View Full Version : EG Alchemy Cauldron

11-15-2009, 09:26 PM
I'd still very much like to get one of the cauldrons from the EG auction. Name your price and we'll see what we can do.


11-30-2009, 09:36 PM
Bumping this. Still looking.


12-01-2009, 09:57 AM
what was special about it?

12-01-2009, 11:24 AM
A few things.

It would follow you around once you put it down, so you wouldn't be able to forget it. Its creator said he'd done everything he can to make it janitor-proof. It would refuse ingredients, simmers, boils and so on, if it didn't follow an existing recipe. It's also highly scripted with several normal and idle scripts, including a few specific to alchemy like agitating the solution inside it.

A few scripts I'd noted at EG:
- Sadan kicks a darkly patinated bronze cauldron.
It jumps up, shakes itself off, then charges right at her kneecaps. Pow!
- You reach out to a darkly patinated bronze cauldron, and it snuggles against your touch.
- A darkly patinated bronze cauldron waddles over to Skunker, leans back, and begins wiping its feet on the floor in his direction.
- A darkly patinated bronze cauldron shifts its belly around on its legs, clearly enjoying the heat beneath it.
- A darkly patinated bronze cauldron ambles around Kestlar in a circle, occasionally leaning in for an inspection.
- A darkly patinated bronze cauldron marches up to Rimalon and salutes with one of its legs.
