View Full Version : Weird Teachers
03-11-2004, 05:01 PM
We've all had them and I'm sure someone has a story or two.
I have one from today, in fact.
So I'm sitting in PreCal with some friends and my math teacher is explaing logarithms to us and stuff and the Quadratic equation gets brought up. He then goes on this tangent (haha) about how mathematicians were trying to figure out a forumla for functions with higher degrees than 4... they believed they could find a formula for an equation of any degree (If I've lost some of you, I apologize).
Anyway... He tells the story of this young guy that mathematically proved that it was impossible. He called his proof "a beautiful work of art" or something. My friends and I began snickering at the nerd (my professor) calling a math equation 'beautiful'. Then to top it off, he says the guy was killed in a bar fight the day after he figured this out. Yeah we laughed pretty hard at that. Jokes concerning the possible argument that led to the barfight came up between us and made it all the more funny.
Anyway... anyone who believes math to be a beautiful thing is weird and deserves ridicule (Yes, Kranar. You too.)
Anways... someone else tell a story.
Originally posted by Tayre
Anyway... anyone who believes math to be a beautiful thing is weird and deserves ridicule (Yes, Kranar. You too.)
I had to take remedial math in high school to graduate. I don't think the ones that understand it should be ridiculed or anything, only avoided at all costs...they frighten me.
I actually kinda admire people who excel at math. But if your like a genius like that guy from 'A Beautiful Mind' then thats kidna scary because that type of genius usually accompany's some type of mental illness.
03-11-2004, 05:12 PM
My science teacher once said, "Don't shave your pubes, it itches like hell."
She also called my friends and me "The Clit Clique."
03-11-2004, 05:16 PM
I had a german teacher in 11th grade flip out on our class. There was a really hard test the day before so people were complaining to him that he should have some extra credit assignments and he kept saying no. We all kept saying he should and he flipped out. He threw some cards with german words on them across the room,and the cart that held the movie projecter he knocked that over. He was screaming so loud his face was red and veins were popping. That has to be the funniest thing ive ever seen a teacher do. If you ever have a teacher named Mr Gould who teaches german run.
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
My science teacher once said, "Don't shave your pubes, it itches like hell."
She also called my friends and me "The Clit Clique."
Whats the reasoning behind "The Clit Clique"
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
My science teacher once said, "Don't shave your pubes, it itches like hell."
She also called my friends and me "The Clit Clique."
Reminds me of a male english teacher that assigned seats in his classrooms. He put two girls who wore short skirts all the time in the front row because, as he put it, "legs are a woman's best asset". Last I heard he was unemployed.
03-11-2004, 05:24 PM
Math is very beautiful.
And very much in its own perfect world. Mathematics has no basis in reality, unless you're talking chaos theory and fractal geometry.
Anyways, my AP Euro History teacher in HS was this short, snaggle-toothed angry Italian man, and almost every day he would bitch and moan about how horrible his love life was.
Oh, and me and this other Irish kid who sat in the front of the room (we had assigned seats) would boo every time England was mentioned, and call them Imperialist pigs, and whatnot, and this guy would go on tirades defending the British Empire.
And then there was Father Garaventa. Oy vey. He had something called "the bear dance" which, when he was feeling in a particular mood, he'd get on his tip toes and hop from one foot to the other, with his arms up in the air. He also hated the ceremony at graduation where the people who never got JUG were named, so he made it his perogative to give everyone in all his classes at least one unit of JUG, so that was many more people whose name he didn't have to listen to being read. Considering he taught Honors history, that got a lot of the dorks and nerds in detention for the only time in their 4 years.
Then there was Mr. Lojacano (Lojack, as opposed to Kojack) who would have "Chilly Challenges", which involved opening all the windows, even if it was the middle of winter, and giving a quiz while your balls froze.
Father K who would constantly talk about how hot the other two Spanish teachers were (don't worry, they were both female).
Jeff Gehmer, one of the gym teachers and coach of the soccer team, who everyone called Fejj Remheg, which would, for some reason, piss him off to no end. I think he was called that in high school. When his gym classes were outside, we'd all yell out the windows, "Fejj!"
Edited to add a few more:
Mr. Cashiano, "Cash" as we called him, who would always comment on us crazy kids and how we liked the "Lin-yard Skin-yard" a bit too much.
