View Full Version : The New Divine Wrath

Some Rogue
03-13-2004, 01:07 AM
Here's a shot from my plat cleric.

You chant a reverent litany, clasping your hands while focusing upon the Divine Wrath spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Eonak, you know that you are heard. You feel heat against your face like the heat of a forge close at hand as a faint ruddy haze swirls into existence.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
The reddish haze shifts and solidifies into the image of a short, stocky, copper-skinned man bending over an anvil. He pays no attention to you or to anything around you, but you know that the power of Eonak has answered your prayer.

>look haze
Gazing into the ruddy haze, you see the image of a short, stocky, copper-skinned man bending over an anvil. He pays no attention whatsoever to you as he wields his forging hammer, and the orange light reflecting from his forge fire obscures his features from view.
Within the reddish haze, the man brings his forging-hammer sharply down upon the anvil, producing a loud clang.
CS: +144 - TD: +6 + CvA: +17 + d100: +100 == +255
Warding failed!
... and hits for 90 points of damage!

The phantom slowly settles to the ground and begins to dissipate.

Within the reddish haze, the man brings his forging-hammer sharply down upon the anvil, producing a loud clang.
CS: +144 - TD: +3 + CvA: +25 + d100: +82 == +248
Warding failed!
... and hits for 86 points of damage!

The lesser ghoul falls to the ground motionless.

The ruddy haze near you dissipates, and the sound of the forging hammer dies away. As the forge-fire's heat leaves your skin, your connection to Eonak lessens.
The strain of channeling so much power leaves you feeling weakened and feeble.

03-13-2004, 01:12 AM
Any chance when you have a moment you can cast it on something you learn from?

03-13-2004, 01:12 AM
should post some logs with smaller end rolls, like 120 or so...


Some Rogue
03-13-2004, 01:16 AM
Uliq says, "You prepare the spell, cast it without aiming, and then you'd fall to your knees."
Uliq says, "Cry for 15 seconds."
Uliq says, "Watch all the creatures leave the room."
Uliq says, "And hit nothing."
Uliq says, "Pretty bland."
Uliq says, "Then get hit with a 15 year wait time to recast it."
Uliq says, "We ditched that concept."
Uliq says, "Was very practical."
Uliq says, "Er wasn't."
Uliq says, "The basic mechanics of the spell is very similar."
Uliq says, "It is a multiple-attack based CS spell."
Uliq says, "Do not confuse mass with mutiple."
Uliq asks, "What is the difference?"
Uliq says, "This spell has a limitation on how many targets it can hit per wave/frame."
Uliq says, "Now, before you try to lynch me."
Uliq says, "This 'limit' is 5 creatures if the Cleric has the minimal amount of spiritual mana control to raise a body 100% of the time."
Uliq says, "Now I may have lost of few folks."
Uliq says, "So let me explain the skills needed for the spell."
Uliq says, "First, the lores."
Uliq says, "Summoning Lore."
Uliq says, "In the old version of DW, there was a 15 second wait time before a second message appeared, then 15 more seconds, and the first wave/frame of attacks."
Uliq says, "'Or it might have been just 15 then attacks."
Uliq says, "Oh well."
Uliq waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
Uliq says, "This timer has been reduced by more than half."
Uliq says, "Clerics can further lower this timer by training in Summoning Lore."
Uliq says, "The lowest this timer can get is 3 seconds."
Uliq says, "Not only does this control the initial messaging time leading up to the first strike frame/wave."
Uliq says, "It also determines the "pause" between each strike."
Uliq asks, "Questions regarding summoning lore?"
Uliq says, "Religion Lore."
Uliq says, "Oh how we've come to love this lore."
Uliq says, "Or something."
Uliq says, "Religion Lore determines how many attack frames/wave you will have during one cast."
Uliq says, "The min is 1."
Uliq says, "The max is 3."
Uliq asks, "What does that mean uliq?"
Uliq says, "Simple."
Uliq says, "Let's say you have 5 creatures."
Uliq says, "And you have 102 SMC share."
Uliq says, "You cast 319."
Uliq says, "It will attempt to attack all 5 creatures 1 time."
Uliq says, "With nore real training in religion Lore."
Uliq says, "It will end there."
Uliq says, "With increased religion lore it can try to attack, and kill, the creatures a 2nd timer."
Uliq says, "Er time."
Uliq says, "Perhaps even a third."
Uliq says, "So, that basically means, 15 attacks on 5 creatures."
Uliq says, "For the low-low cost of 19 mana."
Uliq says, "At not time will the mana cost rise above 19."
Uliq says, "Now."
Uliq chuckles.
Uliq asks, "I hope you are all familiar with the mechanics behind 302 and how it relates to Smite/Bane?"
Uliq says, "Top half of convert gives you smite, lower half bane."
Uliq asks, "Smite works best on undead, and Bane works best on lviing?"
Uliq asks, "I'm not saying anything new, right?"
Uliq says, "Ok."
Uliq says, "DW is similar."
Uliq says, "Same deities."
Uliq says, "Grant the same creatures you're intended to use it on."
Uliq says, "Dmg and critical is reduced of course."
Uliq says, "However, mana cost remains, 19 mana."
Uliq says, "And you can have more than 1 wave of attacks on opposite aligned creatures."
Uliq says, "So in short, all that happens is reduced dmg."
Uliq asks, "Any questions about Religion Lore?"
Uliq says, "Ok."
Uliq says, "Spiritual Mana Control."
Uliq says, "Does 2 things for the spell."
Uliq says, "First, the simple."
Uliq says, "It acts as a booster to the critical applied in the second strike."
Uliq says, "Lamens terms, more SMC = better crits."
Uliq says, "Nothing so outrageous, but it does help."
Uliq says, "Second, I hinted at this in the beginning, SMC controls the # of creatures hit during each frame."
Uliq says, "With many clerics start out with a 5 limiter with just 102 mana share skill."
Uliq says, "More training in SMC, the more targets you can hit per strike."
Uliq says, "Now, in my testing, this was never an issue."
Uliq says, "There's not many times you'll find 5 creatures having a picnic in the field."
Uliq says, "The only disdain I can see is about it's use in invasions."
Uliq says, "However ,the key is."
Uliq says, "If you have sufficient lore training in Religion, and have more than just 1 wave, that basically means you can hit x-number of creatures limit times the wave."
Uliq says, "Let's say there is 7 creatures in the room and you have enough training for 2 waves."
Uliq says, "But can only hit 5 creatures."
Uliq says, "The first wave will hit the 'first' 5 creatures."
Uliq says, "If you kill 2 in the initial strike, it will move to attack the other ones that were unharmed in the first strike."
Uliq says, "In other words, dead creatures don't count."
Uliq asks, "Any questions regarding Spiritual Mana Control?"
Uliq grins.
Uliq says, "You all just shaking your head to accomidate me? I hope I'm not losing someone."
Uliq says, "Ok, finally the mechanics of the spell."
Uliq chuckles.
Uliq says, "There is of course a time for build up."
Uliq says, "As I explained it's a lot less than what you're used to now."
Uliq says, "It messages and then attacks."
Uliq says, "Now, when it's over, it'll message the ending."
Uliq says, "And this is the toughest sell."
Uliq says, "There is a wait time before recast."
Uliq says, "It is no where near the old version."
Uliq says, "It has a max cap of 6 minutes."
Uliq says, "It is based upon how many creatures your harm OR kill."
Uliq says, "Killing a creature instills more of a wait time."
Uliq says, "Harming 4 creatures will have a less wait time than killing 4 outright."
Uliq says, "I feel the wait time is pretty manageable."
Uliq says, "However, as with anything else, it can be revisited if it's deemed too much or too little."
Uliq says, "It's not sent in stone per se."
Uliq says, "Nothing is quite yet."
Uliq nods.
Uliq says, "Allright."
Uliq says, "I'm gonna do a few casts of each type."
Uliq says, "To show you the basic messaging."

Uliq says, "OK, now i'll show you some of my favorite messages if you all want to watch."
Lonewalker stands up.
Flames from the very bowels of the world's core erupt to consume a zombie!
CS: +134 - TD: +70 + CvA: +25 + d100: +27 == +116
Warding failed!
A fleeting strike.
... and hit for 11 points of damage!

... 15 points of damage!
Oozing sores appear on the zombie's right hand.

Flames from the very bowels of the world's core erupt to consume a zombie!
CS: +134 - TD: +70 + CvA: +25 + d100: +87 == +176
Warding failed!
Utterly immolated.
... and hit for 44 points of damage!

... 15 points of damage!
Strips of flesh flayed from the zombie's back.

As quickly as the chaos ensues, the ground is made whole again. You are left bewildered and awestruck at the fury of the divine retribution.
Uliq says, "I'm going to lower my summon skill so you can see what I like to refer to as "physical manifestations" and one of them is what I think an avtar of a deity would look like."
Uliq says, "Remember, each person has a different LOOK to them when they cast the spell."
Uliq says, "And the ones with physical manifestations have a look to their PMs as well."
Uliq says, "First, I'll show you the Voln avatar."
Uliq grins.
Uliq chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Uliq gestures.
The image of a white shield upon a field of black shimmers faintly in front of Uliq.
The shadowy form of a knight in black chainmail appears beside Uliq, and his expression grows grim and determined.
HJ>l uliq
Beside Uliq stands a shadowy knight clad in black chainmail, whose features are strikingly similar to Uliq's.
You see GameMaster Uliq Qel-Droma the Preacher.
He appears to be a Human.
He appears to be wizened with age and taller than average. He has silver-flecked milky white eyes and milky white skin. He has long, straight white hair streaked with silver. He has a gaunt face, a pointed nose and sharp pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a vultite shield, a shimmering glaesine orb, a large sack, a large sack, a headless troll king doll, a wine-stained gold silk satchel, an odd looking cloth cap, some cuirbouilli leather, a finely woven veniom mesh sack, a gold ring, a large sack, and a large sack.
The shadowy knight lashes swiftly out at a zombie with his fiery sword!
CS: +442 - TD: +70 + CvA: +25 + d100: +92 == +489
Warding failed!
... and hits for 238 points of damage!

