View Full Version : empath CS

03-14-2004, 11:20 AM
just trying to get lvl 30 empath to be able to use boneshatter well. what stats affect CS for an empath?

03-14-2004, 11:34 AM
CS is calculated by the following:

CS = (level x 3) + primary spell circle bonus + secondary spell circle 1 + secondary spell circle 2 + stat bonus

Primary spell circle bonus: (round normally)
Ranks up to level: 1CS/rank
Ranks 1-20 above level: .75CS/rank
Ranks 21-60 above level: .5CS/rank
Ranks 61-100 above level: .25CS/rank
Ranks 101 -? above level: .125CS/rank

Secondary circle bonuses:
Ranks up to 2/3 level: .33333CS/rank (round up)
Ranks above 2/3 level: .1CS/rank

Stat bonus:
AU for elemental casters
WI for spiritual casters
(AU+WI)/2 for sorcerers (round up)

Edit: Depending on how you train and your wisdom bonus, your CS should be about 155 if you're looking for a high boneshatter CS.

[Edited on 3-14-2004 by Bobmuhthol]