View Full Version : Droid Phones

11-09-2009, 03:41 PM
So I'm looking at getting one of the new Google phones and I wanted to see if anyone here already has one/has research them.

I read a bunch of reviews and it sounds like the HTC Eris is actually better (and cheaper) than the Motorola.

Anyone have any first hand experience? Good/Bad? Yay/Nay?

11-09-2009, 03:47 PM
I dunno but this thread just reminded me that I need to make an R2D2 ringtone.

11-09-2009, 03:55 PM
I'm tempted to get the droid but I don't see the point of paying an extra $40 a month for Verizons data service when the phone comes with WiFi.

11-09-2009, 04:04 PM
So I'm looking at getting one of the new Google phones and I wanted to see if anyone here already has one/has research them.

I read a bunch of reviews and it sounds like the HTC Eris is actually better (and cheaper) than the Motorola.

Anyone have any first hand experience? Good/Bad? Yay/Nay?

No first hand experience, but I keep up on cellular stuff pretty well. Android is a pretty nice smartphone OS, but I still put it third behind the Palm Pre/Pixi's WebOS and the iPhone OS.

The physical specs between the Droid and Droid Eris are pretty similar, but I know the Moto Droid supports multi-touch and has a physical keyboard, both of which I am pretty sure the Eris lacks.

Also the Moto Droid is one of Google's flagship 'Android Experience' phones so it will one of the platforms most thoroughly tested with applications and updates.

11-09-2009, 05:42 PM
Isn't Motorola running Android v2.0, while HTC is running v1.5?

From everything I've read, 2.0 is a pretty big leap over 1.0, and tech reviewers seem to be pretty pleased overall with the Motorola.

11-09-2009, 05:48 PM
I have the original G1, I really like it. I'm going to go over to the Droid in a month or so. I really like the Android OS and prefer it over the Iphone OS personally, YMMV. I didn't get any of the other Android phones out there because I prefer a physical keyboard. I'm getting the Droid because the G1 has crappy speakers and only fair call quality and after owning a Nokia N95 I was spoiled by amazing (for a phone) speakerphone and top notch call quality.

11-09-2009, 06:14 PM
I have the original G1, I really like it. I'm going to go over to the Droid in a month or so. I really like the Android OS and prefer it over the Iphone OS personally, YMMV. I didn't get any of the other Android phones out there because I prefer a physical keyboard. I'm getting the Droid because the G1 has crappy speakers and only fair call quality and after owning a Nokia N95 I was spoiled by amazing (for a phone) speakerphone and top notch call quality.

T-Mobile's network is a joke though. You are lucky enough to get 3G coverage in Ft. Lauderdale, but in most of the country that is not the case.

I also am a stickler for a real keyboard, which was one of the reasons I went with a Pre. Definitely would prefer the keyboard in landscape instead of portrait though.

I prefer also Android to the iPhone OS, but we in the minority there. For hackability alone, Andriod and WebOS blow the iPhone OS out of the water. Other stupid shit like the iPhone not having a standard headphone jack and AT&T banning all VoIP apps also help keep me far away from an iPhone.

11-09-2009, 06:20 PM
Isn't Motorola running Android v2.0, while HTC is running v1.5?

From everything I've read, 2.0 is a pretty big leap over 1.0, and tech reviewers seem to be pretty pleased overall with the Motorola.

The Eris running the v1.5 release is only temporary; they should have an update out sooner than later, but I think their UI customizations are what's holding it back now.

Was talking to a co-worker who just got the HTC Hero (also an Android phone) and he mentioned that the Moto Droid has a slighter bigger screen (3.7 vs. 3.2 we think) and slightly faster processor. All that taken into account, he said the only major difference he noticed with the hardware was that the Moto had a keyboard and the Eris didn't.

11-09-2009, 11:56 PM
The screen isn't much larger on the Droid than the Iphone but it has double the resolution. It looks beautiful!

11-10-2009, 12:38 AM

11-10-2009, 09:28 AM
The costs to own a Verizon droid (where I'm stuck in a contract) look to be an absolute joke.

Check out this article from PC World:


Crazy, but I'll pass for now.


11-10-2009, 10:03 AM
Yeah, I just love their ads of "Unlimited internet!"

*with 5GB cap*

When I was working at VZW we had a customer come in once with a phone bill around $10,000. Apparently he was unaware of the cap, and iirc, each MB over the cap costs $1.99.

The thing that really ticks me off is the mandatory data package for ALL smart phones. I can see them charging you that if the phone comes with WiFi, which most don't, but on phones that have WiFi it should be optional.

I know the company behind VZW's gps navigation program is up in arms over the fact the android phones come with google navigation.

11-10-2009, 10:06 AM
Those are some pretty ridiculous stacked charges for a capped data plan... although I know quite a few people who get their phone plans for free through work, so I guess it doesn't matter to them.

11-10-2009, 10:07 AM
Article has been confirmed to be crap, btw. Some of that info is for business plans, and other parts of it are just plain wrong.

Not to mention the fact that most people who tether do so via...less than honest means, haha.

11-10-2009, 10:19 AM
The only thing on the article I noticed was wrong was the price of tethering which is $44.99.

What exactly do you think is wrong with the article?

Sean of the Thread
11-10-2009, 10:28 AM
I'm glad I don't have a cellphone any longer. Such peace and quiet and no calls from work at 12 am.

Maybe I'll use your tax money and get a SAFELINK for emergency purposes!

11-10-2009, 10:59 AM
Yeah, I just love their ads of "Unlimited internet!"

*with 5GB cap*

When I was working at VZW we had a customer come in once with a phone bill around $10,000. Apparently he was unaware of the cap, and iirc, each MB over the cap costs $1.99.

The thing that really ticks me off is the mandatory data package for ALL smart phones. I can see them charging you that if the phone comes with WiFi, which most don't, but on phones that have WiFi it should be optional.

I know the company behind VZW's gps navigation program is up in arms over the fact the android phones come with google navigation.

a good friend of mine works as a lobbyist for the wireless industry and was telling me the story of a guy who ended up with a $40,000 bill in 1 month. He was over in Europe when he decided to watch some telecast of a baseball game on his phone.

11-10-2009, 12:58 PM
Ok I've done a bit of research on this:

Using data on the phone is unlimited.

If you buy their tether package (which costs extra) you get a 5GB cap. This is exactly the same as the iphone.

Solution: Wait until someone gets root on the Droid and don't pay the extra tether fee. This is what I've done on my G1 since it was rooted (right after release) and I can't even calculate how much I've saved in not paying wi-fi fees.

11-10-2009, 01:15 PM
I have a palm pre...no idea why. I use it to make phone calls and send texts that's it.

11-10-2009, 07:32 PM
Ok I've done a bit of research on this:

Using data on the phone is unlimited.

If you buy their tether package (which costs extra) you get a 5GB cap. This is exactly the same as the iphone.

Solution: Wait until someone gets root on the Droid and don't pay the extra tether fee. This is what I've done on my G1 since it was rooted (right after release) and I can't even calculate how much I've saved in not paying wi-fi fees.

Got a source for this Drew? Cause I want one, just can't stand the extra fees over and above the $129.00 or whatever it is for unlimited calling/data.


11-10-2009, 07:47 PM
If you're not tethering there's no 5GB cap. Tethering has the same rules as using one of their wireless access cards.

11-10-2009, 08:03 PM
Got a source for this Drew? Cause I want one, just can't stand the extra fees over and above the $129.00 or whatever it is for unlimited calling/data.


Sorry I already closed my window, but I talked to a Verizon rep (I trust reps about as far as I can throw them) and found the info online.