View Full Version : Paladin power?
11-15-2009, 08:42 PM
I am a paladin who is at roughly 72 trains. I keep to myself to an extreme. I MA 4 diff accounts, cleric, empath, wizard, paladin. I'm a geek, I know. I need assistance figuring out what way is the best way for a paladin at my level to train. I can hunt Maaghara easily, the black forest is boring, I am tired of Teras because there's never enough people there.
Right now, he's in GoS, and I love it, it's damn fun. I hunt the entrance, I walk out when hurt, puff heals me, wizard re-hastes me, i walk back in and decimate everything. Right now I am sword/board, but that seems to be rather cookie-cutter and I wanna have fun! Any thoughts?
11-15-2009, 08:44 PM
Zealot THW, there is no other way...Especially since you have an army.
11-15-2009, 08:44 PM
Oh, and I'm not in full plate yet., I don't have enough armor use to come even close to maxing fluidity for less hinderance. Should I alter my training to max out armor use? It won't be enough, but close to enough for another rank
11-15-2009, 08:44 PM
I love Zealot. It's the best thing since they invented claidhmores. :worship: But can I survive without full plate?
11-15-2009, 08:46 PM
Hrm. Get two sancted maces or morning stars (personally, I prefer maces), cast GL flares on them, and do two-weapon combat. Pile on as much MOC and CM as you can. You'll destroy stuff.
Also, you could try the Rift.
11-15-2009, 08:50 PM
I hate the rift. It's such a chore to climb and everything. I need a script to get there, and get back, and now with the scatter released, I've been killed 4 times by being sucked up into those stupid worm things, getting out, and being imploded automatically by a vaespilion thinking 'wait, i should hold the spell until the worm pukes'....cute. Die rift!
as for 2wc, isn't that more of a rogue thing? Seems the bases aren't a strong enough DF as a mace *no offense*. I am a big best-base person. I don't like using longswords, or ball n chains, blabla..if it doesnt hit the hardest, it aint worth it to me. Just my thoughts.
And what about the full plate issue? Should I move up even though I'm only 72?
11-15-2009, 08:55 PM
I had full plate at 50 personally. It isn't something I would recommend for the solo hunter since it eats up a crapton of points, but since you MA you could get away with it.
11-15-2009, 08:55 PM
How many ranks do I need to not get completely raped by penalties?
11-15-2009, 08:56 PM
It's like 130 for RT, 150 for minimal spell hindrance without Fluidity.
11-15-2009, 09:06 PM
You could also do something like what I do with my paladin and do edged/thrown/shield. Of course, I'm currently using a 6x sancted returning axe (until someone takes it off my hands), and that makes it more fun.
11-15-2009, 09:15 PM
*nods* good info so far. Been playing forever, but just came back a few days ago from a 2 year break. So, how many ranks for 4/5 fluidity? cuz right now, i have 3 ranks.
11-15-2009, 09:17 PM
I think you would probably have more fun if you didn't make the game as easy as possible. MAing a cleric, empath, and wizard is essentially typing IDDQD, and I for one had a lot more fun with godmode off in Doom.
11-15-2009, 09:20 PM
I think you would probably have more fun if you didn't make the game as easy as possible. MAing a cleric, empath, and wizard is essentially typing IDDQD, and I for one had a lot more fun with godmode off in Doom.
With that type of support army you should have any problem. Also you said you keep to yourself to the extreme, yet you don't like teras cause there aren't alot of people there?
11-15-2009, 10:28 PM
I just wish Gemstone was like it was a long time ago. A thousand people give or take, everywhere populated, but not overcrowded like in 98 where there were 8 people everywhere, and when burrow orcs came out in their new hunting area, there was like 30 people there every hour of every day. Back when camping ONE room was an acceptable hunting method because you got more that way! Nowadays people are cranky and brats 80% of the time <no offense> whether its RP or attitude.
Anyhoo *grin* Rant off! Thanks everyone for the help. Any further advice would be greatly welcomed! Thanks again!
11-15-2009, 10:29 PM
By the way I got neg repped for askin the questions...lemme be clear.
I'm not having trouble with anything except box annoyances. I just...want to have more fun. People know more than me, I like to think, so why not ask the collective intelligence of the reigning GS4 forums? Fun > efficiency, to me. Because it's a game! So help me have more fun! Thank you =)
11-15-2009, 10:43 PM
I actually have a 72 paladin of my own. Mine uses a pole-arm build with a perfect awl-pike. One of the only reasons I can manage it is because I can swing it in 5 seconds with great AGIDEX.
If you've got lower AGIDEX, a maul is a great weapon to use, but you won't get the same damage as a lance/awl-pike. Mauls are nice to ambush heads or necks with though, while big polearms are mostly swing away type weapons.
About the armor, I think full plate is great. With the 140th rank of armor, I think you can get fluidity 4, which drops my hinderance 5% I think. I personally don't use spells while I hunt that often, but when I do I really want them to fire. So getting the extra training really helps bring down your failure rate with the extra fluidity. With 148 ranks (doubled in armor at 72) I have 10% failure rate with fluidity in my plate.
I think it depends what kinda gear you can get your hands on. If you decide to go to full plate, but you can't afford decent plate, it's not going to be as nice... If you have a nice sword and shield, you might not be able to come across a nice 2hw or pole that beats it.
And the bigger the weapon, the more AGIDEX you need to make mstrikes feasible.
11-15-2009, 10:52 PM
About the armor, I think full plate is great. With the 140th rank of armor, I think you can get fluidity 4, which drops my hinderance 5% I think.
Na, your hindrance will never get below 7% will full plate unfortunately.
