View Full Version : Citizenship Scripts
Sylvan Dreams
11-09-2009, 10:37 PM
I thought it would be nice to have one thread that contained all verified working citizenship scripts. Maybe this could be given a sticky?
Sylvan Dreams
11-09-2009, 10:38 PM
Verified working. Written by me and run on one of my characters. SF friendly!
echo *
echo * Start at the fountain (Crossroads of Dragonspine and Krodera)
echo * Run this script constantly, you will get citizenship in 6-8 hours
echo * Start this script in the fountain (Crossroads of Dragonspine and Krodera)
echo * Make sure you have 50,051 coins in the bank
echo *
move s
move s
move s
move go doors
put deposit all
put withdraw 50000
waitfor The teller
move out
goto Bakeshop
put out
move n
move n
move n
move e
move e
move go shop
goto Buy
pause 20
put order 1
waitfor You may
put buy
waitfor takes your
put eat my pie
pause 20
put eat my pie
pause 20
put eat my pie
pause 20
put eat my pie
pause 20
put eat my pie
pause 20
put eat my pie
pause 20
put eat my pie
pause 20
goto Time
put time
match Clerk :00
match Clerk :10
match Clerk :20
match Clerk :30
match Clerk :40
match Clerk :50
match Clerk :60
match Buy elven time
move out
move e
move e
move sw
move go gate
move w
move go door
put ask clerk about citizenship
match exit You already have citizenship
match Return You aren't qualified for citizenship yet
match Citizen you do seem to be eligible for full citizenship
move go door
move e
move out
move ne
move w
move w
move go shop
goto Buy
put write book
put exit
11-09-2009, 10:39 PM
#Ta'Vaalor citizenship
#Ta'Vaalor citizenship
echo *
echo * Start in the Victory Court
echo * Run this script constantly, you will get citizenship in 6-8 hours
echo * Start this script in Victory Court
echo * Make sure you have 50,051 coins in the bank
echo *
move east
move east
move east
move north
move east
move north
move north
move north
move north
move north
move north
move west
move north
move west
move northwest
move go bank
move go arch
put deposit all
put withdraw 50000
waitfor The teller
move out
move out
goto Bakeshop
move w
move w
move southwest
move w
move s
move w
move go bakery
goto Buy
pause 20
put order 1
waitfor You may
put buy
waitfor takes your
put eat my cookie
pause 20
put eat my cookie
pause 20
put eat my cookie
pause 20
goto Time
put time
match Clerk :00
match Clerk :10
match Clerk :20
match Clerk :30
match Clerk :40
match Clerk :50
match Clerk :60
match Buy elven time
move out
move e
move n
move e
move ne
move e
move north
move go hall
move east
move go arch
put ask clerk about citizenship
match exit You already have citizenship
match Return You aren't qualified for citizenship yet
match Citizen you do seem to be eligible for full citizenship
move out
move west
move out
move s
move w
move sw
move w
move s
move west
move go bakery
goto Buy
put write book
echo *ALL DONE!*
11-09-2009, 10:39 PM
#Solhaven Citizenship
#Solhaven Citizenship
echo *
echo * Start in the North Market
echo * Run this script constantly, you will get citizenship in 6-8 hours
echo * Start this script in the North Market
echo * Make sure you have 50,051 coins in the bank
echo *
move southeast
move east
move go bank
put deposit all
put withdraw 50000
waitfor The teller
move out
goto Bakeshop
move w
move n
move e
move go shop
goto Buy
pause 20
put order 1
waitfor You may
put buy
waitfor takes your
put eat my truffle
pause 20
put eat my truffle
pause 20
put eat my truffle
pause 20
goto Time
put time
match Clerk :00
match Clerk :10
match Clerk :20
match Clerk :30
match Clerk :40
match Clerk :50
match Clerk :60
match Buy elven time
move out
move e
move e
move e
move s
move s
move go hall
move go stair
move go door
put ask sailor about citizenship
match exit You already have citizenship
match Return You aren't qualified for citizenship yet
match Citizen you do seem to be eligible for full citizenship
move go door
move go stair
move out
move n
move n
move w
move w
move w
move go shop
goto Buy
put write book
put exit
11-09-2009, 10:41 PM
#Four Winds citizenship
echo *
echo * Start in Gardenia Commons
echo * Run this script constantly, you will get citizenship in 6-8 hours
echo * Start this script in the Gardenia Commons
echo * Make sure you have 50,051 coins in the bank
echo *
move e
move go bank
move go arch
put deposit all
put withdraw 50000
waitfor The teller
move go arch
move out
goto Bakeshop
move w
move s
move s
move e
move go bakeshop
goto Buy
pause 20
put order 5
waitfor You may
put buy
waitfor takes your
put eat my bread
pause 20
put eat my bread
pause 20
put eat my bread
pause 20
goto Time
put time
match Clerk :00
match Clerk :10
match Clerk :20
match Clerk :30
match Clerk :40
match Clerk :50
match Clerk :60
match Buy elven time
move out
move w
move n
move w
move go hall
move e
move go bamboo door
put ask clerk about citizenship
match exit You already have citizenship
match Return You aren't qualified for citizenship yet
match Citizen you do seem to be eligible for full citizenship
move out
move w
move out
move e
move s
move e
move go bakeshop
goto Buy
put write book
put exit
11-09-2009, 10:45 PM
The original script here (The IFW one) came from AestheticDeath, so give him credit and props for that. I modified the Solhaven and Ta'Vaalor ones myself, and they work fine. It's pretty easy to adapt to any town, though I suggest not running through major population areas as it tends to annoy people.
