View Full Version : Seeking Violet and Crimson Components

11-13-2009, 03:44 PM
After 3 weeks of non-stop work, I've started putting some work into alchemy. I'm currently at rank 48 in general, and I'm working on stockpiling as many violet and crimson components as I can find. Violet essence dust is most in need right now, since the recipe I use them for stops working for reps when I hit the next rank.

If you happen to have any crimson or violet components on you that you're willing to part with, please let me know!


11-13-2009, 05:15 PM
Look for me Sunday. I have a few you can have.

11-13-2009, 11:02 PM
To update, I just made rank 49 in general so I don't need violet essence dust anymore. I'd be more than happy to buy whatever else you might have, though.

I've got 6 bits of violet essence dust I'll be happy to pass on to any alchemists who need them, too.


11-16-2009, 02:53 PM
So I blew through ranks 48 and 49 in about two days and I'm now into spirit shards. Thank you so much to the people who helped with components! I still have some surplus left over that I'd be more than happy to give to another alchemist who needs them.

Since I'm in spirit shards, my component needs are pretty much taken care of for the moment. Once I get to 59, though, I'm going to be in need of several things. These include:

- violet essence shards
- sprite hairs
- siren hairs
- crimson essence dust
- crimson mote of essence
- crimson essence shards
- grey ambergris
- golden moonstones

If anyone has any that they wouldn't mind parting with, please let me know. I'd be more than happy to buy them if you prefer.

Thank you!


11-22-2009, 08:55 PM
Bumping this. I hit the ranks last night where I'll need these components, and right out of the gate my first three tasks were to make things. I'll take anything you can spare.

I'd also be much appreciative if someone could help me forage up pepperthorn root, tkaro root, luckbloom blossom and ayana leaf.

Thank you!


11-22-2009, 10:06 PM
I use my golden moonstones as chrisms for alchemists :(

Got about 75 crimson shards if you want to make me some full mana potions, though!