View Full Version : Beating the dead horse. That's right Wizards and armor!

03-15-2004, 10:25 PM
I know it's a topic that comes up like flowers in the spring or the middle age guy at a house party but I think it needs readdressed.

How many ranks does a wizard need for min hinderance for the different AsG. I know there have been some recent(semi recent at least) changes to hinderance. What I want is someone who can break it down idiot stlye as to the forumla and the ranks needed for AsG's for wizards.

Then after I see how many ranks it takes and what the min hinderance is for each it will be time to figure out how heavy I can go. I'm pretty sure minor elemental will be the hinderance that matters the most as it is generally, it was anyway, the highest of the three for wizards.

Thanks in advance.

03-15-2004, 10:35 PM
Nothing until reinforced leather:

Reinforced leather - 2%, 6 ranks
Double leather - 4%, 15 ranks
Leather breastplate - 6%, 27 ranks
Cuirbouilli leather - 7%, 35 ranks
Studded leather - 9%, 70 ranks
Brigandine armor - 12%, 130 ranks
Chain mail - 16%, 210 ranks
Double chain - 20%, 290 ranks
Augmented chain - 25%, 390 ranks
Chain hauberk - 30%, 490 ranks
Metal breastplate - 35%, 590 ranks
Augmented breastplate - 40%, 690 ranks
Half plate - 45%, 790 ranks
Full plate - 50%, 890 ranks

The above information is in compliance with the armor guide at www.play.net/gs4

Edit: The formula is:

X = 20 * Y - 10, where X = Bonus required and Y = Hinderance %.

[Edited on 3-16-2004 by Bobmuhthol]

03-15-2004, 11:03 PM
i think in the use of armor as a wizard myself, i'd stick with the doubles, i mean small hinderance, and full coverage, get you some really really nice padded maybe lightened as well casting leathers, and your set.

03-15-2004, 11:25 PM
I remember being fully trained for chain mail with my wizard in GSIII, seeing that 210 ranks for full training now just makes me want to cry.

Hinderance will get me killed more often than the few percent damage/critical difference from reinforced leathers to any of the partial rigid leathers. Anything over that has obscene training requirements.

Nice job on the chart, Bob. I couldn't figure out their freaking formula for the life of me last time I looked at it.

03-16-2004, 12:15 AM
Whats the coverage on reinforced? the 2%hinderance difference wouldn't matter much to me with the doubles over reinforced, thats still 96% of the time and full coverage sounds like a plan to me!

03-16-2004, 07:27 AM
I used to be 15 ranks away from torso chain. Now I'm sticking with doubles. 15 ranks for full body coverage and the best you can do with min hinderence.

Let's hear it for 6x decently crit padded doubles!

If it wasn't for the 210 ranks needed to get torso chain I'd go back to it. 16% I can live with.

03-16-2004, 07:30 AM
It's off-topic, but congrats on being on the fame list, Anticor. You got #1000, was looking to see how close my Ranger was and blinked.

PS. My Wizard wears 5x 7lbs doubles.

03-16-2004, 08:23 AM
Sometimes I wonder how Bob is so good with numbers/formulas.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-16-2004, 08:32 AM
You should buy my 2x masterful damage padded doubled for 45m.

03-16-2004, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
You should buy my 2x masterful damage padded doubled for 45m.

If I had 45mil I'd be all over them like Warclaidhm on Ardwen.

03-16-2004, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by Stunseed
It's off-topic, but congrats on being on the fame list, Anticor. You got #1000, was looking to see how close my Ranger was and blinked.

PS. My Wizard wears 5x 7lbs doubles.

03-16-2004, 09:07 AM
I use full leather, 0 training in armor.

03-16-2004, 11:28 AM
I use 7x fulls. I tried doubles for a few levels. I didn't totally mind spell failure when hunting, but it really bothered me when I forgot to remove them when spelling up. The whole spell zombie thing is a pain. Having to break up that rythm because your forgot your armor was on is silly. I'd have to kick myself every time I wasted a 430 on armor spell hinderance. And, I don't like to waste mana.