Mr. Rehmer, who was like 89 years old, had been teaching for 60 years, and had been using the same tests for the past 50. He always would talk about World War II, but of course, it was "Ol' dubble ya, dubble ya two" and the German bullets whizzing over his head, and somehow relate it to economics. Something about East Germany and widgets making factories, and how there was no supply in East Germany, and high demand, thus high prices.
My high school was frickin' awesome.
We also had some wacky math teachers, but in high school I was taking math at UB, so I didn't know any of them.
[Edited on 3-11-2004 by TheEschaton]
03-11-2004, 05:30 PM
<<Whats the reasoning behind "The Clit Clique">>
I wish I knew.
To TheEschaton: My response is, "Patrick Moore plays the xylophone."
03-11-2004, 05:49 PM
My high school chem teacher was fucking psycho. She was always high on crack or something early in the morning, and would be fried out by the end of the day.
Halfway through the academic year, she strained her neck helping her sister move. She had to have major surgery after that, we had a substitute who had no formal training in teaching a class. He was a hoot too, but for other reasons.
03-12-2004, 11:38 PM
Our spanish teacher freshman year got very pregnant and took the second semester off, and was replaced by a Greek Orthodox priest who we called Padre Miguel. Needless to say, we (by which I mean everyone but me, mom) tortured him mercilessly. Every room at my high school had a phone (out the window it went) most rooms had a TV (flat out busted) and this particular room had two piņatas (who abruptly had an affinity for sodomy). We didn't feel like taking tests by ourselves so we devised the concept of Cooperative Learning Groups.
The weird part was he encouraged us and even partook in some of our more nefarious deeds. He wasn't allowed to proctor any finals (why not?) and was gone the next year.
03-13-2004, 08:41 AM
Timely subject, last night one of the little girls who buses at the restaurant was reading and I asked her what it was. "Little Women" for school. then she goes on to say that last year (when she was 13) her teacher had her read "Prince of Tides" GAWK! This book had a violent rape, sodomy and murder as the catalist of the book, in it.
I couldn't believe it. She said the teacher was no longer at the school, but I was in shock her mother didn't storm the school, I would have.
03-13-2004, 09:01 AM
I was in HS computer class, in the second semester and baseball season was in full swing, as was spring fever, well computer class was the last class before gym and all of us baseball players were ready to practice because a tournament was comming up, well we weren't paying attention, talking, and generally being typical disruptive students when the teacher looked at my friend and told him "strike one" in which over all our snickering he blurted out "awe she threw me a curve ball". "strike two" she said with him replying "oh that one's tha breaker". "STRIKE THREE you can go see the principal now" she said and he jumped out and made an umpires signal for a strike out, and said "your outa there!" and stormed out. we were all laughing so hard she sent every baseball player to the principal, and we were all laughing all the way to the office, while she told everyone else they could pack up and play games on the computers because we got her too flustered to teach anymore, and came down to the office screaming after us and told the principal that she sent us down there because of our use of baseball terms, didn't even mention that we were disruptive because she was so flustered from us mutter stuff like "hey batta batta" and "7th inning stretch" and other silly baseball terms, well the principal said to her ill take care of this and sent her on her way, looked at us and said ok guys go practice, it helps to have a principal that was a former coach.
*disclaimer* i just realized that whole story isn't about a crazy teacher but about disruptive students thus off topic, but i wrote too damn much to erase.
03-13-2004, 09:09 AM
ok, weird teacher.
had a French teacher (sorry x can't hardly remember anything and you'll see why) that was fresh out of college, about 23 or 24 years old, well she had a fascinating habbit of wearing tastefully provocative clothing on fridays (teachers got to wear what they liked on fridays) which usually consisted of mini skirts and some type of really loose shirt and boots, well her teaching style was to sit on a 3 foot high stool in the front of class with our project book ("candide" by Voltaire) and read to us the whole class period, crazy thing was we hardly remember this book and almost failed every test because of her forgetfull ness or willingness to not wear panties under that miniskirt because it showed lines and she didn't like t-backs or thongs because she didn't like her underwear up her ass, told to us on the last day of school her first year (yes she got a contract extension) when we (all the guys) confronted her about it after our final class with her. Amazing woman by the way.
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