say, "ha. melk."
>'or arnges.
You quietly say, "or arnges."
You quietly say, "bwahahaha."
Sintik says, "it is arnge"
Kolderan just arrived.
Kolderan went through a narrow opening.
>'no way! it's or ange.
You quietly say, "no way! it's or ange."
Sintik asks, "How do you say it Or ange?"
You quietly say, "or-ange"
>'not arnge
You quietly say, "not arnge"
You laugh out loud!
Sintik says, "ar-ange"
Sintik says, "thats how you say it"
'no you say it like or-ange.
You quietly say, "no you say it like or-ange."
Sintik blinks.
>'ar-ange is an accent.
You quietly say, "ar-ange is an accent."
Sintik says, "Maybe in retard language"
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Whirlin.
Sintik says, "ar-ange"
You nod.
Sintik nods.
You quietly say, "arnge."
Michiko melodically says, "maybe retard language is sintik language"
Michiko nods to you.
>grin mich
You grin at Michiko.
Michiko nods to Whirlin.
Sintik asks, "You say Or-ange?"
Whirlin nods to Michiko.
Sintik squints at Michiko.
Michiko melodically says, "yeah"
Michiko melodically says, "like ore"
Sintik scoffs.
Whirlin softly says, "The correct one"
Sintik exclaims, "NO!"
Sintik exclaims, "That's wrong!"
Michiko melodically says, "ore-nge"
>'i'ma run to the grocer's to pick up an arange and some melk...and some bottled wooder.
You quietly say, "i'ma run to the grocer's to pick up an arange and some melk...and some bottled wooder."
>'and some soap to do the warsh.
You quietly say, "and some soap to do the warsh."
Sintik grins.
Whirlin glances at you.
Michiko melodically exclaims, "warsh!"
Whirlin roars at you!
>grin whirl
Michiko melodically says, "it's like.."
You grin at Whirlin.
Michiko melodically says, "the chort"
Michiko nods to Whirlin.
Sintik says, "I thought only morons said ore-ange"
Lady Atheana just arrived.
Sintik chuckles.
Atheana takes her rightful place beside you.
Michiko cackles!
Michiko gives Atheana a friendly hug.
>'i say or-ange.
You quietly say, "i say or-ange."
Whirlin clasps Michiko's hand tenderly and draws her into his arms.
Michiko nods to you.
Sintik says, "Nobody ever says or-ange around here"
Sintik chuckles.
You quietly say, "or-ange"
>'i just said it.
You quietly say, "i just said it."
Sintik shakes his head.
Atheana gives Michiko a friendly hug.
Kolderan came through a narrow opening.
Sintik says, "are-ange"
Kolderan just went north.
>smooch ath
You smooch Atheana all over her face, finishing with a big warm mmmmwaaaah!
Atheana hugs Sintik.
Sintik says, "like that"
>'or arnge.
You quietly say, "or arnge."
Sintik nods to Atheana in greeting.
>'a bunch of arnges
You quietly say, "a bunch of arnges"


08-30-2003, 02:34 AM
Why the hell were you talking so OOCly in game?

Lord Whirlin
08-30-2003, 02:36 AM
They were killing the language!

08-30-2003, 02:36 AM
What's ooc about a discussion on accents?

I'm done for the night though.
Need to get myself a glass of wooder and an Are-ange.


[Edited on 8-30-2003 by Halfsilver]

08-30-2003, 02:36 AM
And that's a reason to be out of character?

08-30-2003, 02:38 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
And that's a reason to be out of character?

What's out of character about figuring out how people say certain words?

08-30-2003, 02:39 AM
Originally posted by Halfsilver
Whirlin softly says, "as bad as Elisa Doolittle"


08-30-2003, 02:42 AM
Originally posted by Maimara

Originally posted by Halfsilver
Whirlin softly says, "as bad as Elisa Doolittle"


With as much as Whirlin reads (NOTHING!)... I'm surprised he actually knows who Eliza Doolittle is. *eyeroll* But yeah, that was -really- OOC.

08-30-2003, 02:48 AM
<<<With as much as Whirlin reads (NOTHING!)... I'm surprised he actually knows who Eliza Doolittle is. *eyeroll* But yeah, that was -really- OOC.>>>

I didn't know.

Anyway, even if it was OOC, everyone there was involved in the conversation. Nobody heard the OOC comment but us, who didn't care. No harm, no foul.