As always, don't leave your scripts running AFK and you won't have any trouble with AFK scripting.
Sean of the Thread
11-09-2009, 11:12 PM
My script wasn't super duper or anything and it did get me pulled in four winds but that was when there was a major event going on and the new shops.
Just remain attentive to be safe. I was at the keyboard and attentive but I did miss some interaction due to the scroll.
All said and done I got one of the first four winds shops :) yay.
11-10-2009, 11:46 PM
#Citizenship Zul Logoth
echo *
echo * Run this script constantly, you will get citizenship in 8 hours or less.
echo * Start this script in the Zul Logoth bank
echo * Make sure you have 50,051 coins in the bank
echo *
put deposit all
put withdraw 50000
waitfor The teller
move out
goto Grocer
move w
move sw
move go door
goto Buy
pause 20
put order 2
waitfor You may
put buy
waitfor He hands you a barbecued rolton rib
put eat my rib
pause 20
put eat my rib
pause 20
put eat my rib
pause 20
put eat my rib
pause 20
put eat my rib
waitfor You take a bite
goto Time
put time
match Clerk :00
match Clerk :10
match Clerk :20
match Clerk :30
match Clerk :40
match Clerk :50
match Clerk :60
match Buy elven time
move go door
move se
move e
move go stone doorway
move go mithril door
put ask clerk about citizenship
match Return You aren't qualified for citizenship yet
match Citizen you do seem to be eligible for full citizenship
move go mithril door
move out
move w
move nw
move go door
goto Buy
put write book
11-10-2009, 11:49 PM
echo *
echo * Run this script constantly, you will get citizenship in 6-8 hours
echo * Start this script in the landing bank
echo * Make sure you have 50,051 coins in the bank
echo *
goto Bank
put deposit all
put withdraw 50000
waitfor The teller
move go arch
move out
goto Grocer
move w
move go shop
move w
goto Buy
pause 20
put order 5
waitfor You may
put buy
waitfor An eager clerk takes
put eat my sand
pause 20
put eat my sand
pause 20
put eat my sand
pause 20
put eat my sand
pause 20
put eat my sand
pause 20
put eat my sand
waitfor You take a bite
goto Time
put time
match Clerk :00
match Clerk :10
match Clerk :20
match Clerk :30
match Clerk :40
match Clerk :50
match Clerk :60
match Buy elven time
move e
move out
move e
move e
move e
move go hall
move go stair
move e
move e
move go maoral door
put ask clerk about citizenship
match Return You aren't qualified for citizenship yet
match Citizen you do seem to be eligible for full citizenship
move out
move w
move w
move go stair
move out
move w
move w
move w
move go shop
move w
goto Buy
put write book
The Ponzzz
11-11-2009, 12:06 AM
Belnia's might be more effective, but this is my Solhaven citizenship script that I wrote about 3-4 years ago.
move se
move e
put go door
put withdraw 4000 silver
move out
move w
put go ent
put '::marsa Hello!
pause 1
put order
put order 3 of 4
pause 2
put buy
pause 2
put throw my pack
put bow marsa
move out
move n
put go ent
put '::darge Greetings!
pause 1
put order
pause 1
put order 6
pause 1
put buy
pause 1
put put leather in my cloak
put bow darg
pause 1
move out
move n
move w
move sw
move nw
move nw
move w
put go door
move s
put ask dun about troll
put ask dun about kraken
pause 2
put ask dun about sea
put ask dun about ship
Pause 1
put ask dun about anna
move n
put go door
move e
move se
move se
move s
move e
put go store
put '::eyn Hello
put order
put order 2 of 15
put buy
put throw my pack
put bow resp eyn
move out
move n
put go stand
pause 2
put nod edge
put order
pause 1
put order 3 of 11
put buy
pause 2
put throw my pack
pause 2
move out
put go stall
put bow soh
pause 1
put '::soh Hello
put smile
pause 2
put order
put order 2 of 1
pause 1
put buy
put throw my pack
move out
put go booth
pause 1
put bow jan
put order
put order 3 of 3
pause 3
put buy
put throw my pack
move out
move se
move se
move w
put go shop
put bow red
pause 1
put '::red Hello
put order
pause 2
put order 3 of 3
put buy
pause 2
put throw my pack
move s
put '::tura Hello
pause 1
put order
put order 2 of 1
pause 1
put buy
put throw my pack
pause 1
move n
move out
move w
move w
put go shop
put get my leather from my cloak
pause 1
put sell my leather
move out
move e
move e
move e
move nw
move nw
move n
put go building
put '::roll Hello
pause 1
put order
put order 2 of 1
pause 1
put buy
put throw my pack
pause 1
move out
move e
move e
move e
move n
move e
put go door
put '::kel Hello!
