View Full Version : Selling Tsin

11-20-2009, 12:35 PM
Keep all your fucking retard posts in the old thread please with Coin....Christ.

Current Bid: 750 AD

Buyout: 1500

Ends tonight at Midnight.

11-20-2009, 12:49 PM
Coin would buy this character if he could scrape together 1500.

Perhaps you could work out a payment plan with him... Coin could play Tsin to make money and pay you off monthly until the debt has been settled. According to Coin, that MIGHT take him a month, tops.

You should take him up on his offer, imo.

11-20-2009, 12:51 PM
Coin would buy this character if he could scrape together 1500.

Perhaps you could work out a payment plan with him... Coin could play Tsin to make money and pay you off monthly until the debt has been settled. According to Coin, that MIGHT take him a month, tops.

You should take him up on his offer, imo.

If only he wasn't as retarded as Warclaidhm....If only heh.

11-20-2009, 12:58 PM
Keep all your fucking retard posts in the old thread please with Coin....Christ.

So lets see if we all have this strait, you make a post for a sale with a low MB, MB is met, you set a date for when the sale will end, that date passes, you say the highest bidder pulled out, but set another value well above your MB as the only value you'll take and you'll hold out for that value. You then say you didn't say that when called out on your bullshit.

Then you say you have a mystery bidder at a value above the last public legit bid... but that the sale isn't over yet... weird. Then you get another legit bid and try to milk more money out of it by not ending the auction just yet.

This is all on GS characters... as far as other sales, you completely dicked over Tisket (no question about it, what you did was a dick move). Shitstain type merchantism means you'll never sell anything to her again, you seem to think that "life happens" excuses you from informing your customers of delays, and that it's perfectly okay to try to ask for more money after a sale has completed.

Oh, and lets not forget that you seem to be under the impression your reputation is actually good.

11-20-2009, 12:58 PM
If only he wasn't as retarded as Warclaidhm....If only heh.

Well, with the $800 you'll probably get, you can at least wash your car, and have a little left over for Christmas.

PS - This is a serious note. Sorry about yer wife being in the hospital. That's never cool.

11-20-2009, 01:00 PM
I agree with PB.

For once.

11-20-2009, 01:02 PM
Ends tonight at Midnight.
Just thought I'd get this quoted and all...

11-20-2009, 01:04 PM
Keep all your fucking retard posts in the old thread please with Coin....Christ.

http://oursurprisingworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/disgusting_fishes_10_different_type_of_grenadier.j pg

11-20-2009, 01:04 PM
What did he do to tisket?

11-20-2009, 01:05 PM
What did he do to tisket?

Tisket got what she deserved.

11-20-2009, 01:06 PM
Widget! Your thread has been ruined!
(That's you)

11-20-2009, 01:08 PM

So lets see if we all have this strait, you make a post for a sale with a low MB, MB is met, you set a date for when the sale will end, that date passes, you say the highest bidder pulled out, but set another value well above your MB as the only value you'll take and you'll hold out for that value. You then say you didn't say that when called out on your bullshit.

Then you say you have a mystery bidder at a value above the last public legit bid... but that the sale isn't over yet... weird. Then you get another legit bid and try to milk more money out of it by not ending the auction just yet.

This is all on GS characters... as far as other sales, you completely dicked over Tisket (no question about it, what you did was a dick move). Shitstain type merchantism means you'll never sell anything to her again, you seem to think that "life happens" excuses you from informing your customers of delays, and that it's perfectly okay to try to ask for more money after a sale has completed.

Oh, and lets not forget that you seem to be under the impression your reputation is actually good.

Again, there you go making assumptions. I just laugh at morons now like you....OH NOES HIS BIDS ARE CLEARLY FAKE.

You have a reading comprehension problem too, interesting enough. In the OLD Auction, ALL BIDS were either outbid or removed from the prospective bidders. Because of THAT, I extended the auction to one day and sort of "Reset" things as they were.

I keep forgetting all of you know exactly what happens more than me, cause you have access to all my PM's and in-game tells, right? Either way, everything stands as to where it is now. Thanks for the care.

And I never thought dicking over Tisket, counted for shipping an item out 4 days AFTER the purchase was made..Get off your high horse, and go masterbate to your interesting website?

If I wanted to dick over people, I easily could have. I had access to other's capped characters, shit loads of high end equipment and so forth, but because I'm not a prick like the majority, sorry to disappoint and not jump on the band wagon, I never did nor ever thought of doing so.

If you think that what I did to Tisket was dicking her over, then you my friend are a sad little man and have no concept that there is life outside these forums evidently.

11-20-2009, 01:10 PM
Widget! Your thread has been ruined!
(That's you)

Far from me actually. If you wanna know what I look like, I can gladly supply a picture.

Maybe then you can frame it or upload it to your cool website and masterbate to that also

11-20-2009, 01:14 PM
Because of THAT, I extended the auction to one day and sort of "Reset" things as they were.

I'm not sure what that means.

I sort of "reset" things. ?

Banks sort of fucked the economy.

Clinton sort of got head..

what the fuck kinda of description is 'sort of'?

She said she only sort of had herpes?

11-20-2009, 01:14 PM
Far from me actually. If you wanna know what I look like, I can gladly supply a picture.

Can you please? :)

11-20-2009, 01:16 PM
AD becoming the owner of Tsin feels so right, for some reason.

11-20-2009, 01:21 PM
Can you please? :)

Here ya go Kuyuk, just cause you asked.

Feel free to bash away people, not like you have anything else better to do it seems. It won't hurt my e-feelings


11-20-2009, 01:22 PM
AD becoming the owner of Tsin feels so right, for some reason.

AD isnt that bad of a guy. I know someone who is excited to see him back since it seems him and AD were best of buds.

11-20-2009, 01:22 PM
I would prefer a higher res image. It would be a lot easier to photoshop. Kthxbai.

11-20-2009, 01:24 PM
Methias..please tell me you don't play Gemstone anymore. If you do, please leave immediately. Sell all yer shit and leave.

Tisket...same for you. Celephias, same to you.

Widget...cut your losses, sell Tsin as fast as you can...and please leave Gemstone. (You should spend this time with yer wife anyways).

Methias, Tisket, Celephias, Please go play WOW if you are not already doing so. Join the WOW boards, and I will not ask for anything else.

11-20-2009, 01:26 PM
Methias..please tell me you don't play Gemstone anymore. If you do, please leave immediately. Sell all yer shit and leave.

Tisket...same for you.

Widget...cut your losses, sell Tsin as fast as you can...and please leave Gemstone. (You should spend this time with yer wife anyways).

Methias, Tisket, Please go play WOW if you are not already doing so.

Apparently, you are confusing me with someone else....As I'm not married nor is my wife in a hospital?

Clearly you think I'm Aethor, and clearly I'm not since I know how to type and spell...

11-20-2009, 01:26 PM
I don't want to say it because it's too perfect of a bad pun, but you're clearly coming off as a Tsin like merchant.

Transparency makes for an honest merchant. I would care less about the 4 days NO COMMUNICATION (fuck delayed shipping, that happens) if you hadn't begged her for $25 more after the sale. That's bottomfeeder, in a circumstance like that where you delayed shipping for 4 days it would be a decent thing to do to charge $25 less.

Retaining a private bidders ID is indeed good merchanting, but not selling by the date you proposed... twice... is terrible. I wish AD the best of luck. As for you Widgets, you can try to defend yourself all you want... I can take comfort in the loss you're taking on this transaction (OH, but you didn't pay for it!)

11-20-2009, 01:27 PM
AD isnt that bad of a guy. I know someone who is excited to see him back since it seems him and AD were best of buds.

AD probably isn't a bad guy. I'm just making an oblique joke referencing his buying of high-level WoW characters and not knowing how to play.

I'll go ahead and steal from Some Rogue's photobucket:

11-20-2009, 01:28 PM
I don't want to say it because it's too perfect of a bad pun, but you're clearly coming off as a Tsin like merchant.

Transparency makes for an honest merchant. I would care less about the 4 days NO COMMUNICATION (fuck delayed shipping, that happens) if you hadn't begged her for $25 more after the sale. That's bottomfeeder, in a circumstance like that where you delayed shipping for 4 days it would be a decent thing to do to charge $25 less.

Retaining a private bidders ID is indeed good merchanting, but not selling by the date you proposed... twice... is terrible. I wish AD the best of luck. As for you Widgets, you can try to defend yourself all you want... I can take comfort in the loss you're taking on this transaction (OH, but you didn't pay for it!)