You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the zombie's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
The zombie falls to the ground, a lifeless lump of flesh.

The shadowy knight lashes swiftly out at a zombie with his fiery sword!
CS: +442 - TD: +70 + CvA: +25 + d100: +24 == +421
Warding failed!
... and hits for 197 points of damage!

You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the zombie's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
The zombie falls to the ground, a lifeless lump of flesh.

Uliq says, "If you look at him."
Uliq says, "He looks, like me."
Uliq preens.
[Town Square, Southwest]
This corner of the square seems somewhat subdued. Townsfolk pass through on their way to the shops, the bazaar, or the main well at the center of the square. Others hurry past, anxious to get home or go on about their business. You also see a shadowy knight, a zombie that appears dead, a zombie that appears dead, a mound of snow, a small wooden cart with some stuff on it and a cobblestone walkway leading up to a wrought-iron gate.
Also here: GameMaster Uliq, Erous, Beaubian, Lady Philnia, Lonewalker
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west
HJ>l knight
Grim confidence glitters in the shadowy knight's milky white eyes. The hood of his black chainmail armor shrouds most of his features, but it is possible to discern that he has milky white skin and he has long, straight white hair streaked with silver. Dark gauntlets cover the fists that grip a fire-enveloped two-handed sword. He clearly stands ready for battle.
Erous says, "Wow."
The shadowy knight turns to Uliq, salutes his gravely, and then vanishes.
Uliq says, "There is of course a reason for that."
Uliq says, "Ok, another favorite of mine is Kai."
Lonewalker quietly asks, "Salutes his gravy?"
Uliq says, "Ah."
Uliq says, "That should be him."
Uliq grumbles.
A gypsy fortuneteller arrives.
Uliq says, "Thanks for that catch."
Lonewalker nods to Uliq.
Uliq turns to Lonewalker and cheers!
Uliq says, "Ok, now onto Kai."
Uliq chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Uliq gestures.
An aura of power, health, and vitality settles around Uliq.
A brilliant silver glow encircles each of Uliq's hands and shapes a pair of ethereal silver-hued gauntlets.
Uliq shows off his gauntlets.
HJ>l uliq
A faint, healthy flush tinges Uliq's cheeks, and an aura of power and vitality fills each of his movements. Silver light encircles each of his hands in ethereal silver gauntlets.
You see GameMaster Uliq Qel-Droma the Preacher.
He appears to be a Human.
He appears to be wizened with age and taller than average. He has silver-flecked milky white eyes and milky white skin. He has long, straight white hair streaked with silver. He has a gaunt face, a pointed nose and sharp pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a vultite shield, a shimmering glaesine orb, a large sack, a large sack, a headless troll king doll, a wine-stained gold silk satchel, an odd looking cloth cap, some cuirbouilli leather, a finely woven veniom mesh sack, a gold ring, a large sack, and a large sack.
Uliq punches at a gypsy fortuneteller. A massive bolt of silver light blazes away from his fist!
CS: +442 - TD: +63 + CvA: +25 + d100: +97 == +501
Warding failed!
... and hits for 61 points of damage!

... 25 points of damage!
Shield arm mangled horribly.
The gypsy fortuneteller is stunned!

Uliq punches at a zombie. A massive bolt of silver light blazes away from his fist!
CS: +442 - TD: +70 + CvA: +25 + d100: +88 == +485
Warding failed!
... and hits for 235 points of damage!

... 45 points of damage!
Left hand severed at the wrist!
The zombie stares at his mangled stump as if he is unable to comprehend that it is missing.
You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the zombie's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
The zombie falls to the ground, a lifeless lump of flesh.

Uliq punches at a zombie. A massive bolt of silver light blazes away from his fist!
CS: +442 - TD: +70 + CvA: +25 + d100: +28 == +425
Warding failed!
... and hits for 199 points of damage!

... 60 points of damage!
Body pulped to a gooey mass.
Watch where you step!

Erous coughs.
[Town Square, Southwest]
This corner of the square seems somewhat subdued. Townsfolk pass through on their way to the shops, the bazaar, or the main well at the center of the square. Others hurry past, anxious to get home or go on about their business. You also see a gypsy fortuneteller that appears stunned, a zombie that appears dead, a zombie, a mound of snow, a small wooden cart with some stuff on it and a cobblestone walkway leading up to a wrought-iron gate.
Also here: Kormis, GameMaster Uliq, Erous, Beaubian, Lady Philnia, Lonewalker
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west
Uliq punches at a gypsy fortuneteller. A massive bolt of silver light blazes away from his fist!
CS: +442 - TD: +63 + CvA: +25 + d100: +32 == +436
Warding failed!
... and hits for 53 points of damage!

... 50 points of damage!
Blow to stomach rearranges some organs!

Uliq punches at a zombie. A massive bolt of silver light blazes away from his fist!
CS: +442 - TD: +70 + CvA: +25 + d100: +92 == +489
Warding failed!
... and hits for 238 points of damage!

You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the zombie's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
The zombie falls to the ground, a lifeless lump of flesh.

Uliq squints at a gypsy fortuneteller.
Uliq says, "Whoops."
Uliq punches at a gypsy fortuneteller. A massive bolt of silver light blazes away from his fist!
CS: +442 - TD: +63 + CvA: +25 + d100: +96 == +500
Warding failed!
... and hits for 61 points of damage!

The fortuneteller falls dead to the ground.

Lonewalker quietly says, "Wow."
Uliq says, "Odd."
Uliq looks briefly dejected as the ethereal silver gauntlets vanish from around his hands.
Uliq says, "Shouldn't be hitting her."
Uliq stands up.
Uliq says, "One second while I fix up that gravious error."
Uliq coughs.
Philnia asks, "That shouldn't happen?"
Philnia says, "Darn."
Uliq says, "Ya think that was odd, you should have seen when the voln's avatar was killing himself."
Uliq shakes his head.
Philnia says, "Ow."
Philnia asks, "These Avatar's always come up when you cast the spell?"
Uliq says, "Woo who, fixed."
Uliq says, "Not always."
Uliq says, "Only certain deities."
Philnia asks, "Which ones?"
Uliq says, "Heh."
Uliq says, "That's for you to find out."
Uliq winks.
Uliq chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Uliq says, "This is one."
Uliq gestures.
Uliq lets out a hoarse, ragged cry of bloodlust, and black haze films his eyes.
A jet black scimitar coalesces in front of Uliq, and he fixes his black-filmed eyes on it with the expression of a fanatic witnessing a divine miracle.
Uliq says, "V'tull."
Uliq says, "Scimitar."
As Uliq lets out a furious, hungry howl, the jet black scimitar hanging in the air beside him whirls through the air to strike at a kobold.
CS: +442 - TD: +3 + CvA: +25 + d100: +48 == +512
Warding failed!
... and hits for 226 points of damage!

The kobold crumples to a heap on the ground and dies.

As Uliq lets out a furious, hungry howl, the jet black scimitar hanging in the air beside him whirls through the air to strike at a kobold.
CS: +442 - TD: +3 + CvA: +25 + d100: +57 == +521
Warding failed!
... and hits for 231 points of damage!

The kobold crumples to a heap on the ground and dies.

