View Full Version : Boys are completely, totaly, and utterly insane (not to mention annoying).
03-15-2004, 05:55 PM
It just occured to me that all the boys here keep creating threads about the insanity of women. Where do they come off with this shit?
I am definitely not one to say that one sex is better than the other, but men are just as bad as women in their own ways.
Example...the inability to put the toilet seat down. Or, guys who will pick a shirt up off the floor (previously worn that week) give it the "smell test" and then proceed to wear it? Ew.
03-15-2004, 05:58 PM
Lovely, I misspelled on the topic, SON OF A!
03-15-2004, 06:01 PM
Just edit the post, let's you change the topic :D
And I agree, males are just as nutty as anyone else.
03-15-2004, 06:21 PM
I think your two examples are better signs of how simple we are, heh. Leave it to an insane woman to twist them into something complex, I'm sure you have your theories :smilegrin:
03-15-2004, 06:22 PM
Most guys need sex
Most girls need affection
If one side would shut up and give what the other side needs, the world would turn bettr.
03-15-2004, 06:24 PM
First you say boys in your topic title, then you say men in your post, make up your mind woman!
Okay, here's my "why is this male so insane!?" story. It puts "leaving the toilet seat up" to shame.
I lived with a guy for two years. In the bathroom, he kept pissing all over the area AROUND the toilet. Little rivulets of piss would run down the front of the toilet and.. ugh.. touch the back of my underwear. Sometimes, I would even step in the little droplets everywhere on the floor before I saw them. How hard is it to pick up a piece of toilet paper and wipe up every time? I mean... somehow, women do it all the time. It just seemed too hard for this guy.
Now, I tried not to be bitchy. I brought it up every couple of months, maybe, tops. But GODDAMN. Why should *I* (the one who wound up always cleaning the bathroom) have to clean up the piss of a supposedly perfectly capable human adult?! Every time I brought this up, he'd take on this whiny teenager voice, like god, what a nag I am, and promise he'd "try" to clean up after himself. Never happened.
Well.. not until, towards the end of our relationship, I finally snapped and called him on it in front of his friends and family. That's right. His best friends since childhood and his MOTHER. I don't care if it was really mean of me, I should not have to step in an adult human's piss every time I have to use the bathroom. Or clean up after said adult human. For the last month or so that we were together, he cleaned up after himself.
03-15-2004, 06:29 PM
<<Example...the inability to put the toilet seat down.>>
I don't fall under that stereotype. <3 women.
<<Or, guys who will pick a shirt up off the floor (previously worn that week) give it the "smell test" and then proceed to wear it? Ew.>>
Guilty. It's good practice, and a lot better than taking five hours to find clothes that "match."
03-15-2004, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
It just occured to me that all the boys here keep creating threads about the insanity of women. Where do they come off with this shit?If by "all the boys" you mean "Edaarin", then I see where you're coming from. :P If it smells clean, it is clean, le duh.
03-15-2004, 06:55 PM
Example...the inability to put the toilet seat down.
What, would you rather we keep it down all the time, and piss all over the seat? Believe me, we're not gonna put the seat up WHILE we piss, and then put it BACK DOWN.
What a fucking waste of energy!
03-15-2004, 07:06 PM
<<Believe me, we're not gonna put the seat up WHILE we piss, and then put it BACK DOWN.>>
I do. Every time. You suck.
03-15-2004, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
Example...the inability to put the toilet seat down.
What, would you rather we keep it down all the time, and piss all over the seat? Believe me, we're not gonna put the seat up WHILE we piss, and then put it BACK DOWN.
What a fucking waste of energy!
Personally I don't care about this because I look to see what the seat position is before I sit down. After working around men for so long, the practical jokes are getting old :D so I always look where I'm sitting before I plant my fanny somewhere.
So if you need to raise the seat to pee, at least put it back down. I tend to leave things in the state that I found them. So if I walked in with the seat and cover down, that's how it's going to end up when I leave. Just a courtesy thing.
03-15-2004, 07:53 PM
Difference between my post and your post
Your example is just us being lazy. I have no problem with laziness. It's the irrational, incomprehensible psychobabble bullshit that spews every now and then that I consider grants some women the title of "MISS INSANSITY."
03-15-2004, 08:01 PM
ok, one comment on the "sniff test" remark. We as men totally adore women, and do our part to make life more simple for them so we do this to lessen the amount of laundry that they should be doing.
disclaimer.....just kidding.
03-15-2004, 08:01 PM
Buh, naturally women are more insane than men. Where do you think they got hysteria from and why it's used mostly for women? Hysterectomy. :D
It's probably why I don't have many female friends. Even though I have my usual female quirk here and there, the typical woman baffles me as much as it does men.
03-15-2004, 08:17 PM
Its simple, women have a power.... that power is the ability to not be logical and be right. They can say "It doesnt matter if it doesnt make sense to be upset, I just am upset" They can pull all sorts of stuff that guys generally cant get away with, lol. Now, will I say they are insane? no, people are insane, both men and women, so its like me saying New Jersey Drivers suck, well they do, but anyhow, its just every driver from jersey I "happen" to bump into!
03-15-2004, 08:17 PM
Women are too damn catty and bitchy to each other. My girlfriend always bitches to me about either
A) how annoying her roommates are, stuff like nobody ever taking the trash out, writing their name on food in the fridge, etc.
B) how much they hate other females in general because it's like they're in competition for everything in the world with every other female. Sheesh.
03-15-2004, 08:19 PM
so its like me saying New Jersey Drivers suck, well they do, but anyhow, its just every driver from jersey I "happen" to bump into!
And let me just say people in Boston drive much worse than New Jersey... well, if you're in a car. They actually yielded to pedestrians which was surprising.
03-15-2004, 08:23 PM
I drive in boston too, I never had a problem, its only when the jersey drivers are in nyc I want to tear them out of their cars and take their keys away
03-15-2004, 08:24 PM
Anyone else notice how the men topic turned into a bash against women anyway? :lol:
03-15-2004, 08:27 PM
I aint bashing on women! I complemented them, I said you had a unique power! And that it just so happens that were all insane!
03-15-2004, 08:51 PM
I was bashing women.
Miss X
03-15-2004, 09:06 PM
The problem with men is they don't understand a womens need for affection. Like, I used to get really pissed with my ex because he never called me just to say hi, he would only phone if there was a specific reason and our phone conversations would consist of him asking the questions, me answering and him going and I'd be thinking why can the just have a normal conversation about nothing??
Also, men don't notice enough, like if I have my hair cut and say to one of my male friends 'like my new hair?' 9/10 times he will not have even realised I changed it where as my girlfriends notice straight away.
Another annoying thing: My ex told me he loved me maybe 10 times in 2 years where as I would tell him all the time. When I'd ask him why he didnt say it more he would just say 'I said it once, why do I need to say it again? If the love status had changed, I'd have told you, so you can just assume I love you until then.' Now that reeeeally pissed me off!!
The old annoyance of men falling asleep after sex is annoying too. Women want cuddles and romantic talk most of the time, I would usually find after 20mins Im talking to myself cos he's fallen asleep without even considering my feelings! Grrrr
03-15-2004, 09:07 PM
Me = Him.
Except the sex part. I don't get tired. :socool:
03-15-2004, 09:23 PM
Why would you call when you have nothing to talk about? Things that pissed me off about some of my ex's were the sometimes-two-hour-long daily phone conversations. I don't mind them in the beginning when there's a lot to find out about each other, but after half a year or so THERES NOT THAT MUCH TO TALK ABOUT
what is this about toilet seats?
Put the fucking thing up for me and we wont have a issue will we?
Women need to learn to put the Seat UP.
03-15-2004, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<Example...the inability to put the toilet seat down.>>
I don't fall under that stereotype. <3 women.