Why do you even come here? Seriously..what do you get from coming here?

11-20-2009, 01:28 PM
I don't want to say it because it's too perfect of a bad pun, but you're clearly coming off as a Tsin like merchant.

Transparency makes for an honest merchant. I would care less about the 4 days NO COMMUNICATION (fuck delayed shipping, that happens) if you hadn't begged her for $25 more after the sale. That's bottomfeeder, in a circumstance like that where you delayed shipping for 4 days it would be a decent thing to do to charge $25 less.

Retaining a private bidders ID is indeed good merchanting, but not selling by the date you proposed... twice... is terrible. I wish AD the best of luck. As for you Widgets, you can try to defend yourself all you want... I can take comfort in the loss you're taking on this transaction (OH, but you didn't pay for it!)

Never begged her. I sent her a PM, once. Begging is asking repeatedly I'd like to think. And I could care less if she didn't add $25, I wasn't begging for it nor would it have made or broke the deal.

But you keep thinking what only you want to believe and think.

I only did not sell by a date I proposed, ONCE...This is only the second listing....l2read?

11-20-2009, 01:28 PM
Methias, Tisket, Celephias, Please go play WOW if you are not already doing so.
Sorry to disappoint you Cion, but I'll be maintaining my account... and I'll continue to devalue character sales as best I can.

11-20-2009, 01:29 PM
As for you Widgets, you can try to defend yourself all you want... I can take comfort in the loss you're taking on this transaction (OH, but you didn't pay for it!)

I'm sure he did all right liquidating the rest of Tsin's non-attuned crap.

11-20-2009, 01:29 PM
AD isn't a bad guy. I'm just making an oblique joke referencing his buying of high-level WoW characters and not knowing how to play.

I'll go ahead and steal from Some Rogue's photobucket:

Yea I figured. Hell I busted on him for asking stupid questions about GS recently cause he's been out of the loop for a few years now.

As for WoW, I'll never touch it...Just not my spot of tea.

11-20-2009, 01:29 PM
Sorry to disappoint you Cion, but I'll be maintaining my account... and I'll continue to devalue character sales as best I can.

So you do play? Dang..at least tell me yer characters name so I can try and drive him out.

11-20-2009, 01:30 PM
So you do play? Dang..at least tell me yer characters name so I can try and drive him out.

:rofl: Lookout, Cel. Razurn is gonna get ya!

11-20-2009, 01:31 PM
I'm sure he did all right liquidating the rest of Tsin's non-attuned crap.

I seriously doubt he made more liquidating than he did on all the fixskills he used.

11-20-2009, 01:32 PM
I'm sure he did all right liquidating the rest of Tsin's non-attuned crap.

How much non-attuned crap do you think Tsin had in his locker?

To many of your assumptions, Tsin literally came with nothing.

The 7x longbow, I bought. Everything posted in his locker now, for the most part, I bought. The ONLY shit I sold out of his lockers originally, was the horrible altered crap...Shwartz ring, and warder's cloak are I think the actual two things I sold for coin from it.

His Robes and bag, I swapped to Ardwen for similar items...So no profit there.

Again, you people assume that Tsin came with godly amounts of valuable shit, sorry to burst your bubble but he did not.

Hell, he still has those enruned troll bones in his locker that were with him when I bought him. So again, fail to you.

11-20-2009, 01:34 PM
Why do you even come here? Seriously..what do you get from coming here?
It's that warm feeling I get when I get replies like this from people like you.

Never begged her. I sent her a PM, once. Begging is asking repeatedly I'd like to think. And I could care less if she didn't add $25, I wasn't begging for it nor would it have made or broke the deal.

But you keep thinking what only you want to believe and think.

I only did not sell by a date I proposed, ONCE...This is only the second listing....l2read?
I'm not going to dig it up (besides you've heavily edited), but you said you'd end it 11/17, then you "reset it" to end the next day 11/18... and now it's ending 11/20.

But don't worry, clearly I'm not comprehending it, because I happen to understand the english language like the rest of the people here, not like you do.

11-20-2009, 01:34 PM
I seriously doubt he made more liquidating than he did on all the fixskills he used.

Correct for the most part. I used one fixskills, and purchased another to replace the one I used and gave to a friend.

I think all together in the end, selling apparently all my uber un-attuned gear, I made roughly 2mil.

I made 4mil, off my raffle win from EG, 15mil from my Shade-Newt I dug up.

So the majority of my coin, were not from Tsin's locker at all.

11-20-2009, 01:34 PM
It's that warm feeling I get when I get replies like this from people like you.

I'm not going to dig it up (besides you've heavily edited), but you said you'd end it 11/17, then you "reset it" to end the next day 11/18... and now it's ending 11/20.

But don't worry, clearly I'm not comprehending it, because I happen to understand the english language like the rest of the people here, not like you do.

No please, dig it up to where I said I'd reset it to 11/18. Clearly you have the time to do so.

Here, I found it for you. Posted 11/19 in the late evening...

I've sent a PM to the last person, who offered me the highest bid to see what he wanted to do.

Basically, I told him I can leave him as the current bid and either include his name, or omit it if he wishes. I'd run the auction for simply one day since everyone should really need no time to think at all about bids and so forth when it boils down to it.

Once I hear back from him, that everything is good to go, I'll post a simple new thread, with the current bid and note that it ends 24 hours after the initial post.

I'm going to assume his bid will still be viable, since I just spoke to him over Lichnet last night about it. But I'm going to await confirmation by him via PMs before I jump the gun.

His bid, for those wondering is 700 bucks. Which to me is low, considering the attuned coraesine is worth a hefty penny as is the crate and time involved to get him at the XP level he is now. But no matter what people think of me, many still know me to be 100% a man of my word for the most part except doing shit like (Returning and Leaving), so I'll still be going on with the auction even though things have changed slightly. In the end I still follow thru with what I say I do.

It was also suggested to me that I send an assist in, and see if one re-rolled, that the attuned items may or may not still work for him. However I thought that re-rolling would be silly since originally I purchased Tsin for the price I did, because of his XP, and thought it was just a retarded idea in the first place.

Is it possible to re-roll a character and keep his attuned gear? I personally don't know and didn't really want to put in an assist to ask and find out, cause I personally wouldn't have done it anyhow.

Clearly 24 hours after 11/19....Is 11/20.

Anything else I can clarify for you?

11-20-2009, 01:38 PM
So you do play? Dang..at least tell me yer characters name so I can try and drive him out.
I actually try to maintain some sense of roleplay with my character, he's seperate from myself. If you actually wanted to try to fight him though, I'll happily murder you, I'll put Razurn on highlight and work out a reason to kick some dirt on your boots so you can pick a fight.

11-20-2009, 01:42 PM
No please, dig it up to where I said I'd reset it to 11/18. Clearly you have the time to do so.

Here, I found it for you. Posted 11/19 in the late evening...

Clearly 24 hours after 11/19....Is 11/20.

Anything else I can clarify for you?
Okay, lets say you reset the auction once... doesn't change my point at all, that's still shitty merchanting. What part of the fact you are breaking auction format by accepting any more bids, period, after the original sale ended. It doesn't matter if the final bidder did not come through, you go to the next highest, and the next highest... and you eventually said you had a legit bid at $700, that means you should not accept ADs $750 bid, it's done, it's over, you should sell for $700 to the private bidder.

11-20-2009, 01:44 PM

11-20-2009, 01:47 PM
Okay, lets say you reset the auction once... wait... that's still shitty merchanting. What part of the fact you are breaking auction format by accepting any more bids, period, after the original sale ended. It doesn't matter if the final bidder did not come through, you go to the next highest, and the next highest... and you eventually said you had a legit bid at $700, that means you should not accept ADs $750 bid, it's done, it's over, you should sell for $700 to the private bidder.

700 was made, in lieu of things, after the initial auction was ended.

Again, you have no idea what conversation took place when the 700 bid was made.

Granted you have a right to assume, just happens that your assumption is wrong for the most part given you do not know the entirety of details.

The 700 dollar bid, was made by a bidder lower than Nuc, who then allowed Nuc to counter bid, but Nuc did not. Because it was an entirely new bid, I allowed a day for the auction so that anyone else who wished to counter the new bid, could do so without dragging it out longer.

Think of it as a time machine...Sounds corny, but the only way I can explain it. Bidder 1 bids 500...Bidder 2 Bids 600...Bidder 3 Bids 986...Bidder 4 bids 1100.

