View Full Version : Itemnotes - add notes to your stuff!

12-12-2009, 02:40 AM
Yesterday somebody ranted that they can't remember what the heck their imbedables do and that there should be a way to attach notes. It got me thinking, and this is what i came up with.

;itemnotes crumbly - wave 403
ran with an item in your right hand attaches the note 'crumbly - wave 403' to it

run with someting in your right hand will find the note for it.

;itemnotes get 403
gets something you have '403' in the note - grabs the first one it matches.

other stuff too like list, find and remove... If only the notes were global and not located on your computer... Its in the repo.

12-12-2009, 04:52 AM
pretty cool

12-12-2009, 12:26 PM
This will be even more handy for enhancive items, along with the magical. I'll nab it and give it a whirl.

12-12-2009, 12:30 PM
Do they stay when you log out?

The ID would change, so it would get confused if there were two identically named items, yes?

12-12-2009, 06:31 PM
Ahh, Thats the yet to be discovered... item ids change when you log in...

which doesn't do what i hoped and makes this pretty useless if you have multiple wiregrass anklets or something. Whatever the case i'll change it to use item names to match instead of id's, i guess also make the settings per char too instead of common for them all too...

12-12-2009, 07:01 PM
changes made. it uses the .name you get when the item is in your hand, which is a short description... and grabbing by the name isn't that reliable, so the get function doesn't always work.

Using i'd's worked so nice... until you log out anyways.

12-12-2009, 07:38 PM
real big shame simu couldn't have consistent item keys

12-12-2009, 08:11 PM
Software Design 101.

12-12-2009, 10:04 PM
changes made. it uses the .name you get when the item is in your hand, which is a short description... and grabbing by the name isn't that reliable, so the get function doesn't always work.

Using i'd's worked so nice... until you log out anyways.

Without being on lich, I wouldn't know if this works, but I would think that what you could do do an inventory full when you log in to match the .name then assign the corresponding id number.

As soon as I get my computer situation figured out, I'll switch over to lich.

12-12-2009, 11:01 PM
Alright, added some features for the magical items - the script will now use the item for you and track the charges left - updating your note automatically!

when adding a note if you do it like this:

;itemnotes 506 tap 6 charges - must list the activator, and the word "charges" if you want charges tracking. the order of any numbers is important - must be spell first, then number of charges, and following numbers will be ignored if your listing enhancive boosts or something.

;itemnotes use 506 - will first try to find an item your wearing (or holding) and use it, if a worn one isn't not found will get the item, use it, but won't put it back - i typically use them more than once and have a free hand.

On say wireglass anklets with haste on them just have a bunch and run the example above to activate haste, and it will use whats on you till it cumbles, then next time get another, wear it and use it. the charge numbers won't matter in this case... don't list it or list 0 and watch it go negative and to see how many times you've used them.