View Full Version : What is wrong with my wizard

Dr Kevorkian
12-06-2009, 05:51 PM
So I can't figure out why I keep dying. Can you help me with my training plan?

Skill Name | Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 66 14
Physical Fitness...................| 148 48
Arcane Symbols.....................| 157 57
Magic Item Use.....................| 174 74
Spell Aiming.......................| 198 98
Harness Power......................| 195 95
Elemental Mana Control.............| 140 40
Spirit Mana Control................| 78 17
Elemental Lore - Air...............| 50 10
Elemental Lore - Fire..............| 111 27
Elemental Lore - Water.............| 58 12
Disarming Traps....................| 5 1
Picking Locks......................| 20 4
Perception.........................| 130 35
Climbing...........................| 149 49
Swimming...........................| 140 40
Trading............................| 82 18

Spell Circles:
Minor Elemental....................| 35
Major Elemental....................| 31
Wizard.............................| 30

12-06-2009, 05:56 PM
Your training looks okay, though you could probably up your MjE spell ranks. Your problem's probably tactics.

Oh, and of course the real reasons you're having trouble:

There's no one there to "assist" you.

It's karmic feedback.

You just can't step away from the dying mentality and live a little.

You just need to lie back and relax and it'll all be over soon.

Your attention is divided between the battlefield and court.

The lynch mob just can't get enough of kicking your ass.


12-06-2009, 06:02 PM
Actually I wouldn't say "your training looks okay", it's all over the place. You should probably mention level(47?)/race/stats/society/hunting grounds as well, and how you die.

You can lower your physical fitness training to max HPs, not worth overtraining til post cap (especially if you select your hunting grounds so manuevers aren't an issue). Your lore training is sporadic, you need to focus it. Do you actually need the spirit mana control? ... Disarm traps? Pick locks..? Trading? You don't need that much swimming and climbing, and 14 ranks of armor is just a useless number to be at. Extra points can get you more spells (Try to get MjE and MnE to level for more bolt AS, or up Wiz ranks to level for more DS), or more runestaff spell ranks.

12-06-2009, 06:08 PM
Actually I wouldn't say "your training looks okay", it's all over the place. You should probably mention level(47?)/race/stats/society/hunting grounds as well, and how you die.

You can lower your physical fitness training to max HPs, not worth overtraining til post cap (especially if you select your hunting grounds so manuevers aren't an issue). Your lore training is sporadic, you need to focus it. Do you actually need the spirit mana control? ... Disarm traps? Pick locks..? Trading? You don't need that much swimming and climbing, and 14 ranks of armor is just a useless number to be at. Extra points can get you more spells (Try to get MjE and MnE to level for more bolt AS, or up Wiz ranks to level for more DS), or more runestaff spell ranks.

Yeah... okay, I sorta just ignored all that crap and went for the jokes. Heh.

12-06-2009, 06:11 PM
Yeah... okay, I sorta just ignored all that crap and went for the jokes. Heh.
IT'S PEopLE LIkea YOufa that makes IT IMpssibLE tto takes this FROUM SErriously, HE axed 4 Sum sIMPlee helP andD PosSTed COnsiCElyY & CleArrly ANd all yOU Didja awS treAt Hiim RUDELY!

12-06-2009, 06:26 PM
IT'S PEopLE LIkea YOufa that makes IT IMpssibLE tto takes this FROUM SErriously, HE axed 4 Sum sIMPlee helP andD PosSTed COnsiCElyY & CleArrly ANd all yOU Didja awS treAt Hiim RUDELY!


12-06-2009, 06:31 PM
So I can't figure out why I keep dying. Can you help me with my training plan?

Skill Name | Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 66 14
Physical Fitness...................| 148 48
Arcane Symbols.....................| 157 57
Magic Item Use.....................| 174 74
Spell Aiming.......................| 198 98
Harness Power......................| 195 95
Elemental Mana Control.............| 140 40
Spirit Mana Control................| 78 17
Elemental Lore - Air...............| 50 10
Elemental Lore - Fire..............| 111 27
Elemental Lore - Water.............| 58 12
Disarming Traps....................| 5 1
Picking Locks......................| 20 4
Perception.........................| 130 35
Climbing...........................| 149 49
Swimming...........................| 140 40
Trading............................| 82 18

Spell Circles:
Minor Elemental....................| 35
Major Elemental....................| 31
Wizard.............................| 30

Sheesh, your skills are all over the place...

wtf is the spirit mana control for? your lores likewise? pick one at this point, mostly fire or air (24 ranks) or none.