Bidder 4 backs out to financial issues. Bidder 3 was then contacted, but no longer had the budget he once posted so was out. Bidder 1 and 2 were contacted, and Bidder 1 wanted to overbid Bidder 2. Bidder 2 was then contacted about the overbid and did not overbid.

Granted, it seems like Bidder 2 should have won, because of everyone backing out, but the auction was initially ended with an 1100 bid. But after the ending auction, people backed out so I gave a 2nd chance offer option for those that never backed out. That offer is the 24 hour time period.

Ebay does 2nd chance offers ya know, you should read up on them.

Anyhow, maybe that may make more sense to you?

11-20-2009, 01:48 PM

11-20-2009, 01:49 PM
Who the fuck has financial problems and is bidding $1100 on text?

11-20-2009, 01:51 PM
Who the fuck has financial problems and is bidding $1100 on text?

The World's Economy.

But in this case, they had problems after making a bid....Usually how it works, not the other way around "Man, I am so broke...I think today I'll blow 1100 bucks on text!"

11-20-2009, 01:52 PM
So what you're saying is that:

1. Auction ended, Nuc had the high bid with $600
2. A mystery bidder offers $700 AFTER the auction
3. You GRACIOUSLY allow Nuc to counter-offer the post-ending mystery bidder, he declines.
4. Now you're going to post the auction for another day on the basis of starting at the $700 mystery bidder's offer.

Yea, that's TOTALLY LEGIT.


11-20-2009, 01:52 PM
Yeah, that makes more sense than this "auction". In three days they lost all their money. Yeah. /forgot to quote Widget's last post.

11-20-2009, 01:53 PM
So what you're saying is that:

1. Auction ended, Nuc had the high bid with $600
2. A mystery bidder offers $700 AFTER the auction
3. You GRACIOUSLY allow Nuc to counter-offer the post-ending mystery bidder, he declines.
4. Now you're going to post the auction for another day on the basis of starting at the $700 mystery bidder's offer.

Yea, that's TOTALLY LEGIT.


Mystery Bidder was Swami aka Siphere. Feel free to confirm it with him unless you don't wanna get proven wrong again because of your asshatery assumptions are apparently correct. AMIRITE?!

11-20-2009, 01:54 PM
So what you're saying is that:

1. Auction ended, Nuc had the high bid with $600
2. A mystery bidder offers $700 AFTER the auction
3. You GRACIOUSLY allow Nuc to counter-offer the post-ending mystery bidder, he declines.
4. Now you're going to post the auction for another day on the basis of starting at the $700 mystery bidder's offer.

Yea, that's TOTALLY LEGIT.


Sounds like a page from Tsin's book on how-to-scam.

11-20-2009, 01:55 PM

I'm glad we could bring all the lulz and petty bickering over to this post.

11-20-2009, 01:55 PM
Yeah, that makes more sense than this "auction". In three days they lost all their money. Yeah. /forgot to quote Widget's last post.

Happens. Just because they have financial reasons, does not mean they lost all their money...It can also mean they thought better not to spend it...Understand it?

11-20-2009, 01:55 PM
The World's Economy.

But in this case, they had problems after making a bid....Usually how it works, not the other way around "Man, I am so broke...I think today I'll blow 1100 bucks on text!"

Are you serious? In three days? "HEY! I got only $1100 bucks in the bank, and I need to pay mortgage next week. Fuck it, I'll make it back by then". Is coin the mysterious bidder?

11-20-2009, 01:55 PM
Sounds like a page from Tsin's book on how-to-scam.

Sure, but ironically it's not. As there have been no fake bids. Wrong again! PC is on a roll!

11-20-2009, 01:56 PM
700 was made, in lieu of things, after the initial auction was ended.
Jesus, it just gets worse. So you're dicking over the people who had legitimate bids that were less than $700. You really ought to think about what you say before you post.

Again, you have no idea what conversation took place when the 700 bid was made.
and it has zero bearing.

Granted you have a right to assume, just happens that your assumption is wrong for the most part given you do not know the entirety of details.

The 700 dollar bid, was made by a bidder lower than Nuc, who then allowed Nuc to counter bid, but Nuc did not. Because it was an entirely new bid, I allowed a day for the auction so that anyone else who wished to counter the new bid, could do so without dragging it out longer.

Think of it as a time machine...Sounds corny, but the only way I can explain it. Bidder 1 bids 500...Bidder 2 Bids 600...Bidder 3 Bids 986...Bidder 4 bids 1100.

Bidder 4 backs out to financial issues. Bidder 3 was then contacted, but no longer had the budget he once posted so was out. Bidder 1 and 2 were contacted, and Bidder 1 wanted to overbid Bidder 2. Bidder 2 was then contacted about the overbid and did not overbid.

Granted, it seems like Bidder 2 should have won, because of everyone backing out, but the auction was initially ended with an 1100 bid. But after the ending auction, people backed out so I gave a 2nd chance offer option for those that never backed out. That offer is the 24 hour time period.

Ebay does 2nd chance offers ya know, you should read up on them.

Anyhow, maybe that may make more sense to you?
Yup... that's shitty merchanting. Nuc won at $600. I also like how now AD has entered the picture... yet you just said that it should bet between Bidder 1 and Bidder 2.

You're money grubbing and you're trying to excuse it, you're selling any assemblence you had of a good name as a merchant.

Honestly, look at the good merchants, Khariz is one of the best examples I can think of, he'll gladly lose money out of his own pocket to protect his name... but don't think he's actually just losing money, he's buying business.

11-20-2009, 01:56 PM
Happens. Just because they have financial reasons, does not mean they lost all their money...It can also mean they thought better not to spend it...Understand it?

No, I don't understand, cause a person like that has no brain. And I'm guessing someone else ^^^ has financial problems because of buying a character for $2000, good job.

11-20-2009, 01:56 PM
Mystery Bidder was Swami aka Siphere. Feel free to confirm it with him unless you don't wanna get proven wrong again because of your asshatery assumptions are apparently correct. AMIRITE?!

That still doesn't explain the fact that you let him bid again AFTER THE AUCTION ENDED.

Funny how you'll name Swami's mystery bid, but not the guy who had a $1100 bid in for DAYS and then BACKED OUT. Why would you protect a scammer?

11-20-2009, 01:56 PM
Are you serious? In three days? "HEY! I got only $1100 bucks in the bank, and I need to pay mortgage next week. Fuck it, I'll make it back by then". Is coin the mysterious bidder?

See above, I mentioned who the "Mysterious Bidder" was. Read a bit.

11-20-2009, 01:57 PM
That still doesn't explain the fact that you let him bid again AFTER THE AUCTION ENDED.

Funny how you'll name Swami's mystery bid, but not the guy who had a $1100 bid in for DAYS and then BACKED OUT. Why would you protect a scammer?

The 1100 bid was from Matt aka HermieTheDentist.


Christ, go fuck something else for a change.

I let him bid, because when the AUCTION HAD ENDED...As you so put it. The bid was at 1100. But then, when it had ended, the bid was then removed thus a 2nd chance offer came into play. Read up on it some.

11-20-2009, 02:00 PM
See above, I mentioned who the "Mysterious Bidder" was. Read a bit.

Yeah, I know. I was just comparing your stupidity to his.

11-20-2009, 02:01 PM
This thread is so....


11-20-2009, 02:01 PM
Mystery Bidder was Swami aka Siphere. Feel free to confirm it with him unless you don't wanna get proven wrong again because of your asshatery assumptions are apparently correct. AMIRITE?!
HAHAHA... christ, your only pillar of good merchantilsm gone... I seriously hope Swami said "okay you can say it was me".

11-20-2009, 02:02 PM
HAHAHA... christ, your only pillar of good merchantilsm gone... I seriously hope Swami said "okay you can say it was me".

He's not the highest bidder. You realize this right?

And it's not like no one knew he bid on Tsin, he did so in the other thread, public no less.

11-20-2009, 02:03 PM
Umm... second chance offer does not allow for continued bidding. It lets you get it at exactly the last price you bid. That would be Nuc buying it for $600. There is no "here's your chance to bid more then your last bid".

Read up on it sometime.

11-20-2009, 02:04 PM
Good. At least now we all know not to accept bids from Matt aka HermieTheDentist, because he is a scammer that won't pay.

11-20-2009, 02:05 PM
He's not the highest bidder. You realize this right?

And it's not like no one knew he bid on Tsin, he did so in the other thread, public no less.
I don't care what bidder he was. He was a mystery bidder, and now you've outed him. The entire world could have known, but if he asked to be a mystery bidder (which you kept going on as him being) then he should be allowed that anonimity.

