View Full Version : Loresong Accuracy...

11-25-2009, 06:20 PM
I'm thinking about rolling a bard just to sing to items for me.

Anyone know about what level/stats/skills I'd need to accurately loresing to pretty much any item?

11-25-2009, 06:37 PM
Reliably? 25-30 is my guess.

11-25-2009, 06:44 PM
Any stats/skills involved or is that mainly just for purifying?

What's a good level for reliable purifying too? Meant to ask that.

11-25-2009, 06:47 PM
No clue. Did fine with 1x spell songs and mediocre influence.

My bard wasn't reliably purifying without blowing up gems until around level 40, with 1x spell songs and 1x manipulation. By the time I sold the character (lvl 45 or so), I think I was averaging 50% to 60% increase in gem value with a very low break rate.

Small sample size of 42 gems, but increased gem value by ~60% here -

The gem dealer takes the wool backpack and inspects the contents carefully before saying, "There is one item that I do not deal with at all. I did find 42 gems that I'll give you 96070 silver for, if you want to sell."

Blew up a star sapphire going from pure in color to somewhat

The gem dealer takes the wool backpack and inspects the contents carefully before saying, "I did find 41 gems that I'll give you 156190 silver for, if you want to sell."

11-25-2009, 08:07 PM
Break rate also depends on how high you want to bring the gem quality as well. I wasn't able to reliably hit magnificent quality on gems without shattering a lot of them until like 101 bardsong ranks. If you're willing to just hit the gem with purify a couple of times for a 10-20% boost, then you can probably be happy with it a lot lower.