pause 1
put order
put order 2 of 5
pause 1
put buy
put throw my pack
pause 1
move out
move w
move s
move e
move s
put go store
put '::gomi Hello!
pause 1
put order
put order 2 of 1
pause 1
put buy
put throw my pack
pause 1
move out
move w
move w
move w
move s
move nw
move sw
move w
move sw
move sw
move sw
move s
move s
move s
move s
move s
put go bui
move e
put order
put order 1
put buy
put drink my milk
move w
put drink my milk
move s
put drink my milk
move n
put drink my milk
move s
put drink my milk
put order
put order 9
put buy
put gobble my tur
move n
put gobble my tur
move w
put order
put order 8
put buy
put gobble dip
move e
put gobble dip
put go arc
move e
move s
move s
move s
put go shop
put order
put order 5
put buy
put drop bee
move out
move s
put go bui
put order
put order 1
put buy
put drop bott
move out
move s
move w
move w
move ne
put go cart
put order
put order 5
put buy
move out
put gobble sal
put gobble sal
put go other cart
put order
put order 5
put buy
put gobble rat
move out
put gobble rat
move n
put go store
put order
put order 1
put buy
put drop fore
move out
move w
move n
move n
move n
move n
move n
move e
move n
move n
move n
move ne
move ne
move ne
move e
move e
move e
move e
put go door
put deposit all
move out
move w
move nw
pause 360
goto Start
11-11-2009, 12:10 AM
Just a note on the eating portion of the scripts that use food. Different foods have a different number of bites, so you should change the time between bites to reflect that. And it has been so long I can't recall what the best time to use was.
So someone who has nothing better to do with their time should try playing around with the time sequences again and see if they can get citizenship faster then 6 hours.
11-11-2009, 09:29 AM
Yup, I modified the bites eaten for each town, or stuck with 3 bite foods.
ECHO This script will go right to your thighs!
01-29-2010, 10:38 AM
Been trying to use the Landing Citizenship script posted by AestheticDeath below, but can't make it work. Hangs up the first time you go to the Citizenship clerk and 'ask clerk about citizenship'. There are two matches, one for 'not yet' and 'ready' and a matchwait, but the script never picks up on the 'goto Return'.
Any ideas?
Drunken Durfin
01-29-2010, 11:26 AM
Can level 0 characters get citizenship?
04-18-2011, 03:09 PM
Anyone have a good Icemule citizenship script?:club:
08-29-2011, 06:30 PM
Yes please, I could use an Icemule script myself if anyone has one please?
Sylvan Dreams
08-29-2011, 06:54 PM
Can level 0 characters get citizenship?
Not sure about level 0, but if you roll up in the landing, you can still get the free level to level 1 by walking the shops.
08-30-2011, 12:10 AM
08-30-2011, 03:12 PM
Can you afk script citizenship without getting in trouble?
08-30-2011, 03:18 PM
I wouldn't suggest it. Citizenship would be considered a "gain".
09-10-2011, 02:16 PM
Still no Icemule Citizenship scripts?
What are the best things to include when making a script for citizenship? I know obviously buying stuff, but any place in particular? I've also heard using the bank and interacting with town NPC's can help. Any suggestions with merit?
10-12-2011, 01:03 PM
Anyone got one for Tallistim?
02-03-2012, 10:47 PM
07-16-2012, 10:03 PM
Anyone have a script for River's Rest?
12-17-2015, 08:57 PM
Anyone have a script for River's Rest?
echo *
echo * Start at the Town Commons (Location 10861)
echo * Run this script constantly, you will get citizenship in 6-8 hours
echo * Start this script in the Commons
echo * Make sure you have 50,051 coins in the bank
echo *
move go path
move s
move e
move e
move go bank
put deposit all
put withdraw 50000
waitfor The teller
move out
goto Bakeshop
put out
move go alley
move nw
move ne
move go tav door
goto Buy
pause 20
put order 5
waitfor The tavern keeper
put buy
waitfor takes your
put eat my pie
pause 20
put eat my pie
pause 20
put eat my pie
pause 20
put eat my pie
pause 20
goto Time
put time
match Clerk :00
match Clerk :10
match Clerk :20
match Clerk :30
match Clerk :40
match Clerk :50
match Clerk :60
match Buy elven time
move go door
move sw
move se
move out
move w
move w
move w
move go quarter
move w
put ask clerk about citizenship
match exit You already have citizenship
match Return You aren't qualified for citizenship yet
match Citizen you do seem to be eligible for full citizenship
move e
move out
move e
move e
move e
move go alley
move nw
move ne
move go tav door
goto Buy
put write book
put exit
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