I meant him as the bidder #1 or #3 you mentioned in your story, obviously you have the right to, and should, out the $1,100 bidder who backed out of the final bid.

11-20-2009, 02:07 PM
Umm... second chance offer does not allow for continued bidding. It lets you get it at exactly the last price you bid. That would be Nuc buying it for $600. There is no "here's your chance to bid more then your last bid".

Read up on it sometime.

Sure, but because the lot of you assume I'm a dick, may as well be one?

Joking aside, you have no idea about any of the conversations that took place. With neither myself and Nuc/Swami or any other interested parties.

And do I care? Nope, not one bit. Why? Cause unlike you, I don't see a need to jump in others business nor fap to what you say here. I don't know you, never will, and prefer to keep my life outside GS a higher priority than my one here or in-game. Can't say the same for others though, since they are not me

11-20-2009, 02:07 PM
WIDGETS: Here's some ambiguous info on some shady-sounding dealings I've been up to.
PC: You sound like a scammer
WIDGETS: Well I'm not, and you're all idiots, and I'm not going to post about this any more.
PC: Then you must be a scammer.
WIDGETS: No, I'm not. See, here's all the info.

11-20-2009, 02:07 PM
Don't worry. Anyone bidding, and then dropping their bid is just like Widgets. Buying shit they can't afford and then QQing.

11-20-2009, 02:08 PM
I don't care what bidder he was. He was a mystery bidder, and now you've outed him. The entire world could have known, but if he asked to be a mystery bidder (which you kept going on as him being) then he should be allowed that anonimity.

I meant him as the bidder #1 or #3 you mentioned in your story, obviously you have the right to, and should, out the $1,100 bidder who backed out of the final bid.

He actually never asked to be a mystery bidder.

I just give people the benefit of the doubt, when giving me a bid to usually be private about it, when the bid itself was not made openly.

He even told me to let Nuc know, so he can offer more if he wanted. To me that's not screaming TELL NO ONE!

And telling people he bid 700, has no bearing on anything. But everyone doesn't see that and I'm sure will promptly PM him and neg rep him too, cause that's the cool thing to do, right!

11-20-2009, 02:09 PM
I really was trying to get work done today. Now I'm just camping in this thread and hitting F5. Fuck you guys.

11-20-2009, 02:12 PM

11-20-2009, 02:14 PM
I really was trying to get work done today. Now I'm just camping in this thread and hitting F5. Fuck you guys.

ROFL. Thanks for proving my point!

My IMs with someone, just not long ago!

RecoilSprung: (2:00pm)
You can tell who has like no life on this thing too, I mean the second you post something they reply to it
I can only imagine some idiot at their PC all sweaty hitting F5 to refresh

11-20-2009, 02:14 PM
I hope you get Zimzumed.

11-20-2009, 02:14 PM
Sure, but because the lot of you assume I'm a dick, may as well be one?

Joking aside, you have no idea about any of the conversations that took place. With neither myself and Nuc/Swami or any other interested parties.
It doesn't really matter. You accepted both Nuc and Swami's original bids before the auction ended the first time, at the value they submitted them at ($600 and $500 respectively?) The auction ends, you get screwed out of the top bid, you still have the $600 and $500 bids, you are indeed a dick if you don't sell to them at those prices if they're willing to pay them. That does not mean you can pit them against each other.

And do I care? Nope, not one bit. Why? Cause unlike you, I don't see a need to jump in others business nor fap to what you say here. I don't know you, never will, and prefer to keep my life outside GS a higher priority than my one here or in-game. Can't say the same for others though, since they are not me
This is a lie, you do actually care, otherwise you wouldn't be replying. As for me, my vested interest is in the players corner, I could give a shit if you posted this on the officials (well I'd laugh cause someone would cross post here about how someone posted a character sale of tsin on the officials and got tsin banned). I find the PC to be a great place for this sort of thing because we don't let bullshit stand, we call it out... so if I do indeed start a deal with someone on the PC and haven't heard anything otherwise I'm pretty confident they're not a (known) scammer.

Now if someone was new to the PC and sees all this shit in their thread, they might not buy from you... to me... that's a win.

11-20-2009, 02:16 PM
Widgets got Tsined.

Way to keep the ledgendary douchebaggery alive.

11-20-2009, 02:17 PM
I hope you get Zimzumed.

By Widget's logic, the people who posted in the Zimzum thread were all in the Zimzum fanclub and were sweatily refreshing their browsers so they could jerk off to wiping his ass.

11-20-2009, 02:18 PM
The Tsin brand is cursed.

...or magnetized.

11-20-2009, 02:18 PM
I love watching car-fires.

11-20-2009, 02:20 PM
...or magnetized.
Okay.. What? Making magnets, collecting magnets? Playing with magnets?
Just magnets.

... I'm going to put snowboarding.

11-20-2009, 02:20 PM
By Widget's logic, the people who posted in the Zimzum thread were all in the Zimzum fanclub and were sweatily refreshing their browsers so they could jerk off to wiping his ass.

There is a difference between what he did, and what I am doing.

He stole a character, then sold him, then refused to give any account info etc, correct?

Granted I don't care to read much into that thread, that is completely different than this sale.

Why you ask?

Because the highest bidder removed his bid, I started a new one which ends tonight.

If people don't get Tsin after tonight, by all means cry and call blasphemy!

Threaten to torch my house and children! Threaten to slice off my balls!

Until then, just continue being a fucking tool like the other bandwagon kiddies with nothing better to do.

I've never once ripped anyone off in a Zimzum manner, or old Tsin manner. Never lied about item properties or failed to disclose all property information and never stole someone's shit.

If I did, you'd see 10x DB, sancted returners etc going up for sale in a fast manner. But against all your wants and desires, that's not me.

11-20-2009, 02:21 PM
Hah, I love this thread so much. You think any of us postying are sitting in mommy's basement F5ing. Most of us are a work and probably have it opened in an extra tab. The laughs you provide Widgets, gets us through the day.

And to agree with Cele, no one here wants shadeballs here.

11-20-2009, 02:22 PM
And you have nothing better to do than to buy and sell, quit and join, GS over and over again. I think you should be the last one to be judging people who post in your threads.

11-20-2009, 02:22 PM
Tsin manner doesn't mean ripping people off. It's more manipulating and obscuring facts in a used carsman like fashion to get as much money as possible with zero regard for customer satisfaction. This could include ripping someone off, but doesn't have to be.

That's you.

11-20-2009, 02:23 PM
Holy shit is that real?

11-20-2009, 02:24 PM
And to agree with Cele, no one here wants shadeballs here.

This thread (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=39027) would disagree with you.

11-20-2009, 02:25 PM
Holy shit is that real?
Unfortunately it is. I saw the TLC story on that guy. I believe he's all fixed now.

Now let's focus on the real fuckface in this thread.

11-20-2009, 02:25 PM
He stole a character, then sold him, then refused to give any account info etc, correct?

Why would you assume that?

11-20-2009, 02:26 PM
Yeah, I don't visit that thread. I'm scared of what I would see.

11-20-2009, 02:26 PM
Unfortunately it is. I saw the TLC story on that guy. I believe he's all fixed now.

Now let's focus on the real fuckface in this thread.

11-20-2009, 02:28 PM


11-20-2009, 02:28 PM
I had to stop my streaming netflix movie to be able to pay attention and read the last five pages of this thread that appeared in 30 minutes.

fuck, someone should have to post a recap every 3-4 pages for people who are too lazy to read all the pages.

11-20-2009, 02:31 PM
Okay.. What? Making magnets, collecting magnets? Playing with magnets?
Just magnets.

... I'm going to put snowboarding.
No. Tsin1 sells Tsin to Tsin2, turning Tsin2 into that which all despise.

11-20-2009, 02:31 PM
I can only imagine some idiot at their PC all sweaty hitting F5 to refresh

Like you're doing, constantly responding to every piece of bait people are tossing out? :whistle:

11-20-2009, 02:31 PM
Hah, I love this thread so much. You think any of us postying are sitting in mommy's basement F5ing. Most of us are a work and probably have it opened in an extra tab. The laughs you provide Widgets, gets us through the day.

And to agree with Cele, no one here wants shadeballs here.

Nah, I simply said sweating, and hitting F5.

Whether it be at work, or at home. Regardless people are wasting time by doing so, and proving my point that you clearly have nothing better to do but what I'm mentioning.

As for me, I have a client to go see, enjoy your time here

11-20-2009, 02:36 PM
Whether it be at work, or at home. Regardless people are wasting time by doing so, and proving my point that you clearly have nothing better to do but what I'm mentioning.
That's because the hole you're digging is as funny as it is deep.