HJ>l uliq
A haze as black as night films Uliq's eyes.
You see GameMaster Uliq Qel-Droma the Preacher.
He appears to be a Human.
He appears to be wizened with age and taller than average. He has silver-flecked milky white eyes and milky white skin. He has long, straight white hair streaked with silver. He has a gaunt face, a pointed nose and sharp pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a vultite shield, a shimmering glaesine orb, a large sack, a large sack, a headless troll king doll, a wine-stained gold silk satchel, an odd looking cloth cap, some cuirbouilli leather, a finely woven veniom mesh sack, a gold ring, a large sack, and a large sack.
[Town Square, Southwest]
This corner of the square seems somewhat subdued. Townsfolk pass through on their way to the shops, the bazaar, or the main well at the center of the square. Others hurry past, anxious to get home or go on about their business. You also see a jet black scimitar hanging unsupported in midair, a kobold that appears dead, a kobold that appears dead, a mound of snow, a small wooden cart with some stuff on it and a cobblestone walkway leading up to a wrought-iron gate.
Also here: GameMaster Uliq, Erous, Lady Philnia, Lonewalker
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west
HJ>l scim
Other than the fact the black scimitar is floating in midair, it appears to be a normal scimitar.
Uliq grasps the scimitar firmly by the hilt, but it jerks away from him of its own accord.
The jet black scimitar beside Uliq vanishes, and he staggers slightly as the black haze vanishes from his eyes.
Uliq says, "Zelia's messaging is very unique."
Uliq says, "Over 11000 possible attack messages."
Lonewalker quietly says, "Wow."
Uliq says, "I'll show ya some."
Uliq says, "VEry funy stuff."
Uliq chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Uliq gestures.
Uliq concentrates for a moment then sighs weakly.
Uliq says, "Whoops."
Uliq chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Uliq gestures.
Uliq's face suddenly grows transfixed with an expression of awe and wonder, and sourceless silvery light plays in his eyes.
Uliq giggles oddly.
HJ>l uliq
Sourceless silvery light shines in Uliq's eyes, and his expression is contorted with manic glee.
You see GameMaster Uliq Qel-Droma the Preacher.
He appears to be a Human.
He appears to be wizened with age and taller than average. He has silver-flecked milky white eyes and milky white skin. He has long, straight white hair streaked with silver. He has a gaunt face, a pointed nose and sharp pointed ears.
He has some minor cuts and bruises on his left arm.
He is wearing a vultite shield, a shimmering glaesine orb, a large sack, a large sack, a headless troll king doll, a wine-stained gold silk satchel, an odd looking cloth cap, some cuirbouilli leather, a finely woven veniom mesh sack, a gold ring, a large sack, and a large sack.
[Town Square, Southwest]
This corner of the square seems somewhat subdued. Townsfolk pass through on their way to the shops, the bazaar, or the main well at the center of the square. Others hurry past, anxious to get home or go on about their business. You also see a zombie, a zombie, a zombie, a zombie, a mound of snow, a small wooden cart with some stuff on it and a cobblestone walkway leading up to a wrought-iron gate.
Also here: GameMaster Uliq, Erous, Lady Philnia, Lonewalker
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west
Uliq stares at a zombie for a moment before bursting into a fit of hysterical laughter. As tears stream down his cheeks with the force of his mirth, colorful light shimmers for an instant around the zombie.
CS: +442 - TD: +70 + CvA: +25 + d100: +11 == +408
Warding failed!
... and hits for 189 points of damage!

The zombie shrugs off the cold.

Uliq stares at a zombie for a moment before bursting into a fit of hysterical laughter. As tears stream down his cheeks with the force of his mirth, colorful light shimmers for an instant around the zombie.
CS: +442 - TD: +70 + CvA: +25 + d100: +86 == +483
Warding failed!
... and hits for 234 points of damage!

... 70 points of damage!
Back burnt to the bone. Smoke curls up from what's left of a zombie.
You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the zombie's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
The zombie falls to the ground, a lifeless lump of flesh.

Uliq stares at a zombie for a moment before bursting into a fit of hysterical laughter. As tears stream down his cheeks with the force of his mirth, colorful light shimmers for an instant around the zombie.
CS: +442 - TD: +70 + CvA: +25 + d100: +34 == +431
Warding failed!
... and hits for 203 points of damage!

... 50 points of damage!
Flame consumes a zombie's right arm all the way to the shoulder.
The zombie stares at his mangled stump as if he is unable to comprehend that it is missing.

Uliq stares at a zombie for a moment before bursting into a fit of hysterical laughter. As tears stream down his cheeks with the force of his mirth, colorful light shimmers for an instant around the zombie.
CS: +442 - TD: +70 + CvA: +25 + d100: +6 == +403
Warding failed!
... and hits for 186 points of damage!

... 70 points of damage!
Fire completely surrounds a zombie. Blood boils and heart stops.
You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the zombie's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
The zombie falls to the ground, a lifeless lump of flesh.

Uliq stares at a zombie for a moment before bursting into a fit of hysterical laughter. As tears stream down his cheeks with the force of his mirth, colorful light shimmers for an instant around the zombie.
d100 == 1 FUMBLE!

Uliq stares at a zombie for a moment before bursting into a fit of hysterical laughter. As tears stream down his cheeks with the force of his mirth, colorful light shimmers for an instant around the zombie.
CS: +442 - TD: +70 + CvA: +25 + d100: +40 == +437
Warding failed!
... and hits for 207 points of damage!

You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the zombie's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
The zombie falls to the ground, a lifeless lump of flesh.

Uliq stares at a zombie for a moment before bursting into a fit of hysterical laughter. As tears stream down his cheeks with the force of his mirth, colorful light shimmers for an instant around the zombie.
CS: +442 - TD: +70 + CvA: +25 + d100: +39 == +436
Warding failed!
... and hits for 206 points of damage!

You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the zombie's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
The zombie falls to the ground, a lifeless lump of flesh.

Uliq abruptly stops laughing and looks around with a dazed expression.
Uliq says, "Just for you fine folks here."
Uliq says, "Voln."
Uliq says, "He has a pseudo-avatar."
Uliq says, "Several more have "physical manifestations."."
Uliq says, "Just for you."
Uliq says, "The old version of DW has the eerie mist as a physical manifstation."
Uliq says, "Here's the list of PMs: Lorminstra, Eonka, Cholen, Niima, Laethe, Voaris, Kuon, Jaston, Voln, Eorgina, V'tull, Mularos, Marlu, Andelas, Amasalen."
Uliq says, "Er Eonak."
Uliq says, "Niima's is nice because others can touch it."
Philnia asks, "Is this random, or does it alway go by your chosen diety?"
Uliq says, "I wouldn't recommend touching the weapon manifestations unless ou cast the spell."
Uliq says, "Your chosen deity."
Uliq says, "Now."
Uliq says, "Don't feel bad about nt having one."
Uliq says, "It's just messaging and fluff."
Uliq says, "IT does NOT effect the spell mechanics."
Uliq says, "The spell is not less powerful."
Uliq says, "Who knows."
Uliq says, "We might just go out and make a PM for each deity though."
Uliq says, "Although I'm not sure."
Uliq chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Uliq gestures.
A fresh, sea-scented breeze washes past, and the cries of fenvaok sound overhead.
A shimmer in the air precedes the materialization of a pillar of swirling, blue-green water as tall as a giantman beside Uliq. From somewhere in the center of the pillar comes a haunting, wordless song.
[Town Square, Southwest]
This corner of the square seems somewhat subdued. Townsfolk pass through on their way to the shops, the bazaar, or the main well at the center of the square. Others hurry past, anxious to get home or go on about their business. You also see a swirling blue-green pillar of water, a zombie, a zombie, a mound of snow, a small wooden cart with some stuff on it and a cobblestone walkway leading up to a wrought-iron gate.
Also here: Oban, GameMaster Uliq, Erous, Lady Philnia, Lonewalker
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west
Uliq touches the blue-green pillar of water, and his hand sinks easily into its surface. There is a flash of silver within the pillar near him.
HJ>l pillar
The pillar stands as tall as a full-grown giantman. It is not possible to see through it, despite its translucent nature, for gazing into the pillar reveals the same cool, blue-green depths that stretch down through the fathoms of a sunlit sea. Shimmering, sleek forms chase one another through the swirling currents at its center, but it is impossible to spy any of them long enough to determine its precise nature.
As the song from the pillar of water beside Uliq crescendos, it reaches a pitch that normally only trained bards can achieve, and the intense waves of elegant sound focus upon a zombie.
CS: +442 - TD: +70 + CvA: +25 + d100: +13 == +410
Warding failed!
... and hits for 190 points of damage!

... 70 points of damage!
Heart explodes rupturing the zombie's chest.
You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the zombie's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
The zombie falls to the ground, a lifeless lump of flesh.

As the song from the pillar of water beside Uliq crescendos, it reaches a pitch that normally only trained bards can achieve, and the intense waves of elegant sound focus upon a zombie.
CS: +442 - TD: +70 + CvA: +25 + d100: +59 == +456
Warding failed!
... and hits for 218 points of damage!

... 45 points of damage!
The zombie's right leg crumbles briefly and explodes in a shower of gore.
A zombie looks down at her mangled right leg and falls over!
You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the zombie's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
The zombie shudders slightly then ceases her so called life.

Uliq says, "You can touch the pillar."
Uliq nods.
HJ>l uliq
A swirling, blue-green pillar of water as tall as a giantman stands beside Uliq.
You see GameMaster Uliq Qel-Droma the Preacher.
He appears to be a Human.
He appears to be wizened with age and taller than average. He has silver-flecked milky white eyes and milky white skin. He has long, straight white hair streaked with silver. He has a gaunt face, a pointed nose and sharp pointed ears.
He has some minor cuts and bruises on his left arm.
He is wearing a vultite shield, a shimmering glaesine orb, a large sack, a large sack, a headless troll king doll, a wine-stained gold silk satchel, an odd looking cloth cap, some cuirbouilli leather, a finely woven veniom mesh sack, a gold ring, a large sack, and a large sack.
Uliq says, "Can of course look at it too."
The singing from the watery pillar beside Uliq fades into silence. The pillar stands for a moment longer before dropping to the ground with a great splash! Uliq is totally drenched, but you manage to avoid anything more than a few stray drops.
Uliq says, "Aw, gone now."
Uliq says, "So, that's that."
Uliq asks, "Any questions?"
Philnia says, "Nope."
Uliq says, "Allright then, have fun unleashing the wrath of your deity."

Some Rogue
03-13-2004, 01:29 AM
Heh, the damage sucks on like aged stuff. And I'm only getting one round of damage.

