View Full Version : Boycott of Gap (War on Christmas)

11-24-2009, 03:31 PM
I was already boycotting Gap stores because of their war on Christmas (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7mygp_bill-oreillys-talking-points-talkin_news). Their Christmas commercials didn't use the word Christmas. When Gap released their new commercial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVMPWlWDvsI), we first thought that they might be reforming because the new commercial used the word Christmas. But on closer listening, the new commercial also refers to several non-Christian holidays, including Solstice. That's the last straw.

In the commercial, young people dance to wild, chaotic music while their bodies assume contorted positions. The commercial encourages customers to buy their Christmas, Kwanza, and Solstice gifts at Gap. Yes, Solstice gifts!

Solstice is a holiday celebrated by "pagans," and paganism is repackaged witchcraft, and witchcraft slowly darkens, withers, and kills the human soul. Modern day "pagans" are reacting to the Gap commercial with laughter and disbelief. More than anyone else, they know their "religion" is at war with God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Putting them on a par with Christianity at the time of the birth of the Savior, strikes even them as ludicrous.

The sugar-coating which sweetens this bitter dose of witchcraft is multiculturalism, tolerance, and diversity, the spirit of the Gap "holiday" commercial. Similarly, the vilest practices imaginable - abortion, euthanasia, and homosexual marriage - are wrapped up in a bow of tolerance and compassion, and sold to an unsuspecting public as "freedom of choice," or an "alternative lifestyle." Small wonder then that at the time of the Incarnation, the arrival of the infant Jesus - the Light of this World - liberals are offering the forces of darkness a seat at the table.

More... (http://www.mainefamilypolicycouncil.com/artman/publish/Opinion_5/Pretty_Poison.shtml)

11-24-2009, 03:35 PM
WTF? They don't even mention Saturnalia? Bastards.

11-24-2009, 08:17 PM
LOL at those who think Christmas is not actually a pagan holiday.

11-24-2009, 08:31 PM
I saw the title of this thread and thought we were going to be boycotting Lan the Ranger's misguided attack at Tarwin's Gap.. As the real action will be a Shayol Ghul itself. :tumble:

11-24-2009, 08:45 PM
Why do people care about this stuff? The pizza chain Dominos is owned by super Evangelical Christians, which I am not. I still eat Dominos. It still tastes good. WTF? Boycotting establishments because their commercials or their management don't line up with your views is downright silly. America is about multiculturalism. The first Americans came from all over Europe and Africa (the slaves) and they all have their own religious views. That's what makes America awesome. America is a demographically Christian nation, but that doesn't mean stores should be boycotted if they don't specifically mention Christmas or include other religious faiths' holidays.

P.S. To Gan - The major three monotheistic faiths holidays are loosely based on the Pagan solstice - all of them. But you are absolutely right about it being Pagan in nature. Historically, Jesus could not have been born in December and was likely born in the Fall. They just found it convenient to put the Christian holiday over the Pagan one. Wikipedia says the early Church moved his birthday a few times for various political reasons. Check it out.

P.P.S. Paganism is "repackaged witchcraft?" First of all, that sounds kind of cool. Second, since when do we still believe in Witchcraft? Too much time in Elanthia?

11-24-2009, 08:56 PM
Sometimes when you're in public it's best to just let it out and piss all over yourself.

11-24-2009, 09:24 PM
America is about multiculturalism. The first Americans came from all over Europe and Africa (the slaves) and they all have their own religious views. That's what makes America awesome.

Somebody doesn't know US history.

11-24-2009, 09:27 PM
Somebody doesn't know US history.

I have a BA in History and Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, graduating with a 3.4 GPA. I took many more courses on early American history than you, I bet. The fact remains, at its inception, America was made up of Jews, Catholics, Protestants of many denominations and a huge percentage of slaves (mostly in the south) that retained some of their original African religions. (Not to mention the remaining native inhabitants of the area now known as the US, who had their own religions.)

On another note, if you want to get angry about a story, check this one out.