11-20-2009, 02:39 PM
Entertainment isn't a waste of time, and you're providing alot of it. Well I guess if you spend $2000 and have endless auctions you could consider it a waste of time (and money). But, who am I to judge? You obviously only hear your own voice.

11-20-2009, 02:40 PM
It's making my plane ride SO entertaining right now.

11-20-2009, 02:44 PM
I hate drama!


11-20-2009, 02:48 PM
I don't know what has possessed me to write this, but I feel the urge to jump in. I bid $500, not seeing the original bid of $500. I then bid $600. Original bidder bid $700. Bunch of fake bidders stepped in, someone else now has a legitimate bid of $750. From what I understand, there's no bickering or complaining going between the real bidders and the auctioneer. How a handful of people can write 55 pages of comments on a simple auction is beyond me. There really isn't that much to talk about here.

11-20-2009, 02:53 PM
I don't know what has possessed me to write this, but I feel the urge to jump in. I bid $500, not seeing the original bid of $500. I then bid $600. Original bidder bid $700. Bunch of fake bidders stepped in, someone else now has a legitimate bid of $750. From what I understand, there's no bickering or complaining going between the real bidders and the auctioneer. How a handful of people can write 55 pages of comments on a simple auction is beyond me. There really isn't that much to talk about here.

If that's the timeline, fine. But Widgets himself said the $700 bid did not come in until AFTER the auction ended/mystery bid stuff.

Some Rogue
11-20-2009, 02:53 PM
That so called legit bid of $750 came after it was supposed to have already sold.

11-20-2009, 03:00 PM
I must have missed that somewhere in the 53 pages of nonsense.

11-20-2009, 03:02 PM
That so called legit bid of $750 came after it was supposed to have already sold.

11-20-2009, 03:04 PM
I must have missed that somewhere in the 53 pages of nonsense.

700 was made, in lieu of things, after the initial auction was ended.

And the $750 was of course after/in response to that.

11-20-2009, 03:05 PM
I must have missed that somewhere in the 53 pages of nonsense.
Page 2 for me!

EDIT: Shit, now it's page 3.

11-20-2009, 03:09 PM
And do I care? Nope, not one bit.84 posts in the two relevant threads suggest otherwise.
You can tell who has like no life on this thing too, I mean the second you post something they reply to it
I can only imagine some idiot at their PC all sweaty hitting F5 to refreshYou really can.

11-20-2009, 04:01 PM
How a handful of people can write 55 pages of comments on a simple auction is beyond me.


11-20-2009, 04:11 PM
He definitely weighs as much as a duck

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-20-2009, 04:20 PM
I sweat a lot even when I'm not hitting F5.

11-20-2009, 04:23 PM
He definitely weighs as much as a duck

If he weighs as much as a duck... he's made of wood!

11-20-2009, 04:33 PM
A witch!!

11-20-2009, 05:00 PM
It's not a witch, it's your wife!

11-20-2009, 05:11 PM
I haven't read the whole thread but I think I was a little unclear in the other thread about my dealing with Widgets.

I do not feel I was cheated. At all. Even a little bit.

The item I received was well worth the money.

My issue with him was his lack of communication and his lame ass excuse that he was too busy with work for four days to find even a few moments to mail me an item I bought. One that I paid for without a seconds delay.

And, while asking for an additional 25 bucks was a dickish thing to do, I really didn't feel he'd have refused to sell it at the original price if I had said no. I just wanted to help out. Which is another reason the delay was inexplicable to me. You don't even get fucking lunch breaks? What the fuck dude.

Anyway, I just think it's common fucking courtesy to jump on something like that and go to the fucking post office. This is why I won't deal with you again. That is all.

edit: and I still refuse to believe that Coin is a real person. What a retarded monkey.

11-20-2009, 05:15 PM
Tisket's dirty mouth is like honey on my ears.

Edit to clarify: It leads to a skin condition and lots of flies swarming. And possibly a bear eating me.

11-20-2009, 05:17 PM

11-20-2009, 05:23 PM
Tisket took a break from the PC and came back all nicey nice. I feel like my world has been turned upside down.

Oh and Widgets seems like a bit of a shithead.

11-20-2009, 05:26 PM

How long have you been waiting to use that word? lmao.

11-20-2009, 05:43 PM
what did tisket buy that wasnt a GS item?

Someone knows tisket's addy! lets go run a train!

11-20-2009, 06:03 PM
what did tisket buy that wasnt a GS item?

Someone knows tisket's addy! lets go run a train!

It was a digital camera. And no, he does not have my own address. Hah.

11-20-2009, 06:13 PM
damn, I was getting some roofies on order

11-20-2009, 06:18 PM
damn, I was getting some roofies on order

lol. No, was just her brother's address I think.

11-20-2009, 10:11 PM
Little under 2 more hours

11-21-2009, 12:11 AM
And Done. Just awaiting for AD to get online so we can get in touch with one another.

11-21-2009, 12:43 AM
Just want to defend Widgets a little here. He had two people back out of bids private $1,100 and Brute at $980. Next highest bid was $600. Thats a big drop off. I probably would have reset the auction too.

11-21-2009, 05:21 AM
Personally? I would've pushed the two private bids by making the public after a brief (yet urgent) discussion with whomever made them.

When the other bidders know who is finding value in your product, eighty more elements open up to your sale (the most powerful usually being spite).

11-21-2009, 05:33 AM
I once respected Widgets, but this fucker is a scheming little whorebag.

He borrow 50 mill from two different people, took that money and bought vambraces (gave the guy 50, said he didn't have more, so used credit), then traded the vambraces for the string, tried to sell the string for three times more than he was already leveraged for, while the guy he got the vambraces from he paid with a trade from a friend he held "dearly". Basically same shit as the Great Depression. And then decides he sells his character in this shady ass scheme.

For someone who hates drama, you are full of fucking shit.

I'm not assuming *anything* considering I know all involved parties.

You are a piece of shit.
And therefore have validy earned the title Tsin 2.0. And I will never deal with you again. And I didn't even learn of the Tisket bullshit until now.

Go suck a HUGE BLACK COCK, you dildo-in-the-ass loving bitch.

I never even had the string, lol. Waaaaay off for someone assuming "nothing".

But kudos to you for chiming in. I'd fix your post with its grammatical errors, but it's very early in the morning and I'm tired.

11-21-2009, 05:34 AM
I once respected Widgets, but this fucker is a scheming little whorebag.

He borrow 50 mill from two different people, took that money and bought vambraces (gave the guy 50, said he didn't have more, so used credit), then traded the vambraces for the string, tried to sell the string for three times more than he was already leveraged for, while the guy he got the vambraces from he paid with a trade from a friend he held "dearly". Basically same shit as the Great Depression. And then decides he sells his character in this shady ass scheme.

For someone who hates drama, you are full of fucking shit.

I'm not assuming *anything* considering I know all involved parties.

You are a piece of shit.
And therefore have validy earned the title Tsin 2.0. And I will never deal with you again. And I didn't even learn of the Tisket bullshit until now.

Go suck a HUGE BLACK COCK, you dildo-in-the-ass loving bitch.

Damn... Widgey, you somehow managed to piss off the single most decent guy I've ever met in-game.

Kudos to you... that's honestly quite an achievement.

11-21-2009, 05:35 AM
Damn... Widgey, you somehow managed to piss off the single most decent guy I've ever met in-game.

Kudos to you... that's honestly quite an achievement.

Yea, it happens when everyone wants to jump on the wagon I suppose. I've frankly gotten pushed to the point where I no longer give a fuck about the majority of you I once considered good people, cause clearly most will turn a blind eye to the actual facts and matters at hand, and shout out their ass for no reason at all.

I guess that happens anywhere you go...Call someone a shady dick for so long, eventually they'll say fuck it, may as well be one since everyone wants to assume.

I find it ironic that everyone here was all for me, then poof suddenly I'm an evil man.

My words to those: Go rot in your non-existent lives you fat fucks and get over it.

But Matt is excited you are coming back, or so he said the other night in IMs. It has been a few years since you've played, which is good I suppose.

The auction is over, once everything is all said and done, I can truely make everyone's lives more depressing by no longer being here so they'll have to shortly find someone else to live their life through.

11-21-2009, 05:48 AM
For what it's worth, no one (Widgets included) is obligated to continue taking the next lowest bid after the winner of an auction falls through with the sale. Regardless of whatever else happened, like Swami71 said, there's a lot of lost $$$ involved with going down the list until you get someone who is still willing to make the transaction when there could be someone else who would pay a higher amount.