Spirit Mana Control................| 105 25
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 82 18
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 50 10

The reddish haze shifts and solidifies into the image of a short, stocky, copper-skinned man bending over an anvil. He pays no attention to you or to anything around you, but you know that the power of Eonak has answered your prayer.
A niirsha draws a fiery symbol in the air.
Within the reddish haze, the man brings his forging-hammer sharply down upon the anvil, producing a loud clang.
CS: +144 - TD: +80 + CvA: +25 + d100: +44 == +133
Warding failed!
... and hits for 21 points of damage!

... 10 points of damage!
You snap the tendons in the niirsha's foot. Looks painful.

The reddish haze shifts and solidifies into the image of a short, stocky, copper-skinned man bending over an anvil. He pays no attention to you or to anything around you, but you know that the power of Eonak has answered your prayer.
A niirsha draws a fiery symbol in the air.
Within the reddish haze, the man brings his forging-hammer sharply down upon the anvil, producing a loud clang.
CS: +144 - TD: +80 + CvA: +25 + d100: +55 == +144
Warding failed!
... and hits for 27 points of damage!

... 15 points of damage!
Minor muscle tearing on the niirsha's right leg.
The niirsha is stunned!

The reddish haze shifts and solidifies into the image of a short, stocky, copper-skinned man bending over an anvil. He pays no attention to you or to anything around you, but you know that the power of Eonak has answered your prayer.
Within the reddish haze, the man brings his forging-hammer sharply down upon the anvil, producing a loud clang.
CS: +144 - TD: +94 + CvA: +17 + d100: +38 == +105
Warding failed!
... and hits for 5 points of damage!

... 5 points of damage!
Misjudged timing.
You barely catch the sacristan spirit in the back!

[Edited on 3-13-2004 by Some Rogue]

03-13-2004, 01:31 AM
Seems about as useful unbalance, but attacks more things. I guess it will just be another emergency spell for myself. Especially with it still having a timer.

Some Rogue
03-13-2004, 01:33 AM
Unless you kill more than one thing, the timer is pretty fast.

I damaged three arch wights earlier and the wait was less than 30 seconds I'd say.

The 19 mana cost is what sucks about the spell. It doesn't do nearly enough damage for that kind of cost.

[Edited on 3-13-2004 by Some Rogue]

03-13-2004, 01:59 AM
Thats a pretty damn good spell for only 19 mana. If you are trained for it anyway. DC cost 19-x(depending on mana return) and hits one creature. Even when trained for DC i would still say DW is more effective as a like level spell.

03-13-2004, 03:22 AM
I am disappointed that this spell has a wait time at all. It is our 19th level spell. It should be one of our primary hunting spells, not a once every so often type spell. I never used DW before, and I'm fairly sure I won't use it now. Great messaging, looks pretty fancy, but I bet you the damage sucks or all the critters in OTF will be immune to it.

Keep this in mind, nothing TRULY POWERFUL has been implemented into the game in the past 4 years. This will be no different.

03-13-2004, 10:02 AM
Is it not implemented for other deities? Cause I just tried to DW some things to see what the messaging for my God was, and it A) looked like the old spell, and B) didn't flare once.

Religion 55 ranks
Summoning 27 ranks


03-13-2004, 10:11 AM
Does it still only work on undead?

03-13-2004, 10:16 AM
As Uliq lets out a furious, hungry howl, the jet black scimitar hanging in the air beside him whirls through the air to strike at a kobold.
CS: +442 - TD: +3 + CvA: +25 + d100: +57 == +521
Warding failed!
... and hits for 231 points of damage!

The kobold crumples to a heap on the ground and dies.

I think Liabo = Undead and Lornon = Living?

03-13-2004, 10:17 AM
Yeap... s'all I wanted to know.

Now they need to implement it!

03-13-2004, 10:18 AM
It follows the alignment on CONVERT.

So Fash'lo'nae's followers would have the powerful DW against undead, Charl's followers would have the powerful DW against living. Everyone else is aligned respective to Liabo/Lornon.


03-13-2004, 11:31 AM
Grrrr, I just figured out that it's only live in Plat. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....urns.


03-13-2004, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
I am disappointed that this spell has a wait time at all. It is our 19th level spell. It should be one of our primary hunting spells, not a once every so often type spell. I never used DW before, and I'm fairly sure I won't use it now. Great messaging, looks pretty fancy, but I bet you the damage sucks or all the critters in OTF will be immune to it.

Keep this in mind, nothing TRULY POWERFUL has been implemented into the game in the past 4 years. This will be no different.

Yeah, pretty much. Any spell that has a timer isn't all too useful for hunting. I'm disappointed that it's still deity based, really. It sucks being limited by deity as to what you can actually hunt.

03-13-2004, 08:49 PM
--I'm disappointed that it's still deity based, really. It sucks being limited by deity as to what you can actually hunt.--

You mean having your ability to hunt strangled by your roleplaying choices ISN'T a good thing? (sarcasm)

I don't mind spells being aesthetically affected by alignment, but giving a spell more or less power based on that is a horrid idea- one that Uliq is perpetuating.

Make us choose between ability to hunt and a roleplaying choice and the majority of us will choose ability to hunt, as seen by deity alignment over the course of levels where undead drop off.

Screw Uliq.

03-13-2004, 08:57 PM
I'm more amused by his insisting that the mechanical advantage doesn't exist. And that now that the cap has been condensed it doesn't matter.

03-13-2004, 08:59 PM
Its like a cleric version of Cone of Lightning but its Wave of Bane...I don't know where it'll even come in handy in any practical situation, I haven't really seen swarms since before Blighted Forest. How often will you really need to cast a group attack anyway?

03-13-2004, 09:01 PM
Eh, When I used to watch wizards cone a lot (places like the shadow valley) I don't remeber them ever being penalized for killing things with it. Or having to wait between casts.

03-13-2004, 09:32 PM
A mass attack/stun/knockdown spell is something that us clerics behind the barrier have begged for. This spell could have great use there, if not for the buildup wait and recovery wait. 5 seconds of buildup is more than ample time to die in OTF.

And yes Tijay, Uliq is the King of "Nuh uh". You can sit there and prove him wrong on every facet of a debate, and he'll still say "Nuh uh". There IS a shortage of undead 70-100. You can't debate that fact, yet Uliq does.

03-13-2004, 09:52 PM
You're talking about the same guy who thinks 311'ing and waiting for a group to kill something is an acceptable form of hunting.

03-13-2004, 09:56 PM
you mean 55-100

03-13-2004, 11:02 PM
In all the years I have played this game, I have only wished one other GM would just go off and make someone else's life miserable. Draug. Well, Uliq sits at the right hand of Draug as far as my scorn is concerned.

I haven't tried the spell yet, but who *wouldn't* get impressive results when your CS is 400+ vs 70 ...hell even my empath can get some pretty impressive kills with her star when something is bound and the ratio is so skewed.

I don't even wanna talk about the undead gap - and the mechanical advantages. I just get so irate when I am basically told that I don' t know what I'm talking about. To tell any of us that there's no need for upper level undead - just infuriates me. For those sorts of idiotic statements, Uliq's credibility with me is a big fat zero.


03-13-2004, 11:57 PM
Uliq is a fuckstick. I've found that Uliq is not the king of "Nuh Uh" but rather he'll have an argument with you, until he loses. When you prove him wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt, he simply quits posting on that thread. I remember when I listed a shitload of creature from like 30-50 whose TD was the same vs. cleric as it was vs. sorc and he just quit posting about how sorcs don't have an advantage over clerics with respect to 425 and TD's. Fuck him, I hope he fucking chokes. Of course, Uliq also thinks that raising is still a viable way to hit the cap. That coming from someone who hasn't actively played a cleric in 5 years.

03-14-2004, 05:12 AM
Uliq is horribly out of touch with the wants and needs of our profession. He has admitted that he doesn't play his cleric often these days. In fact, his character isn't even old enough to hunt the barrier, yet he talks about things as if he knows. Look at our recent spells:

Spirit Servant- Might as well be an empty slot for me.
Receptacle- Has uses, if you like parlour tricks.

And now Divine Wrath. It's like cutting the balls off of Dark Catalyst, and then saying, "Well not only does your spell suck now, but you can only cast it three times per hunt. Oh, it's your highest level hunting spell? Sorry."

I'm not certain it's ALL Uliq that is fucking my profession up, but he's not helping. Warden has a big part to play in all of this. Balance to Warden is having all professions with the same spells and abilities, but different names and aesthetics to them.

I wouldn't really give a shit about all of this, as I can no longer gain experience anyhow (2500 for 1/1 can suck my balls), but they neutered skinning and now I can't even cash hunt. Bastards. I'll have a cleric up for sale soon.

03-14-2004, 09:09 AM
What did they do to skinning? I'm still making about the same amount of coin from the black forest as I did a month ago.

And yeah it's a pretty looking spell but I don't see how functional it is.

03-14-2004, 09:12 AM
its better than having 302 and casting 317 it 1x ever 15min
though im not pleased with how it will turn out, I still am kinda happy i have a spell I will be able to semi use to hunt instead of one that I dont.
step in the right direction just not far enough

03-14-2004, 09:19 AM
You can't say anything about cone of lighting to DW
penelized? you can't cast cone in defense and have it take affect like you can with DW
Cone=As based
DW=CS based

HUGE diffrence

Some Rogue
03-14-2004, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by Solkern
You can't say anything about cone of lighting to DW
penelized? you can't cast cone in defense and have it take affect like you can with DW
Cone=As based
DW=CS based

HUGE diffrence

Uhm, huh? What are you trying to say, DW has advantages over cone? If you are, that's a joke right?