<<Or, guys who will pick a shirt up off the floor (previously worn that week) give it the "smell test" and then proceed to wear it? Ew.>>
Guilty. It's good practice, and a lot better than taking five hours to find clothes that "match."
omg... I have something in common with Bob... Shoot me now :'(
Oh, and in advance, happy 4000th post Bobmuhthol!:)
Miss X
03-15-2004, 09:33 PM
You call just to talk about your day, general conversation. Its nice to hear his voice and stuff! Even if there is nothing major to talk about, just calling for the sake of it and chatting about nothing is nice! :)
03-15-2004, 09:45 PM
Is the shirt stained? Does the shirt smell? If the answer to these is no, then by definition it is clean.
A conversation about nothing = silence.
Something is different. Am I going to trip over it? Is it going to fall on me? Is it going to kill me? Do I want to eat it? Do I want to have sex with it? If the answer to all these are no, then it is a minor detail and requires being brought to my attention. This does not mean I pay no attention to you.
Falling asleep afterward can be trained out of someone. But be aware that the sudden drop in hydraulic pressure is a fearsome force. Practice, practice, practice.
Oh, and for the record? Don't try to talk to me while I'm in the middle of something. I might have a ten minute conversation with you but I won't remember a word of what you said two seconds later.
And furthermore, if you don't want us to try to fix your problem? PLEASE start off saying that so we know what lane we're driving in. Are we in the 'I have a problem I need help with lane' or the 'Just sit there and be symapthetic' lane. And keep in mind, the first option is our default state.
Miss X
03-15-2004, 10:03 PM
Hehe, another annoying thing about men is their logic. I have a very close male friend, Martin, who I discuss most of my problems with. Lets say I've had an argument with one of my female friends, I'll say to martin 'oh, it really pissed me off when she did that, I just wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up' and Mart will say 'well, just tell her then, problem solved.'
No, the problem is not solved because I need to bitch about it for a while and not be told what to do. Just smile and nod and tell me I'm right. Kthx.
Just piss in the sink. Jesus.
03-15-2004, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by Miss X
The problem with men is they don't understand a womens need for affection. Like, I used to get really pissed with my ex because he never called me just to say hi, he would only phone if there was a specific reason and our phone conversations would consist of him asking the questions, me answering and him going and I'd be thinking why can the just have a normal conversation about nothing??
Phonecalls such as this would be fine..for a while. But I really don't like phone conversations where there is nothing to talk about. Reasons..I need reasons!
Originally posted by Miss XAlso, men don't notice enough, like if I have my hair cut and say to one of my male friends 'like my new hair?' 9/10 times he will not have even realised I changed it where as my girlfriends notice straight away.
This ones easy. I can bet you $100. If I saw you every day, and you came home with a new haircut, I'd not notice! Why?
A. I have lots of things going on in my head...the least of that being your hair do. I got plans to sort, things to do, people to make said plans with, things to fix, problems to deal with, etc etc.
B. If you are like most women, you change your hairstyle almost daily. Some days its up. Others its down. Cut us a break.
Originally posted by Miss XAnother annoying thing: My ex told me he loved me maybe 10 times in 2 years where as I would tell him all the time. When I'd ask him why he didnt say it more he would just say 'I said it once, why do I need to say it again? If the love status had changed, I'd have told you, so you can just assume I love you until then.' Now that reeeeally pissed me off!!
N/A for me, I enjoy telling my woman I love her.
Originally posted by Miss XThe old annoyance of men falling asleep after sex is annoying too. Women want cuddles and romantic talk most of the time, I would usually find after 20mins Im talking to myself cos he's fallen asleep without even considering my feelings! Grrrr
Well, its a well known fact that this is a chemical thing. Once a man "does his thang", a chemical is released into our brain that causes this to happen. Its not a strong one, it can be ignored. But honestly...we just had some amazing sex..we are feeling tottally loose and relaxed..and we have a beautiful and warm woman in our arms. Can you really blame us?!
03-15-2004, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by Miss X
Hehe, another annoying thing about men is their logic. I have a very close male friend, Martin, who I discuss most of my problems with. Lets say I've had an argument with one of my female friends, I'll say to martin 'oh, it really pissed me off when she did that, I just wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up' and Mart will say 'well, just tell her then, problem solved.'
No, the problem is not solved because I need to bitch about it for a while and not be told what to do. Just smile and nod and tell me I'm right. Kthx.
Bitch all you want, but after we offer our thoughts, we've done everything we can do. A well "trained" man will keep his attention on you..most men will tune out the conversation from that there imput is no longer needed.
<-- Well trained :P
03-15-2004, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
what is this about toilet seats?
Put the fucking thing up for me and we wont have a issue will we?
Women need to learn to put the Seat UP.
Why should we have to put the toilet seat up, you're the one who can't aim. ;)
Do I need to put cheerios in the toilet and tell you to "aim" at them like people do kids who are potty training?
-runs and hides from Edines wrath-
03-15-2004, 11:37 PM
I would usually find after 20mins Im talking to myself cos he's fallen asleep without even considering my feelings! Grrrr
20 minutes afterwards?! Bloody hell.
that would make it fun to go to the bathroom
03-15-2004, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by Miss X
You call just to talk about your day, general conversation. Its nice to hear his voice and stuff! Even if there is nothing major to talk about, just calling for the sake of it and chatting about nothing is nice! :)
I can't stand that... I really hate when I like a girl but she calls just to 'talk' too much, it's a deal breaker almost if it's bad enough.
03-16-2004, 12:05 AM
Whoa. Chica, you sound like one of my exes.
We said we wouldn't get each other gifts for some minor holiday or something. It was, in fact, her idea.
She gets me a gift, I get her nothing, and suddenly she's pissed at me. WTF?? I should be pissed at her for breaking her promise! But am I? No, instead I'm holding my testicles a la free-kick-in-soccer, hoping she's not gonna take a run at 'em.
She doesn't hear for me for a week (when I'm in college, and have things to do out my fucking ying yang) and the next time she sees me, instead of appreciating the short time we have together, bitches about the time we haven't had together, and how I didn't make an attempt to contact her. Well, I didn't get any messages from you, either, lady! Instead of sitting by the phone, waiting for it to ring, PICK IT UP AND DIAL. I'll talk to you, if I'm there. Damn.
Not noticing details is how men survive. As long as you still have all the limbs you had yesterday, that's good enough.
This girlfriend would always say, "I wish I could just tell them to Fuck Off."
And I would say, Brenda...then just tell them to fuck off. And she'd roll her eyes at me and say it wasn't that easy. And then I'd have to prove her wrong by telling said people to fuck off, and she'd get all pissy that I told them to fuck off when that's what she wanted to say in the first place!
Granted, that last bit, I knew I was pushing some buttons, but she was annoying the fuck out of me at that point.
Me, I had an argument with my best friend, and the next day, I was driving to school, and looked over, and saw him in his car, driving to school. We looked at each other, smiled, and drag raced to school at 90 mph, fight over, apology accepted. Our bond was stronger for it.
My sister had a fight with her best friend over some stupid shit - she hasn't talked to her in 8 years. Gets red in the face and starts muttering "bitch" when someone mentions her name.
03-16-2004, 01:08 AM
First. This is a men-bashing post. So if you boys would like to continue your women-bashing, take it to the Edaarin's thread,kthx.
Second.'re halfway to having a happy relationship with a girl if you put the seat down.
Third. If you want to talk about INSANITY of men...why the fuck don't you assholes ask for directions!?!? <rips hair out> Instead of saying, "I know it's right around this 10mile radius SOMEWHERE, we'll find it, Sweetie"
03-16-2004, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by Miss X
I would usually find after 20mins Im talking to myself cos he's fallen asleep without even considering my feelings! Grrrr People are supposed to full asleep like 15-20 min after they go to bed. It's healthy. You want to talk, drag him onto a chair or something.
Originally posted by Jesae
Instead of saying, "I know it's right around this 10mile radius SOMEWHERE, we'll find it, Sweetie" Here's why: because we will find it. :D
03-16-2004, 01:58 AM
Three fucking hours later, whereas I would just pull up to the nearest gas station and flat out ask to get precise directions.