11-24-2009, 10:07 PM
Well, the boycott has traditionally been used as a political tool to work against offensive views, arguments of multi-culturalism be damned. With your blanket rule against boycotts, one can easily say the bus boycotts of the 60s were wrong because they went against the multi-cultural view of most whites that black people should sit in the back of the bus and eat at separate restaurants and not be allowed in public universities.

Perhaps then, you want to qualify when a boycott is appriopriate. However, appropriateness is a cultural, personal viewpoint, and thus there cannot be any line drawn there.

I say let them boycott. The point is, if they are truly on the side of justice, and truly in the majority view, their boycot'll be effective. Guess what: none of these evangelical boycotts have ever been effective.


11-24-2009, 10:15 PM
Well, the boycott has traditionally been used as a political tool to work against offensive views, arguments of multi-culturalism be damned. With your blanket rule against boycotts, one can easily say the bus boycotts of the 60s were wrong because they went against the multi-cultural view of most whites that black people should sit in the back of the bus and eat at separate restaurants and not be allowed in public universities.

Perhaps then, you want to qualify when a boycott is appriopriate. However, appropriateness is a cultural, personal viewpoint, and thus there cannot be any line drawn there.

I say let them boycott. The point is, if they are truly on the side of justice, and truly in the majority view, their boycot'll be effective. Guess what: none of these evangelical boycotts have ever been effective.


You're arguing that approriateness of a boycott is based upon the views of the group. My personal opinion is that a boycott of a company is not really comparable to a boycott of the bus transit system in the city of Montgomory. Its hard to compare the Civil Rights movement to this type of boycott. But I do see your point about the relativity of views. I just think equal rights for people is guaranted under the 14th Amendment while this type of "unchristian" behavior by Gap is kind of joke. I mean, the article makes it sound like Gap is advocating for interracial, homosexual orgies where some sort of evil Devil-worshipping witchcraft is practised. A boycott seems over the top.

11-24-2009, 10:33 PM
I have a BA in History and Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, graduating with a 3.4 GPA. I took many more courses on early American history than you, I bet. The fact remains, at its inception, America was made up of Jews, Catholics, Protestants of many denominations and a huge percentage of slaves (mostly in the south) that retained some of their original African religions. (Not to mention the remaining native inhabitants of the area now known as the US, who had their own religions.)

On another note, if you want to get angry about a story, check this one out.


Is it true that there's an all-day breakfast place in Madison that also shows pornography on TV? Because I heard this once and I've been telling people about it, and I'd hate to be called a liar.

11-24-2009, 10:39 PM
Is it true that there's an all-day breakfast place in Madison that also shows pornography on TV? Because I heard this once and I've been telling people about it, and I'd hate to be called a liar.

I have not of heard of the particular establishment. But it wouldn't shock me. We have some weird stuff in Madison. Its a weird (but awesome) town.

11-25-2009, 12:16 AM
Sweet. Boycotts mean less people to fight in Black Friday crowds.

11-25-2009, 12:26 AM
Clyde is absolutely right. The pagans are polluting our holiday with their liberal ideas of 'multiculturalism'. America began as a CHRISTIAN nation and will always be that, depite the devil-worshipping masses of fatty consumerism. When THE Christ comes again he will see them all for the devils mark that they carry. Evil plastic little squares that they use to buy their 'Xmas' gifts. They call them Mastercards but they are NOT. Those cards make them SLAVES OF THE DEVIL.

11-25-2009, 01:28 AM
When THE Christ comes again he will see them all for the devils mark that they carry.

And when he does, make sure your pets are cared for (http://eternal-earthbound-pets.com/).

11-25-2009, 01:38 AM
Reawing, I'm saying the "validity" of a boycott is not determined by the group holding the boycott - every group thinks their boycott valid and justice-seeking. The validity of a boycott stems from whether it actually brings about social change - which O'Reilly's boycott of Pepsi, this boycott of The Gap, the evangelical boycott of Ford, never did.

11-25-2009, 01:54 AM
I boycott Gap because their clothes suck.

