View Full Version : Congress Writes Discriminatory Law

12-01-2009, 10:36 AM
The Democrat Congress is up to no good again. A bill that is just now in the news (http://blogs.federaltimes.com/federal-times-blog/2009/11/18/house-committee-passes-domestic-partners-bill/) would require the federal government to provide medical insurance and certain other benefits to the "domestic partners" of federal employees.

When the subcommittee drafting the legislation heard from witnesses in July, the only person to testify against the bill was Frank Page, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention, who explained that the bill would discriminate against unmarried heterosexual couples.

It authorizes discrimination, by its very definition of a domestic partner, the bill excludes heterosexual couples who are not married from receiving the same benefits. While I am not advocating the extension of benefits to them as a remedy, the discriminatory effects of the bill are evident.

More... (http://oversight.house.gov/images/stories/documents/20090708130109.pdf)

The only way to prevent discrimination, which is our main concern in opposing this bill, is to limit federal employee benefits to the spouses of federal employees. The discriminatory aspects of the bill were the main focus of Republicans who argued against the bill when the full committee voted on it shortly before Thanksgiving. It passed, with the voting split along party lines.

12-01-2009, 11:49 AM
Barney Frank's boyfriend needs health care too ya know..

12-01-2009, 01:25 PM
When the subcommittee drafting the legislation heard from witnesses in July, the only person to testify against the bill was Frank Page, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention, who explained that the bill would discriminate against unmarried heterosexual couples.

Ok, I have to admit, that was a funny way of pointing out his hypocrisy.