View Full Version : Commercials you love, commercials you hate.

03-10-2004, 04:46 PM
:yes: Good ones:

The Quizno's Subs commercial with the singing rats. SO funny.

The Citibank commercials for identity fraud - the one with the guy talking about the bustier and the chick talking about "my GIRL robot" (reminds me of Bob!)

The Burger King commercial where the guy is like, "double mayonnaise, double ketchup, two meat patties and double bacon. I am the champion!" and runs off with the burger.

:no: Bad ones:

If you don't live in LV you haven't seen it, but the Scintas commercial irritates me every time it comes on. Which is a lot.

Any Pier 1 commercial with Kirstie Alley in it. Is she drunk?

Any ad for a yeast infection treatment. No thanks.


03-10-2004, 04:52 PM
Ah commercials. Sometimes they're more entertaining than the shows.

My favorites so far are:
Quizno's Subs with the bunnies. Very funny.
Citibank Fraud ones are classic.
Staples where the guy paints his face with his yellow highlighter to get the day off, and friend does it in pink and it doesn't work.
DiGiorno pizzas, especially with the guy that is dancing in his underwear while eating a slice.

The ones that I can't stand:
Tampon commercials, especially the one where the chick plugs the leaky hole in the boat with it. Tacky! TMI!

03-10-2004, 04:54 PM
YES CT. The boat one makes me want to.... you guessed it, vomit.

Or at least drown that stupid girl.


03-10-2004, 04:55 PM
Shit yeah. Alley looks like she's drugged up, boozed up, and needs rehab. Nasty to be all washed up I guess.

03-10-2004, 04:55 PM
<<with the singing rats.>>
<<with the bunnies.>>


They're called Sponge Monkeys.

<<(reminds me of Bob!) >>


Commercials suck.

03-10-2004, 04:59 PM
That Quizno's commercial is the stupidest thing ever. I change the channel whenever it comes on, period.

Just Lurking
03-10-2004, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
That Quizno's commercial is the stupidest thing ever. I change the channel whenever it comes on, period.

I agree with Tayre.

I mean, have you taken a good look at the position of those rats? They are dead rats!
Singing dead rats = ewww

03-10-2004, 05:17 PM
I believe I already corrected two people on what they are. Don't be dumb.

03-10-2004, 05:23 PM

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-10-2004, 05:24 PM
Terrible Terry Tate, Office Linebacker PWNZ all commercials.

Sucky Commercials are as follows;

Anything that involves a woman's flow
Anything that involves a woman's not so fresh smell
Anything that involves a mans penil emissions
Anything that involves a mans erection.

03-10-2004, 05:25 PM
Anything that involves a woman's not so fresh smell

So True. (http://maddox.xmission.com/c.cgi?u=women_smell)

Uhm.. yeah.. I'm an idiot.

[Edited on 3-10-2004 by Bobmuhthol]

03-10-2004, 05:25 PM

The Citibank ones. The old fat guy talking like a valley girl is classic.

Burger King where the guy copies the other guy's burger and everyone just looks at him.

Blockbuster ones with the Guinea pig and Rabbit.

Least Favorite:

Tampon/Feminine products, duh

Quiznos. Those things make me want to lose my lunch, not go there and get it.

Those fucking "Glad" bag commercials with that annoying bitch with the high pitched voice. I want to choke her until she bleeds.

Weedmage Princess
03-10-2004, 05:37 PM
The Citibank commercials, the Mountain Dew one with Tracy McGrady are my favorites.

Ones I hate are the genital herpes treatment ones...I mean, ick? Skank much? And there was one for I think Kotex...either pads or tampons with a BIG RED PERIOD bouncing all over the screen...what the f***?! Don't need to see that shit while having dinner, kthx!!

03-10-2004, 05:53 PM
favorite: John West Salmon. I dont have a link but its hilarious. I know its already been posted on the boards...

[Edited on 3-10-2004 by Elrodin]

03-10-2004, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Elrodin
favorite: John West Salmon. I dont have a link but its hilarious. I know its already been posted on the boards...Is that the Bear Fight one? That one is pretty good, although I've never technically seen it on TV.

The shows I watch with regularity (wrestling) have this annoying habit of running the same commercials in EVERY BREAK so even good ones I get sick of pretty kwik.

03-10-2004, 11:16 PM
I love the one of the woman posting the reward poster for the missing hamster and a guy standing behind her see's the hamster crawling inside her shirt. He tries to get it so he can collect the reward. Made me laugh out loud.

03-10-2004, 11:17 PM
and I hate the freaking rats!!

03-11-2004, 01:07 AM
Bloody Spongmonkeys!!!

Thanks to Vixen for tormenting me with the moonsong link.