11-25-2009, 07:07 AM
I saw the title of this thread and thought we were going to be boycotting Lan the Ranger's misguided attack at Tarwin's Gap.. As the real action will be a Shayol Ghul itself. :tumble:

Wheel of Time reference FTW.

11-25-2009, 08:27 AM
And when he does, make sure your pets are cared for (http://eternal-earthbound-pets.com/).

Also. It is important to make sure your pets are saved before they die so that they can go to heaven.

11-25-2009, 08:52 AM
I don't see this in the article, was thrakmas used?!

11-25-2009, 08:57 AM
LOL @ Reawing thinking Dominos is good pizza.

11-25-2009, 09:14 AM
Got to say having been Pagan for 20 years and likely knowing a lot more about the in's and out's of being a Wiccan than most folks, well, ClydeR that quote about Pagan religions is simply crap. Just so you know, Pagan is defined in the modern world as any non-Judeao/Christian/Islamic religion. So you include Buddists, Hindu, Shinto and everyone else in there. I am pretty sure that Buddists are not big into this deep, dark, evil religion thing.

And before you go about quoting the Bible about witchcraft, know this little factoid: In the original texts of the Bible, there is no mention of witchcraft or warlocks or anything of the sort. The original passage cited was changed by King James of England from "poisoner", meaning someone that would poison wells to "warlock" meaning an oathbreaker in various English translations of the period. Then the King James Bible was used by James as a way to prosecute and to persecute his enemies, of whom he had many, by saying that they were against God and needed to die because they broke their oath to him by not doing what he said, since he was the king.

Now, I might boycott the Gap for more pragmatic reasons involving the fact that they carry over priced, trendy crap clothing that doesn't fit my middle aged fat ass, but I don't see religion entering into it. Hell, now I might have to go buy something from them just to piss off ClydeR. If you really want to make a change ClydeR, try getting off the interntz and writing a letter to the company, enough of them and you may have more luck.

11-25-2009, 09:23 AM
LOL @ Reawing thinking Dominos is good pizza.

I thought the same; then I realized that he/she isn't from the east coast.

Pizza snobs unite!

11-25-2009, 10:28 AM
LOL @ Reawing thinking Dominos is good pizza.
I laughed at this, but then I read this, and it all made sense:

I have a BA in History and Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, graduating with a 3.4 GPA.

I boycott Gap/Old Navy/Banana Republic because their clothes suck.
^^This & fixed

11-25-2009, 10:35 AM
On another note, if you want to get angry about a story, check this one out.


I don't get it. The police searched everybody in a homosexual honky-tonk, and now they're getting sued. For what? I hope you're not trying to distract everybody from the real issue.

11-25-2009, 10:41 AM
spread the word...everyone should boycott bestbuy and put up huge NO CAMPING signs in their parking lot!!!!!!

Maybe then I could actually get a deal on black friday. I hate living in a college town, damn kids will camp out for anything and love a deal!

11-25-2009, 10:42 AM
And before you go about quoting the Bible about witchcraft, know this little factoid: In the original texts of the Bible, there is no mention of witchcraft or warlocks or anything of the sort. The original passage cited was changed by King James of England from "poisoner", meaning someone that would poison wells to "warlock" meaning an oathbreaker in various English translations of the period. Then the King James Bible was used by James as a way to prosecute and to persecute his enemies, of whom he had many, by saying that they were against God and needed to die because they broke their oath to him by not doing what he said, since he was the king.

Don't you worry about it. We're already working (http://conservapedia.com/Conservative_Bible_Project) on fixing all of the liberal translation errors in the Bible. When we are finished, we can destroy (http://amazinggracebaptistchurchkjv.com/Download99.html) the liberal versions that are misleading so many people. Being a witch or any other kind of pagan is wrong, and you know it.

Rex fuit Elizabeth: nunc est regina Jacobus

11-25-2009, 01:42 PM
Lift embargo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgq4w4dqKsU).

UPDATE - 11-24-09

Gap responds, boycott suspended. Your actions make a difference! Company says "pro-Christmas" ad to air this weekend.

More... (http://action.afa.net/takeaction/gap/)

11-25-2009, 02:49 PM
LOL @ Reawing thinking Dominos is good pizza.

