View Full Version : Pure hunting sorcerer training.

03-13-2004, 02:45 PM
Okay, i'm dead pissed off at my wizard (Surgla) so i'm on the verge of re rolling him into a sorcerer, someone that can hunt in a fucking guarded stance...goddamn it, can i just get a stat placement and training plan for a pure power hunting sorcerer?


03-13-2004, 02:54 PM
Alright i pulled tihs outt of a post that Adredrin made:

1x runes
1x MIU
2x Harness Power
2x Spell aim
2x spells
1x elemental mana control
1x spirit mana control
1x perception (personal choice here)
1x Sorc Lore (get 50 in Demons, then 50 in necro, then which ever)

So it looks good, should i go with it?


03-13-2004, 03:40 PM
Just out of curiousity, what other kind of sorcs are there? Sorc doesn't strike me as a multiple job profession, like Empaths, Clerics, and Rogues.

03-13-2004, 03:44 PM
* Surgla just bit the dust!
* Surgla just bit the dust!
* Surgla just bit the dust!
* Surgla just bit the dust!
* Surgla just bit the dust!
* Surgla just bit the dust!

Apparently Surgla is, in fact, becoming a sorcerer.

03-13-2004, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by J-Tech
Alright i pulled tihs outt of a post that Adredrin made:

1x runes
1x MIU
2x Harness Power
2x Spell aim
2x spells
1x elemental mana control
1x spirit mana control
1x perception (personal choice here)
1x Sorc Lore (get 50 in Demons, then 50 in necro, then which ever)

So it looks good, should i go with it?


Thats a "base" training plan for a Ruenstaff user. There are other things you can add or take away as desired. Like, Adredrin is fully 1x'ed in PT.

But that base training plan is a very good set up IMO. From there, your choice in spell trainings desides how well you hunt in what area's

03-13-2004, 04:26 PM
I actually wrote a script that was going to spirit death me and i was just going to go for an hour walk.....but my friend changed my password on my acocunt. (which shows how good of a friend he is trieng to stop me from doing something stupid, which i thank god i have friends that care).....i don't understand why i have such emotional mood swings at the slightest thing...i feel like a chick...heh


03-13-2004, 04:37 PM
I was wondering why the hell you were dying like that. What train is Surgla?

03-13-2004, 04:46 PM


03-13-2004, 04:55 PM
Alright, so surgla's not being rerolled, i got a place to make a sorcerer tho, so i was thinking of going with dwarf....anyone got a place where i can crunch some stats, or offer up some stats, i don't want him to be weak when young, but i don't want him to be having shitty stats when old....

Thanks for the help, i appreciate it.


03-13-2004, 05:53 PM
There is no such thing as a weak sorcerer. In the past, they where semi-hard to deal with from levels 1-10 or so. But with the changes to mana and the changes to 701. Rat hunting is a breeze with a sorc.

03-13-2004, 05:54 PM
What was the change to 701? I'm no where near in the loop of the sorcerer profession these days...


03-13-2004, 07:28 PM
some stat sets for you:
most mtps, maxed for level 100:
co 25
de 25
di 70
lo 88
int 90
st 21
ag 69
inf 95
wi 97
au 80

more practical, max mtps for level 35, at least 50 in dex and str for bolts and encumberance..

co 27
de 52
di 64
lo 93
int 88
st 56
ag 22
inf 67
wi 99
au 92

dwarf is a great race, too.

03-13-2004, 08:59 PM
<<Thats a "base" training plan for a Ruenstaff user. There are other things you can add or take away as desired. Like, Adredrin is fully 1x'ed in PT. >>

Just curious, why 1x'ed in PT?

<<What was the change to 701? I'm no where near in the loop of the sorcerer profession these days... >>

The only changes I know of are that it gives you blood back when you hit a target successful, but I'm not a sorceror buff so I'm sure there may be things I don't know about. Also, all spells are now insta-cast as soon as you learn them, so that makes things a LOT easier at younger levels.

03-14-2004, 02:55 AM
Originally posted by J-Tech
....i don't understand why i have such emotional mood swings at the slightest thing...i feel like a chick...heh

Youre in a whole new level of chickdom pal. Really, I dont know any females that woulda tried that....

03-17-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Mint

Originally posted by J-Tech
....i don't understand why i have such emotional mood swings at the slightest thing...i feel like a chick...heh

Youre in a whole new level of chickdom pal. Really, I dont know any females that woulda tried that....

Ahhh great, now i'm a guy that acts like a "chic"...well i guess that could be cool, so whens the next all female slumber party, i mean, if i'm at a level of chickdom, then i'm invited right? :grin:


03-17-2004, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Snapp
<<Thats a "base" training plan for a Ruenstaff user. There are other things you can add or take away as desired. Like, Adredrin is fully 1x'ed in PT. >>

Just curious, why 1x'ed in PT?

<<What was the change to 701? I'm no where near in the loop of the sorcerer profession these days... >>

The only changes I know of are that it gives you blood back when you hit a target successful, but I'm not a sorceror buff so I'm sure there may be things I don't know about. Also, all spells are now insta-cast as soon as you learn them, so that makes things a LOT easier at younger levels.