03-14-2004, 09:35 AM
I never said that, someone earlier said wizards dont get penelized for cone, there penelty is they have to go to offense, clerics can sit back in guarded and cast away.

Some Rogue
03-14-2004, 09:36 AM
I'd take that penalty over having a wait time to recast the spell or having to train way up in lores to get multiple hits.

03-14-2004, 09:38 AM
I wouldn't i've died so many damn times, while casting cone. it's not even funny

03-14-2004, 09:39 AM
That's a pity that cleric and empaths are becoming sorcerers... I mean by that they're getting more and more as warding machine (cs vs td)

Flexibility is fun, remember?

03-14-2004, 09:48 AM
The new capped time is 6 minutes, and the very log we're reading from Uliq says that only happens if you kill multiple creatures with the spell.


03-14-2004, 10:06 AM
How come none of you post your complaints on the cleric boards? I mean, I know it's pointless, but maybe if everyone tells him everything he's done since GSIV sucks he'll listen.

Some Rogue
03-14-2004, 10:19 AM

03-14-2004, 12:12 PM
Shit, I remembered why no one posts on the official boards. I did and already the asskissers are there talking about how I'm just a whiner and how great Uliq is. It's pointless. Uliq is set on fucking over clerics and the ass-kissers will be there cheering to the end. It does make me wonder how many of those tools are actually over 50. Everything the implement works great for the first 20 trains so it's easy to say, "Nuh uh, it works great, you're just whining."

03-14-2004, 12:48 PM
You think a warding spell is BETTER than an AS based spell? You must be kidding.

I am trained 2.8x per level in spells, and I STILL get warded by critters in OTF. However, nothing EVER wards my bolt, and I'm a freaking cleric. Think of it this way, you never have to worry about spending 18 mana to have your spell get warded.

As far as skinning, I am making 500 coins off of Griffin Talons, the highest level critter in the game, and the only one I learn off of. I could go rape younger hunting areas for skins, but from what I hear the Lake and Myklians have taken a huge hit.

Mistomeer, I have complained on the official boards as well. I asked for Uliq's resignation, and the ass-kissers boo'd me away. Talking to these very same people in IM's, they want him to resign as well, but nobody has the balls to say it on the boards. A pity, Uliq probably thinks he has a high opinion rating according to the official boards.

Yeah Edine, you are right. A spell I can use at least sometimes is better than one I can't ever use. However, this gift comes with a large penalty. Once Fury gets implemented, Smite/Bane is going to have the balls cut off of it, too. I'd rather have no other spell and keep bane the same.

03-14-2004, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Solkern
You can't say anything about cone of lighting to DW
penelized? you can't cast cone in defense and have it take affect like you can with DW
Cone=As based
DW=CS based

HUGE diffrence

Before you bitch, maybe you should read the post it was refering to.

03-14-2004, 05:17 PM
Its actually not completely terrible. The damage is just pathetic.

Spirit Mana Control................| 164 64
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 25 5
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 154 54
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 25 5

>prep 319
A stone mastiff tries to bite you!
You block the attack with your shield!
>You chant a reverent litany, clasping your hands while focusing upon the Divine Wrath spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Luukos, you know that you are heard. Your skin prickles slightly all over your body, and a deep, resonant hiss echoes through your skull.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
An agonized, bitter moan echoes through the area from an unseen source, and a dark emerald radiance ripples through the air around you. The power of Luukos has answered your prayer.
Long, spectral talons materialize from midair to tear viciously at the body of a stone mastiff!
CS: +321 - TD: +227 + CvA: +25 + d100: +66 == +185
Warding failed!
... and hits for 49 points of damage!

... 10 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the left leg.

A stone mastiff claws at you!
AS: +320 vs DS: +434 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +42 = -49
A clean miss.
Long, spectral talons materialize from midair to tear viciously at the body of a stone mastiff!
CS: +321 - TD: +227 + CvA: +25 + d100: +69 == +188
Warding failed!
... and hits for 51 points of damage!

... 20 points of damage!
Strike pierces upper arm!

A stone mastiff tries to bite you!
AS: +313 vs DS: +434 with AvD: +24 + d100 roll: +30 = -67
A clean miss.
Long, spectral talons materialize from midair to tear viciously at the body of a stone mastiff!
CS: +321 - TD: +227 + CvA: +25 + d100: +11 == +130
Warding failed!
... and hits for 19 points of damage!

... 5 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the abdomen.

You feel more refreshed.
A stone mastiff claws at you!
AS: +310 vs DS: +434 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +54 = -47
A clean miss.
A spectral howl echoes through the air, resonant with pain and anguish. Your skin prickles again as your connection to Luukos lessens.
The strain of channeling so much power leaves you feeling weakened and feeble.

[Edited on 3-14-2004 by Tijay]

03-14-2004, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
You think a warding spell is BETTER than an AS based spell? You must be kidding.

I am trained 2.8x per level in spells, and I STILL get warded by critters in OTF. However, nothing EVER wards my bolt, and I'm a freaking cleric. Think of it this way, you never have to worry about spending 18 mana to have your spell get warded.

As far as skinning, I am making 500 coins off of Griffin Talons, the highest level critter in the game, and the only one I learn off of. I could go rape younger hunting areas for skins, but from what I hear the Lake and Myklians have taken a huge hit.

Mistomeer, I have complained on the official boards as well. I asked for Uliq's resignation, and the ass-kissers boo'd me away. Talking to these very same people in IM's, they want him to resign as well, but nobody has the balls to say it on the boards. A pity, Uliq probably thinks he has a high opinion rating according to the official boards.

Yeah Edine, you are right. A spell I can use at least sometimes is better than one I can't ever use. However, this gift comes with a large penalty. Once Fury gets implemented, Smite/Bane is going to have the balls cut off of it, too. I'd rather have no other spell and keep bane the same.

How old are you? Callinar is 94 with a 482 CS and he's got about the same ranks of spells. Around 2.8 or so. I've watched him hunt OTF and he rarely misses, except on griffins which are what, 100 trains to his 94?

I just find it disturbing that Uliq spends all his time addresses things that aren't even issues. Like 325 and 218. Who cares about that? I still can't hunt the undead because I'm aligned with Marlu. He should fix that crap, then worry about pretty little utility spells.

03-14-2004, 05:57 PM
Having a older cleric and wizard, cone of lightning by far rocks the new DW, theres no argument. And if your dying while casting it your doing something wrong or hunting something a bit over your training. COL is only worth its cost if theres 3 critters or more in a room. And if they can hurt you, then you need to stance dance the 3 of them with COL... this is not counting MA's but as long as your ok in defensive, then you can rock their bodys

03-14-2004, 06:09 PM
Misto, I get warded about 8 percent of the time. My point was, I'm embarassingly not well trained for bolting, and my bolts never miss a griffin, the only critter my age in the game.

DW kinda sucks, kind doesn't. Haven't made my mind up yet.

03-14-2004, 06:10 PM
Uliq is (one of) the reasons I've been trying to push my GM application through. It's pointless now that I'm leaving in a few months though.

It's stupid though, they don't want people who can actually code, they want people who've kissed the most ass. Heck, I appreciated 325, what more do you want from me?

Edited to add: I guess it's mostly about connections, of which I have none.

Gah, who the hell is calling my work cell phone on a Sunday evening..

[Edited on 3-14-2004 by TheEschaton]

03-14-2004, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
Misto, I get warded about 8 percent of the time. My point was, I'm embarassingly not well trained for bolting, and my bolts never miss a griffin, the only critter my age in the game.

DW kinda sucks, kind doesn't. Haven't made my mind up yet.

If this was like a 12 mana attack spell, I'd like it. For 19 mana, the only time I see myself using it, is to scroll the screen in invasions for the fun of it.

03-14-2004, 06:18 PM
Creature TD tends to be high on the upper end of the game and I can see the reason why.

In comparison to bolts, you don't need to generate the obscene endroll to get the same amount of damage. Offensive channeling, my baner does quite well against like age with some pitiful endrolls. Not only do they get the higher damage, but they also have the benefit of insta-kills and infusions.

I guess it is a human tendency to notice being warded more than noticing that you don't NEED to hit every time to get the kills in.

03-14-2004, 07:06 PM
Okay here are some numbers from a hunt that I did with TheRoseLady in illoke. Shes a smite aligned level 66 cleric. I'm a bane alinged level 64 cleric.

Smite numbers:
end damage flare creature
161.......9........25 mastiff
203.....15........20 giant
125.......4........25 mastiff
121.......3........15 mastiff
199.....15........25 giant
166.....11........20 mastiff
181.....12........25 mastiff
173.....11........30 mastiff
187.....13........30 mastiff
140.......6........20 mastiff
190.....13........25 mastiff
122.......2........20 mastiff
161.......9........25 mastiff
135.......5........25 mastiff
179.....12........30 giant
147.......7........15 mastiff
159.......9........20 mastiff
179.....12........30 giant
176.....11........20 mastiff

Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 114 28
Spiritual Lore - Summoning....| 117 29
Spirit Mana Control................| 126 33

Here is my Bane cast data:

end damage flare creature
161......36.........5 mastiff
147......28........10 mastiff
126......17.........1 masttif
140......25........10 mastiff
170......41.........5 giant
190......52.........5 mastiff
145......27........10 mastiff
170......41.........5 mastiff
176......45........10 mastiff
151......31........10 mastiff
154......32........kill mastiff
197......55........15 mastiff
205......60........20 mastiff
122......15.........1 mastiff
152......31........10 mastiff
183......48........15 mastiff
184......48........15 mastiff
193......54........15 mastiff
169......40.........5 mastiff
160......36.........5 mastiff
147......28.........5 mastiff
189......51........kill mastiff

Spirit Mana Control................| 164 64
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 154 54
Spiritual Lore - Summoning....| 25 5

I have no idea why her flares were so much better than mine. I know there isn't enough data to make any real conclusions but I figured it was a place to start.

edited to say had to run, i'll try and make the format more friendly later.