03-16-2004, 01:59 AM
I gave in to my pride and asked a gas station once.. The one guy was from India and didn't know what an interstate was, the other woman opened a map, pretended to know how to read it, and advised me to drive 3 hours west, then 3 hours northeast. to get 1 hour north. I just took the map and found my way.
03-16-2004, 02:35 AM
Originally posted by Hulkein
I gave in to my pride and asked a gas station once.. The one guy was from India and didn't know what an interstate was, the other woman opened a map, pretended to know how to read it, and advised me to drive 3 hours west, then 3 hours northeast. to get 1 hour north. I just took the map and found my way.
Oh man I'm sorry to hear that. Well...if they were that clueless I doubt you have to worry about loosing your pride, unless you had a fellow driver in the car with you.
To add to the list of male insanity...
My boyfriend has a 62 Nova. Great car, except it always needs SOMETHING worked on. We finally have a backyard and it is slowly morphing into a junkyard with tools parts. His father is even worse. I swear to god I could point out any part on MY car that I would need and he has SIX fucking versions of that. WHY!? You could build 9 cars with the amount of shit in his backyard. Most of it is rusted and useless yet he refuses to get rid of it because..."I might need it some day." :?:
A few observations:
Women like 30 to 45 minutes of foreplay. Men like 30 to 45 seconds. Oh and men consider driving back to her place as part of foreplay.
Women don’t mind admitting when they make a mistake. The last guy to do so was General Custer.
Men like to talk politics but often forget to vote.
Oh and I really like men for the most part but they really suck at driving.
As far as clean clothes:
A good place to meet a man is at the dry cleaners. The men you can meet there usually have jobs and bathe.
[Edited on 3-16-2004 by Mint]
03-16-2004, 04:57 AM
The dry cleaner indicates to me a person not knowing how to clean their own clothes. I see lots of women going in and out of the dry-cleaner. The Laundromat ... is another story.
Hairstyle changes - Unless something has changed about your breasts, ass, face, or t he general shape of your body (including total baldness) men are likely not going to notice. We have been desensitized to such changes due to how frequent they happen.
Directions - A man knows that if he were lost and he asked another man for direction, that man would send him 10 miles in the opposite direction of his destination, and never once feel guilty about not saying "It's right across the street ... dumb ass".
On one of those very rare occasions when I'm lost, I will stop in the next town, or no less that 30 miles away from my destination and ask.
On your back yard turning into a junk yard.... That's not normal. I have major automotive projects and it's not healthy or safe to keep crap you don't need laying around. No matter how much you think you may need it.
Your boyfriend is going to turn into one of these back trailer automotive swap meet junkies. He'll drive 4 states away hauling his trove just so he can ditch 56 chevy heater core in trade for a 69 cobra valve cover
Now he doesn't have a 56 chevy, nor a 69 cobra, but he has parts for either. This is your life if he doesn’t get rid of the junk and keeps it away.
03-16-2004, 05:26 AM
I don't do the stuff people are bitching about. For once. w00t
03-16-2004, 10:45 AM
Holy shit, according to this thread, I think I'm a guy with huge breasts!
Sleep after sex: That would be me. In fact many times I'm the one to fall asleep first. I'm also not a snuggler after sex. Yey we had sex, it was delicious, now let me roll over and go to sleep.
Talking on the phone: I hate this shit. I wasn't one to talk a lot on the phone when I was a teen, I'm certainly not going to do it now, especially now that I work eight hours a day talking on the damned phone. It's the bane of my existance and I refuse to be on it more than necessary. This is why I'm getting into arguments all the time with my family because I don't call. Dude, I have you guys on IM and email and we send each other emails all day every day. What in the hell are we going to talk about on the phone now?! To hear my voice? Oh please. I miss you too but this is nuts.
Hair: Men don't notice and that's fine by me. Actually I'd rather they didn't. The only time they'll notice is if you had long hair and you decide to cut it short. They'll freak, ask why, and then mourn the loss of the long hair. Other than that, it doesn't matter, and I really don't see why it should.
Directions: I'm guilty of that too. I get my directions beforehand if I've never been there and take the destination phone number with me just in case. However I've usually been the determined type to find it myself and I call if I'm running late. A few times when I've been close to calling because I think I'm really lost, five minutes later I find it anyway.
Girlfriends: Barely have any. The ones I used to have back home were backstabbing little beeyotches and turned on me like savages the second that we had a disagreement. Why does a fight equal end of friendship? THIS I will never understand. When we had a fight, I would tell them to shut the fuck up and talk to me when they chill out. Next day I say hi and they're still pissed off. Why are we continuing this shit? Was it this important to break a friendship over? My male friends didn't do this, which is why my best friend is a male. We fight, don't talk for a few hours, see each other again, nod and smile at each other and it's over. Girls? Nooo. They need the drama. Now I have my dramatic emotional moments but not as often as women. Yeesh.
The only thing I can really complain about is when he wants to talk in the morning and I don't want to. I'm not a morning person and he's a night person. In the morning I don't say a word and I spend the morning just waking up mentally. I think he understands this because he doesn't ask me for responses, just perhaps a grunt or a chuckle to make sure he knows I'm listening.
03-16-2004, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Holy shit, according to this thread, I think I'm a guy with huge breasts!
Sleep after sex: That would be me. In fact many times I'm the one to fall asleep first. I'm also not a snuggler after sex. Yey we had sex, it was delicious, now let me roll over and go to sleep.
Talking on the phone: I hate this shit. I wasn't one to talk a lot on the phone when I was a teen, I'm certainly not going to do it now, especially now that I work eight hours a day talking on the damned phone. It's the bane of my existance and I refuse to be on it more than necessary. This is why I'm getting into arguments all the time with my family because I don't call. Dude, I have you guys on IM and email and we send each other emails all day every day. What in the hell are we going to talk about on the phone now?! To hear my voice? Oh please. I miss you too but this is nuts.
Hair: Men don't notice and that's fine by me. Actually I'd rather they didn't. The only time they'll notice is if you had long hair and you decide to cut it short. They'll freak, ask why, and then mourn the loss of the long hair. Other than that, it doesn't matter, and I really don't see why it should.
Directions: I'm guilty of that too. I get my directions beforehand if I've never been there and take the destination phone number with me just in case. However I've usually been the determined type to find it myself and I call if I'm running late. A few times when I've been close to calling because I think I'm really lost, five minutes later I find it anyway.
Girlfriends: Barely have any. The ones I used to have back home were backstabbing little beeyotches and turned on me like savages the second that we had a disagreement. Why does a fight equal end of friendship? THIS I will never understand. When we had a fight, I would tell them to shut the fuck up and talk to me when they chill out. Next day I say hi and they're still pissed off. Why are we continuing this shit? Was it this important to break a friendship over? My male friends didn't do this, which is why my best friend is a male. We fight, don't talk for a few hours, see each other again, nod and smile at each other and it's over. Girls? Nooo. They need the drama. Now I have my dramatic emotional moments but not as often as women. Yeesh.
The only thing I can really complain about is when he wants to talk in the morning and I don't want to. I'm not a morning person and he's a night person. In the morning I don't say a word and I spend the morning just waking up mentally. I think he understands this because he doesn't ask me for responses, just perhaps a grunt or a chuckle to make sure he knows I'm listening.
OMG :heart:
03-16-2004, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by Miss X
I'd be thinking why can the just have a normal conversation about nothing??
Also, men don't notice enough, like if I have my hair cut and say to one of my male friends 'like my new hair?' 9/10 times he will not have even realised I changed it where as my girlfriends notice straight away.
Because most men don't LIKE to chatter about nothing just to chatter, and most men don't care about primping like that. It isn't as if women primp for their menfolk, they do it to compete with other women anyway. Beside that, it really doesn't matter to us whether it's this style or that or an inch longer or an inch shorter. Want us to lie about it?
