View Full Version : Help with GS3 Bard

The Dark One
11-16-2009, 01:23 AM
Alright guys, who can help me.

Elven bard

level 52
Hasnt been played since pre-conversion, and i get to reallocate my stats. I want to work perfect stats. Who can help me?

Also, I hear bards love doing tonis song with shortsword for 1sec airflaring swings...seems boring to me.

How about polearms? How well does tonis effect that?

11-16-2009, 01:25 AM
All your questions are answered in a number of previous posts in this folder.

Check the posts from the "beginning."

11-16-2009, 01:32 AM
All your questions are answered in a number of previous posts in this folder.

Check the posts from the "beginning."

Lazy ass

11-16-2009, 01:33 AM
Lazy ass

He's old! Give 'im some rest!

The Dark One
11-16-2009, 01:35 AM
The fixstat post doesn''t show me anything for my race, far as I read, so i donno bout that.

Also the sword/board thing doesnt say much about using tonis/sonic shortswords later in levels. Plinking a critter doesnt appeal to me. donno what the benefits are.

seems polearming is awesome, but i donno. id rather make my own than hijack someone elses ^^.

11-16-2009, 01:36 AM
Lazy ass

God damnit, fine.

Alright guys, who can help me.

Elven bard

level 52
Hasnt been played since pre-conversion, and i get to reallocate my stats. I want to work perfect stats. Who can help me?



Also, I hear bards love doing tonis song with shortsword for 1sec airflaring swings...seems boring to me.


How about polearms? How well does tonis effect that?

It affects it the same it does for short swords, or any weapon type.


The Dark One
11-16-2009, 01:40 AM
OoOooooooo that stat thing is perfect. Thanks Danical. Definitely helpful. And Polearms are sposed to be slower. Tonis fully bonused gives shortswords a 1sec RT, but i donno what polearms would do. If noone knows, I can just go find a polearm somewhyere. Lances specifically since they seem to be the preferred base of later level hunters?

Jace Solo
11-16-2009, 01:41 AM
Well that link wont do much for ya.

His point was, it's the same as haste.
Google GS4 of GSIV Max Stat

It'll pop up a stat generator allowing for some fiddling, play around with it until you see the stats you want.

If you're not in favor of bleeding something down. Go with a lance or THW and be done with it.

I'll be TWC would be fun, but then I don't know if it's viable either because of training points.

11-16-2009, 01:42 AM
OoOooooooo that stat thing is perfect. Thanks Danical. Definitely helpful. And Polearms are sposed to be slower. Tonis fully bonused gives shortswords a 1sec RT, but i donno what polearms would do. If noone knows, I can just go find a polearm somewhyere. Lances specifically since they seem to be the preferred base of later level hunters?

I'm going to assume you don't know how Dex and Agi reduces melee Roundtime so I will link something for you again.


couple the above link with tonis and you'll have your exact Lance RT.

11-16-2009, 01:43 AM
His point was, it's the same as haste.

It's not. It doesn't have a % modifier nor does it dissipate with MStrikes.

The Dark One
11-16-2009, 01:46 AM
Hmmm *nodding* Looks like the DF and RT for the lance is alot higher for damage, only a bit higher for RT, with Tonis up, but I can still feint for 1shots on the head. This sounds like a fun training plan. Are either of you actual polearm bards? Like, I'll be starting stronghold/black forest soon and I am definitely thinking it'll be alot easier with thw, not sword/board.

The Dark One
11-16-2009, 01:47 AM
And thanks for helpin me out with the links. They are helping. And one of those things in the stat cruncher, 1 of the links does give me an accurate level 100 maxstat reading. Just havent figured out which stat I DONT want at 100, since I use influence.

11-16-2009, 01:48 AM
I'm starting to think his point is to just search Krakii and it can answer most of your questions, then come back to the PC and look at builds and stat placement in the FUCKTON of threads in the bard folder when you click the button to view all threads from the beginning of the folder.

11-16-2009, 01:55 AM
I'm starting to think his point is to just search Krakii and it can answer most of your questions, then come back to the PC and look at builds and stat placement in the FUCKTON of threads in the bard folder when you click the button to view all threads from the beginning of the folder.


11-16-2009, 01:58 AM
Hmmm *nodding* Looks like the DF and RT for the lance is alot higher for damage, only a bit higher for RT, with Tonis up, but I can still feint for 1shots on the head. This sounds like a fun training plan. Are either of you actual polearm bards? Like, I'll be starting stronghold/black forest soon and I am definitely thinking it'll be alot easier with thw, not sword/board.

Note THW for a bard is 3/3 (at 2 ranks) more than polearms. If you're not going to use a shield, then go poles and specifically a lance.

The lowest RT you can get BASE RT 4+ weapon is 5 seconds. If you aim, you'll add 3 seconds and the lowest you can get with a 4+ weapon is 6 seconds.

Tonis applies lastly and will (at 75 Air Lore ranks) reduce this by 3.

Poles are a great method but your defense might suffer so be aware of that.

Bards are very much all offense and no defense. You want to kill/neutralize things before they get a chance to attack you.

Make frequent use of 1005.