Sorry I'm so late on this Snapp.

Reasons for 1x PT? Thats because PT grants bonuses to the ammount of weight you can carry before being encumbered. I'm not sure exactly how much, but I know for a fact it effects it. In GS4, being encumbered = lower DS.

As for the changes to 701. They arn't like new to GS4 (at least the onces I was refering too.) 701 now works differently then it did pre-GP's. The first cast causes an X sized bleeder on the neck. The second cast forces X ammount of blood from said wound, then makes the wound Y bigger.

So, example. You cast..it causes a 10 per bleeder. Second cast, the creature looses 10 hp, and the wound becomes a 20per. Third cast they loose 20 hp and its now a 30per. I hunt effectively with this spell at level 65 in the right areas. Supplicants fall for it all the time. Its much better mana wise to spend 10-15 casts of 701, then 4-8 casts of 705.


[Edited on 3-17-2004 by LordAdredrin]

03-20-2004, 02:00 AM
hmmm an interesting theory with the 701, i like it, just bleed em to death..

03-20-2004, 02:06 AM
Um isn't staying light a better option than overspending TPs if its just to avoid encumberance? I know I personally do things like just don't pick up coins and use a disk for boxes and I'm never encumbered.

03-20-2004, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by Tijay
Um isn't staying light a better option than overspending TPs if its just to avoid encumberance? I know I personally do things like just don't pick up coins and use a disk for boxes and I'm never encumbered.

Yeh, and that disk holds what? 3, maybe 4 boxes if your lucky? On avarage, I find between 200 and 400 silver a kill. Leaving all the silver behind, and only taking 3 or 4 boxes a hunt would cut my income in half. :) I'd rather just spend the 5 PTP's

03-20-2004, 02:38 AM
I don't hunt for coin, and the gems I haul is make me more than happy. I guess I just don't see the point in expending the extra TPs JUST for that reason.

04-09-2004, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
Reasons for 1x PT? Thats because PT grants bonuses to the ammount of weight you can carry before being encumbered. I'm not sure exactly how much, but I know for a fact it effects it. In GS4, being encumbered = lower DS.

According to GS Documentation:

Physical Fitness
Skill in physical fitness is the primary factor that determines how many hits your character can withstand before succumbing to unconsciousness, shock or death. Every time you train in this, you achieve increases in the amount of health points you have. You can increase your health point total by an amount determined by your race (usually around 1 to 10 points) each time you train in this skill.

Physical Training also helps with Health Point (HP) recovery, stamina pool and stamina recovery, some swimming, some climbing, some maneuvers, as well as resisting disease and poison.

It does not mention anything about encumbrance. If what you say is true I would probably make a few changes to my training plan to incorporate this. Do you think you could share how you know for a fact?

04-09-2004, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by J-Tech
anyone got a place where i can crunch some stats

Stat cruncher and maximizer:

Tsoran's spreadsheet:

04-09-2004, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
Its much better mana wise to spend 10-15 casts of 701, then 4-8 casts of 705.

10-15 casts? Talk about a waste of time....

I'd rather just incant 720 and move on.

04-09-2004, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Caluss
It does not mention anything about encumbrance. If what you say is true I would probably make a few changes to my training plan to incorporate this. Do you think you could share how you know for a fact?

Yeah, I have never heard that either.

04-09-2004, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Caluss

Originally posted by LordAdredrin
Reasons for 1x PT? Thats because PT grants bonuses to the ammount of weight you can carry before being encumbered. I'm not sure exactly how much, but I know for a fact it effects it. In GS4, being encumbered = lower DS.

According to GS Documentation:

Physical Fitness
Skill in physical fitness is the primary factor that determines how many hits your character can withstand before succumbing to unconsciousness, shock or death. Every time you train in this, you achieve increases in the amount of health points you have. You can increase your health point total by an amount determined by your race (usually around 1 to 10 points) each time you train in this skill.

Physical Training also helps with Health Point (HP) recovery, stamina pool and stamina recovery, some swimming, some climbing, some maneuvers, as well as resisting disease and poison.

It does not mention anything about encumbrance. If what you say is true I would probably make a few changes to my training plan to incorporate this. Do you think you could share how you know for a fact?


2 halflings I know made it to level 50. They both have max strength. One, picks up a set of 80lbs platemail and is overly and completely encumbered. The other, picks up the same platemail and is not. They are both wearing an empty 5lb cloak, an empty 3lb satchel, and an empty 5lb backpack.

I did this test a while ago to find out if Stillsons theory was true. He is a halfling warrior in icemule who hunts in 70-ish lb platemail with out it adding encumberance, and stated PT being the reason.

The two I tested with where a warrior and a wizard. The warrior had 2x'ed PT, the wizard had gotten 30 ranks.


04-09-2004, 12:14 PM
And what was their CO stat and bonus?

04-09-2004, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Jonty
And what was their CO stat and bonus?

If I remember right, both where in the mid 70's