I didn't say it was good pizza. I said it tastes good. Big difference. Good pizza tastes sublime.

11-25-2009, 02:51 PM
I don't get it. The police searched everybody in a homosexual honky-tonk, and now they're getting sued. For what? I hope you're not trying to distract everybody from the real issue.

You understand the legal implications of the 14th Amendment, yes?


11-25-2009, 02:52 PM
I thought the same; then I realized that he/she isn't from the east coast.

Pizza snobs unite!

I am from the East Coast. For the record...lol...I am not saying Dominos is good pizza, just that it tastes good. It DOES taste good. Just not as good as most other pizza places. lol In general, pizza tastes good as long as it isn't made in Europe.

11-25-2009, 05:17 PM
You understand the legal implications of the 14th Amendment, yes?


No. I don't see any implications of the 14th Amendment to this situation.

11-25-2009, 05:24 PM
I wonder if the internet has an award for "Hardest Working Troll" or something to that extent.

11-25-2009, 05:53 PM
No. I don't see any implications of the 14th Amendment to this situation.

Equal protection under the law. If you don't know what it means, its fine.


11-26-2009, 09:13 AM
Don't you worry about it. We're already working (http://conservapedia.com/Conservative_Bible_Project) on fixing all of the liberal translation errors in the Bible. When we are finished, we can destroy (http://amazinggracebaptistchurchkjv.com/Download99.html) the liberal versions that are misleading so many people. Being a witch or any other kind of pagan is wrong, and you know it.

Rex fuit Elizabeth: nunc est regina Jacobus

Being a closed minded ignorant bigot is wrong, but apparently you DON'T know it. By the way, all, yes, every last one of your foreign born, middle eastern death cult holidays was stolen from the historical roots of my religion. You don't have one single original holiday in the group and you don't have a single original holiday tradition either. A series of plagiarisms and shallow facsimiles stolen throughout the ages by a church invented by Paul in order to woo the populous into handing over their cash to a corrupt church in a centuries old power grab.

Some light reading: The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity (http://www.2think.org/hyam.shtml) and Who Wrote the New Testament? The Making of the Christian Myth (http://www.2think.org/mack.shtml)

Of course I know your closed and bigoted mind won't get anything out of those, but I thought I would take the time to try and educate you about your religion a little. After all, Divine knows you need it.

11-26-2009, 09:40 AM
It's amazing how many people still don't understand what ClydeR is.

11-26-2009, 09:44 AM
For some of us, the talking points initiated are worthy of responses, not necessarily where the points originated from.

11-26-2009, 09:48 AM
http://forum.gsplayers.com/images/reputation/reputation_balance.gifBoycott of Gap (War on... (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?p=1029505#post1029505)11-25-2009 05:18 AM Who gives a fuck. Get a job, move out of your parents' house, and stop playing GS.

I think you have me mistaken for someone else. I have a job, own my home, and I have not logged into my GS account in over 3 months.

11-26-2009, 09:53 AM
For some of us, the talking points initiated are worthy of responses, not necessarily where the points originated from.

No, I was talking about the individuals who attack ClydeR's beliefs... which is funny, considering what ClydeR is.

11-26-2009, 12:22 PM
No, I was talking about the individuals who attack ClydeR's beliefs... which is funny, considering what ClydeR is.

Please, PB, tell us what ClydeR is rather than alluding to it.

11-26-2009, 12:24 PM
Please, PB, tell us what ClydeR is rather than alluding to it.

Everyone knows ClydeR is a troll.

Well, almost everyone.

11-26-2009, 12:28 PM
Everyone knows ClydeR is a troll.

Well, almost everyone.

Actually had to look that up. I'm not up with the super cool PC/Blogger lingo.


11-26-2009, 12:42 PM
No, I was talking about the individuals who attack ClydeR's beliefs... which is funny, considering what ClydeR is.

/agreed, with clarification

11-26-2009, 04:23 PM
Actually had to look that up. I'm not up with the super cool PC/Blogger lingo.
Oh, did they not teach that at University of Wisconsin-Madison?