11-21-2009, 06:20 AM
This is turning into the Lord of the Rings or some shit. Tsin's next owner better throw him into a volcano before he destroys the something or other.

11-21-2009, 11:29 AM
On a roll this morning, O.


11-21-2009, 11:35 AM
I guess that happens anywhere you go...Call someone a shady dick for so long, eventually they'll say fuck it, may as well be one since everyone wants to assume.
No, that's the difference between a shady dick and someone who isn't a shady dick. You can call me one all you like I'll never actually justify it.

If I called you gay long enough, would you just suddenly decide "well, might as well go get my shit pushed in"?

11-21-2009, 11:42 AM
For what it's worth, no one (Widgets included) is obligated to continue taking the next lowest bid after the winner of an auction falls through with the sale. Regardless of whatever else happened, like Swami71 said, there's a lot of lost $$$ involved with going down the list until you get someone who is still willing to make the transaction when there could be someone else who would pay a higher amount.

I'd have to agree with Bob and dah Sawmi here, I'd have reset the auction as well.


11-21-2009, 11:51 AM
No, that's the difference between a shady dick and someone who isn't a shady dick. You can call me one all you like I'll never actually justify it.

If I called you gay long enough, would you just suddenly decide "well, might as well go get my shit pushed in"?

Makes sense.

11-21-2009, 12:00 PM
Makes sense.


...and so it begins!

11-21-2009, 12:02 PM

...and so it begins!

Go tell your evil twin he should get online so he can send the paypal money and get this account.

...........I suddenly have a crave for cock!

11-21-2009, 12:05 PM
But Matt is excited you are coming back, or so he said the other night in IMs. It has been a few years since you've played, which is good I suppose.

The auction is over, once everything is all said and done, I can truely make everyone's lives more depressing by no longer being here so they'll have to shortly find someone else to live their life through.

Think you confused -Life and -Death here. That was not me posting.

11-21-2009, 12:09 PM
Think you confused -Life and -Death here. That was not me posting.

Maybe. I'm confused as all hell...Matt was referring to you, but I somehow quoted Life instead...hah

11-21-2009, 12:46 PM
And Gone.

11-21-2009, 12:48 PM

11-21-2009, 05:59 PM
Damn... Widgey, you somehow managed to piss off the single most decent guy I've ever met in-game.

Kudos to you... that's honestly quite an achievement.

There are few people that I'd unquestionably trust with my GS gear that I've never met RL. m444w is pretty damn high on that list.

11-21-2009, 06:29 PM
Why do you even come here? Seriously..what do you get from coming here?

What do you get from coming here? Everyone except you thinks you're fail.

Methias..please tell me you don't play Gemstone anymore. If you do, please leave immediately. Sell all yer shit and leave.

Tisket...same for you. Celephias, same to you.

Widget...cut your losses, sell Tsin as fast as you can...and please leave Gemstone. (You should spend this time with yer wife anyways).

Methias, Tisket, Celephias, Please go play WOW if you are not already doing so. Join the WOW boards, and I will not ask for anything else.

Sold Methais almost 2 years ago for $1500 because I'm awesome.

Got him back a year later for $600 on a trade because I'm awesome.

Still pwning GS.

Been playing WoW since 2004.


11-21-2009, 06:38 PM




11-21-2009, 08:52 PM
It was pointed out to me by Inso that I was publically quoted on this forum by Widgets. The following is my response to him.


I did place a bid of $1100 and then changed it. Here's how my side of the story goes. I'd been watching the boards and reading about this guys buy/sell and waffling history. I lay the bid irreguardless. We began discussions and bid he starts talking about lowering the BO. First to as low as 1.3k. Now I'm think WTF? I just laid down a serious bid and now he's going to try and use me as a patsy to meet his needs and not his stated auction goals? I thought I made it pretty clear I was going to feel pretty screwed if he dropped it so dramatically so close to my offer being proposed. I had even made mention I was possibly going to buy silvers from him in addition to help sweeten the deal. So I watch as the boards continue to flame Widgets and wait patiently for Wed. Then BAM! About 36hours before the auction ends without a word he changes the BO without a whisper, PM or AIM. Granted I'm not always on AIM but, I was keeping an eye on the PC. So I was like what the hell? I PM him asking why he's made changes in the conditions and he talks about how his main goal was to make 1.5k. Fine that's all well and good but, it broke our spoken agreement to maintain the BO. In all fairness he said he would give me Tsin and good amount of coinage for 1.5k as a deal to me. Which was nice but, not faire to any other bidders. And the change of condition without notification also irked me. Mostly because I could have been instantly swept out of the auction with such a dramatic turn (there are alot of opportunists in our little community). Now I really feel like I'm getting played so I return volley. I offered him just over Brutus' initial offer of $981.61 (message #68 pg 7 of his auction thread) to a bid of $990.00 or $1100 if the character comes with and additional 13m in silver. He's thinking he's be generous by offering me the silver with the 1500 pricetag. I'm thinking my bid is being used as a spring board for him to launch a different tactic and being taken advantage of. So after reading a good part of both of the Tsin threads I actually still had the highest pending bid at $990 offered firm or the $1100 with the addition to the silvers. And he's down selling himself now to $700 or less. I find this part to be bizzare and alot of the problem we encountered. Especially after reading Tisket's posts about the camera. I left his last PM unanswered because I had stated my case and made a firm offer that was not going to change my mind because of the way he had waffled on me already. To add to the culinary flavor of this post....I was not going to get pancaked and (now I am supposing alot here folks) he thought I was asking too much.

On a personal note. I really like this guy. I have no hard feelings toward the guy. He's been helpful to me in the past with info and character help. I feel bad for the press he's gotten on the boards. Especially after our deal fell through. I kept encouraging him not to change terms and conditions that were set forth so there wouldn't have been any of this mess. I do regret the turn of events that have come about. If you like I can wrap up the PM's we exchanged and I'll let you take a first hand look at what I sent. I know anyone can do what they want with what is theirs. But, I wanted the auction to be faire to all bidders and not just myself. I didn't want to be swept out of the auction on the whim of seller who's trying to 'make a goal' that was previously unannounced. It didn't show good faith in my estimation.
Again let me reiterate...No hard feelings

So that's my rationale take it or leave it.

11-21-2009, 08:56 PM

Cthulhu when he was a young lad?

11-21-2009, 09:24 PM
I'd also like to add he was waiting for my response to his last PM. He offered terms to return the BO to 2k. I asked him not to change his mind too much more on the boards so as to reduce the amount of critisism we'd both take in the process. I had also already made it clear that his change of terms had forced my hand to change terms also. I kept silent about all of this out of an agreement that we had held to attend to these matters privately. Being outted on the boards publicly has also change my tone of response. I'll try and answer any questions sincerely and candidly. I have no doubt my friend Widgets will also chime in to defend himself. Which he should. Perhaps the truth will out? I could have been very wrong and if I am....shame on me. I gladly bear the blame.

Grace and Peace.

11-21-2009, 09:35 PM
Yea, it happens when everyone wants to jump on the wagon I suppose.It's conceivable, you miserable, vomitous mass, that people are only coming out of the woodwork because of a bandwagon effect. But, then again, perhaps not.
I could have been very wrong and if I am....shame on me. I gladly bear the blame.Signs point to don't worry about it.

11-21-2009, 09:36 PM

I want to touch it...but I don't.

11-22-2009, 01:05 AM
I'd also like to add he was waiting for my response to his last PM. He offered terms to return the BO to 2k. I asked him not to change his mind too much more on the boards so as to reduce the amount of critisism we'd both take in the process. I had also already made it clear that his change of terms had forced my hand to change terms also. I kept silent about all of this out of an agreement that we had held to attend to these matters privately. Being outted on the boards publicly has also change my tone of response. I'll try and answer any questions sincerely and candidly. I have no doubt my friend Widgets will also chime in to defend himself. Which he should. Perhaps the truth will out? I could have been very wrong and if I am....shame on me. I gladly bear the blame.

Grace and Peace.

I appreciate the constructive post Matt.

I'd like to say that alot of which Matt has stated, holds true except possibly a few minor things that frankly at this point I don't feel like going back to look at since things are so wrapped up 30 ways to one at this point. I can however briefly break it down.

I don't think I ever mentioned a price tag of 1300, but maybe I did to him via IMs, I don't think however they were sent PMs here.