03-16-2004, 11:39 AM
Optimal Armor for a Wizard =>

Cuirbouilli leather, AsG-10, with 7% requiring 35 ranks

1) Rigid Leather DF protection everywhere
2) Rigid Leather Crit Divisor on arms/hands
3) Is the lowest AsG that can have metal properties (ie mithglin) that will add to the Str/Dur of the armor, prolonging its life in Breakage.
4) 35 ranks of Armor shouldn't be hard to get, especially considering that Wizards ultimately convert their PTs to MTs for Spells and other magical skills.

03-16-2004, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by Atlanteax
3) Is the lowest AsG that can have metal properties (ie mithglin) that will add to the Str/Dur of the armor, prolonging its life in Breakage.

Not true, I have some mithglin something or other doubles that has the higher Str/Dur properties of mithglin. Actually these were sold on the spit, the special lightened ones in the maze.

03-16-2004, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by Atlanteax
Optimal Armor for a Wizard =>

Cuirbouilli leather, AsG-10, with 7% requiring 35 ranks

1) Rigid Leather DF protection everywhere
2) Rigid Leather Crit Divisor on arms/hands
3) Is the lowest AsG that can have metal properties (ie mithglin) that will add to the Str/Dur of the armor, prolonging its life in Breakage.
4) 35 ranks of Armor shouldn't be hard to get, especially considering that Wizards ultimately convert their PTs to MTs for Spells and other magical skills.

Haven't heard of too many cuirb sets that have good et and padding though. Doubles, while pricey, can be found with decent or better padding with enchants over 5x.

03-16-2004, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Haven't heard of too many cuirb sets that have good et and padding though. Doubles, while pricey, can be found with decent or better padding with enchants over 5x.

Well, find a Wizard to take one to 6-7x for you.

I know someone with a 7x set, and he's planning on getting it altered, and eventually crit padded (when the Merchants start performing the service again after Breakage has gone live).

Not too hard to special order a set of cuirbouilli and have it taken to 4x (if not ordered at 4x). Then it's a matter of finding enchanters to take it further.

Usually there seems to be NPC Merchants doing 5x armor enchanting services.

Anyhow, it'll be a long time till the market has a significant quantity of high enchanted and/or padded cuirbouilli leathers, since the enchant now basically starts from scratch with months of time invested, and padding won't be a service till a few months after Breakage has gone live.

03-16-2004, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by Atlanteax
I know someone with a 7x set, and he's planning on getting it altered, and eventually crit padded (when the Merchants start performing the service again after Breakage has gone live).


Thats like planning for the next Tuesday after never. Or the fifth Thursday after Hell has frozen over and the Devil is giving out free sleigh rides.

03-16-2004, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Kitsun

Originally posted by Atlanteax
I know someone with a 7x set, and he's planning on getting it altered, and eventually crit padded (when the Merchants start performing the service again after Breakage has gone live).


Thats like planning for the next Tuesday after never. Or the fifth Thursday after Hell has frozen over and the Devil is giving out free sleigh rides.

Same was said about Reallocation...
...and likely also Runestaves (was assumed forever stuck with shield and sword).

Plently of other examples...

Just wait, it'll happen, sooner than you think.

03-16-2004, 02:28 PM
I'd rather have 0x padded leather than 10x unpadded leather.

03-16-2004, 02:59 PM
Expecting it to happen eventually and having a plan for an uncertain future are so totally different.

Who knows! In a few months, he may hit some wonder box-found armor! In half a year he could quit GS altogether! Planning that long-term is just out of my scope.

Keep in mind, this is coming from someone that doesn't even plan what he's having for dinner at 5PM.

Damn the plans! Have fun NOW.

03-16-2004, 03:16 PM
<<1) Rigid Leather DF protection everywhere>>

If that were true, there would be no need for brigandine armor.

Don't be retarded when you praise shitty armor.

03-16-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<1) Rigid Leather DF protection everywhere>>

If that were true, there would be no need for brigandine armor.