03-16-2004, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
Third. If you want to talk about INSANITY of men...why the fuck don't you assholes ask for directions!?!? <rips hair out> Instead of saying, "I know it's right around this 10mile radius SOMEWHERE, we'll find it, Sweetie"
Yeah, you got it right there. Me, I have mapbooks with every town in southern New England and southern Vermont and New Hampshire in it. Even with that, if I'm lost, I ain't getting any LESS lost by driving in circles. Gas stations have locals in them with a clue.
03-16-2004, 11:20 AM
<<CT's post>>
Word. Ya know the sad thing? My daughter went to a small women's college. After her sophomore year it went coed and they brought in 16 guys for the first class. It was fucking sad. The year before the women acted like people. The next fall I'd visit my daughter and see a guy sitting on the dorm steps, and it'd be all different. 3/4ths of the ladies on campus were primped up with makeup all the time, and they'd be like planets orbiting a sun whenever one of the guys was around, hanging on his every word. 500 girls, 16 guys, they must have been the king studs of college history that year.
It made me real sad to see.
03-16-2004, 11:22 AM
Okay, my turn...
Toilet seat =>
I leave down, but can piss in a straight line into the bowl. If there's a spray, I wipe the seat.
Clothes =>
I usually don't sweat, and I tend to not get my clothes dirty. So unless I got particularly sweaty that day (sports or working out), or dirty, the clothes goes in the "can wear again pile" on the dresser, otherwise it goes into hamper.
Usually I can wear a shirt 4 times in a 2-3 weeks span, or a pant 5 times in one week, before deciding "well, I wore it enough, might as well have it washed".
My philosophy is that if it doesn't smell, and is not dirty, it does not need to be washed. So I'm doing myself and the female a favor by minimizing the laundry load to what does need to be washed. I also help out with the laundry in the regard that she washes the clothes, I fold and put them away.
Phone Calls =>
I'll call once in awhile, but rarely if I am in touch via IMs or Email. Otherwise, it's just a 1-2 minutes phone call to go "hey, how are you doing? do you want to get together later?". I HATE sitting there with the phone with nothing to talk about. Making up conversation only goes so far.
Sex =>
I got no problem cuddling after. If I sleepy, I just wrap my arms about her and sleep holding her.
Driving =>
I drive an Infiniti with an onboard GPS system. I love it. If I'm going someplace new, I punch in the address, and it'll guide me. Otherwise, it definately helps to be able to plan where I'm going while on the go.
Haircuts =>
I'll notice if it's a different hair cut. If hair is cut just a wee bit shorter than usual, I won't notice. If she goes from a long-haired beauty to a short wavy one, I'll notice. If she's the type to have a new hair style every 2 weeks, after a couple of months, I'll pretty much stop paying attention to the hair.
Listening to Problems =>
I've learned that women just want their feelings/perspective validated. So if she rambles on about someone or something she dislikes intensely, I'll just go "that was wrong of xxx" or "that thing can be annoying to use."
But if she complains about something blatantly irrevelant like the flashlight running out, I'll respond "well, replace the batteries." If she complains about the flashlight not working well more than once, I replace the batteries for her, so I don't have to listen to the mind-numbing crap. Flashlight scenario is an example, btw, to the extent that if it's a mundane problem, I'd rather fix it so I don't have to listen about it. Same philosophy goes if she complains about people too often in a short period of time (to the point where it is annoying to listen to), I'll intervene in some manner (if it's someone giving her a lot of grief, I tell them to leave her alone, or I'll kick their ass).
However, if she's the type who complains to complains, it gets old, and I'm likely to drop her, for someone who is more positive and is able to handle things herself.
That's all that's been discussed so far. I'm saving the "bashing women" stuff for when the thread is about that. :P
03-16-2004, 11:34 AM
Okay I really need to know from the woman, because I'm guilty of it, is the clothes.
I wear my clothes several times before I wash it. If it's not dirty, doesn't smell, it's wearable again and again. So you're saying that you wear something once and that's it? You wash it? It's no wonder you people are always washing clothes. I'm all for clean clothes, but if I wear something once and a week later I want to wear it again, I'm not washing it if it even smells nice. What's the deal with that anyway?
03-16-2004, 11:36 AM
Listening to Problems =>
I've learned that women just want their feelings/perspective validated. So if she rambles on about someone or something she dislikes intensely, I'll just go "that was wrong of xxx" or "that thing can be annoying to use."
This reminds me of a Chris Rock routine.
"Women don't want you to talk TALK....they want you to talk LISTEN. When having a conversation with a woman about what's bugging her, you don't actually have to participate, you just have to throw in an occasional "Mmmmhmmm.." or "I can't believe that!" or "No way!" and the correctly placed "I told you that bitch crazy!" You need "I told you that bitch crazy!" because every woman has one woman at work that THEY CAN'T STAND. They'll be like, "Bitch stole my bag!". You'll be thinking, "Bitch, you work at J.C. Penney!" but it don't matter to a woman."
Obviously paraphrased, since I can never get Chris Rock's flow down.
I have to agree with CT's post.
Being a woman Its very easy to understand other women and what their needs are and what they want out of a relationship, friendship, or what have you. Most of my best friends are guys (once they get over the fact that I refuse to date them) they are easy to get along with.
I think if women understood the way men think, and men understood the way women think relationships would be so much easier. Women need to come right out and say what they want/need and most of all what they mean when they say things. Men can't read minds, and women tend to forget how complicated they can be. Men are more logical with their thinking and rely less on emotions and more with immediate resolution. Just my opinion though...
Miss X
03-16-2004, 11:53 AM
Clothes wise, I wear it once and it goes in the wash, I've always been like that. The only thing I wear more than once is bra's because I only have maybe 4 nice ones because I'm a bit top heavy and its hard to find nice ones that dont look like old womens bra's.
I'm paranoid about personal hygiene, I would DIE if someone told me I didnt look/smell clean so I probably go over the top with washing. I figure though, its better than slacking! ;)
03-16-2004, 11:56 AM
Okay I'll bite with a male complaint, cause I was talking about it with Adredrin so I'll just put up our conversation. Course he says he does the same with his woman so God only knows who does this more.
Crystal Tears 24: Eating is always a debate because I'll say I don't care and he wants an answer. And I just want him to decide because I really don't give a shit! If I had a preference I'd say it. He doesn't get that.
Lord Adredrin: omg
Crystal Tears 24: But he says he gets tired of making the decision
Lord Adredrin: thats me and my woman!
Lord Adredrin: ::flails::
Lord Adredrin: her : Whatcha wanna do today?
Lord Adredrin: me : I don't care..what ever you wanna do.
Lord Adredrin: her : Ugh, why do *I* always have to make the choices.
Lord Adredrin: me : um..cause I really don't care what we are doing.
Crystal Tears 24: She brought it up. Obviously she has something in mind, right?
Lord Adredrin: :-P
Crystal Tears 24: That's how I'm thinking. If I were hungry, I'd say what I want. But if you're driiving me to work at 8 in the morning and ask me what I want for dinner, I don't fucking know! Hell I dont' know what I want for lunch let alone dinner.
Lord Adredrin: lol
Crystal Tears 24: "What would you be hungry for?" Why don't you ask me when I'M HUNGRY?!
Crystal Tears 24: When I'm not hungry, duh, I don't wanna eat so I have no desire for anything. Why doesn't he get this?! <whines>
Eh.. I still think my peeing all over the toilet story is worse and no male has addressed this! It wasn't even the first time I'd experienced this male lack of aim. One of my best friends in high school, I would never let him use the bathroom in my home because he'd.. I dunno how to describe it.. he acted like the toilet seat in the up position was some sort of target, trying to pee through the hoop and hope most of it drains down into the toilet.
Men are disgusting. And I ain't talking dirty laundry-wearing, because that's low on the last after marking their territory like that.
03-16-2004, 12:14 PM
I haven't met a man to be that inconsiderate (thank GOD!) but I will say it kinda bugs me when they walk out of the shower completely wet and wet the floor and rug on the way out. I hate when my socks get wet. I just don't see why he can't dry himself while still in the tub. Air drying.. oh c'mon.