His offer, of 1100 to include the 13m was correct, but later in his second PM, he noted 1100 for 15mil, granted it's a 2mil difference, it just goes to show how both sides were kind of wrapped up and twisted at this point. Both mine and his.

After being offered 990 since I lowered the buyout on short notice from 2000 to 1500 I found it in my best interest to simply decline since I don't think it would seem fair to Brute if someone were to purchase Tsin over him for 3 dollars and change. I didn't know how serious Brute was in acquiring Tsin, but I wasn't going to take a 3 dollar and change bid like that.

I thought it just be best if we both parted ways since things obviously got out of hand with me and Hermie.

The only reason, I outed Hermie, was because of the trolls of the PC. Had you people not of given two shits like some of us or had not thought that I have all these magic mystery bids, it would have never came to but I felt that there was a need after all the bashing that occured.

Long story short, Hermie and I both left with a mutual understanding and were mature about it. Everyone else directly involved with the auction was contacted and new arrangements were explained. The new owner of Tsin got a good deal, and I'm just glad it's all over with.

To me it's a shame at the age of some of you here and your behavior, but I guess we all need to pass time in some way, and others choose to do so in different ways.

Out of all the people involved directly with the auction, it's ironic I think that everyone walks away with a mutual feeling/respect still, yet those indirectly involved are the ones going nuts over it.

Anyhow, it's over and done with. No scams have occured, which I'm sure some of you were hoping for.

11-22-2009, 01:55 AM
fuck you fail

11-22-2009, 01:57 AM
I thought Widgets was going to have Kranar delete his account after he sold Tsin? ...Oh wait, then he wouldn't be able to respond to all of the comments that he doesn't care about. My bad.

11-22-2009, 03:34 AM
>prepare 115
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Fasthr's Reward spell...
Your spell is ready.
As you begin to utter your incantation you hear a shout of "Sorcery!" and several strong men grab you.
The men hoist you up and hustle you to the end of the hall, where they toss you through a small window. Bursting past the leather flap of the window you catch a whiff of something unpleasant before your world turns brown and wet.
Roundtime 10 seconds.
[Hog's Pen]
Here at the farthest end of the hall the fire is just a hazy glow, long shadows lie across the floor, and the smoke paws you like a drunken mercenary. The dark figures bent together nearby sit here for just that reason and scowl at your approach as though they owned the sawdust under your boots. They're an ugly lot. You also see a warped mistwood table.
Obvious exits: south

What. The. Fuck. Is. That?

115 is defensive yeah?

11-22-2009, 03:42 AM
Someone likes to use the word "ironic" a bunch. Too bad they have no clue what it means.

As far as trolling goes..yeah, we were trolling you. But I'd rather be trolled with words, than trolled by someone trying to take my money.

LOL @ "To me it's a shame at the age of some of you here and your behavior, but I guess we all need to pass time in some way, and others choose to do so in different ways."

Know what's ironic? Someone making fun of the people who choose to spend their time as they wish, pretty much saying in your last post that we don't act our age, running a f'd up auction, and then crying when people call you out. Cause you fit all four.

11-22-2009, 10:24 AM
I thought Widgets was going to have Kranar delete his account after he sold Tsin? ...Oh wait, then he wouldn't be able to respond to all of the comments that he doesn't care about. My bad.

He's unable to delete accounts, and if you were to read that earlier you'd know.

11-22-2009, 10:27 AM
So stop posting. It's as easy to selling characters and quitting GS.

Wait, what?

11-22-2009, 11:37 AM
He's unable to delete accounts, and if you were to read that earlier you'd know.

If you don't have enough self control to stop logging in and posting, ask Kranar to IP ban you. If he says no, just post goatse all over the place until you get IP banned.

Otherwise, and no offense, but stfu about your whole "addiction" bullshit, as hearing 47283094 times "I'm SOOOOOOOOOO addicted and I wanna quit but I CAN'T!!!!!1" is just gonna make you look like an incredible attention whore, much like a 13-year-old that's been smoking cigarettes for two weeks.

TLDR: Either quit and stop posting, or stop whining about how you plan to but can't.

11-22-2009, 11:58 AM
He's unable to delete accounts, and if you were to read that earlier you'd know.

I read someone speculating that he couldn't. I didn't see any confirmation. But even if that's the case, like Methais said, you could just have him ban you. Don't you have some big epic life to get on with?

11-22-2009, 12:36 PM
Open notepad. Type 20 random characters. Copy them. Open a "change password" dialog box. Paste. Delete characters from notepad. Be unable to logon. Have nobody care that you're gone.

11-22-2009, 12:43 PM
I like how his excuse for outting him was "because I was being trolled".

Thanks for validating us :)

11-24-2009, 05:31 AM
If you managed to sell Tsin for 750, you can sell the 2mil coin profit you made and only be out a cool $734. Dumbass.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-24-2009, 01:51 PM
How is it possible to out Tsin, Tsin?

11-24-2009, 02:13 PM
I once respected Widgets, but this fucker is a scheming little whorebag.

He borrow 50 mill from two different people, took that money and bought vambraces (gave the guy 50, said he didn't have more, so used credit), then traded the vambraces for the string, tried to sell the string for three times more than he was already leveraged for, while the guy he got the vambraces from he paid with a trade from a friend he held "dearly". Basically same shit as the Great Depression. And then decides he sells his character in this shady ass scheme.

For someone who hates drama, you are full of fucking shit.

I'm not assuming *anything* considering I know all involved parties.

You are a piece of shit.
And therefore have validy earned the title Tsin 2.0. And I will never deal with you again. And I didn't even learn of the Tisket bullshit until now.Go suck a HUGE BLACK COCK, you dildo-in-the-ass loving bitch. Same shit Inspire(Kizun) already said, and everyone knows we (me and Kizun) don't agree on anything really, so... how about that? Two people that pretty much disagree on everything agree you like gay black men putting their cock in your ass so you can pay your next transvestive whore to fuck you because your mother never made you feel loved enough. Hope you enjoy getting tickled with that pink feather you labial sore.

Way off says Widgets? You know, I deleted a post bashing him in that thread where he was trying to sell the string, just because I always give people the benefit of the doubt, but lets stop pretending here. It's somehow better that you didn't have the string and you were trying to sell it? You were trying to sell what you didn't have... then when that didn't work, you were just trying to ply me for info on what the string was worth by pretending you had it.. so you could buy it for your pal by screwing me over? Get a grip on reality. Either way it's deceptive and low class.

11-24-2009, 02:58 PM
Way off says Widgets? You know, I deleted a post bashing him in that thread where he was trying to sell the string, just because I always give people the benefit of the doubt, but lets stop pretending here. It's somehow better that you didn't have the string and you were trying to sell it? You were trying to sell what you didn't have... then when that didn't work, you were just trying to ply me for info on what the string was worth by pretending you had it.. so you could buy it for your pal by screwing me over? Get a grip on reality. Either way it's deceptive and low class.


11-24-2009, 04:49 PM
The human eye's cones and rods report visual data to the brain as individual pieces of data, despite our brain taking that information and putting it all together as single objects... everything you see is pixels.

...wiki puts us at a theoretical max of 50 CPD, or a 0.35mm line at 1m

11-24-2009, 04:53 PM
"Yo Widgets, I'm really happy for you and Imma let you finish, but I just wanted to say that you are one of the biggest fucking shady douche bags of all time."

11-24-2009, 04:55 PM
"Yo Widgets, I'm really happy for you and Imma let you finish, but I just wanted to say that you are one of the biggest fucking shady douche bags of all time."

lol, and I know I shouldn't lol because it's old but I went and did it anyway

11-24-2009, 05:37 PM
"Yo Widgets, I'm really happy for you and Imma let you finish, but I just wanted to say that you are one of the biggest fucking shady douche bags of all time."

Why do you have Cumdumpster as your title?

11-24-2009, 05:56 PM
Because he is?

11-24-2009, 06:17 PM
http://forum.gsplayers.com/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gif Selling Tsin 11-24-2009 04:45 PM because I dump a lot of cum, retard

A cumdumpster is the one who's receiving said dumped cum, not the one doing the actual dumping. Your mom can explain it in more detail.

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................,-~*.`\^*''´`|:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;`/::.........:¯''*^^^^^^^^*''.|.../ You've failed, Mr.
..........,-~*´,-^*´...:;,-^`|:;:;:;:;:::::::::;:,^`:;:.:...........:;:;:;:;. ....`/../` . Anderson.
........./...,-*......,-^`.^-,,:;:;:;:;:;:::::;:;`^,~-:;:;:-~,:.............../,,^` . . . /
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11-24-2009, 06:48 PM
A cumdumpster is the one who's receiving said dumped cum, not the one doing the actual dumping. Your mom can explain it in more detail.

