View Full Version : NASA footage from mission STS-75 1996

Sean of the Thread
11-24-2009, 09:59 PM
Anyone ever see this video? From their free energy tether experiment. They're all "dust and debris" on the recording but they look oddly similar and even ungulate with power or something.

Can skip to about the 2:30 mark to get to the weird things if in a hurry. Cool looking shit. *could they be like ice crystals?


"Much work has already been done by professional researchers about the subject of what these UFOs in the NASA footage might be. It also seems very clear that NASA is both aware of them and not worried about them, taking a policy of public denial and just simply ignoring their presence.

From examing the evidence I feel that these UFO's are in fact an "undiscovered", naturally existing life forms similar to an amoeba, only much larger. They exist in a spectrum not visible to the naked eye under normal conditions.

They appear to be total harmless, feeding off electrical {or other} energy. If you look closely at the footage you will observe them increasing in brightness near electrical storms. With this in mind it is not in the least surprizing to find them swarming around the electrodynamic tether which is NASA's attempt to harness the very energy that they feed on."