03-16-2004, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by DCSL
Eh.. I still think my peeing all over the toilet story is worse and no male has addressed this!
Lord lifting Jesus, okay, okay.
You got to be a pig to piss all over the bathroom floor and walls.
Don't know why that had to be "addressed, but what-evah.
03-16-2004, 12:16 PM
Ok... let's clear something up.
Men are taught from very early age that they are to do it standing up. Pee that is.
Women get to sit down. You guys are doing it at point blank range... you can't fucking miss.
Men are not perfect, but all things considered I would say they are at least 95% accurate.
If they can't clean up after themselves, then cut it off and stop your bitching. Until that time, buy your own tampons and quit bringing up this stupid damned argument. Or at the very least realize the world does not revolve around you and lift up the damned seat once in a while instead of complaining because you can’t pay attention to where you are about to place your ass.
I would think men would complain about this more since we only sit down about once a day. You would think that we would be more prone to getting a wet ass, but no… It’s just the women.
Men are disgusting, but no more than most women.
Miss X
03-16-2004, 12:19 PM
Air drying is the best!!! I always get out soaking wet, shove a load of moisturiser then stand about doing my make up and hair while I dry, simple! Using a towel makes skin dry out and I worry about germs that breed on damp towels and stuff.
03-16-2004, 12:23 PM
I have a question, DCSL. Was your man circumcised?
I only ask, because I know I'm not, and it's damn hard to prevent splatter that way, y'know?
But I wipe the seat off, at least. ;)
03-16-2004, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
On your back yard turning into a junk yard.... That's not normal. I have major automotive projects and it's not healthy or safe to keep crap you don't need laying around. No matter how much you think you may need it.
Your boyfriend is going to turn into one of these back trailer automotive swap meet junkies. He'll drive 4 states away hauling his trove just so he can ditch 56 chevy heater core in trade for a 69 cobra valve cover
Now he doesn't have a 56 chevy, nor a 69 cobra, but he has parts for either. This is your life if he doesn’t get rid of the junk and keeps it away.
<howls with laughter> So, so true. THOUGH, I have been getting really good at getting rid of one thing of his per day, and he doesn't even notice when its gone. He doesn't have any major carparts yet, but I've already told him if it turns into how is dad's yard is I'm throwing the back gate open and putting a sign up that says, "1 dollar for all you can carry out with you" sale.
As far as sex goes. GUYS....foreplay. You want the best crazy sex of your life? 30 minutes can change the way and the amount of times you have sex in a week.
And the problem with girls after sex is they are wired. Least I and a couple of my girlfriends are. Boyfriend usually passes out and I get online or clean the house. I'm not going to try and force him into a conversation if he's going to fall asleep on me!
Please let me reiterate the importance of foreplay.
03-16-2004, 01:00 PM
Good thing my fiance doesn't read this because if he started drawing out the foreplay to be longer, I'd have to kill. Just get on with it. I'm turned on, let's go. Unless he wants to get me in the mood and has to work at it, that's one thing. But if I'm already horny, what's with the extra encouragement? Doesn't make a difference in how much I enjoy the sex. I'd get into details of the why I don't like too much foreplay but I think I would violate my own TOS. <dimples>
03-16-2004, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Good thing my fiance doesn't read this because if he started drawing out the foreplay to be longer, I'd have to kill. Just get on with it. I'm turned on, let's go. Unless he wants to get me in the mood and has to work at it, that's one thing. But if I'm already horny, what's with the extra encouragement? Doesn't make a difference in how much I enjoy the sex. I'd get into details of the why I don't like too much foreplay but I think I would violate my own TOS. <dimples>
Wow!! :heart:
Originally posted by Atlanteax
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Good thing my fiance doesn't read this because if he started drawing out the foreplay to be longer, I'd have to kill. Just get on with it. I'm turned on, let's go. Unless he wants to get me in the mood and has to work at it, that's one thing. But if I'm already horny, what's with the extra encouragement? Doesn't make a difference in how much I enjoy the sex. I'd get into details of the why I don't like too much foreplay but I think I would violate my own TOS. <dimples>
Wow!! :heart: My girlfriend is the very same way. Though it feels like everything we do leading up to sex is like foreplay for us, (such as a innocent touch or a glance) so by the time were ready its straight to it.
03-16-2004, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
And the problem with girls after sex is they are wired. Least I and a couple of my girlfriends are. Boyfriend usually passes out and I get online or clean the house. I'm not going to try and force him into a conversation if he's going to fall asleep on me!
I don't know... if I was in a situation where my girl would do stuff like that, cleaning house and all, after sex, I'd think I'd be pretty insulted in the regard "I wasn't enough!?" :?:
I hope I never am... would be bad for the ego!
03-16-2004, 01:15 PM
There isn't anything you can do about it.
It doesn't matter if you give a woman 10 orgasms or just one. If they are the type that feels energetic after sex.... they just feel energetic after sex. About the only thing you would be able to do is make it painful for them to walk and completely ruin willy and your back for weeks.
It's not worth it.
[Edited on 3-16-2004 by Tsa`ah]
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
The dry cleaner indicates to me a person not knowing how to clean their own clothes. I see lots of women going in and out of the dry-cleaner. The Laundromat ... is another story.
Women do laundry every other day or so. A man will wear every article of clothing he owns before he will do the laundry. When he is finally out of clothes, he will rent a U-Haul and take his mountain of clothes to the laundromat. Men always expect to meet beautiful women while at the laundromat. This is a myth.
I read a quote somewhere about one difference between women and men that cracked me up:
Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women aren't looking, men kick cats.
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
There isn't anything you can do about it.
It doesn't matter if you give a woman 10 orgasms or just one. If they are the type that feels energetic after sex.... they just feel energetic after sex. About the only thing you would be able to do is make it painful for them to walk and completely ruin willy and your back for weeks.
It's not worth it.
[Edited on 3-16-2004 by Tsa`ah] sometimes the more orgasms you give the more they want. but I find what will usually put a woman to sleep after sex is if she's having an on going orgasm all during sex that builds up to a climatic ending... she will usually sleep like a baby after that.
03-16-2004, 01:26 PM
I'd say that there are worse things than the 'bad habit' of guys. Things like... being caught up in pretenses, being concerned about how 'manly' you are... The double standards, et cetera.
Not all guys are like that, but I've known my share of guys like that.
And... lying. Why can't guys just be totally honest? I mean, seriously... If you don't want to be with someone, just say so. Why lead them on?
Lucky for me I found someone that doesn't play these retarded games, but I know my fair share of dudes that act like they're in kindergarten.
03-16-2004, 01:30 PM
Tsa`ah = Cat Kicker
Men only do laundry out of necessity. We don't have the social hang-up over appearance, so why do laundry before it is absolutely needed?
In college I did laundry about once every 3 weeks. I do laundry twice a week now that I'm married and have two children.
In college I had 5 times the wardrobe I have now so it is now necessary for me to wash my clothes more often. Of course I'm washing my wardrobe with the wardrobes of thee other females, but I'm not all that worried if someone sees me in the same shirt two or more times during the week.
Men are creatures of necessity, women are creatures of accessory.
Per orgasms. Much like men, there are no two women exactly alike. It doesn't matter how many or how intense an orgasm/s my wife has, she's always energetic afterward. If the person is this way, there is NOTHING you can do to avert it.
[Edited on 3-16-2004 by Tsa`ah]
03-16-2004, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by Mint
Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women aren't looking, men kick cats.
Hey! I got cats. I love my cats. Anyone fucking kicks one of my cats, he'll be breathing out of a straw and dumping into a bedpan for the next six months.
I actually dislike cats intensely. They are the devil in disguise. Give me a good dog any day.
03-16-2004, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
And... lying. Why can't guys just be totally honest? I mean, seriously... If you don't want to be with someone, just say so. Why lead them on?