....................................._,,,----~^**''''* *^^~--,,
................................,^`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;`~,
...................../;;;;;;;;;;|:;:;:::::::::.:.:.:.:.:................ .......` ^,`\;;\
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...................`|;;;;;;;;;;;;;`^,,:;::.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.................|;|;;;|
....................|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;''\;:::.:.:. :......:. :.:.:.:.:...............`|/`;;`|
....................`\;;;;;;;;;;,--~^*'':::::.:.:.:.:.....:. :.....................|;;;;/`
...................`\;;;;;`|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;|.: ....\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;''''¯,-^|
.....................\;;;;;''*^^^~--,,,,,,,,,--~^*''´|.:...... ''-,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,^|...|
................,-~*.`\^*''´`|:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;`/::.........:¯''*^^^^^^^^*''.|.../ You've failed, Mr.
..........,-~*´,-^*´...:;,-^`|:;:;:;:;:::::::::;:,^`:;:.:...........:;:;:;:;. ....`/../` . Anderson.
........./...,-*......,-^`.^-,,:;:;:;:;:;:::::;:;`^,~-:;:;:-~,:.............../,,^` . . . /
.......`/:;,*.......,''......`|--\:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;,..` ,...................`/
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eh, I don't know who left you that rep, but it wasn't me
cumdumpster comes from an inside joke between a few of my friends, that's all

11-24-2009, 07:01 PM
eh, I don't know who left you that rep, but it wasn't me
cumdumpster comes from an inside joke between a few of my friends, that's all

I know it wasn't you. I meant to edit that in but forgot because I'm fail.

11-24-2009, 07:04 PM
This is the thread that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friends
Some people started posting in it not knowing what it was
And they'll be posting in it forever because
This is the thread that never ends.....

11-24-2009, 07:25 PM
This is the thread that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friends
Some people started posting in it not knowing what it was
And they'll be posting in it forever because
This is the thread that never ends.....

fucking win

12-04-2009, 06:06 PM
Well, looks like I got screwed after all. Fun fun.

12-04-2009, 06:08 PM
Well, looks like I got screwed after all. Fun fun.


12-04-2009, 06:11 PM
Wow, donno if I wanna say 'surprised much?' or 'yeah saw that one coming'. I figured with all the heat, this deal woulda at least been straight. Heh.

12-04-2009, 06:15 PM
Second that.

Well, looks like I got screwed after all. Fun fun.

12-04-2009, 06:24 PM
Scammed by Widgets?

12-04-2009, 06:29 PM
I believe it was a disappearance after the sales price wasn't what was desired. Correct, AD?

12-04-2009, 06:32 PM
From what he wrote, by his own words on his selling character thread... AD has possession of Tsin... did I miss-read that?

12-04-2009, 08:25 PM
Scammed by Widgets?

Not the only one...


12-04-2009, 08:53 PM
I do have control of the character. It just got transferred to my account today.

But Jay gave me the wrong answer for the security question. And stuck me with his bill for his last months game payment, as well as the payment for the Ebon Gate festival he attended.

So I basically paid more then I should have had to, and as far as the answer which he 'got wrong' who knows. I would assume since he had JUST had Tsin transferred to the account that he would be able to recall the correct answer still, but who knows. Until/unless he comes back, I won't know if that part was just a mistake on his part, or purposeful. I have not emailed him to figure it out, and he has not been on here for a week on Widgets account at least.

Widgets was last on (Last Activity: 11-26-2009)

I was pretty sure he was also:
Gizmo (Last Activity: 11-12-2009) Last was the coin buying thing for his recent EG debts or whatever before selling Tsin..
KrolvinScout (Last Activity: 08-23-2008 )
Peanut Butter Jelly Time (Last Activity: 12-04-2009) today.. but last post 07-06-2009, 08:28 PM

Anyhow... anyone confirm/deny that the other accounts are his too? Or have any other suspicions as to what else he may be posting under?

12-04-2009, 08:55 PM
What a dirtbag.

I heard he's Fizzlecrank. Confirm/deny?

12-04-2009, 08:56 PM
I assume you mean a character name? I'd have no idea myself, since I haven't played in forever.

12-04-2009, 09:01 PM
Was hopin' someone could confirm or deny.

12-04-2009, 09:01 PM
It always amuses me the lengths people will go to to screw someone out of a few bucks.

12-04-2009, 09:03 PM
I do have control of the character. It just got transferred to my account today.

But Jay gave me the wrong answer for the security question. And stuck me with his bill for his last months game payment, as well as the payment for the Ebon Gate festival he attended.

So I basically paid more then I should have had to, and as far as the answer which he 'got wrong' who knows. I would assume since he had JUST had Tsin transferred to the account that he would be able to recall the correct answer still, but who knows. Until/unless he comes back, I won't know if that part was just a mistake on his part, or purposeful. I have not emailed him to figure it out, and he has not been on here for a week on Widgets account at least.

Widgets was last on (Last Activity: 11-26-2009)

I was pretty sure he was also:
Gizmo (Last Activity: 11-12-2009) Last was the coin buying thing for his recent EG debts or whatever before selling Tsin..
KrolvinScout (Last Activity: 08-23-2008 )
Peanut Butter Jelly Time (Last Activity: 12-04-2009) today.. but last post 07-06-2009, 08:28 PM

Anyhow... anyone confirm/deny that the other accounts are his too? Or have any other suspicions as to what else he may be posting under?

Bitch you got jacked. I'd call the internet if I were you.

12-04-2009, 10:02 PM
You got Ratolin'd. Sucks.

12-04-2009, 10:12 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHA eat my ass new guy.

12-04-2009, 10:41 PM
Drayal rep me so I can either me a green fanboy or an infamous troll! Hah.

12-04-2009, 11:25 PM
Drama llama grazing area!

12-05-2009, 02:06 AM
I was pretty sure he was also:
Gizmo (Last Activity: 11-12-2009) Last was the coin buying thing for his recent EG debts or whatever before selling Tsin..
KrolvinScout (Last Activity: 08-23-2008 )
Peanut Butter Jelly Time (Last Activity: 12-04-2009) today.. but last post 07-06-2009, 08:28 PM

Anyhow... anyone confirm/deny that the other accounts are his too? Or have any other suspicions as to what else he may be posting under?

Ok.. him being Peanut Butter Jelly time is just disturbing, as PBJT was a MASSIVE asshole who kept trying to ass rape me on trades for my coraesine longsword. He spent literally months trying to trade absolute SHIT for it, including that bullshit white ora katana / wika set. I eventually blocked him and a few alts so I didn't have to put up with it any more.

12-05-2009, 02:31 PM
Look on the bright side...Widgets' stupid ass is still out at least $1000 for being dumb and paying 2k for Tsin.

He's probably gonna steal the character back though via security question.

You should do a chargeback on Paypal and get your money back. That way you're in the clear if he calls billing with the security question and takes Tsin back, and if he doesn't....even better.

Even if you have the character, he still didn't hold up his end of the bargain so there's no reason not to do it.

12-05-2009, 03:08 PM
Selling Tsin 12-04-2009 07:26 PM Change your avatar already.


Stanley Burrell
12-05-2009, 03:12 PM
La la la la la.

12-05-2009, 03:18 PM
He was a cocksucker.

Stanley Burrell
12-05-2009, 03:23 PM
He was a cocksucker.


12-05-2009, 03:37 PM
Look on the bright side...Widgets' stupid ass is still out at least $1000 for being dumb and paying 2k for Tsin.

He's probably gonna steal the character back though via security question.

You should do a chargeback on Paypal and get your money back. That way you're in the clear if he calls billing with the security question and takes Tsin back, and if he doesn't....even better.

Even if you have the character, he still didn't hold up his end of the bargain so there's no reason not to do it.

There is almost no way he can get the character back since I transferred it to my account. He would somehow have to convince Simu that I stole it and that is not the case.

I doubt he has any way to get his other account back either now, not that he would have any real reason to now that Tsin is off of it. Unless he had some other characters deactivated on it that were worth something.

I was able to change the security answer seeing as I had the credit card on file for currently paying for the account. Years ago, I could have sworn you needed to pay for three months or something to be able to do that, but either I was mistaken or it has changed.

I won't charge back while I have control of the character, even if he did wind up taking more from me than we agreed upon.

12-05-2009, 04:21 PM
He was a cocksucker.

nothing wrong with that...