11-15-2009, 10:59 PM
Na, your hindrance will never get below 7% will full plate unfortunately.
Later I elaborate, it drops it 5% (from 15% to 10%)
11-15-2009, 11:01 PM
Later I elaborate, it drops it 5% (from 15% to 10%)
Ah, gotcha.
11-15-2009, 11:10 PM
hmm, 140 is a big of a stretch for my TP's, but I think I can swing it. Fluidity 4 would definitely help my hinderance out. 1614 = fun to cast.
So I think I'll get into my imflass full plate i got in my locker *38lbs, 6.5x* decent armor. I will post info on whether it seems to be working out. Maybe I'll buy a fixskills to get rid of the timers of migration. Donno.
11-15-2009, 11:11 PM
hmmm polearms...that sounds like fun actually! What's the strongest polearm base? And what cman's are usable with polearms? I've only been sword/board and SBashing shit with a spiked 6x rolaren shield *sancted*, but im tired of it! Arghhhh!
11-15-2009, 11:14 PM
I'd go with a perfect lance personally. As far as CMANs, Charge is the main polearm CMAN, but it's a little too much RT for me. So are polearms in general actually.
11-15-2009, 11:20 PM
Mstriking with a perfect lance for the win!!!
Edit: Berserking with it is even better, 5sec RT guaranteed.
11-15-2009, 11:45 PM
Here's my paladin's training right now. I use a 6x perfect awl-pike simply because I got a great deal on it at 4x, and I payed 3m to buy a "enchant anything to 6x" slot in some houses auction. At the time the pike was the coolest thing I owned lol. A perfect lance vs. awl-pike in my eyes is a debate between cake and candy. You can't go wrong. You will hardly notice any difference, especially with zealot running and massive endrolls.
(at level 72), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 248 148
Combat Maneuvers...................| 226 126
Polearm Weapons....................| 248 148
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 120 30
Physical Fitness...................| 211 111
Dodging............................| 174 74
Arcane Symbols.....................| 70 15
Magic Item Use.....................| 70 15
Harness Power......................| 172 72
Spirit Mana Control................| 102 24
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 93 21
Perception.........................| 90 20
Climbing...........................| 120 30
Swimming...........................| 120 30
First Aid..........................| 132 36
Spell Lists
Paladin............................| 35
I keep .5x in first aid to get skinning bounties.
I don't train in MnS because my main character is a cleric and I can get any spirit stuff from him. I'm currently working on getting more CM ranks trying to get to fully 2x.
The only reason I can use a lance/awl-pike in 5 seconds is a very nice AGIDEX from being a half-krol though:
Dexterity (DEX): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Agility (AGI): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
If yours doesn't hit 52, you won't have 5 RT.
11-15-2009, 11:48 PM
P.S. Even with very nice AGIDEX like that, Mstriking with my awl-pike is slow. 10 seconds for 2 swings and 12 for 3 swings. Barely worth it unless there are 3.
I've debated switching to a quicker weapon, or 2hw a lot, but charge keeps me using the polearms, and the death crits I get keep me using the slower ones lol.
11-15-2009, 11:52 PM
Yea, that is one of the best things warriors have going for them, the set 5sec RT on berserk, works really well with 2 heavy weapons when doing TWC also.
11-16-2009, 12:13 AM
Well I have a 43 warrior and I admit he's on a diff account from the empath, and i loretrained the empath for adrenaline surge so all the puff does is sit there in guarded surging the warrior for stamina, and i chain berserk the warrior in warcamps. it's amazingly fun since the warrior uses an 8x bastard sword with extremely nice plasma flares. gotta love it. But anyways.
Hmm, a lance....maybe I can find a decent 4x perfect and get it enchanted up and until then I should be in the market for a 7x one......i looked up bases and lances are apparently godly for polearms. Who's sellin a 7x lance?! Much thanks again for the assistance so far. Looks like ima be buying that fixskills too.
11-16-2009, 12:14 AM
I'm not going to sell my 7x perfect lance, but I have a couple of 4x perfects for sale in the Flat Price folder.
There is no way a that a pally should be in anything less than full plate at 72, in fact he should have already been in it long ago. There are mis-applied training points somewhere. Also, you want to look into lores for helping 1605, 1615, and 1630.
11-16-2009, 12:26 AM
Actually, I just have 1300 unspent TP's. I literally baseline trained him. Cookie-cutter sword/board is really cheap and boring. I don't do MIU, I don't do AS, and I don't do foraging/skinning or any of that crap. My other character does that stuff for my bounty tasks. So I can work up armor use a LOT right now.
11-16-2009, 12:36 AM
Actually, I just have 1300 unspent TP's. I literally baseline trained him. Cookie-cutter sword/board is really cheap and boring. I don't do MIU, I don't do AS, and I don't do foraging/skinning or any of that crap. My other character does that stuff for my bounty tasks. So I can work up armor use a LOT right now.
Your other character might be able to do them, but the guild won't even offer you skinning tasks without .5x in first aid or survival (or a combination that adds up to half your level).
11-16-2009, 12:52 AM
*blinking* I am not trying to say I doubt you, but are you SERIOUS?! That's a fucking surprise, to say the least /frowns. So, it's just 1/2, like if yer 100, you need 50 ranks, if you're 72, i need 36? I don't have to account for level 0 do i?
11-16-2009, 02:25 AM
I'm level 100. I start getting skinning tasks at exactly 50 skinning ranks.
11-16-2009, 02:56 AM
You don't have to count for level 0, but it rounds down. So at 72 you need 36, at 73 you need 37.
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