View Full Version : Al-Quida Failed Terrorist attack on Northwest Airlines

12-25-2009, 08:23 PM
WASHINGTON – A Northwest Airlines passenger from Nigeria, who said he was acting on al-Qaida's instructions, tried to blow up the plane Friday as it was landing in Detroit, law enforcement and national security officials said.

Passengers subdued the man and may have prevented him from detonating the explosives, the officials said.

"We believe this was an attempted act of terrorism," a White House official said.

Federal officials imposed stricter screening measures after the incident.


12-25-2009, 08:31 PM
I was about to call shenanigans since earlier this morning it was reported as a firework, but it seems that there seems to be more to this. Even so, getting a firework on an aircraft is pretty bad since it would have required two forms of detectable chemicals (gunpowder and some igniter) getting on board.

All I can say is anyone who flew anywhere for Christmas, prepare for the special TSA goatse service when you are flying back.

12-25-2009, 08:58 PM
Thank God that this guy was a dumbass and didn't actually blow up the plane. The most screwed up thing to me about it was that I was actually thiking of taking that flight (not the one that came into Detroit but the outbound flight back to Amsterdam) on the same aircraft. Its scary but thankfully nobody was seriously injured. Maybe some good can come of this if we get some intelligence on who is calling the shots in Yemen from this Nigerian national who apparently was a pawn. Ugh. We live in interesting times.

12-25-2009, 10:10 PM
If someone is lighting something up on an airplane, remember it's like a FREE PASS to literally kick their ass.

12-25-2009, 10:23 PM
If someone is lighting something up on an airplane, remember it's like a FREE PASS to literally kick their ass.

Literally eh?

I suppose a literal kick in the ass might affect people with their heads up their ass... not naming names or anything.

just poking fun, dont get your panties in a wad.

12-25-2009, 10:47 PM
wtf ever!

There is no al Quida threat and there is no such things as terrorists.

Stupid right wing media making things up again. AS USUAL.

12-25-2009, 10:51 PM


12-25-2009, 11:05 PM
I sincerely hope this was just a 1 man fail job, and wish the best of luck to everyone still flying home this weekend.

If you board a plane with possible Nigerians or Arabs, be ready to surround and kick their ass if they flinch wrong.

I have a very large grin on my face as I picture this attempted terrorist being questioned tonight.

12-26-2009, 12:05 AM
Literally eh?

I suppose a literal kick in the ass might affect people with their heads up their ass... not naming names or anything.

just poking fun, dont get your panties in a wad.

You should cry about losing your girlfriend again.. because it's the holidays and all, I'm sure you still miss her terribly.

Just poking fun, don't get your panties in a wad.

12-26-2009, 12:50 AM
I'm pretty sure Dick Cheney's Christmas present this year was that he gets to torture a Nigerian.

12-26-2009, 01:34 AM
You should cry about losing your girlfriend again.. because it's the holidays and all, I'm sure you still miss her terribly.

Just poking fun, don't get your panties in a wad.

Way to take a joke. The guy makes a simple joke about your unintentionally humorous use of literal and you make it extremely personal. Happy fucking holidays asshole.

Sean of the Thread
12-26-2009, 05:39 AM
If you board a plane with possible Nigerians or Arabs, be ready to surround and kick their ass if they flinch wrong.

I have a very large grin on my face as I picture this attempted terrorist being questioned tonight.



12-26-2009, 10:05 AM
I hope The E isnt flying anywhere this Christmas...

Stanley Burrell
12-26-2009, 10:30 AM
I always thought Nigerians were poor-asses, but trying to blow up a plane with an M-80? I mean c'mon, that almost makes you feel bad for the terrorist.


12-26-2009, 12:23 PM
So how do we know this was REALLY a terrorist attack? Where's Lat??

12-26-2009, 12:37 PM
So how do we know this was REALLY a terrorist attack? Where's Lat??

Guy was on the No-Fly list and was actually someone we've apparently been tracking before. The fact that he got on the flight in Amsterdam at all is probably going to be the focus of the investigation, and I guess he could have just offed himself in the check-in line and did some good damage there...if that M-80 shit would have worked at all.

Again, we can praise the tacklers on the plane for their bravery...but to be honest, if this guy had had real shit, tackling at that point would have done little good.

Smart move trying to do this during landing too, that is one of the key times when flight attendants are in their seats and everyone else is buckled in and the plane is vunlerable to crashing from internal failure. Also would shut the airport down for quite a while...probably grounding other aircraft and achieving the media objectives necessary.

12-26-2009, 01:24 PM
Sorry, forgot italics.

12-26-2009, 01:55 PM
You should cry about losing your girlfriend again.. because it's the holidays and all, I'm sure you still miss her terribly.

Just poking fun, don't get your panties in a wad.

Hmm.... I didnt lose my girlfriend. You can keep bringing it up though since thats your one and only comeback. Literally.