11-26-2009, 05:31 PM
Oh, did they not teach that at University of Wisconsin-Madison?

No. Did they teach it where you went to college? And by the way, I grew up in NYC so cut me some slack as a fellow New Yorker.


11-26-2009, 08:01 PM
Shit, does NYC even let Domino's Pizza operate within their city limits? Show some pizza pride, man.

11-26-2009, 08:36 PM
Shit, does NYC even let Domino's Pizza operate within their city limits? Show some pizza pride, man.

Dominos is in NYC, but they do have to show all their calorie information. There is a law in NYC that chains have to show all their nutritional information. That alone is enough to dissuade you when you are in the city.

11-26-2009, 09:52 PM
Who the fuck goes to get pizza, and then changes their mind when they see the calorie info? It's pizza, ffs. What did you think you were getting? Domino's sucks because it's crappy chain restaurant pizza, with chemical softened crust, and generally shitty ingredients. Reawing, you're scaring me, man. Go find a local pizzeria with a fat Greek guy behind the counter.

11-26-2009, 10:23 PM
Who the fuck goes to get pizza, and then changes their mind when they see the calorie info? It's pizza, ffs. What did you think you were getting? Domino's sucks because it's crappy chain restaurant pizza, with chemical softened crust, and generally shitty ingredients. Reawing, you're scaring me, man. Go find a local pizzeria with a fat Greek guy behind the counter.

I've evolved beyond that now that I live in the Utopia of Madison, WI.

Check out this pizza...


I've had friends from home (NY) agree with me that its on par with New York pizza.

11-26-2009, 11:52 PM
Who the fuck doesn't like pizza made in Europe?

11-26-2009, 11:53 PM
Who the fuck doesn't like pizza made in Europe?

Everyone who has ever compared it to pizza from the US, even Dominos. We are a fatty nation. We do pizza well.


11-26-2009, 11:58 PM
You must eat in some shitty places.

11-27-2009, 12:08 AM
Seriously, Reawing, wtf.

Stanley Burrell
11-27-2009, 12:09 AM
We should start exorcising the Pagan demons for directly prosthelytizing their Winter solstice, just like Christmas is a direct reenactment of its Saturnalia component.

Edit: Also, I fail especially hard at life for submitting a serious response to a ClydeR thread /wrists.

11-27-2009, 12:32 AM
/mstrike Daniel and TheE. I have no more response. lol

11-27-2009, 12:33 AM
I've never ordered Dominos sober. And I've only ordered it drunk because it was the only place open past 3 on a weekday in Boston.

11-27-2009, 12:44 AM
Domino's pizza is only good for kids birthday parties, when you don't want to shell out the money for 8 real pizzas. I've never been to Europe, but I imagine their pizza varies by area/restaurant, just like ours. Although, I'd probably only try it out in Italy/Greece. Local cuisine, FTW.

ETA: Pizzas are the breasts of the culinary world. Nomnomnom.

11-27-2009, 01:58 AM
I've had pizza in Italy. A lot actually. Its not very good. Greek pizza is a little better, but only in trendy Athens restaurants. But nobody goes to Greece for pizza. The English screw up every culinary dish they touch. The best food in England is Indian, IMO. Having literally travelled to every single continent but Antartica, I can assuredly tell you that pizza is most definately best, in America. And Dominos, although kinda ichy, is still damn good compared to the pizzas overseas.

11-27-2009, 02:34 AM
This is pretty much accurate about ol' Domino's


11-27-2009, 08:33 AM
Please, PB, tell us what ClydeR is rather than alluding to it.

There are ample posts by me and others describing what ClydeR is.. do you really need me to spoon feed you at every turn?

11-27-2009, 11:53 AM
There are ample posts by me and others describing what ClydeR is.. do you really need me to spoon feed you at every turn?

Yes. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving as well, PB.

11-27-2009, 04:49 PM
The best food [....] is Indian

Yes. Tandoori oven + spices + dead animal = win.

Or anything made with a mossala sauce. I'm so not picky. Mmmm