[Edited on 3-15-2004 by Tijay]

[Edited on 3-15-2004 by Tijay]

03-14-2004, 07:21 PM
Tijay: Dude your flares sucked. Might be summoning lore? You've only got 5 ranks.

Here are my numbers...

Level 79 - Bane Aligned
End Damage Flare Creature
205 .... 68 .... 35 .... Moulis
211 .... 72 .... 65 .... Moulis
121 .... 20 .... 10 .... Goleras
130 .... 26 .... 15 .... Goleras
112 .... 2 ..... 20 .... Shricken(Undead)
135 .... 26 .... 20 .... Moulis
140 .... 26 .... 15 .... Goleras
122 .... 5 ..... 15 .... Shricken(U)
161 .... 40 .... 25 .... moulis
169 .... 42 .... 25 .... Goleras
160 .... 9 ..... 20 .... Shricken(U)
128 .... 22 .... 20 .... Moulis
174 .... 51 .... 20 .... Goleras

Spirit Mana Control................| 181 81
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 180 80
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 90 20

On a side note, the messaging is freaking hella cool...

Start up...
XXXXX's gaze grows keen and feral as a golden haze streaked with black manifests around him.
Suddenly, the shadows come alive with lithe feline forms, which prowl and stalk around in a wide-ranging circle.

Attack messaging...
An ethereal lynx lunges toward a shrickhen, slashing out viciously with its claws!
An ethereal margay lunges toward a moulis, slashing out viciously with its claws!
An ethereal rasper lunges toward a moulis, slashing out viciously with its claws!
An ethereal, tawny puma lunges toward a dhu goleras, slashing out viciously with its claws!

Also in the room: a shadowy group of lithe feline forms prowling in a wide ring about the area
>l form
The glint of a claw, the gleam of a yellow eye, the graceful arch of a proud head, the disdainful flick of a tail in the second before a lightning-swift leap -- it is all that you can perceive of the circling forms. As soon as you try to focus your attention upon any single one of the shadows, it is gone, and an intense feeling of being watched creeps over you.

Timer didn't seem too bad, I think I usually got it back before I found something new to kill.

Combat value still isn't too spiffy, I tend not to see too many swarms of crap these days. A+ on the messaging however.

Edited to fix formatting because I followed Tijay's messed up format before he fixed his.

[Edited on 3-15-2004 by Kitsun]

03-14-2004, 08:17 PM
Ah, every deity has different crits. So let's look at this now:

You are limited to either undead or living for all practical purposes. You are further limited by which type of critter, according to the type of crits your deity gives you. This is a double restriction....and it's bullshit.

03-14-2004, 09:56 PM
Uliq says, "Summoning Lore."
Uliq says, "In the old version of DW, there was a 15 second wait time before a second message appeared, then 15 more seconds, and the first wave/frame of attacks."
Uliq says, "'Or it might have been just 15 then attacks."
Uliq says, "Oh well."
Uliq waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
Uliq says, "This timer has been reduced by more than half."
Uliq says, "Clerics can further lower this timer by training in Summoning Lore."
Uliq says, "The lowest this timer can get is 3 seconds."
Uliq says, "Not only does this control the initial messaging time leading up to the first strike frame/wave."
Uliq says, "It also determines the "pause" between each strike."

Where the hell does he mention in there that my flares would be fucking garbage if i don't train in lores? In addition I thought lores were supposed to be not required. To say this is a useful spell without lores is bullshit. However, it does say this..

Uliq says, "Spiritual Mana Control."
Uliq says, "Does 2 things for the spell."
Uliq says, "First, the simple."
Uliq says, "It acts as a booster to the critical applied in the second strike."
Uliq says, "Lamens terms, more SMC = better crits."

I'm 1x in SMC and TRL is only .5 yet her flares do almost double mine .. anyone else able to figure out why? And if its really because Luukos has talons as its messaging and that does puncture crits. Thats bullshit.

[Edited on 3-15-2004 by Tijay]

03-14-2004, 10:19 PM
Originally posted on the cleric boards by uliq...


In talking with MapMan Cleric, it seems what was obvious to me wasn't as obvious as I thought it was. Pay careful attention to the attack messaging and the resultant critical, if applicable. The crit-type is dependant upon your deity selection ... i.e. Lorminstra does not have the same type of critical flare as, well, any other deity actually. Koar's is different from Lumnis', and so on and so forth. Some deities like Ronan, Voln, Oleani, and a few others do share the same flare type (heat). So when trying to get a gauge on the spell's damage and effectiveness, make sure you're not using the spell against a creature type that might be resistant to your deities critical. Using Luukos aligned DW versus stone-based creatures won't yeild the best results since the "spectral talons" inflict piercing damage.


[Edited on 3-15-2004 by Tijay]

03-14-2004, 10:30 PM
WTF, how are you getting this all to work? It was most certainly not working for my cleric.

Edited to add: Nevermind, didn't realize they added it today, I tried it a few days ago. Going to Ta'I to test a bit.


[Edited on 3-15-2004 by TheEschaton]

03-14-2004, 11:23 PM
Here we go:

You gesture.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Charl, you know that you are heard. A briny gust of sea breeze swirls around you, and your skin tingles with electrical energy.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
A deafening thunderclap splits the air! Rather than fading away, the sound's echoes grow, and they gather into a rhythmic, crashing pulse like the sound of storm-tossed waves breaking on a desolate shore. The power of Charl has answered your prayer.

Attack: White sparks flicker around you, and you sense electrical energy gathering in the instant before a massive bolt of lightning spears toward a forest trali.


Enfeeblement abated in less than 2 minutes, killed only one of the trali.

lvl 53
Spirit Mana Control................| 155 55
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 155 55
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 111 27

Edited to add: Mine seems to rock. But my attack is a Major Lightning attack.


[Edited on 3-15-2004 by TheEschaton]

03-14-2004, 11:26 PM
I seem to be able to only get three waves. But the enfeeblement ended as I posted, so the wait time is much reduced.


Just as a log to follow up, for 319 on three critters:

White sparks flicker around you, and you sense electrical energy gathering in the instant before a massive bolt of lightning spears toward a forest trali.
CS: +257 - TD: +145 + CvA: +11 + d100: +54 == +177
Warding failed!
... and hits for 45 points of damage!

... 30 points of damage!
Horrid jolt of electricity shatters ribs in a sickening flash of light!
The forest trali is stunned!

White sparks flicker around you, and you sense electrical energy gathering in the instant before a massive bolt of lightning spears toward a forest trali shaman.
CS: +257 - TD: +183 + CvA: +11 + d100: +34 == +119
Warding failed!
... and hits for 13 points of damage!

... 15 points of damage!
Nasty shock to the neck. Gonna be stiff for awhile.
The trali shaman is stunned!

White sparks flicker around you, and you sense electrical energy gathering in the instant before a massive bolt of lightning spears toward a forest trali.
d100 == 1 FUMBLE!

A forest trali shakes his head trying to clear his senses.
White sparks flicker around you, and you sense electrical energy gathering in the instant before a massive bolt of lightning spears toward a forest trali.
CS: +257 - TD: +145 + CvA: +11 + d100: +72 == +195
Warding failed!
... and hits for 60 points of damage!

... 40 points of damage!
Massive electrical shock turns head into shark bait. Time to feed the fish.
A forest trali collapses upon the ground and the life fades from his eyes.

White sparks flicker around you, and you sense electrical energy gathering in the instant before a massive bolt of lightning spears toward a forest trali shaman.
CS: +257 - TD: +183 + CvA: +11 + d100: +53 == +138
Warding failed!
... and hits for 28 points of damage!

... 25 points of damage!
Heavy jolt to abdomen causes skin to break open exposing liver. Yuck!

White sparks flicker around you, and you sense electrical energy gathering in the instant before a massive bolt of lightning spears toward a forest trali.
d100 == 1 FUMBLE!

A forest trali swings a stain-darkened broadsword at you!
AS: +266 vs DS: +373 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +99 = +22
A clean miss.
* Alahnna just bit the dust!
You search the forest trali.
You discard the trali's useless equipment.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had nothing of interest.
A forest trali's body rapidly decays away.
[Gyldemar Green, Forest]
You notice a forest trali shaman (stunned) and a forest trali.
Obvious paths: east
White sparks flicker around you, and you sense electrical energy gathering in the instant before a massive bolt of lightning spears toward a forest trali shaman.
CS: +257 - TD: +183 + CvA: +11 + d100: +68 == +153
Warding failed!
... and hits for 36 points of damage!

... 30 points of damage!
Stunning arc of electricity fuses right leg at knee.
It is knocked to the ground!