08-30-2003, 02:54 AM
But also, since you guys were standing in the Cul Du Sac, and there are 'younger' characters sitting there, impressionable folk, if they hear you talking out of character like that it's entirely possible they might start to think it's okay. I mean, it's one thing to do it when you're sitting at a table or in your house and you're surrounded by only your friends... but it's something completely different to do it in a public area, regardless of whether or not there are other people present or not.

08-30-2003, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
But also, since you guys were standing in the Cul Du Sac, and there are 'younger' characters sitting there, impressionable folk, if they hear you talking out of character like that it's entirely possible they might start to think it's okay. I mean, it's one thing to do it when you're sitting at a table or in your house and you're surrounded by only your friends... but it's something completely different to do it in a public area, regardless of whether or not there are other people present or not.

Perhaps you didn't catch what I said. When the so called OOC comment was made, there was nobody in the area that wasn't involved in the conversation.

08-30-2003, 03:02 AM
Ah, right, but what I'm saying is, out of character things should be reserved for 'private' areas, because if you get in the habit of being OOC (and this isn't directed toward anyone in particular, so please take no offense) you tend to be OOC all the time, unless you associate the OOCness with a table or a room, etc. I personally tend to give out my AIM name, because keeping OOC... well, OOC makes it easier for me to keep my RP integrity intact.

08-30-2003, 03:10 AM
Accents are interesting. As you move from the east coast, to the west coast, accents in one town will closely match its neighbor's, both ways. Put a Californian and a New Yorker together, and its like night and day.

Same goes for cultures, languages, and races through Europe and Asia. Side by side, towns have sublte differences. Towns on oppostite ends of the line are vastly different.

08-30-2003, 03:11 AM
Just because you were in a public place and felt you were the only ones there doesn't make it right though.

08-30-2003, 03:12 AM
Californians don't sound too different from the people I live around. Is there a California 'accent'? Or is it just the New Yorkers sounding... weird.

08-30-2003, 03:12 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
I call it soda too.

Down south, everything is 'Coke'. Even Pepsi. People say, "I'll have a Coke," and they'll ask you what kind of Coke you want (if they even carry Pepsi.) It's true, it happened to me when I got stuck in Atlanta overnight on my way home from vacation. I stared blankly at the guy serving me until he *explained* it to me, haha.

Ive lived in MN for 25 of my 28 years or so and umm its called pop. How can you question me about my state when your a traitor yourself.

My girlfriend lived in new england most of her life and had to learn to say pop cause people gave her blank looks when she asked if they wanted sodas when she moved to minnesota :)

Admittedly pop is rather hickish but so what.

08-30-2003, 03:14 AM
I'm not a MN traitor!

Well, maybe I am, but I grew up in a suburb of St. Paul, so it isn't like I'm from up north or anything. So far as I can tell, everyone I know calls it soda. My ex-husband called it pop, but his parents were from rural Northern MN.

08-30-2003, 03:25 AM
Saint Cloud here and ive never heard it called anything but pop,even on billboards for tom thumb it calls it pop.

Tom thumb is convience store by the way case no one has ever heard of it.

08-30-2003, 03:26 AM
St. Cloud is the boonies. :-P

08-30-2003, 03:27 AM
Yeah most likely but im proud to say pop and be a hick who lives in the boonies.

08-30-2003, 03:28 AM
I never said you were a hick! And St. Cloud is better than International Falls or Duluth or Brainerd. I guess.

08-30-2003, 03:29 AM
I'm saying he's a hick. Pop is a hick word!

08-30-2003, 03:31 AM
As if you count. Pfft.

08-30-2003, 03:34 AM
I dont think theres anything wrong with being a hick,i guess that just goes to show i really am one heh.

08-30-2003, 03:35 AM
Originally posted by Tendarian
I dont think theres anything wrong with being a hick,i guess that just goes to show i really am one heh.

I'm not saying there is or isn't anything wrong with hicks. Pop is a hick word, as is mum, Ma, and Pa.

08-30-2003, 03:38 AM
MN hicks say You Betcha and ask if you like to eat lutefisk.

08-30-2003, 03:41 AM
Ive never said mum Ma or Pa though nor do people in my town. Maybe im a half hick pariah.

08-30-2003, 03:47 AM
Do you eat lutefisk or pickled herring?

08-30-2003, 03:51 AM
Ewwww. <shudders>

08-30-2003, 03:52 AM
No and the thought makes me want to puke.

08-30-2003, 03:52 AM
I say that every christmas when my grandmother breaks out the pickled herring and my uncles go Ooooo.

08-30-2003, 03:54 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
Do you eat lutefisk or pickled herring?

What, pray tell, is lutefisk? It does not sound edible.


