View Full Version : SpiffyAlert - GM Approved! (kinda)

12-15-2009, 08:36 PM
I got caught scripting tonight while playing RBall (forgot to shut it off). Anyway, when I got back I decided to start my scripts again to see how fast the GM interacted with me. I got 61 text-messages confirming that SpiffyAlert does indeed function. According to my little chat I had as long as I respond to the game I am not against ToS. SpiffyAlert is here to help you respond faster. Now, a little log (cleaned up a bit). ;salert is now available on the repository. I'm not to be blamed if you get caught AFK scripting.

Please respond if you're there.

-- SpiffyAlert - Interaction!
A wolfshade claws at you!
You evade the attack with incredible finesse!
You are now in an offensive stance.
You attempt to kick a wolfshade!
MB: 238 vs MB: 50 = 188 -- Gain advantage!
Movement is a blur! Outflanked opponent.
THT 76, d100 roll: 73, modified: 261
and hits for 61 points of damage!
You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the wolfshade's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
The wolfshade falls back into a heap and dies.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
-- Email sent!

You are now in a defensive stance.
>'I'm here
You say, "I'm here."
>'Leave me the hell alone
You say, "Leave me the hell alone."

Paldo just appeared.
You feel yourself being pulled away...
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Obvious exits: none
--- Lich: keepalive, optimus, exec1, salert, uberbar, wander (paused).
>;k opt

| Optimus Prime deactivated.

--- Lich: 'wander' has been stopped by optimus.
[wander: room 8460 has been removed from the boundary list]
[wander: room 8471 has been removed from the boundary list]
--- Lich: optimus has exited.
Kveta says, "Hi, there."
Kveta says, "As I'm sure you've gathered, you were warned for AFK scripting earlier."

You exclaim, "Negative!"

You nod.

>;k sale
--- Lich: salert has exited.
Kveta asks, "Negative?"

You say, "S'joke."

You say, "The nod was my real answer."

Kveta says, "I see."

You say, "I figured you would be watching me so I was curious how long it would take you to respond."

You say, "Surely I wouldn't AFK script after being warned like that."

Kveta says, "Surely you wouldn't."

You say, "Come now, that's an insult to my intelligence."

Kveta asks, "Or ever again, right?"

You exclaim, "Right!"

You say, "I may be a halfling but I'm no fool."

Kveta says, "That's good to hear."

You ask, "So, why so many taps earlier?"

You say, "And asdf."

Kveta says, "People always complain that they were really there."

Kveta says, "Figured that would be hard to miss."

You say, "Those undead aren't gonna killl themselves, ya know."
You say, "Although, they're already dead."
You say, "So maybe they did."

Kveta says, "Could be."

Kveta says, "I see this is a trial account."

Kveta asks, "Returning to the game?"

You say, "Considering it."

You say, "Monks RSN."

Kveta chuckles.

Kveta says, "Welcome back."

Kveta says, "Don't AFK script, and we'll get along fine."

You ask, "Mind if I ask a question?"

Kveta says, "Of course not."

You say, "So, what's the difference between AFK scripting and those that MA script."

You say, "And, with the declining player base, wouldn't it be more profitable to allow people to script."

You say, "I realize you don't speak for Simu but I'm curious."

You say, "A "no comment" will suffice."

Kveta says, "AFK scripting means scripting for gain while not responsive to the gaming environment."

You say, "Indeed."

Kveta says, "If you can MA script and remain responsive to the gaming environment with all characters at all times, it's not against policy."

You say, "But they can't watch multiple screens at once."

You say, "You realize that scripts exist to filter all content from multiple windows to a single."

You ask, "Is that against terms?"

Kveta says, "If they're responsive to the game environment with all characters at all times, it's not against policy."

You say, "So, say I remote desktop from my phone."

You say, "And have it send me text messages when important stuff happens."

Kveta says, "Any hypothetical you pose will be answered by that answer."

You ask, "Is that being responsive?"

You say, "So, I just need to be responsive."

Kveta says, "All characters, all times."

Kveta says, "(when scripting for gain, of course)"

You scratch your head.

You say, "One more question."

Kveta says, "Of course."

You say, "I wrote a script which sends me a text-message when I'm interacted with and allows me to be responsive."

You say, "I got 61 text messages from you earlier."

You ask, "Had I responded, am I still against ToS?"

Kveta says, "Hope you have an unlimited plan."

You say, "I do, Sprint unlimited."

You say, "Expensive buggers."

Kveta says, "You did not respond, therefore you were in violation of policy."

Kveta says, "Scripting is not against policy."

Kveta says, "Scripting for gain while not responsive to the gaming environment is against policy."

You ask, "If I had responded I would have been fine, yes?"

You say, "Okay then."

You say, "Fair nuff."

You say, "I was wanting to hear it from the powers that be before I considered releasing it."

You say, "Don't want to get people in trouble, you see."

You say, "Thank you for your time."

Kveta nods.

Kveta says, "Be good."

You say, "Monks, gimme."

You exclaim, "That's all!"

12-15-2009, 08:42 PM

FTW, nice play sir, nice play

Is it on the repo yet?

12-15-2009, 08:45 PM
Yes, just put it up.

12-15-2009, 09:07 PM
For us laypeople:

How do it get used?

(AKA, what do I put in all those fields?)

12-15-2009, 10:14 PM
You need to fill in your mail server information on the first screen. On the second screen fill in the email address that alerts get sent to, and (if you check respond to interaction) a comma separated list of actions you want to respond with should someone interact with you. The time between responses is the delay between interactions so that someone can't spam you with taps.