As for a commercial I like, I think its for Juicyfruit Gum. The one where the kids are hitting a pinata and the gum falls out then all of a sudden the pinata comes a live and starts attacking the kids.

03-11-2004, 01:59 AM
Best: All the Citibank commercials, I laugh my ass off every time I see them.

There's also a new Viagra commercial out where men are running through the streets dancing, throwing their hats in the air, and some song is playing. I can't think of the song off the top of my head but its fucking hilarious.

Worst: Any McDonald's commercial. Whoever thinks those things up...AND THAT FUCKING JINGLE, should be dragged out into the street and shot multiple times in the head.

BA DA BA BA BAAAAA I'M LOVIN IT! <BANG!bangbangbangbang!>

03-11-2004, 02:06 AM
Tampon commercials don't bother me, for I have a good attitude towards menstruation.

03-11-2004, 02:14 AM
For any Northern Virginians, the "Fair Oaks Dodge" jingle is always in my head and still on the radio. It hasn't changed in at least 10 years.

"For trucks and vans and new sedans, there's no complaint to lodge, Come on don't be a stranger, we're your pals at fair oaks dodge"

03-11-2004, 02:36 AM
Ooo I like the milk commercial where its playing the "somberish" yeah thats right i said it. And it is panning over the x-ray of the skeleton. I don't know why i just like it. And by far my least favorite commercials are those foul goldfish ones with the evil song. The only person i know who hates it more is my dad. I still want to find it and put it on his computer on startup. Heh heh heh

03-11-2004, 02:37 AM
Hey why the hell is my little RPG charecter a girl!

03-11-2004, 05:08 AM
Khir, just go change it in your profile.

Another Vegas-area commercial fuckup is the one Desert Dodge puts out. They have it set to the tune of Sir Mix-a-lot's "Big Butts" song, and it goes,

"I like big trucks and I cannot lie
Desert knows why
When a truck rolls in with a big 'ol bed
or an SUV I lose my head
'Cause I like.. big.. TRUCKS"

OMG I want to shoot the radio every time it comes on. They also have one on TV to the tune of "Ghostbusters," with people flashing Ozzy horns and shouting, "Call DESERT!"


I also hate the Goldfish commercials.


PS Eat Quizno's suuuubs!

[Edited on 3-11-2004 by SpunGirl]

Weedmage Princess
03-11-2004, 05:48 AM
Oh yeah that "I'm Lovin' It" thing they're doing with McDonald's is absolutely horrible. The creator and the sphincter who approved that crap should be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment.

03-11-2004, 07:28 AM
Um.....let's see. what commercials were on today......

Military... Stop sexual harrassement!
Military... Don't drink and drive!
Military... Your local library is there for you!
Military... Post Office package rates
Military... Listen to your NCO's
Military... Be a botanist! (Or...online college classes)
Military... Be aware of Terrorism

Should I keep going? Fun!

My favorite is an nco catching a soldier sleeping in a humvee and yelling at the soldier. Hehe.

Soldier safe. Soldier hard.

03-11-2004, 07:43 AM
Everyone is complaining about the McDonalds commercials, and I bet you still eat there.

Weedmage Princess
03-11-2004, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by ThisOtherKingdom
Everyone is complaining about the McDonalds commercials, and I bet you still eat there.


What's your point? No one's complaining about the product...just about the one shitty advertisement campaign.

03-11-2004, 07:48 AM
No one is complaining about the product? They're being sued. They were even so gutless that they removed the super size option from their menu.

03-11-2004, 07:59 AM
What about the 1-800-54-GIANT commercials in New England?

Hell, the jingle is so catchy, Stephen King mentioned it as a way one of his characters stayed alive/kept her sanity while she was lost in the woods.


03-11-2004, 08:00 AM
I loved that book, the Girl who loved Tom Gordon right?

03-11-2004, 08:02 AM
Yup yup. I read the book before I ever heard the radio commercial, when I heard it for the first time, I was like, OMFG, that's the jingle from the Stephen King book!!!!!!!!!!!!11


Weedmage Princess
03-11-2004, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by ThisOtherKingdom
No one is complaining about the product? They're being sued. They were even so gutless that they removed the super size option from their menu.

Heh..well people in this thread were complaining about the jingle..not about the food. That's what we were discussing..so I figured that's what you were talking about, and why I didn't (and still don't) get that just because I don't like one particular advertising campaign means I shouldn't eat there anymore if I have no issues with the product.

OH speaking of crappy New England area commercials...have you seen the new Dunkin Donuts commercial with Curt Shilling??? "Hahhd...Wicked Hahhd...I play Wicked Hahhd when I go to the pahhk." That makes me cringe. Oh the Bernie and Phyl's ones are always classic, too. ::stare::

03-11-2004, 08:10 AM
Personally I feel like if you dislike an advertising campaign, you should probably stop buying the product... otherwise nothing is going to change. Many people on these boards have stated that they don't want to eat at Quizno's anymore because of their recent commercials. What motivates McDonalds to change the ad if you're still chowing down on their burgers and fries?