08-30-2003, 03:58 AM
"Lutefisk" is an infamous Norwegian dish composed of fish soaked in lye. Sounds yummy huh?

08-30-2003, 03:59 AM
Lutefisk is whitefish dipped in lye or something.

I guess the delicacy comes from Norway, when the Vikings would raid their villages, they'd hide their food in vats of lye.

I have no way of knowing if this is true or untrue, but it's what I've been led to believe.

08-30-2003, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by Tendarian
"Lutefisk" is an infamous Norwegian dish composed of fish soaked in lye. Sounds yummy huh?

Eeew. No, thank you!:barf:

HarmNone eats no lye

08-30-2003, 04:13 AM
I've heard that even Norwegian people have tourists eat it on a dare. And you have to add so many condiments to it for it to be even edible, I don't think even the people who created it think it's all that great.

08-30-2003, 04:14 AM
So they didn't lie to me. How refreshing.

My grandfather had me believing they grew spaghetti noodles in a spaghetti field out by the airport where he used to work (it was actually a hay field.)

08-30-2003, 04:16 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
I've heard that even Norwegian people have tourists eat it on a dare. And you have to add so many condiments to it for it to be even edible, I don't think even the people who created it think it's all that great.

I do not think there are enough condiments in the galaxy to make whitefish soaked in lye edible. ::shudders::

HarmNone is green around the gills

08-30-2003, 04:18 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
So they didn't lie to me. How refreshing.

My grandfather had me believing they grew spaghetti noodles in a spaghetti field out by the airport where he used to work (it was actually a hay field.)

Ack! My father had me convinced that spaghetti noodles grew on bushes in Italy. I thought I had the only parent who purposefully warped his child. Apparently, if one counts grandparents, I was wrong. ;)

HarmNone the warped

08-30-2003, 04:22 AM
Here's a great link about lutefisk.


08-30-2003, 04:25 AM
I refuse to click that link! I've smelled the junk, and it is NOT GOOD!

08-30-2003, 04:27 AM
My grandfather also used to tell me that if you swallowed your gum, it would plug your bum hole (yes, he said bum hole) and that there was a little chest of drawers in your stomach, and that you couldn't mix your food up on your plate and eat it, because the food goes into seperate drawers to be processed.

So traumatizing.

08-30-2003, 04:28 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
I refuse to click that link! I've smelled the junk, and it is NOT GOOD!

I have read of lutefisk. I am forever doomed. Blech! :barf:

HarmNone...kill me, please

08-30-2003, 04:31 AM
What is aquavit?

Nevermind. I get it.

[Edited on 8-30-2003 by Maimara]

08-30-2003, 04:40 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
What is aquavit?

I think it is a kind of vodka made from the lowly potato.


08-30-2003, 04:55 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
What is aquavit?

Nevermind. I get it.

[Edited on 8-30-2003 by Maimara]

I never went to college. In some ways I'm not upset. (Student loans, social bullshit). In other ways I am. (Not knowing Ockham's Razor.) I like learning though, and I keep an electronic dictionary in close reach. So...

I put in aquavit. It pops out with aqua vitae, but thats it. So, I check dictionary.com, which I use when I do not have my pocket electronic dictionary. It says...

aqua vitae

Aqua \A"qua\, n. [L. See Ewer.] Water; -- a word much used in pharmacy and the old chemistry, in various signification, determined by the word or words annexed.

Aqua ammoni[ae], the aqueous solution of ammonia; liquid ammonia; often called aqua ammonia.

Aqua marine, or Aqua marina. Same as Aquamarine.

Aqua regia. [L., royal water] (Chem.), a very corrosive fuming yellow liquid consisting of nitric and hydrochloric acids. It has the power of dissolving gold, the ``royal'' metal.

Aqua Tofana, a fluid containing arsenic, and used for secret poisoning, made by an Italian woman named Tofana, in the middle of the 17th century, who is said to have poisoned more than 600 persons. --Francis.

Aqua vit[ae][L., water of life. Cf. Eau de vie, Usquebaugh], a name given to brandy and some other ardent spirits. --Shak.

Some people might call this cheating, and I would argue.

08-30-2003, 05:08 AM
I guess I ought to remember I have dictionary.com linked...

I'm brain-dead this late/early though. I myself never finished high school, though I did get my GED in '99, and finished some vo-tech school courses, but never got my diploma, as I dropped out. Nothing like paying 15 grand to go to school, and find out halfway through that the job you'll be qualified for pays 9 bucks an hour and sucks, eh?