12-16-2009, 03:37 AM
Most elaborate way to subscribe people to porn, ever.

12-16-2009, 01:58 PM
I don't use Lich but that's badass. Well done!

12-16-2009, 02:04 PM
I don't use Lich but that's badass. Well done!

Here, let me help you: http://www.lichproject.com/wiki/Download. You're welcome.

Drunken Durfin
12-16-2009, 02:36 PM
And now that it is publicly available all the GMs have to do to beat the script is create an in-game message that does not conform to:

if (line =~ /respond|fairy|horse|pony|ponies|unicorn|SEND|POLIC Y|[Rr](\s)*[Ee](\s)*[Pp](\s)*[Oo](\s)*[Rr](\s)*[Tt]|unresponsive|taps you|nods to you|lease respond|not in control|character|violation|lease speak|peak out loud|Y U SHOU D|whispers,|speaking to you|smiles at you|waves to you|grins at you|hugs you|taps you|hugs you|takes hold your hand|holds your hand|grabs your hand|tried to hold your hand|clasps your hand|trying to drag you/ and line !~ /LNet/ and line !~ /\[OOC\]/)

Nice script, but publishing it pretty much makes it unreliable. Especially when you are waving a "Hey, look at me!" flag in their faces.

12-16-2009, 02:46 PM
Except for the part where the user can customize the line to their needs. The next version completely removes the default expression and forces the user to customize it to their needs. The next version has a minor_interaction, major_interaction, and ignore configuration. Besides, the GMs doing the script checking aren't the brighest lot or they would be doing something important. I think you give them more credit than they deserve.

12-16-2009, 02:48 PM
Do you actually think this is good for the game and vast majority of players who enjoy it and aren't canceling?

edit: I think it's great that you've contributed so much to Lich, but really it seems like you're kind of being a twat.

12-16-2009, 02:55 PM
Accounts closed. Ciao.

12-16-2009, 02:56 PM
Would be great to have someone confirm if they were able to use gmail's smtp server with it.

I was getting a TTLS error.

Drunken Durfin
12-16-2009, 02:59 PM
You are underestimating them ten fold more than I am giving them "more credit than they deserve." I second Brute's position.

12-16-2009, 04:23 PM
You are underestimating them ten fold more than I am giving them "more credit than they deserve." I second Brute's position.

12-16-2009, 04:23 PM
Why is it the guys that are "Catch me if you can!" always cry the hardest when they get caught?

Please post your lockout when it happens, for the luls.

12-16-2009, 04:55 PM

12-16-2009, 07:34 PM
You are underestimating them ten fold more than I am giving them "more credit than they deserve." I second Brute's position.

People say this every time there is a significant scripting development. I really don't think its nearly that big of an issue.

12-16-2009, 10:30 PM
Siffy, are one one of those guys that yells at cops for giving you a speeding ticket and tells them theres better things they should be doing?

12-17-2009, 02:35 AM
/respond|fairy|horse|pony|ponies|unicorn|SEND|POLIC Y|[Rr](\s)*[Ee](\s)*[Pp](\s)*[Oo](\s)*[Rr](\s)*[Tt]|unresponsive|taps you|nods to you|lease respond|not in control|character|violation|lease speak|peak out loud|Y U SHOU D|whispers,|speaking to you|smiles at you|waves to you|grins at you|hugs you|taps you|hugs you|takes hold your hand|holds your hand|grabs your hand|tried to hold your hand|clasps your hand|trying to drag you/ and line !~ /LNet/ and line !~ /\[OOC\]/)

That line suuuuuure does look familiar.

01-22-2010, 07:14 AM
I see nothing wrong with breaking the system.... Go you Spiffy Jr.

I still haven't re-activated.

04-25-2010, 07:06 PM
Has anyone gotten this to work with any free web-based emails?

If so, what were they?

04-26-2010, 05:17 AM
I never got this script, but I wouldn't trust an email to save you from a script check.

04-26-2010, 08:38 AM
It's more for shattered.

Thanks for your input though, I really appreciate it.

04-26-2010, 09:10 AM
It's more for shattered.

Thanks for your input though, I really appreciate it.

It does not work on GMail due to the protocol they use for security. It does work on one of the other free provides - though I can't recall which.

04-26-2010, 09:15 AM
Yeah.. for some reason my computer just blocks it. Tillmen found a way to use gmail though. But I can't even get his solution to work.

Were you using this with ruby 1.8.6 or 1.9.1?

Here's the error:

--- Exception: execution expired
C:/Program Files/Ruby-1.8.6/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:60:in `rbuf_fill'
--- Lich: salert has exited.

I'm thinking it has something to do with blocked ports. Though I can get outlook to connect to just about any smtp I want, which is strange.

04-26-2010, 09:33 AM
I was using Ruby 1.9.1 when I wrote it. I don't play anymore, obviously, so troubleshooting is a little out of my league at the moment.

04-26-2010, 12:44 PM
someone should make something like this only running SOUNDS and not E-mail. I wouldn't be after it for afk scripting but it would be handy while hunting a MA crew where there's a lot of screen scroll.

04-26-2010, 04:56 PM
It shows some text on the screen. Just use StormFront to highlight the relevant lines with an alert sound.

On a sidenote: Use something like <mobilenumber>@messaging.sprintpcs.com (modified for your provider) to have a text message sent to your phone.

05-04-2010, 12:12 AM
Can someone post the aforementioned script? I didn't see it in the repo...