Probably about as many guys out there thinking "No, I don't really love you, I just want to bang you once in a while, but not too exclusive or I'll get bored. Hey, your best friend there's got quite a rack!" as gals out there thinking "No, I didn't really turn into an uberbitch these last three weeks, it was just to get you to break up with me so it wouldn't be my fault and I could hook up with your friend there who makes half again as much money as you do and drives a lot nicer car and has a washboard tummy."
You really sure you want quid-pro-quo honesty, like? You ain't any better at it than we are.
03-16-2004, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Mint
I actually dislike cats intensely. They are the devil in disguise. Give me a good dog any day.
Cats are people, dogs aren';t. Dogs are hairy slaves. If you don't got time for a cat, the cat can deal; she goes off about her own business. If you don't got time for a dog, he sits across the room and mopes.
03-16-2004, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Mint
A man will wear every article of clothing he owns before he will do the laundry.It's more efficient. :yes:
CT's postCT for president. :drool:
03-16-2004, 02:33 PM
About dry cleaners.
I don't take anything to the drycleaners unless it is something delicate or expensive. If I owned silk anything (which I really don't since drycleaning is fucking expensive) I would take it there.
I have one REALLY nice BCBG dress that only gets drycleaned because well...I look damn good in it and paid out the ass for it and don't want it damaged or shrunk.
Everything else gets washed in the washing machine.
Oh and I'm saying foreplay is important only if the girl/guy isn't in the mood. I mean if you're both horny, then skip it for gods sake!
Originally posted by Mint
Women like 30 to 45 minutes of foreplay. Men like 30 to 45 seconds. Oh and men consider driving back to her place as part of foreplay.
Um, my aunt plays GS (which is how I discovered it) so I need to add a disclaimer here on the off chance she will read this and talk to my mother:
I do NOT sleep around. This statement is made purely from things I have heard my friends say. I will be a virgin until I marry or die, whichever comes first :saint:
03-16-2004, 03:00 PM
Yeah, listen up, Mint's aunt! All those rumors on these boards of Mint getting greased up with sandalwood Kama Sutra Love Oil and getting into hot wax biker orgies with Macedonian gymnast-bikers are freaking lies, okay? She doesn't know any Macedonians.
03-16-2004, 04:44 PM
Bullshit: "What do you look for in a guy?" "A sense of humor."
I'll reiterate. Bullshit. Funny how after I became a gym rat in high school it suddenly got easier to get a date.
Originally posted by Edaarin
Bullshit: "What do you look for in a guy?" "A sense of humor."
I'll reiterate. Bullshit. Funny how after I became a gym rat in high school it suddenly got easier to get a date. Thats very typical. Women want somone who is strong in mind and body. If your funny as well, then thats an added bonus.
I think that answer is the "just being nice answer".
03-16-2004, 04:56 PM
Yeah, that's what I mean. Men AND women are shallow like that, and no one wants to say they don't want anyone without a tight bod.
I had to laugh. Lady from my graduating class in HS got to be a Playboy Playmate one month. She really filled out bigtime after she graduated. Anyway Becky put in her comments something like "Hey, all of you guys who turned me down in high school because I was too skinny, look at me! You could have nailed a Playmate only you're never going to have me now!" It was great, she pwned 'em something fierce.
03-16-2004, 04:56 PM
<<Women want somone who is strong in mind and body. If your funny as well, then thats an added bonus.>>
<--- king of men.
03-16-2004, 05:03 PM
I'd tell you what women want but I have no clue. Hell I don't know why the wife puts up with me. But I do know, heard it from several woman, that my broad shoulders, blue eyes, and sense of humor help. What gets me is two of those three traits are physical. And we are the shallow ones?!!
03-16-2004, 05:09 PM
Oh hush, its been acknowledged that the initail things that play into firt meetings are the physical.
They are all we have to work with untill we get to better know one another.
Looks help you get in the door, personality keeps you there.
03-16-2004, 05:20 PM
Though, I will add too this thread.
After living with my step-father. I can CLEARLY see things that some men do to piss off women. Stuff that I don't do for what ever reason..
Like, shaving, and leaving the shit on the sink/counter. Hair I wanna see that. Bah.
-Adredrin, who shaves in the shower, and does not leave hair everywhere.
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
-Adredrin, who shaves in the shower, and does not leave hair everywhere. Lucky woman you have. That is my major pet peeve. HAIR Everywhere in the bathroom! Takes 2 minutes to clean it up, why some people dont bother to.. boggles the mind.
03-16-2004, 05:26 PM
I just want someone that puts out on command, and who doesn't complain when I decide to be lazy and not shave my legs. ;)
03-16-2004, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I just want someone that puts out on command, and who doesn't complain when I decide to be lazy and not shave my legs. ;)
You had me at hello.
03-16-2004, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by DarkelfVold
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
-Adredrin, who shaves in the shower, and does not leave hair everywhere. Lucky woman you have. That is my major pet peeve. HAIR Everywhere in the bathroom! Takes 2 minutes to clean it up, why some people dont bother to.. boggles the mind.
Well, shaving in the shower is a rather new thing for me. I got an electric shaver for christmas..thats water proof. So I'm golden now. Before, I shaved with a normal old disposable razor. I kinda miss it sometimes..the electric one don't do as good a job.
But even then..I used the cap of the shaving cream to splash water around the sink, to clean it out. I mean, common. Be a man, not a fuckin slob
03-16-2004, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I just want someone that puts out on command, and who doesn't complain when I decide to be lazy and not shave my legs. ;)
Heh, I wouldn't mind a hot female that put out on command. :whistle:
03-16-2004, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Originally posted by Maimara
I just want someone that puts out on command, and who doesn't complain when I decide to be lazy and not shave my legs. ;)
You had me at hello.
Is this a package deal, or does your dog come seperate? :smilegrin:
Originally posted by Maimara
I just want someone that puts out on command, and who doesn't complain when I decide to be lazy and not shave my legs. ;)
:yes: More women need to be this way.
Originally posted by Galleazzo
Lord lifting Jesus, okay, okay.
You got to be a pig to piss all over the bathroom floor and walls.
Don't know why that had to be "addressed, but what-evah.
'cause you guys were into the women-bashing on the male-bashing thread and acting like you guys were golden in comparison to us (for the most part, I know some of you have admitted to being 'as bad as women', for what that's worth.) So that's why. What-evah to you too.
Originally posted by TheEschaton
I have a question, DCSL. Was your man circumcised?
Yeah, he was cut. But yeah, my complaint wasn't the splatter but the fact that he wouldn't clean it up. I'm glad you do!
Originally posted by Tsa'ah
If they can't clean up after themselves, then cut it off and stop your bitching. Until that time, buy your own tampons and quit bringing up this stupid damned argument. Or at the very least realize the world does not revolve around you and lift up the damned seat once in a while instead of complaining because you can’t pay attention to where you are about to place your ass.
You guys have got us coming and going, as far as my (only) complaint was (the splattering and not cleaning up). I can't just "cut it off and stop my 'bitching'" because then that would make me.. tada.. a bitch. And I would be heinously reviled for it and somehow the rightness of my argument (not cleaning up something disgusting) would be completely negated by my newly pronounced bitchiness. That's male logic, as far as this argument goes.
And don't pretend that this isn't how a lot of you guys work, because I'm sure I'm not the only one that's experienced the Bitch Factor. When a woman stands up for herself against a man in such a way that makes said man feel bad or in any other way suffer from anything, she is labelled a bitch. When a woman stands up for herself in some other way, she's labelled as "acting like a man" which is almost as annoying to me, personally, although it might not be to other girls. I dunno.
Aaaaaaand.. I'll stop before I go on a tangent about men that say they love strong women (which seems to be the equivilant of women saying they love funny guys) and wind up with: I know not everything I've said applies to every guy (just so this doesn't spawn a bunch of "But I'm not like that!" posts) or every girl. Just the majority, in MY experience.
03-16-2004, 06:48 PM
No discussion needed.
I love men and can easily admit it.