08-30-2003, 05:17 AM
There is still time to go to school. It is never too late to learn. Do not give up your dreams, either of you.:)


08-30-2003, 05:19 AM
Try this link for aquavit:


08-30-2003, 05:30 AM
Now, that stuff doesn't sound so horrible. I like caraway seeds though..

08-30-2003, 06:13 AM
So, which do you say? I know here in Montana a lot of people say crick instead of creek. How about you guys? Oh, and on the pop/soda debate. I say pop, and yes I AM a hick. This is Montana after all.

08-30-2003, 07:18 AM
Creek as in creak, says the city girl.

Which of you calls a sandwich a GRINDER?

08-30-2003, 09:03 AM
<<Which of you calls a sandwich a GRINDER?>>

Aren't grinders submarine sandwiches that have been toasted?

08-30-2003, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Aren't grinders submarine sandwiches that have been toasted?

Not necessarily. It's just our way of calling subs as grinders. We have real subs in the sea so no sense in talking about subs when they're really sandwiches. :D

[Edited on 8/30/2003 by CrystalTears]

08-30-2003, 09:13 AM
We don't say soda or pop or call everything Coke. Generally, down here, we typically call it by its brand name. The South... hopeless consumers of sugary drinks.

08-30-2003, 09:14 AM
The South... the slowest place ever. Try getting deli meat at a Food Lion in Virginia Beach. A pound of ham and a pound of cheese took 10 minutes.

08-30-2003, 09:19 AM
That's because some folks down here have trouble following Boston accents, duh.


Weedmage Princess
08-30-2003, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
... Or is it just the New Yorkers sounding... weird.

Hey now :no: :sniffle:

Weedmage Princess
08-30-2003, 10:04 AM
And it's a hero, not a sub or grinder <mutter>

And ARE-RANGE damn your hides!!! <cries, moves back to NYC>

[Edited on 8-30-2003 by Weedmage Princess]

08-30-2003, 11:14 AM
I don't sound weird.

08-30-2003, 11:15 AM
When I learned English in school, I was taught ore-ange. My boyfriend says sometimes I put the stress on the wrong syllable but oh well... I'm working on that.

*He* however, coming from NYC, has a real accent. And not one from learning a foreign language. I make fun of him all the time for saying "cah-lege."

08-30-2003, 11:16 AM
My friends in NJ call them Hogies.

08-30-2003, 11:24 AM
Jersey here.

Yah, Subs or hero with Hoagie coming in third in ussage here.

and its wahter.

Soda...not pop. My cousins in Illinois call it pop though. And its pronounced more like paahp, not pop. At least there it is.

Yes, anyone who says warshington needs to be sterilized.

Accents are funny, even in as small an area as NJ there are different accents.

I live near NYC , but the farther south you go there is a definite change in the accent, I would guess due in large part to the Philly infulence on west but also other influences as well.

People cannot generally guess where I am from by my accent.

Not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

08-30-2003, 12:40 PM
I'm in southern California and here's how I pronounce certain words. We don't really have any accents as we say things normally or differently due to a huge mix in culture down here. So we tend to say things all sorts of ways, not just one way. Even though I mainly call soda "soda", I could call it "pop" for the hell of it one day. But here's my list:

Orange.. I don't say it as two syllables, just one. "orn-juh".. "ornj".

Water.. I say "wah-der".. a D instead of a T, heh. All as one syllable. When it comes to certain T's, I'll either not pronounce it or I'll pronounce it as a D. Take "what" for example, I'll say that T, but something like "written", I'll prounce it "wri-in" as two syllables but no T pronounciation. That's me though, not something that's due to where I live.

Milk.. I say it normal. Mil-kuh as one syllable.

Wash.. I say it normal. Wash. Wah-shh as one syllable.

Minnesota.. min-eh-sow-duh.. with the min-eh and sow-da sort of as one syllable each so it'd be a total of two instead of four.

I call soft drinks "soda" when talking about them in general such as asking if we have any soda. Then I say the full name of the drink depending on what I want. And on top of soda, pop, and coke, you forgot "cola".

As for mum, ma, and pa, I used to say "mum" only in regards to my grandmother since she was English. Normally I say "mom" or "dad", not "mother" or "father".

Creek. I say that normally. Cree-kuh as one syllable.

Cement, I say "suh-ment". Two syllables.

Pican, I say "pih-cahn". Two syllables.

Sub, hoagie, etc. I call it a sub.

- N

Edit: Oh yeah, about not pronouncing many "T" sounds, I also don't pronounce most "G's" that end with "ING" like "walking". I'll say "walkin".

[Edited on 8/31/03 by Neildo]

08-30-2003, 12:43 PM
I call em subs too.