12-20-2009, 08:16 PM
Well it looks neat, I haven't tried it yet..
Is there a lot of activity? I saw in another thread someones opinions that a lot of scripters had left... left to where? A better utility, or just bored / move on?
I'm not too keen on the Ruby part, but I know enough Python to get by (was building a 1 player Text RPG ala MUD style before I learned of the nightmare called package distribution).. Is it easy to pick up Ruby coming from Python ?
Also.. I've seen at least one note insofar as "this only works with the Wizard, not Stormfront" (healme.lic?) so are there issues with StormFront, or just a functionality difference between the two that was the problem?
Stormfront is my main GUI now, and I really warmed up to it after the expanded scripting abilities it gave over the Wizard. But in developing my skinning script for SF, I still became frustrated at the lack of flexibility I had in solving certain problems..
But I'd really like to have a go and rewriting the script for something like Lich (or is there something better out there now?) if possible, and then maybe expand it to some of my other personal scripts, to make a script-suite based on some common global variables, etc.
Looking at the screenshots, it looks like lich exposes the GSL to you? I've done a bit of light reading, but haven't really seen anything on the intricacies of how it interfaces with the server, and what kind of data it provides / exposes to the user..
Would I be able to match a specific text string, and then isolate and pick out a single word from that string, without knowing it beforehand? Either to use as an on-the-fly variable declaration, or to help facilitate in rapidly building a database of variables?
Would I be able to count the number of times a word might appear across several new lines of text, or within a single line? i.e could I count the number of dead critters in the room based on how many times it matches "appears dead" (or whatever the common string is)
Also.. one thing that bothers me, is SF has a tendancy to fail at error correction in scripts.. i.e something happens to falsely set off a trigger, or otherwise interrupt the scripts normal operation (some action, or some kind of scroll of new text, or an error message providing a false match).. Can this be checked for/avoided ?
I'm guessing most of this can be handled one way or another within Ruby, but I guess what I'm asking is, would Lich be able to handle whatever way I chose to interpret it..
But what I'm really interested in knowing is.. is it possible to keep a script running in real-time (or multiple scripts?) Say for instance, a super-script that does actions based on keyword inputs, or a variable being changed to indicate a different "mode" of operation, etc.. (I could see something like this as useful for switching between blessed/e-bladed/normal arrows when I am hunting, etc)
Sorry for all the questions.. I have lots of ideas for scripts and stuff.. Just to be clear, I'm not in the business of automation though, so much as player-assistance. I like to script mundane repetitive stuff, as well as other stuff like maybe looking up information on something, etc.. So I won't be building any uber robot hunting scripts for anyone...I just like to tinker around and then release something to the public if it can help them (like my current skinning script, which I'd love to improve with auto-learning and better case detection routines)
Is there a lot of activity? I saw in another thread someones opinions that a lot of scripters had left... left to where? A better utility, or just bored / move on?
I'm not too keen on the Ruby part, but I know enough Python to get by (was building a 1 player Text RPG ala MUD style before I learned of the nightmare called package distribution).. Is it easy to pick up Ruby coming from Python ?
Also.. I've seen at least one note insofar as "this only works with the Wizard, not Stormfront" (healme.lic?) so are there issues with StormFront, or just a functionality difference between the two that was the problem?
Stormfront is my main GUI now, and I really warmed up to it after the expanded scripting abilities it gave over the Wizard. But in developing my skinning script for SF, I still became frustrated at the lack of flexibility I had in solving certain problems..
But I'd really like to have a go and rewriting the script for something like Lich (or is there something better out there now?) if possible, and then maybe expand it to some of my other personal scripts, to make a script-suite based on some common global variables, etc.
Looking at the screenshots, it looks like lich exposes the GSL to you? I've done a bit of light reading, but haven't really seen anything on the intricacies of how it interfaces with the server, and what kind of data it provides / exposes to the user..
Would I be able to match a specific text string, and then isolate and pick out a single word from that string, without knowing it beforehand? Either to use as an on-the-fly variable declaration, or to help facilitate in rapidly building a database of variables?
Would I be able to count the number of times a word might appear across several new lines of text, or within a single line? i.e could I count the number of dead critters in the room based on how many times it matches "appears dead" (or whatever the common string is)
Also.. one thing that bothers me, is SF has a tendancy to fail at error correction in scripts.. i.e something happens to falsely set off a trigger, or otherwise interrupt the scripts normal operation (some action, or some kind of scroll of new text, or an error message providing a false match).. Can this be checked for/avoided ?
I'm guessing most of this can be handled one way or another within Ruby, but I guess what I'm asking is, would Lich be able to handle whatever way I chose to interpret it..
But what I'm really interested in knowing is.. is it possible to keep a script running in real-time (or multiple scripts?) Say for instance, a super-script that does actions based on keyword inputs, or a variable being changed to indicate a different "mode" of operation, etc.. (I could see something like this as useful for switching between blessed/e-bladed/normal arrows when I am hunting, etc)
Sorry for all the questions.. I have lots of ideas for scripts and stuff.. Just to be clear, I'm not in the business of automation though, so much as player-assistance. I like to script mundane repetitive stuff, as well as other stuff like maybe looking up information on something, etc.. So I won't be building any uber robot hunting scripts for anyone...I just like to tinker around and then release something to the public if it can help them (like my current skinning script, which I'd love to improve with auto-learning and better case detection routines)