White sparks flicker around you, and you sense electrical energy gathering in the instant before a massive bolt of lightning spears toward a forest trali.
CS: +257 - TD: +139 + CvA: +11 + d100: +22 == +151
Warding failed!
... and hits for 30 points of damage!

... 25 points of damage!
Nasty shock to left arm stiffens joints. Nice and painful.
The forest trali is stunned!

You feel at full magical power again.
* Elaster just bit the dust!
A final rumble of thunder rolls through the area, and, as its last echoes fade away, your skin ceases to tingle as your connection to Charl lessens.
The strain of channeling so much power leaves you feeling weakened and feeble.

03-15-2004, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
How come none of you post your complaints on the cleric boards? I mean, I know it's pointless, but maybe if everyone tells him everything he's done since GSIV sucks he'll listen.
Uliq? Listen?

That fuckwit listens to his own spew and nothing else.

I'm converting to paladin soon as I can.

03-15-2004, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Galleazzo

Originally posted by Mistomeer
How come none of you post your complaints on the cleric boards? I mean, I know it's pointless, but maybe if everyone tells him everything he's done since GSIV sucks he'll listen.
Uliq? Listen?

That fuckwit listens to his own spew and nothing else.

I'm converting to paladin soon as I can.
Yeah, I've already decided that if Uliq isn't in charge of Paladins I'm converting. I like casting better, but it's not going to be long until Uliq completely screws the profession.

03-15-2004, 03:11 PM
I have no doubt Uliq tries hard to get things for our profession. The problem is that what he is fighting for is not what we want as a profession. We try over and over to convey that, and he doesn't listen. The profession is heading in the direction he wants it to, contrary to the opinions of many in our profession.

I have no problem with Tsoran, but his overwhelming ass-kissing in regards to Divine Wrath is going to ensure that "nothing is wrong with the spell in its current implementation" are the next words out of Uliq's mouth. Divine Wrath is NOT the most awesome, coolest, most powerful spell to come out since I've been here. I keep seeing posts by people claiming this. It has cool messaging, but the functionality SUCKS. THE PROBLEM IS PEOPLE HAVE BECOME ACCUSTOMED TO SETTLING FOR LESS. We've gotten a good 4 years of junk spells, save a good one here or there (minor summoning), and people just accept that as status quo. Bullshit, that's not the way this game was when I started.

Sometimes when I hear things come out of Tsoran's mouth, I would think they were coming from Uliq had I not looked at the name on the post. Unfortunately, we have a few other cheerleaders on our team that screw us over in times like this as well. On the other hand, I've seen negative posts by Misto, Ca, Omni, Windi, myself, and numerous other level 80+ clerics not only about this spell, but about the direction the profession is going in general.

It all gets swept under the rug, however. What are we supposed to do? I think we might need to write Melissa, obviously she is not understanding how serious some of us are.

03-15-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
I have no doubt Uliq tries hard to get things for our profession. The problem is that what he is fighting for is not what we want as a profession. We try over and over to convey that, and he doesn't listen. The profession is heading in the direction he wants it to, contrary to the opinions of many in our profession.

I have no problem with Tsoran, but his overwhelming ass-kissing in regards to Divine Wrath is going to ensure that "nothing is wrong with the spell in its current implementation" are the next words out of Uliq's mouth. Divine Wrath is NOT the most awesome, coolest, most powerful spell to come out since I've been here. I keep seeing posts by people claiming this. It has cool messaging, but the functionality SUCKS. THE PROBLEM IS PEOPLE HAVE BECOME ACCUSTOMED TO SETTLING FOR LESS. We've gotten a good 4 years of junk spells, save a good one here or there (minor summoning), and people just accept that as status quo. Bullshit, that's not the way this game was when I started.

Sometimes when I hear things come out of Tsoran's mouth, I would think they were coming from Uliq had I not looked at the name on the post. Unfortunately, we have a few other cheerleaders on our team that screw us over in times like this as well. On the other hand, I've seen negative posts by Misto, Ca, Omni, Windi, myself, and numerous other level 80+ clerics not only about this spell, but about the direction the profession is going in general.

It all gets swept under the rug, however. What are we supposed to do? I think we might need to write Melissa, obviously she is not understanding how serious some of us are.

I did email Melissa once. Never got a response. I like Tsoran fine as a person, he's never been anything but nice to me. However, he has also told me how much he'd like to work for Simutronics and how great he thinks it would be. With that in mind, it's not surprising at all that someone with Melissa on his buddy list kisses ass on the boards.

I agree that Uliq's vision for the profession is contrary to what most clerics I know actually want. Uliq's a tool and it's rather pointless to argue with him. He tells me I see everything with blinders on, ironically enough.

03-15-2004, 06:40 PM
You know I saw an absolute temper tantrum like none other by Tsoran on the rogue boards over the cms, fatigue and the like. He apparently thinks that he has alot of control of things, based on the comments he made. Others were basically telling him to STFU because he was just making an ass out himself. I don't know if they would ever hire him because he routinely threatens to quit when he get super pissed off.

But if Tsoran isn't there talking about what a great spell DW is, TK will be. He's a bigger asskisser than even Tsoran. Aren't those two like capped or close to it?

Anyway, I hope paladins are decent becaue I'll likely jump ship to - but if I find out that Uliq is running those, I don't know what the hell I'll do.


03-15-2004, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
You know I saw an absolute temper tantrum like none other by Tsoran on the rogue boards over the cms, fatigue and the like. He apparently thinks that he has alot of control of things, based on the comments he made. Others were basically telling him to STFU because he was just making an ass out himself. I don't know if they would ever hire him because he routinely threatens to quit when he get super pissed off.

But if Tsoran isn't there talking about what a great spell DW is, TK will be. He's a bigger asskisser than even Tsoran. Aren't those two like capped or close to it?

Anyway, I hope paladins are decent becaue I'll likely jump ship to - but if I find out that Uliq is running those, I don't know what the hell I'll do.


True is a total kiss ass. However, I rarely see him in Illistim. I see Windi hunting OTF more than any of the old clerics. It doesn't mean there aren't more, but that's who I notice. Tsoran's cleric is 77, so he's not that close to cap. Most of the people I see posting about how great it is follow it up with things like, I can't wait until I can use it, or I mostly play my wizard, but that's a really great spell.

03-15-2004, 07:09 PM
Yeah, Tk means well but it ends up coming off as kissing ass. He's a nice guy though, so I can't really say anything bad about him. Tsoran is nowhere near the cap, at any rate.

If people could post anonymously on the boards, then, and only then, would their true feelings come out. I don't blame people for not wanting to piss a GM off, especially when policy is so subjective.

03-16-2004, 12:59 AM
The problem is everytime people attack uliq's ideas or implementation he takes it personally and says you guys flamed me I don't have to post you're lucky I do. And then changes the subjects to how he shouldn't be subjected to flames.

03-16-2004, 10:48 AM
Yeah, what a prick. Shit, you'd think the GMs'd get a lecture when they started along the lines of "You're gonna be flamed. Accept it and take it. It's part of doing business."

Hey, I run a small company myself. Sometimes the customers get pissed and sometimes they want to yell. Now I can say "You got no right to yell, boohoo, STFU," but I ain't getting repeat business that way and those people tell other people I'm a dickhead. Nothankew.

03-16-2004, 11:56 AM
Is it out in prime yet?

03-16-2004, 12:13 PM
Yup, as of yesterday, I believe.


03-16-2004, 01:01 PM
Personally.. I like the new DW.

It's a spell my cleric can actually use now. Certainly it is not as powerful as say Cone of Lightning... but it is far better than it was. It has the absolute best messaging of any spell in the game right now.. hands down. It must have taken forever to code.

And no.. I have no aspirations to be a GM. I'm far too old and too arrogant to kiss anyone's ass about a game.

03-16-2004, 03:58 PM
I'll bet that the basic sorcerer spell of Limb Disruption has more lines of code (not including messaging) than smite and DW put together. DW is pretty, but it's just not that complex.

03-16-2004, 04:52 PM
The sheru version is pretty neat in its wording in my opinion.

How you view it when cast:

As you pour your soul into an appeal to Sheru, you know that you are heard. The world darkens around you, casting everything into a murky shadow.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Visible only at the corner of your vision, you glimpse a pair of dark amber eyes watching from the shadows, and a low, deliberate growl seethes slowly through the air from no discernable source. The power of Sheru has answered you.


Your connection to Sheru lessens, and the murky shadows brought by your appeal fade away, yet the feeling of being watched does not. On any night, in any dream or nightmare, those amber eyes will follow you endlessly... but such is the prize and the price of your devotion.
The strain of channeling so much power leaves you feeling weakened and feeble.

This is how everyone else sees it:

XXXX chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
XXXX gestures at a hobgoblin.
Darkness settles over the area, spreading outward from XXXX to cast everything into a murky shadow.
A deep, low-pitched growl seethes slowly through the air, and you have the distinct feeling that something is watching you from the depths of the murky shadow.

The murky shadow slowly lifts from the area, and the feeling of being watched passes gradually away.

and this is what it looks like in action against close leveled opponents:

It attacked three times, this is from one single cast.

----------- 1st ----------------
An arctic titan looks distinctly nervous, shifting its weight and peering around.
CS: +182 - TD: +110 + CvA: +10 + d100: +90 == +172
Warding failed!
Suddenly, the titan tries to bolt away, but instead smashes into a wall of spectral force hidden within the shadows!
... and hits for 48 points of damage!