03-16-2004, 06:53 PM
There was this show "Men behaving badly" with Rob Schneider. He used a soiled underwear that was on the floor as a coffee filter. ::shudder::
03-16-2004, 06:54 PM
Did it work?
03-16-2004, 06:59 PM
His girlfriend then came out of the room, and asked to take a sip out of his coffee mug. She commented.. "Hmm.. nutty"
03-16-2004, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by DCSL
You guys have got us coming and goingDon't worry about it, you were right. :)
03-16-2004, 09:33 PM
Oh give me a FUCKING BREAK. Men are just as concerned about women's looks as are women to men. Yeah, I'm not going to lie, I want a guy who is at least making an effort to look good. But, boring hot guys are only fun for so long. You've got to be able to keep a conversation going with me and humor is very important to me, not to mention laughing is good for you so being funny scores big points in my opinion.
And like men aren't just as god-damned guilty about chasing a woman for her looks. And if she isn't all that good in the face you can always paper bag her. Shallow jerks. So don't go around pinning us for being that way when you're just as bad, if not worse. If I have one more guy have a cheery conversation with my breasts I'm going to claw his eyes out and shove them down his throat.
03-16-2004, 09:40 PM
Where did I say looks weren't important? We don't lie about it.
I got called out once last semester for eye contact (lack of) during dinner. I tried to play it off, but couldn't think of anything to say. Her response was something like "I'm already short and we're sitting down, there's no reason for you not to be looking at my eyes."
03-16-2004, 09:48 PM
<<Where did I say looks weren't important? We don't lie about it.>>
Agreed. :up:
03-16-2004, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
If I have one more guy have a cheery conversation with my breasts I'm going to claw his eyes out and shove them down his throat. They should have free ski-goggles on those Welcome to Arizona signs.
03-16-2004, 09:56 PM
And the obligatory :(
03-17-2004, 04:30 AM
Dude. Its one thing to have them glance. Its another thing to have them blatatnly STARE at your chest the entire time.
I mean, do men not comprehend the fact that your eyes visably shift from when you're looking at someone in the eye, and then looking down what..six inches?
And men must have worse priferal (spelling?) vision than women because I can do a once-over on any guy in a split second and get an eyefull of the goods.
03-17-2004, 05:22 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
And men must have worse priferal (spelling?) vision than women because I can do a once-over on any guy in a split second and get an eyefull of the goods.
If you (women) didn't wear a quarter inch of makeup, we might be able to get an accurate read that quick.
Not to mention high-heels, wonderbras, and everything else you do to distort your appearance.
Sorry if it takes us a little longer to get through your ugly shields...
03-17-2004, 06:36 AM
The other day a guy and his wife came in for dinner at the restuarant. My niece who is was their waitress noticed he had a remote control to his TV in his shirt pocket. She asked him if he knew he had a remote control in his pocket, he turned all red and said no. His wife and the girls got a good laugh. Thats all I have to say about men and remote controls.
03-17-2004, 06:48 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Holy shit, according to this thread, I think I'm a guy with huge breasts!
Sleep after sex: That would be me. In fact many times I'm the one to fall asleep first. I'm also not a snuggler after sex. Yey we had sex, it was delicious, now let me roll over and go to sleep.
Talking on the phone: I hate this shit. I wasn't one to talk a lot on the phone when I was a teen, I'm certainly not going to do it now, especially now that I work eight hours a day talking on the damned phone. It's the bane of my existance and I refuse to be on it more than necessary. This is why I'm getting into arguments all the time with my family because I don't call. Dude, I have you guys on IM and email and we send each other emails all day every day. What in the hell are we going to talk about on the phone now?! To hear my voice? Oh please. I miss you too but this is nuts.
Hair: Men don't notice and that's fine by me. Actually I'd rather they didn't. The only time they'll notice is if you had long hair and you decide to cut it short. They'll freak, ask why, and then mourn the loss of the long hair. Other than that, it doesn't matter, and I really don't see why it should.
Directions: I'm guilty of that too. I get my directions beforehand if I've never been there and take the destination phone number with me just in case. However I've usually been the determined type to find it myself and I call if I'm running late. A few times when I've been close to calling because I think I'm really lost, five minutes later I find it anyway.
Girlfriends: Barely have any. The ones I used to have back home were backstabbing little beeyotches and turned on me like savages the second that we had a disagreement. Why does a fight equal end of friendship? THIS I will never understand. When we had a fight, I would tell them to shut the fuck up and talk to me when they chill out. Next day I say hi and they're still pissed off. Why are we continuing this shit? Was it this important to break a friendship over? My male friends didn't do this, which is why my best friend is a male. We fight, don't talk for a few hours, see each other again, nod and smile at each other and it's over. Girls? Nooo. They need the drama. Now I have my dramatic emotional moments but not as often as women. Yeesh.
The only thing I can really complain about is when he wants to talk in the morning and I don't want to. I'm not a morning person and he's a night person. In the morning I don't say a word and I spend the morning just waking up mentally. I think he understands this because he doesn't ask me for responses, just perhaps a grunt or a chuckle to make sure he knows I'm listening.
Ditto except I have girlfriends that can take an agrument and not turn it into a war of the cats.
My husband annoys the hell outa me with the phone calls. I don't even look at his cell phone bill anymore. When Justin started to babble, he yelled, "Give him a phone!" I won't even answer the damn thing if I don't feel like it. Drives him nuts.
One thing utterly male about Hubby dear is his adorable way of never thinking a sentence through before it comes out of his mouth. Here are two priceless comments while I was pregnant.
"Hey, you're wearing a bathing suit. You don't look pregnant in it, just like you gained weight."
Thanks hun. That's sweet.
"You're starting to look like your dad."
My dad is a bit rolly polly. Gee...want some of this Rawrrrrrr sexy.
edited: I only wanted to quote CT
[Edited on 3-17-2004 by Sweets]
[Edited on 3-17-2004 by Sweets]
03-17-2004, 07:10 AM
I think bath wash in bottle was invented by a woman who was disgusted with the "hairy" bar of soap in the shower.
03-17-2004, 07:48 AM
Sports obsessions. Grown men sitting around screaming and yelling at a TV, calling their friends when something good happens for their team an the other guys team sucks, ect. When do you ever see this much enthusiasm for "ANYTHING else?
Sex Pouting. All time favorite lines.
"I've never said no to you"
"Just because you can't have sex doesn't mean I have to suffer too" (When you have your period) On your knee's girls!
"But you are horizontal, so I thought.... I mean I know you have pneumonia and all, but.."
03-17-2004, 09:15 AM
I can't be the only one who sees the humor in a woman taking the word "bitching" and translating that into me calling them a bitch ... can I?
I don't recall ever referring to someone as a bitch in this thread.
Is this the famed deflection? Can it be I hit a nerve?
You stop wearing thongs if your panties bunch of this easily.
Weedmage Princess
03-17-2004, 09:19 AM
Men= Wicked evil.
That's pretty much what it boils down to.
Don't get me wrong, I love men...I even married one once upon a time. However if it weren't for my fear of rodents and my severe attraction to them and maybe enjoyment of sex (I'll neither deny or confirm the latter...heh) ...I'd have nothing to do with them.
03-17-2004, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Myshel
Sports obsessions. Grown men sitting around screaming and yelling at a TV, calling their friends when something good happens for their team an the other guys team sucks, ect. When do you ever see this much enthusiasm for "ANYTHING else?
We care about sports as much as you can about superficial stuff like clothes. It's the one of the few havens we have where it's okay to bond as men. Don't take that away from us.
Why do you think so much shit got stirred over Augusta National? Let us have our fun damn it, don't need to be involved in every facet of our lives.
03-17-2004, 12:19 PM
:-\ I don't care about clothes or makeup or whatever...
03-17-2004, 12:52 PM
Bah, men have sports, women have chick flicks. Everyone has their things.
03-17-2004, 12:53 PM
I don't like chick flicks either.
I'm not male OR female!