12-26-2009, 07:12 PM
Way to take a joke. The guy makes a simple joke about your unintentionally humorous use of literal and you make it extremely personal. Happy fucking holidays asshole.

Oh.. sorry. I didn't know I was supposed to take the holidays off from pointing out stupidity on these boards.

Since today is the day after Christmas, you don't mind me pointing out that your post was completely useless.. would you? Then again, that is pretty much the norm for you, isn't it Chump.

Maybe your New Years resolution for 2010 could be that you could actually have an intelligent point to make when you post... though that would force you to simply stop posting, wouldn't it.

You should practice now, for these final 5 days... and not have a comeback like "I know you are, but what am I"...

12-26-2009, 07:22 PM
Oh.. sorry. I didn't know I was supposed to take the holidays off from pointing out stupidity on these boards.

Since today is the day after Christmas, you don't mind me pointing out that your post was completely useless.. would you? Then again, that is pretty much the norm for you, isn't it Chump.

It's still the holiday season. In fact, Kwanzaa started today. Can you keep it to yourself for a few more days? Kwanzaa ends on January 1st.

12-26-2009, 07:42 PM
Looks like the TSA has gone batshit insane in the wake of this now:


Passengers must remain in seats for last hour of flight.
Passengers may not have any items on their laps for last hour of flight.
Passengers may not have access to any carry on luggage during last hour of flight.
Unpredictable security measures varying by day and by location.
Cabin lights on during entire flight.
Late 2001 double bag checking (scanned and rechecked at gate).

Given we are still taking our shoes off since 2005, I have to think this is a relatively permanent thing.

Sean of the Thread
12-26-2009, 07:43 PM
Fuck Kwanzaaznaa nobody even knows what it is.


No I don't know what that is either.

Sean of the Thread
12-26-2009, 07:46 PM
Looks like the TSA has gone batshit insane in the wake of this now:


Passengers must remain in seats for last hour of flight.
Passengers may not have any items on their laps for last hour of flight.
Passengers may not have access to any carry on luggage during last hour of flight.
Unpredictable security measures varying by day and by location.
Cabin lights on during entire flight.
Late 2001 double bag checking (scanned and rechecked at gate).

Given we are still taking our shoes off since 2005, I have to think this is a relatively permanent thing.

Yeah this is really going to help the fucking airline industry from it's downward spiral. BS.

All over a fucking firecracker because some slack ass $9 dollar an hour security asshole that doesn't fit in his uniform or is nearing medicare fucked up in the first place.

I'm not flying anywhere anymore it's just too much a pain in the ass now.

12-26-2009, 07:56 PM
I'm really glad I'm not an airport warrior anymore. :)

Of course, having the same name as some idiot in the IRA did not make my airport checkin time memorable when I did fly every week. :(

12-26-2009, 08:14 PM
Passengers must remain in seats for last hour of flight.
Passengers may not have any items on their laps for last hour of flight.
Passengers may not have access to any carry on luggage during last hour of flight.
Unpredictable security measures varying by day and by location.
Cabin lights on during entire flight.
Late 2001 double bag checking (scanned and rechecked at gate).

What does it matter if it's in the last hour of flight or first hour of flight? wtf?

Oh, and if I fly with my kid and he has to go to the bathroom and for whatever dumb reason they wouldnt allow it, I'm lettin him drop a deuce in the seat.

12-26-2009, 08:21 PM
What does it matter if it's in the last hour of flight or first hour of flight? wtf?

Oh, and if I fly with my kid and he has to go to the bathroom and for whatever dumb reason they wouldnt allow it, I'm lettin him drop a deuce in the seat.

It is just reactionary bullshit. The guy didn't even need to do any of that since he had the stuff strapped to his leg. I'm surprised they haven't banned long pants (make us all fly with shorts on). And he could have set this stuff off 1 hour and one minute before landing too...it is just completely nonsensical.

And I forsee some kind of airline provided seat-borne toilet for toddlers in the not too distant future at $20 a pop with this stupidity going on...If I don't get the patent and sell it to them first.

I'm still interested in the "unpredictable security measures varying each day" part of this. Methinks TSA has wanted to have an excuse to do that for a while.

12-26-2009, 08:33 PM
Oh, and if I fly with my kid and he has to go to the bathroom and for whatever dumb reason they wouldnt allow it, I'm lettin him drop a deuce in the seat.

Funny story. I know a guy who dropped a deuce in the galley because he was having really serious digestive issues and all the lavatories were occupied. They had him arrested when he got to his destination too. Took a crap right in the galley. :rofl:

12-26-2009, 08:35 PM
It is just reactionary bullshit. The guy didn't even need to do any of that since he had the stuff strapped to his leg. I'm surprised they haven't banned long pants (make us all fly with shorts on). And he could have set this stuff off 1 hour and one minute before landing too...it is just completely nonsensical.

