View Full Version : Deathravin's Resume thread
12-10-2009, 12:52 PM
Well... I'd love some help with my resume. This isn't the resume I send to potential employers, I have a spreadsheet that generates a resume based off of certain criteria that I provide (what they're looking for). But this is most of the information inside of it. I just quickly pulled info from many resumes I've sent to certain employers each targeting a certain aspect of my previous job and slapped em together into a giant resume of DOOM!.
The tools, platforms & languages tend to change pretty often too, but I just try to gauge what they use and put down any software I have experience in that would be pertinent.
It's a very dynamic resume and it changes constantly. I have all the ones I've sent out saved... there's 231 of them LOL. I'd be open to any suggestions you guys might have. I have an interview coming up tomorrow and probably one next week.
12-17-2009, 07:49 AM
Alright... I have an interview in... just under 2 hours. I woke up way early and am going to leave an hour and a half early. I'm not going to be late lol... spent all day yesterday doing practice questions with my wife (of which I'm sure zero will be asked, but it gets me in the interviewing mode).
I swear, before I moved out here, I didn't get a single call back. Now I've been on 1 interview already, doing this one, and the hiring agency has met slotted for 3 more if this one doesn't work out. Their comment, "We WILL get you hired... we've got everybody in the office rooting for you" so I guess I've got that going for me ^^.
is that smiley jerking off two cocks?
Good luck. Where are you going?
All caps is harder to read than upper lower. You might want to change to a serif font like Times because serif fonts are easier to read. You may also want to narrow the margins as 12 or more words in a line is difficult on the eye. You have plenty of room.
At the very beginning, in Core Competencies, bullet Tools... why is the M in Microsoft bold?
12-17-2009, 08:47 AM
I can't see the damn thing at work, and I keep forgetting about it by the time I get home. Hope it works out for you and I'll try to remember to look at this and give you my 2 cents.
12-17-2009, 11:50 AM
The M is a typo... it's not like that in any of my drafts, not sure why it's like that there...
Good tip on the caps, I'll fix that. And I'll find a good serif font. All the layout was a MS Word resume template LOL. So I'll spiff it up a bit.
PS; If you ever use one of those, be sure to check the headers & footers for data, I kept getting wrong names - John Q Example - on Monster's resume... Took me forever to track it down. It didn't have any header or footer when I went in to edit them, but when I deleted the header & footer with the big delete button it all went away.
Just got back from the interview. It went very well. I met with a technical teammate, then with the manager. Was like a 2 hour interview, so it can't be too bad... I would really like working there, and the people need really nice. I could totally do the job... so that means I won't get it. LOL.
Oh well, fingers crossed!
12-28-2009, 06:05 PM
Alrighty. Doesn't look like I got that job, they did say they weren't making a 100% decision until at least the 31st, but certainly doesn't look good.
I have another interview scheduled for tomorrow. Now. One thing you need to know about me is that I'm a tree-huggin' hippy. And this interview is for a job at an oil refinery... fun fun.
I'm fine with working there, I do consider it somewhat selling my soul to the devil, but you have to do what you have to do. And I'm willing to take that karmic hit for my family. I will say if I do get it, I'll probably have to buy one of those Toyota Leaf all-electric cars to offset it a bit... and I'll probably be searching for a new job constantly (If not for that then just for the fact that it's 40 miles away).
At any rate, I'm just glad we're getting through these holidays, the last thing I need right now are long weekends. Really, weekends in general sort of piss me off at the moment LOL.
12-30-2009, 06:01 AM
I like how you have a section called CORE COMPETENCIES and then you list every OS under the sun.
CORE COMPETENCIES should be the stuff that you are the very best at...yet you list some programming languages that you are just familiar with and not competent with?
Then theres a big list of TOOLS.
This section needs to be completely redone to highlight your CORE, not everything you can think of.
Also you list one of your Key Contributions to your Eli Lilly job as "Authoring Excel Spreadsheets", this is not very impressive, you should put something different there.
You need to cut out a lot of the fat so people will actually read it.
Don't try to make little things sound bigger than they actually are.
If authoring those excel spreadsheets was a big deal, then highlight the result more than the fact that you authored excel spreadsheets.
The best thing you have going for you is your job history, just list that shit huge and make it the most noticeable part, the rest of it is just crap to fill in space.
12-30-2009, 10:40 AM
That's great advice, I'll make those changes today. Thank you!
12-30-2009, 11:02 AM
I still haven't looked at these when I'm at home. I'm a douche.
Sorry to hear about that interview not working out. You're going to hate it when you land a job, because right after you do you're going to get like a dozen phone calls, it always works that way.
01-05-2010, 07:12 PM
Ya, I think 2009 was my problem...
Pre-interview for 3 positions from Tek Systems.
Morning - Interview for IT support position with 3M through Tek Systems - 14/hr w/ scheduled raises, good solid work, resume builder, laid back, no chance for advancement, 25 miles away.
Afternoon - Interview for phone support position with fairly shady-sounding company. Found the job posting on Craig's List... but I thought my last job sounded shady at first too so we'll see... Job is phone support for a single program...
Morning - Interview for job with Accenture. By far my most exciting prospect. fantastic opportunity, great job, something I could really do and yet grow with and learn a lot. It's the culmination of about a month of phone interviews... so finger's crossed!
Afternoon - Interview for job with Alliantz through Tek systems. Certainly a challenging job, room for advancement, decent pay... I probably have the most likelihood of getting this one.
So 2010 has started off with a pretty good pace. Of course, I'm so demoralized by the last 9 months of bleakness that I don't think I'll get any of them, but I can only be myself and try my best and try to stay positive.