Your armor, 12 for lbp or 8 for double.

No reason for that much climb and swim at your level.

Assuming you use a runestaff, should get over 10 magic ranks per level.


Dr Kevorkian
12-06-2009, 06:32 PM
I actually posted this for someone who asks for training help 24/7 in game but is to stupid to:

A) Use help files on the GS Website
B) Ask for himself here
C) Read
D) Realize having sex with a 16 year old girl isn't cool, its disturbing

This way when I say that he should read a Dr. Kevorkian help file (which he won't get) it'll be even funnier.

12-06-2009, 06:50 PM
I actually posted this for someone who asks for training help 24/7 in game but is to stupid to:

A) Use help files on the GS Website
B) Ask for himself here
C) Read
D) Realize having sex with a 16 year old girl isn't cool, its disturbing

This way when I say that he should read a Dr. Kevorkian help file (which he won't get) it'll be even funnier.


12-06-2009, 07:38 PM
wow ! whoever that character belongs too really knows what they are doing !! and im not joking around . maybe one day they will be as great as Hoodie

12-06-2009, 10:46 PM
D) Realize having sex with a 16 year old girl isn't cool, its disturbing

Only if she's fat.

12-07-2009, 02:28 PM
You definitely need to clean up your training because it is terrible.

If you want to just be a solid caster I recommend doing this:

4 Ranks Armor
22-24 Ranks Phy Training (For max HP only)
2x Arcane Symbols
2x Magic Item Use
1x-2x Elemental Mana Control
2x Spell Aiming
2x Harness Power
20 Ranks of Climbing
20 Ranks of Swimming

Drop Disarm Traps, Pick Locks, Lores (unless you want 20 Air for Tonis Bolt), Spirit Mana Control. Lore is pretty overrated in my opinion. I'm level 70 and do fine without it... You can always get it later post-cap when it starts to make a huge difference.

Get spell ranks with left over points. Start out with getting your 40 Ranks in MjE, then Wizard at least to 40 Ranks, the rest spend in MnE until you max out at 75 Ranks for 425/430. Don't worry about 1x Perception til you need it, which is mid 70's or so depending on where you are hunting.

The magic skills will help you the most with your runestaff DS which is pretty key for wizards if you are going to be pure.

12-07-2009, 02:59 PM
I think you need to make another account.

12-07-2009, 03:12 PM
I actually posted this for someone who asks for training help 24/7 in game but is to stupid to:

A) Use help files on the GS Website
B) Ask for himself here
C) Read
D) Realize having sex with a 16 year old girl isn't cool, its disturbing

This way when I say that he should read a Dr. Kevorkian help file (which he won't get) it'll be even funnier.

Ariond plays a wizard now?

12-07-2009, 03:14 PM
then Wizard at least to 40 Ranks,


12-07-2009, 07:52 PM
Ariond plays a wizard now?

Ariond's first character was a wizard. :P

Arynth: Baby, I been havin a tough night so treat me nice aight?
BritneySpears14: Aight.
Arynth: Slip out of those pants baby, yeah.
BritneySpears14: I slip out of my pants, just for you, Bloodninja.
Arynth: Oh yeah, aight. Aight, I put on my robe and wizard hat.
BritneySpears14: Oh, I like to play dress up.
Arynth: Me too baby.
BritneySpears14: I kiss you softly on your chest.
Arynth: I cast Lvl 3 Eroticism. You turn into a real beautiful woman.
BritneySpears14: Hey...
Arynth: I meditate to regain my mana, before casting Lvl 8 Penis of the Infinite.
BritneySpears14: Funny I still don't see it.
Arynth: I spend my mana reserves to cast Mighty of the Beyondness.
BritneySpears14: You are the worst cyber partner ever. This is ridiculous.
Arynth: Don't f**k with me biznitch, I'm the mightiest sorcerer of the lands.
Arynth: I steal yo soul and cast Lightning Lvl 1,000,000 Your body explodes into a fine bloody mist, because you are only a Lvl 2 Druid.
BritneySpears14: Don't ever message me again you piece.
Arynth: Robots are trying to drill my brain but my lightning shield inflicts DOA attack, leaving the robots as flaming piles of metal.
Arynth: King Arthur congratulates me for destroying Dr. Robotnik's evil army of Robot Socialist Republics. The cold war ends. Reagan steals my accomplishments and makes like it was cause of him.
Arynth: You still there baby? I think it's getting hard now.
Arynth: Baby?

Duh. Everybody knows that.