03-17-2004, 01:05 PM
You're Klaive?
03-17-2004, 01:07 PM
I need to gain like 200 pounds and give myself a lobotomy to be Klaive.
03-17-2004, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by Myshel
Sex Pouting. All time favorite lines.
"I've never said no to you"
"Just because you can't have sex doesn't mean I have to suffer too" (When you have your period) On your knee's girls!
"But you are horizontal, so I thought.... I mean I know you have pneumonia and all, but.."
OMG!!! I thought I was the only one who delt with those bullshit lines! A slight variation of what I hear:
"Everytime you want sex we do it, but now I want it and you're saying no?"
03-17-2004, 06:19 PM
My all time favorite line.
"Get that thing away from me!"
03-17-2004, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
My all time favorite line.
"Get that thing away from me!"
It does strike right to the heart of the matter doesn't it?
03-17-2004, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by Myshel
"Just because you can't have sex doesn't mean I have to suffer too" (When you have your period) On your knee's girls!"
Why can't you have sex? :?:
Edited to add a vent.. thanks Tsa`ah for reminding me.. you MAN you. :P
Why can't I vent about something without it becoming a competition about who has it worse?
"My day was so hard today."
"Oh you don't know hard until you work where I do... "<insert HIS rant here>
"I'm so tired."
"Oh please you have no reason to be tired. I've only slept...." <insert HIS rant here>
I'm not discrediting how hard he's had it. My fiance's job is more of a pain in the ass and he gets less sleep than I do because of his schedule. But why does that mean that I can't vent about it without getting into a pissing contest about it? Can't I just vent about work without hearing "you have an awesome job, you have no reason to complain, I'm the one with the job that sucks." Gah! I'm NEVER disputing that! But if I want to vent, let me vent!
[Edited on 3/17/2004 by CrystalTears]
03-17-2004, 06:26 PM
Number 2 on the all time mood killer.
Miss X
03-17-2004, 06:27 PM
I think a lot of women really don't feel comfortable with the idea, I know I don't unless its with someone I totally love and trust. It kinda makes me feel icky, although I have bad period cramps and apparently orgasms help with the pain... :)
03-17-2004, 06:29 PM
That would be the number 1 mood killer.
Miss X
03-17-2004, 06:41 PM
ROFL. Perhaps thats why I'm sooooo single....
03-17-2004, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Edited to add a vent.. thanks Tsa`ah for reminding me.. you MAN you. :P
Why can't I vent about something without it becoming a competition about who has it worse?
You got me.... I got nothing.
03-17-2004, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
[quote]Originally posted by Myshel
"Just because you can't have sex doesn't mean I have to suffer too" (When you have your period) On your knee's girls!"
Why can't you have sex? :?:
Because I don't find it comfortable, messy, and orgasms seems to make my periods last longer.
03-17-2004, 11:01 PM
I really wish I hadn't just read that.
EDIT: New suggestion for TOS: any member mentioning the words 'menstruation, period, internal bleeding' get an automatic 2 week ban.
[Edited on 3-18-2004 by Edaarin]
03-17-2004, 11:07 PM
wooze. We can talk about peeing all over the walls, disgusting bathrooms habits, men obsessions with breasts, their penises, so on and so forth, but a natural bodily function gets you all in a tizzy.:down:
03-17-2004, 11:10 PM
It's not natural!
03-17-2004, 11:14 PM
oh hon.. one day your gf/wife will not get hers and believe me you will praying for it to show up.
03-17-2004, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
It's not natural!
Hahaha... Just like boys & men waking up with a hard on isn't natural, or going through puberty and getting erections out of the middle of no where isn't natural either right? :lol:
03-17-2004, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Myshel
oh hon.. one day your gf/wife will not get hers and believe me you will praying for it to show up.
We almost gave my ex roommate a heart attack last year the day after April Fools'. We got this girl to tell him she forgot to take her pill the week before :)
EDIT: morning wood is completely natural.
[Edited on 3-18-2004 by Edaarin]
03-18-2004, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by Myshel
oh hon.. one day your gf/wife will not get hers and believe me you will praying for it to show up.
Just like my boyfriend and I were this last week.
There's nothing better or more odd than hearing a girl scream from inside a bathroom, "YESSSSS!"
03-18-2004, 12:20 AM
As Mr. Garrison says in South Park, the movie,
Boys, don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die.
03-18-2004, 12:42 AM
You're right, we aren't to be trusted. <smiles prettily, her hands behind her back>
03-18-2004, 10:45 AM
Morning wood ... heh.
That's what I get.
Every time that time of the month comes and my wife gives me a call at work asking me to pick a box up on the way home from work.... I do the victory dance of not having to start up another college tuition fund.
03-18-2004, 10:47 AM
Morning sex rules, except for the morning breath.
03-19-2004, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by DCSL
You guys have got us coming and going, as far as my (only) complaint was (the splattering and not cleaning up). I can't just "cut it off and stop my 'bitching'" because then that would make me.. tada.. a bitch. And I would be heinously reviled for it and somehow the rightness of my argument (not cleaning up something disgusting) would be completely negated by my newly pronounced bitchiness. That's male logic, as far as this argument goes.
And don't pretend that this isn't how a lot of you guys work, because I'm sure I'm not the only one that's experienced the Bitch Factor. When a woman stands up for herself against a man in such a way that makes said man feel bad or in any other way suffer from anything, she is labelled a bitch. When a woman stands up for herself in some other way, she's labelled as "acting like a man" which is almost as annoying to me, personally, although it might not be to other girls. I dunno.
Aaaaaaand.. I'll stop before I go on a tangent about men that say they love strong women (which seems to be the equivilant of women saying they love funny guys) and wind up with: I know not everything I've said applies to every guy (just so this doesn't spawn a bunch of "But I'm not like that!" posts) or every girl. Just the majority, in MY experience.
I'm so fucking sick and tired of being called a "bitch" when I'm trying to logically defend myself against something.
Don't get me wrong, I can be bitchy, but I'm really sick of when men use this term when I'm trying to stand up for myself.
03-19-2004, 10:11 AM
Boss of my section on Wisconsin had a cartoon in her office. Had side by side panels of a woman and a man giving a lecture and what the audience was thinking. The man talks, and they think "Forceful! Powerful! Commanding!" The woman talks, and they think "Bitchy! Strident! Arrogant!"
03-22-2004, 02:52 AM
I have decided this has gone on for long enough. I will hear your feeble arguments no longer. Boys are clearly the insaner ones.
Seriously man ... passwords are your friend!
03-22-2004, 02:55 AM
Are you questioning my authority!
03-22-2004, 02:57 AM
You are on!
Pick your weapon of choice.
I think Kranar has left the building...
03-22-2004, 03:00 AM
Watch out or security will escort you out of the building.
Originally posted by Kranar
Watch out or security will escort you out of the building.
Kranar has definitely left the building. He is funnier.
Oh and NeoKranar I like my new layout better, thanks.
03-22-2004, 03:17 AM
You are very welcome.:D
03-22-2004, 03:19 AM
What new layout?:?:
Originally posted by Skirmisher
What new layout?:?:
I think the default layout was changed. This neo Kranar has a sense of humor I guess
03-22-2004, 03:24 AM
Hahaha... nice.
The apocalypse is upon us.
Originally posted by Skirmisher
Hahaha... nice.
The apocalypse is upon us.
is it pathetic that I find this funnier than hell?
Yes. Then again... Is hell really funny?
[Edited on 3-22-2004 by Tijay]
03-22-2004, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Tijay
Duel at high noon.
The time has come, my friend.
You and me, dueler's arena!
03-22-2004, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Kranar
Originally posted by Tijay
Duel at high noon.
The time has come, my friend.
You and me, dueler's arena!
Must be spring break for Kranar, or those two hacker girls did sex stuff to him in order to gain his PW.
03-22-2004, 11:59 AM
Men are so simple. :(
03-22-2004, 03:25 PM
Indeed, indeed.
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