Weedmage Princess
03-11-2004, 08:12 AM
To each their own I guess. A commercial is a commercial...if it's not doing any harm (which it isn't..it's not offensive or anything like that..it's just in my opinion, a dumb series of commercials) what's the big deal?

It's nothing bad enough to make me not eat Mickey D's if I feel like having it. There are far more greater things for me to worry about than getting McDonald's to stop having people sing "I'm Lovin It" in their commercials..heh.

03-11-2004, 08:25 AM
Right, it's not the end of the world. It is just a stupid commercial. However, if you're still eating there I think you should shut the fuck up if you don't like it. You aren't doing anything to discourage them, therefore I feel you shouldn't complain.

Weedmage Princess
03-11-2004, 08:27 AM
Alright. So I don't have a right to say I like/dislike a commercial because I still use the product? Are you listening to yourself?

03-11-2004, 08:40 AM
So because I dislike ALL tampon commercials I shouldn't use their product?! I kinda NEED to, bud. No question there. Just because some companies have no taste in advertising doesn't mean their products suck, especially when it's a product you've trusted and liked for a long time.

Weedmage Princess
03-11-2004, 08:41 AM
I hope he doesn't develop a poor opinion of toilet paper commercials...someone's gonna be walking around with nasty ass-rot.

03-11-2004, 08:45 AM
Burger King. Wendy's. Taco Bell. Arby's. About a billion mom and pop places. There are options. I don't have to stop using toilet paper because I dislike Charmin's commercial. You don't have to stop using tampons because you dislike a Kotex commercial.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-11-2004, 09:25 AM
I don't eat at McDonalds or Burger King.

Maybe once in a blue moon at Wendy's or Arby's (by that I mean literally once in maybe 8 weeks).

KFC is my bane though, I love chicken, probably eat there once every other week.

Oh, I think all of their commercials are stupid, though I don't NOT patronage their stores due to it. If food is good, I'll eat it. Just because a commercial is stupid, doesn't make the product bad.

03-11-2004, 11:33 AM
Beeeeeeeeeernie and Phyyyls, Quality, Comfort and Price.....THAT'S NICE!



03-11-2004, 11:35 AM

any from Victoria Secret


anything with alex rodriguez or derek jeter.

03-11-2004, 11:37 AM
I dislike fast food and commercials equally. I do not eat either. :D


03-11-2004, 11:45 AM
I don't think you should stop using a product of shopping ata store because of their commercials.

Hell, I hate Best Buy commercials, but if the DVD I want is on sale there Im going. And just because I hate the current commercial for a product I have used for years, doesnt mean I should stop. Do I switch back when they have a commercial that doesn't suck?
I too like KFC, always have, I hate the commercial with the colonel doing the "cabbage patch", does this mean I have to stop going somewhere I have loved for years?

Commercials are meant to touch a nerve, to advertise their product. Even the annoying ones are effective. Look how many times Quizno's gets mentioned. Their name is out there, peoples curiosities have been tickled. As long as the commercial isn't harmful or sending the wrong message, I think it'f fine.

Now if those Spongmonkeys were singing about a night on the town clubbing baby seals, then hoping over to Quizno's for subs, Then i would have to question the company, but as is, they are singing about coupons and stuff. Dumb commercial, but if you like the place, go ahead, doesnt call for an all out banning.

03-11-2004, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
For any Northern Virginians, the "Fair Oaks Dodge" jingle is always in my head and still on the radio. It hasn't changed in at least 10 years.

"For trucks and vans and new sedans, there's no complaint to lodge, Come on don't be a stranger, we're your pals at fair oaks dodge"

Haven't seen that one, but the Reston hospital commercial wher ethe chick's like... "I'm not a doctor, and I don't play one on TV.." makes me want to stab her. So fake.

03-11-2004, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by ThisOtherKingdom
No one is complaining about the product? They're being sued. They were even so gutless that they removed the super size option from their menu.

I heard about that.

Mcdonald's doesn't make people fat, unless you're brainwashed.

p.s., I think those Sprite commercials are hilarious.

[Edited on 3-11-2004 by Maimara]

Weedmage Princess
03-11-2004, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
Beeeeeeeeeernie and Phyyyls, Quality, Comfort and Price.....THAT'S NICE!




OH, have you had the misfortune of seeing the Wood Palace/Kitchen Palace whatever the hell it is commercials? With the 4 little girls? Oh God they're awful.

On a positive note, I always enjoyed the Jordan's Furniture commercials. I dig those two guys.