Don't be retarded when you praise shitty armor.

You DO know that there is a difference between DF protection, and crit divisor protection?

The only reasong to wear Brig instead of LBP/Curib is for the crit divisor of 7 on the head/neck instead of 5.

03-16-2004, 03:31 PM
Yes, I know the difference, and cuirbouilli leather has leather DF, not just crit divisor. Whoever told you differently is dumb. I happen to have some experience with armor as I get obliterated when I hunt.

03-16-2004, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Yes, I know the difference, and cuirbouilli leather has leather DF, not just crit divisor. Whoever told you differently is dumb. I happen to have some experience with armor as I get obliterated when I hunt.

Sorry man, but you're in the wrong here.

AsG 05-08 = Soft Leather DF
AsG 09-12 = Hard Leather DF
AsG 13-16 = Chain DF
AsG 17-20 = Plate DF

The only thing separating the AsGs within a group is the crit divisors as coverage is "added".

03-17-2004, 10:06 PM
Its usually called scale, and while Bobmouthfullofcock is dead wrong, there are more than covered areas separating those within a group, named AvD. For instance compare brig to a chain shirt, similar hindrance but you get an effective 2x bonus versus most weapons while wearing brig. It varies a little less within a group.

03-18-2004, 06:00 PM
bobmouthfullofcock is probably the worst pun i've ever heard.

is it really worth it to go past full leather? 15 ranks for doubles = like 3.5 spells. why trade those spells for a higher crit divisor on a few body parts and higher casting hinderance?

03-18-2004, 06:29 PM
all i wanna know is, where do i sign up for a sleigh ride?

03-18-2004, 07:15 PM
<< The only thing separating the AsGs within a group is the crit divisors as coverage is "added". >>

Well that's not the only thing, there are also different AvDs, CvDs, maneuver penalties and probably other different miscellaneous factors that should be taken into consideration as well.

But as you said, every group shares the same damage factor.

03-19-2004, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by ogurty
bobmouthfullofcock is probably the worst pun i've ever heard.

The picture was saying his name with a mouth full of cock would sound like his name.

is it really worth it to go past full leather? 15 ranks for doubles = like 3.5 spells. why trade those spells for a higher crit divisor on a few body parts and higher casting hinderance?

My mage is wear doubles untrained right now, the difference is a mere 2% spell hindrance and some unknown difference avoid manuevers, oh and the RT which doesn't affect me in any way I know of.

03-19-2004, 01:36 PM
I think it's worth it to go for double leathers. Sure most hits are to the torso and back but having coverage over everything can/will/has save(d) my ass many times. That and having crit padding over the entire body is sweet. If I could do it I'd love to go back to training for torso chain but that's been nipped in the bud. I guess I'll be staying in double leathers, I'm might go for cuirb but I haven't decided yet and with a few months between each lvl I have plenty of time to figure it out.

01-09-2005, 12:28 AM
Big ass bump.

I'm now debating moving up into either lbp or cuir armor and I want to hear your opinions on the subject. Bear in mind this armor is for a physical wizard and will need to have crit padding. Please provide input should you have some.

The next step will be finding a decent set of whichever armor I decide to go with.

01-09-2005, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Big ass bump.

I'm now debating moving up into either lbp or cuir armor and I want to hear your opinions on the subject. Bear in mind this armor is for a physical wizard and will need to have crit padding. Please provide input should you have some.

The next step will be finding a decent set of whichever armor I decide to go with.

Since you swing in off then I would recommend that you go to LBP or Cuir. My cleric used to swing and wore brig - I just endured that 7% hinderance. Now she's a pure caster, but I still have the brig - she's still in off when she channels.

You're going to have spell failure without a doubt. Some folks would say they can't stand the 7% hinderance, but I couldn't imagine wearing anything but rigid leather or above and swinging a weapon.

01-09-2005, 12:52 AM
a warmage I play from time to time wears fgb...but all he casts is 506/909 and occasional 415 so hinderance doesnt hurt