... 25 points of damage!
Eye crushed by a hard blow to the face!

An arctic titan looks distinctly nervous, shifting its weight and peering around.
CS: +182 - TD: +110 + CvA: +10 + d100: +100 == +182
Warding failed!
Suddenly, the titan tries to bolt away, but instead smashes into a wall of spectral force hidden within the shadows!
... and hits for 45 points of damage!

... 20 points of damage!
Flesh ripped from back, muscles exposed.
The arctic titan is stunned!

An arctic titan looks distinctly nervous, shifting its weight and peering around.
CS: +182 - TD: +110 + CvA: +10 + d100: +97 == +179
Warding failed!
Suddenly, the titan tries to bolt away, but instead smashes into a wall of spectral force hidden within the shadows!
... and hits for 44 points of damage!

... 20 points of damage!
Left elbow smashed into a thousand pieces.
The arctic titan is stunned!

An arctic titan looks distinctly nervous, shifting its weight and peering around.
CS: +182 - TD: +110 + CvA: +10 + d100: +37 == +119
Warding failed!
Suddenly, the titan tries to bolt away, but instead smashes into a wall of spectral force hidden within the shadows!
... and hits for 12 points of damage!

... 10 points of damage!
Mighty blow cracks several ribs.

------------- 2nd ----------------------

An arctic titan looks distinctly nervous, shifting its weight and peering around.
CS: +182 - TD: +110 + CvA: +10 + d100: +14 == +96
Warded off!

An arctic titan looks distinctly nervous, shifting its weight and peering around.
CS: +182 - TD: +110 + CvA: +10 + d100: +23 == +105
Warding failed!
Suddenly, the titan tries to bolt away, but instead smashes into a wall of spectral force hidden within the shadows!
... and hits for 4 points of damage!

... 15 points of damage!
Smack to the eye bursts blood vessels.
The arctic titan is stunned!

An arctic titan looks distinctly nervous, shifting its weight and peering around.
CS: +182 - TD: +110 + CvA: +10 + d100: +38 == +120
Warding failed!
Suddenly, the titan tries to bolt away, but instead smashes into a wall of spectral force hidden within the shadows!
... and hits for 12 points of damage!

... 10 points of damage!
Smash to the kneecap.

An arctic titan looks distinctly nervous, shifting its weight and peering around.
CS: +182 - TD: +110 + CvA: +10 + d100: +98 == +180
Warding failed!
Suddenly, the titan tries to bolt away, but instead smashes into a wall of spectral force hidden within the shadows!
... and hits for 45 points of damage!

... 20 points of damage!
Skull cracks in several places.
The arctic titan is stunned!

--------- 3rd -------------

A frost giant looks distinctly nervous, shifting its weight and peering around.
CS: +182 - TD: +127 + CvA: +19 + d100: +87 == +161
Warding failed!
Suddenly, the giant tries to bolt away, but instead smashes into a wall of spectral force hidden within the shadows!
... and hits for 34 points of damage!

... 20 points of damage!
Grazing blow to the stomach.

An arctic titan looks distinctly nervous, shifting its weight and peering around.
CS: +182 - TD: +110 + CvA: +10 + d100: +27 == +109
Warding failed!
Suddenly, the titan tries to bolt away, but instead smashes into a wall of spectral force hidden within the shadows!
... and hits for 7 points of damage!

... 5 points of damage!
Jarring blow to the arctic titan's back.

An arctic titan looks distinctly nervous, shifting its weight and peering around.
CS: +182 - TD: +110 + CvA: +10 + d100: +20 == +102
Warding failed!
Suddenly, the titan tries to bolt away, but instead smashes into a wall of spectral force hidden within the shadows!
... and hits for 10 points of damage!

... 15 points of damage!
Respectable shot to the back.

An arctic titan looks distinctly nervous, shifting its weight and peering around.
CS: +182 - TD: +110 + CvA: +10 + d100: +53 == +135
Warding failed!
Suddenly, the titan tries to bolt away, but instead smashes into a wall of spectral force hidden within the shadows!
... and hits for 20 points of damage!

... 10 points of damage!
Blow to back cracks several vertebrae.

An arctic titan looks distinctly nervous, shifting its weight and peering around.
CS: +182 - TD: +110 + CvA: +10 + d100: +44 == +126
Warding failed!
Suddenly, the titan tries to bolt away, but instead smashes into a wall of spectral force hidden within the shadows!
... and hits for 16 points of damage!

... 15 points of damage!
You ripped a chunk out of the arctic titan's left leg with that one.
The arctic titan is stunned!

03-16-2004, 05:06 PM
If my half-krol cleric ever gets to lvl 19 I'll show you his V'tullian wraith.

03-16-2004, 08:05 PM
I am jealous of this spell. The messaging that is. Charl messaging is the most awesome one. I want it I want it I want it!!

Shalla is a storm goddess. <- Self proclaimed.

03-16-2004, 08:16 PM
Tillmont chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Tillmont gestures.
Small sparks race over Tillmont's skin, and the smell of the sea swirls past on a quick gust of wind.
A deafening thunderclap splits the air! Rather than fading away, the sound's echoes grow, and they gather into a rhythmic, crashing pulse like the sound of storm-tossed waves breaking on a desolate shore.
You notice Tamral reach into your pockets and remove 123 silvers.
> ::mutter::
You hear the booming roar of an angered jungle troll, coming from the southwest.
A giant fog beetle snaps at Tamral with its pincer!
AS: +198 vs DS: +332 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +51 = -71
A clean miss.
A jungle troll chieftain just arrived!
Tamral beams!
White sparks flickering around Tillmont suddenly condense into a massive bolt of lightning, which spears toward a jungle troll chieftain.
CS: +288 - TD: +99 + CvA: +25 + d100: +94 == +308
Warding failed!
... and hits for 111 points of damage!

... 50 points of damage!
Electrical charge toasts the troll chieftain. You get a sharp whiff of burning hair.
The troll chieftain snarls its defiance before collapsing and going still.

White sparks flickering around Tillmont suddenly condense into a massive bolt of lightning, which spears toward a jungle troll chieftain.
CS: +288 - TD: +99 + CvA: +25 + d100: +22 == +236
Warding failed!
... and hits for 73 points of damage!

... 35 points of damage!
Nasty jolt to right eye causes eyelid to split. Gross!
The troll chieftain is stunned!

White sparks flickering around Tillmont suddenly condense into a massive bolt of lightning, which spears toward a giant fog beetle.
CS: +288 - TD: +108 + CvA: +25 + d100: +92 == +297
Warding failed!
... and hits for 106 points of damage!

The giant fog beetle falls to the ground and lies twitching for a moment before going still.

You hear the booming roar of an angered jungle troll, coming from the southwest.
White sparks flickering around Tillmont suddenly condense into a massive bolt of lightning, which spears toward a jungle troll chieftain.
CS: +288 - TD: +99 + CvA: +25 + d100: +42 == +256
Warding failed!
... and hits for 90 points of damage!

... 35 points of damage!
Visible wisps of electricity shoot up right leg. Youch!

03-16-2004, 10:12 PM
Yup, the Charl one officially rox0rs.

I dunno, someone up high must really like Charl/sea based stuff.

H4H awhile back had like 3 or 4 sea/Ashrim/Charl based items, out of 30, awhile back, Solhaven got expanded, Charl became the only light god with Bane, and now by far the best DW, with what basically amounts to a pretty nasty Major Shock. Almost like casting Cone of Lightning - for 3 waves.


03-16-2004, 11:35 PM
You gesture.
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Mularos, you know that you are heard. The sting of an unseen triple lash blazes across your face, and, as blood drips slowly down your cheek, you feel the touch of an invisible hand resting lightly against your throat.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
The touch of the ethereal hand against your throat grows colder, and the sensation shifts to encircle your neck like a collar. Before this manifestation of divine will, you are helpless, and you are helpless as well as the very air around you solidifies into a barbed whip, coiling and shifting restlessly. The power of Mularos has answered your prayer.
The ethereal barbed whip that lies loosely coiled around you uncoils at terrifying speed. It snaps out toward a stone giant!
CS: +293 - TD: +216 + CvA: +25 + d100: +100 == +202
Warding failed!
... and hits for 59 points of damage!

... 25 points of damage!
Blow to head!
The stone giant is stunned!

As your connection to Mularos lessens, the cold, invisible collar locked about your throat fades into a compassionate caress, and a similar caress traces its way across the side of your cheek. Beneath that gentle touch, the wounds upon your face heal immediately. The ethereal barbed whip twitches one last time before dissolving back into air.
The strain of channeling so much power leaves you feeling weakened and feeble.

Edited to add: Mularos kicks all your asses.

[Edited on 3-17-2004 by Maimara]

03-16-2004, 11:48 PM
Beth, I bet you that whip actually manifests as an object in the room, and you can look at it too...muahaha.

I have to say that rocks, though. I would hope Amasalen's woulda been something like that. Anyone got an Amasalenite cleric they wanna DW with?


03-16-2004, 11:55 PM
Yeah, I'll have to play with it more some other time. I was really excited when I saw it. That's awesome.

03-16-2004, 11:57 PM
I think the messaging, the fact that it doesn't give you hard RT, the timer being reduced to (relatively) nothing, and that it doesn't force you to kneeling are such vast improvements on the spells, I don't really care how powering it is, frankly.