01-05-2010, 07:23 PM
01-05-2010, 11:36 PM
Wierd things land you jobs.
During the interview for my previous job, which was computer support.
The interviewer asked "Why do you want to do computer support"
I answered, "Working with computers is the only thing I do better than everyone else. I've been doing it since I was 12 creating custom config.sys/autoexec.bat login screens for my home PC."
Apparently the interviewer used to do the same thing and later told me that answer is the reason he hired me"
01-05-2010, 11:44 PM
01-30-2010, 09:47 AM
Been a while since any updates.
I guess it was just 2009 that was holding me back. I got the Accenture job, and I start on the 8th. I've never had a recruitment/interview/hiring process take 10 weeks before. It's very interesting to see how big companies do things. It's far too much of a real job, probably the most 'adult' job I've ever had. GCW was 'real'-ish, but I could pretty much do whatever I wanted.
This is plain intimidating. Even the interview was intimidating. Here I am in a 40 story building in downtown that says, "Accenture" out front, and I have an e-mail in my hand that says, "The work performed will be for an Accenture client that I cannot divulge at this time", and my interviewer is telling me about the 2 years they had him live in a condo on the beach in Australia, and occasional (once a year or two) trips to Milan we will have to take.
I'm like, are you sure you read my resume throughly? My last job wouldn't even let me go to Mesquite Nevada... I keep thinking they're going to call me up and tell me they made a huge mistake.
Well anyway, just wanted to update you guys. Thanks for all the resume help & moral support. I'm going to go back to being a "Don't put anything on the internet" guy... I guess until I get super desperate again.
01-30-2010, 10:07 AM
Glad to hear it worked out, Deathravin. Accenture now is probably a lot better than it would have been if you had got that job 3 years ago. All I can say is that you want to keep management in the loop about EVERYTHING you do at work. If the economy tanks again, you want them to remember you as a hard worker, not another drone.
Wierd things land you jobs.
During the interview for my previous job, which was computer support.
The interviewer asked "Why do you want to do computer support"
I answered, "Working with computers is the only thing I do better than everyone else. I've been doing it since I was 12 creating custom config.sys/autoexec.bat login screens for my home PC."
Apparently the interviewer used to do the same thing and later told me that answer is the reason he hired me"
That seems to be more and more common these days. I got my current job that way, and I've hired people for similar reasons. Anything to stand out from the herd is desirable. Hell, I've hired people I thought bombed an interview until they answered a particular question in an interesting way. You never know.
Gratz on the job! I have to say I'm jealous.
I'm still doing the job searching game myself and I feel your pain. I graduated this last December with my BS in Social Work and have submitted applications out my ears.
Somebody shoot me a PM if you hear about a Juvenile Probation Officer positon or something fairly related. ;)
02-02-2010, 12:50 AM
02-02-2010, 12:51 AM
Oh, strangest question during an interview was what cartoon character would I be?
02-02-2010, 01:20 AM
Oh, strangest question during an interview was what cartoon character would I be?
congrats on the job
02-02-2010, 07:22 AM
Oh, strangest question during an interview was what cartoon character would I be?
Well I'd be thinking about
Unfortunately that would just point to my secret desire to take over the world and then destroy it with an Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator when I've safely transported off of it.
So I'd just answer:
It is a tough one, though. What does one gauge his response on? Physical prowess? Keen detection skills? The ability to banter well with super villains?
And if the interviewer didn't understand my quote, I would simply walk out. I wouldn't want to work there anyway. But if he laughs and asks me "How's your comic book collection, Brody?". I could easily say my real answer of 'marvin the martian' because the interviewer would be cool enough to help me in my evil plot.
Sean of the Thread
02-02-2010, 07:26 AM
I was asked
"If you had a pet turtle what would it be named?"
I said I do have a pet turtle and her name is Putterina.
I got the job but I doubt it had anything to do with the turtle.
02-02-2010, 07:59 AM
I was asked
"If you had a pet turtle what would it be named?"
I said I do have a pet turtle and her name is Putterina.
I got the job but I doubt it had anything to do with the turtle.
No fucking way is that story true...An interviewer would never ask a question like that...and what kind of a name is Putterina anyway? You would never call a turtle Putterina. That's more of a tortoise name. I bet you don't even have a fucking turtle. Attention seeker.
Sean of the Thread
02-02-2010, 08:04 AM
I actually don't have the turtle anymore and it was originally named putt putt as I found it in a cup whilst golfing about 13 years ago. Turned out to be a girl so she was renamed. 3 striped mud turtle. :(
02-02-2010, 08:21 AM
No fucking way is that story true...An interviewer would never ask a question like that...and what kind of a name is Putterina anyway? You would never call a turtle Putterina. That's more of a tortoise name. I bet you don't even have a fucking turtle. Attention seeker.
Eh we asked all kinds of stupid questions to mess with people in interviews. One of my favorites was "Do you like robots?". It's fun to see how people react to situations they don't expect and what kind of response they can muster.
02-02-2010, 12:29 PM
The answer to "Do you like robots?" is of course, "Why? ARe you one? Are you here from the future to kill me? Do I lead the resistance in the future?!?!?"
Mighty Nikkisaurus
02-02-2010, 01:10 PM
The strangest question I was asked was what kind of car I drive. The owner of the shop was a car fanatic.
My response was a 'high functioning tin can with wheels'. Still got the job though and it did make him laugh.
02-02-2010, 01:19 PM
Eh we asked all kinds of stupid questions to mess with people in interviews. One of my favorites was "Do you like robots?". It's fun to see how people react to situations they don't expect and what kind of response they can muster.
02-02-2010, 02:22 PM
Bitch do not be using the whoosh parrot on me!
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