03-11-2004, 12:06 PM
The sprite commercials are hilarious Maimara. "Hey ladies, throw it in reverse for thirst."

As Hanksbane said, they are meant to get your attention, good or bad. Either way around it gets you thinking about the product. Their job is done.

03-11-2004, 12:40 PM
I like the Jordan Furniture ones, especially when they mocked the cell phone commercials.

"I thought she said pick up two guys and a sofa, not two fries and a soda!"


03-11-2004, 03:35 PM
Does anyone remember those Michelina's commercial where the girl is doing the marcarena and singing "Heeeeeeey Michelina's!" for some stupid microwave meal?

I won't buy those. Not that I buy many microwave meals anyway, but if I did, I would NOT choose those.... having said that, the Jared commercials annoy the shit out of me, and I still eat Subway. I don't like Quizno's, but I love the rats!


03-11-2004, 03:45 PM
I also can't decide weather to laugh or be horrified in the Charming Toilet paper commercial with the animated bears talking about the texture of the toilet paper.


03-11-2004, 03:48 PM
The one with the dad bear bringing the daughter bear more toilet paper is faintly disturbing.


03-11-2004, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
There's also a new Viagra commercial out where men are running through the streets dancing, throwing their hats in the air, and some song is playing. I can't think of the song off the top of my head but its fucking hilarious. Offhand, I believe it's "We Are the Champions".

No Mickey D's for me. Tacos! I'm eating them in approx 3 min.

03-11-2004, 05:22 PM
I watch aproximately 2 hours of tv a week so am not really up on commercials but the sponge monkeys freak me out. They sure won't get me in to try out their product either.

edited to change to sponge monkeys from quiznos rats so Bob's rant doesnt include me.

[Edited on 3-11-2004 by Mint]

03-11-2004, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by ThisOtherKingdom
Everyone is complaining about the McDonalds commercials, and I bet you still eat there.

I fucking HATE that chain. Their food is disgusting and every time I'm forced to eat it (cause everyone else wants to eat there,bastards) I end up getting sick. I hate everything having to do with McDonalds.

03-11-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Mint
I watch aproximately 2 hours of tv a week so am not really up on commercials but the quizno's rats freak me out. They sure won't get me in to try out their product either. I second that. The rat commercial is just odd.

03-11-2004, 05:34 PM

Thanks in advance.

03-11-2004, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm

Originally posted by Jesae
There's also a new Viagra commercial out where men are running through the streets dancing, throwing their hats in the air, and some song is playing. I can't think of the song off the top of my head but its fucking hilarious. Offhand, I believe it's "We Are the Champions".

That's IT! I've only seen it once but I almost choked on my iced tea when it came on the tv.

Oh yeah, and I second Spun's explanation about eating Subway and hating Jared..and that Michalina's commercial SUCKED. Now I've got that god-damed song in my head, thanks.

03-11-2004, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol

Thanks in advance.

What are they called? Please enlighten us...

03-11-2004, 05:39 PM
You'd think after three posts about it, people would stop being stupid.

Sponge monkeys.


They're called Sponge Monkeys.>>

<<I believe I already corrected two people on what they are. Don't be dumb.>>

03-11-2004, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
You'd think after three posts about it, people would stop being stupid.

Sponge monkeys.


They're called Sponge Monkeys.>>

<<I believe I already corrected two people on what they are. Don't be dumb.>> Still freaky no matter what you call it.

03-11-2004, 08:24 PM
Actually it's Spongmonkey not Sponge Monkey

03-11-2004, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by Hanksbane
Actually it's Spongmonkey not Sponge Monkey

I am not editing my post again to change it from quizno's rats to sponge monkey to Spongmonkey. They are freaky whatever you want to call them.

03-12-2004, 05:55 AM
Eat Quizno's subs
'Cause they are goood tooo ussss

Eat Quizno's suuuubbbs!
They are tasty 'cause they're toasted and I love them

Eat Quizno's suuuuubs



03-12-2004, 09:30 AM
Has NO ONE seen the Reward Hamster commercial? Its hysterical.

Weedmage Princess
03-12-2004, 09:40 AM
Oh The E, I thought of another God awful New England commercial.

Any and every Citizen's Bank commercial. Especially the one when the banker stops his mom and dad from parking in a parking spot so one of his customers can park there instead?

Cheese city.

But Citizen's Bank itself rocks so...sometimes you gotta let it slide.

03-12-2004, 03:54 PM
Heh, I like that Citizen Bank commercial.

But, being as I'm the son of a banker (with a different bank) I would rather sacrifice my firstborn child to Satan, than belong to Citizen Bank.

(bank loyalty is a CRAAAAAAAAAAZY thing. I know people'll who'd throw down over their bank).