And I forsee some kind of airline provided seat-borne toilet for toddlers in the not too distant future at $20 a pop with this stupidity going on...If I don't get the patent and sell it to them first.

I'm still interested in the "unpredictable security measures varying each day" part of this. Methinks TSA has wanted to have an excuse to do that for a while.

Ugh. Wonderful. I am flying 6 times in the next month. Fuck me... At least I'm fat and Irish looking. That should speed things up considerably at security.

12-26-2009, 08:43 PM
Passengers must remain in seats for last hour of flight.
Passengers may not have any items on their laps for last hour of flight.
Passengers may not have access to any carry on luggage during last hour of flight.
Unpredictable security measures varying by day and by location.
Cabin lights on during entire flight.
Late 2001 double bag checking (scanned and rechecked at gate).

What does it matter if it's in the last hour of flight or first hour of flight? wtf?

Oh, and if I fly with my kid and he has to go to the bathroom and for whatever dumb reason they wouldnt allow it, I'm lettin him drop a deuce in the seat.

Considering the fact that the guy on the plane has been on their "watch" list or whatever it is for like 2 years now, perhaps instead of implementing all these pointless rules that accomplish nothing, they should just pull their heads out of their asses and watch who they let board their planes.


12-26-2009, 08:48 PM
Pfft. I blame the media.

Why blow shit up (or attempt to) if nobody's gonna talk about it?

That's right. This is to blame. It started it all:


12-26-2009, 08:48 PM
Someone asked about the last hour of flight...

I believe the reasoning behind this has to do with the terrorist's strategy for causing collateral damage. If you can set off an explosive device in the last stage of flight, you might be able to cause considerably more damage on the ground. El Al, Israel's national carrier has had a rule to this effect for as long as I can remember. It does make some sense to restrict movement upon approach, but making people sit in their seats for an hour prior to landing is going to result in piss and poop on airline seats. That's why El Al is rated a 2 star airline...well that and their *stellar* flight staff. There is no way around it.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
12-27-2009, 01:16 PM
I'm still interested in the "unpredictable security measures varying each day" part of this. Methinks TSA has wanted to have an excuse to do that for a while.

I'm going to bet this is code for "If you're on a flight with a brown person, the entire flight will be treated like suspected terrorists."

12-27-2009, 01:32 PM
I'm going to bet this is code for "If you're on a flight with a brown person, the entire flight will be treated like suspected terrorists."

You're probably right, although I would bet more emphasis is put on country of origin then the actual skin pigment, but what do I know?

12-27-2009, 03:12 PM
Heh...same damn flight from Amsterdam just had a Nigerian guy who spent an hour in the bathroom. I wonder if they busted in on him making his own chemical explosives...

12-27-2009, 03:19 PM
Heh...same damn flight from Amsterdam just had a Nigerian guy who spent an hour in the bathroom. I wonder if they busted in on him making his own chemical explosives...

His ex-lax got confiscated at security because it was in too large a container.

12-27-2009, 03:19 PM
I'm literally laughing my ass off.

Stanley Burrell
12-27-2009, 03:23 PM
That tarr'rist is especially FAIL because he could have visited the coffee shops and loaded up on the best the peace-pipe has to offer and instead of blowing up 747s with a teaspoon-worth of potassium nitrate, he could have chilled with the Islamic version of whoever Puff the Magic Dragon would translate into via the Koran.

This is the stupidest post ever.

12-27-2009, 03:26 PM
That tarr'rist is especially FAIL because he could have visited the coffee shops and loaded up on the best the peace-pipe has to offer and instead of blowing up 747s with a teaspoon-worth of potassium nitrate, he could have chilled with the Islamic version of whoever Puff the Magic Dragon would translate into via the Koran.

This is the stupidest post ever.

It was an Airbus. There hasn't been a fatality on a Boeing airplane flown by a Western country's airline since 2005. Go Boeing!

Stanley Burrell
12-27-2009, 03:28 PM
In Soviet Nigeria, firecracker explodes you.

12-28-2009, 10:51 AM
Looks like the TSA has gone batshit insane in the wake of this now:


Passengers must remain in seats for last hour of flight.
Passengers may not have any items on their laps for last hour of flight.
Passengers may not have access to any carry on luggage during last hour of flight.
Unpredictable security measures varying by day and by location.
Cabin lights on during entire flight.
Late 2001 double bag checking (scanned and rechecked at gate).

Given we are still taking our shoes off since 2005, I have to think this is a relatively permanent thing.

Great... I'm on a 7:20 am flight out of Logan on Wednesday morning. This ought to be fun.

12-28-2009, 04:45 PM
In Soviet Nigeria, firecracker explodes you.


12-29-2009, 11:53 AM
Wait. After the shoe bomber, they made everyone take off their shoes before boarding. Since this is the underwear bomber, how about we just require everyone to remove their under garments when going through security? I think I'll go to the airport for the show.