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03-10-2004, 01:38 PM
Khaladon waves to you.
s>look khal
You see GameMaster Khaladon. His eyes sparkle brightly and his mouth is set in a sardonic half smile. A braided lock of silver hair hangs over his shoulder and a silver hoop hangs from his left earlobe. He is wearing some gleaming chain mail, a parti-colored tabard girded with a crimson silk sash, some polished black leather boots, and a intricately tooled leather flute sheath.
s>steak khal
Please rephrase that command.
s>steal khal
Steal from a GameMaster? That is probably not a good idea.
Cauth nods to Khaladon in greeting.
You grin.
Whestra removes a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick from in her large sack.
Khaladon stares at you.
Jetxt gathers the remaining coins from inside his maoral trunk.
Whestra settles into the difficult task of picking the lock on a corroded gold coffer.
Then...CLICK! It opens!
s>point whe
You point at Whestra.
Khaladon mutters under his breath.
Jetxt nods to Cauth.
Jetxt removes a yellow zircon from in his maoral trunk.
Valdren just arrived.
Whestra offers Stiggalot a corroded gold coffer.
s>'It was her
You say, "It was her."
Stiggalot accepts Whestra's gold coffer.
s>look whe
You see Whestra.
She appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
She appears to be in the prime of life and taller than average. She has almond-shaped silver eyes and ebon skin. She has waist length, straight steel grey hair worn in a single braid. She has a narrow face, a long nose and a high forehead.
She has a small lockpick tattoo on her forearm, and a ring of red roses tattoo on her neck.
She has a scar across her face.
She is holding a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick in her left hand.
She is wearing an appliqued violet bodice, a gold ring, a faded black leather thigh-sheath, some ora-edged sable leather boots, a carved red dreamstone ring, a copper and smoky topaz pin, a silvery frost etched hoarbeam targe, an elegant pink dreamstone pin, a small bloodjewel diadem, a dark leather locksmith's toolkit, a gleaming red dreamstone brooch, a glittering sterling silver armband, a lustrous black satin bodice, a delicate gold toe ring, a white satin wrap-around skirt, a silvery large sack, a heavy backpack, a silvery sheath, an elegant blue starstone pendant, some double leather, a simple blue tourmaline earcuff, an engraved smoky quartz clasp, and a silver-trim blue wool greatcloak.
Khaladon chuckles.

then about 30 minutes later

A guard wanders in and stares at Rivalyn. "You ever blame your friend for your thiefing ways, I'll personally see you whipped from one end of the city to the other, hanged till almost dead, then all your limbs chopped off and cast into the bay to drown. Hmph!" He salutes and wanders off.
Whestra blinks at you.
Whestra laughs!
You feel the blood drain from your face.
Furglemire blinks.
Victorj snickers.
Whestra exclaims, "They got ya!"
You rub your chin thoughtfully.

s>'they must be thinking of someone else!
You exclaim, "They must be thinking of someone else!"
Vaalas asks, "Anyone open for 4 wraith boxes?"
s>'I dont steal
You say, "I dont steal."
Furglemire says, "Wow."
s>shake head
You shake your head.
Whestra says, "Sure you don't..."
Wulgreth chuckles.
s>'Silly guards
You say, "Silly guards."
Vaalas offers Furglemire an enruned steel coffer.
s>'That was probably Sleepy, the one that keeps Helga in business
You say, "That was probably Sleepy, the one that keeps Helga in business."
You nod.
Whestra says, "And you lied too."

s>'I wouldnt lie
You say, "I wouldnt lie."

Whestra says, "And there's another one."
Wulgreth says, "An honest thief now thats a first."

A passing guild official says, "Rivalyn, the masters are concerned with your lying ways. The guards been keeping an eye on us, and if you don't change, we may just cut off your tongue to prevent it from happening again."
Whestra laughs!
Vaalas laughs!
Whestra snickers.
Wulgreth laughs!

03-10-2004, 03:07 PM
Khaladon is the man!

03-10-2004, 03:07 PM
Khaladon busted me for AFK scripting while I was on the crapper earlier :(

03-10-2004, 03:17 PM

03-10-2004, 03:18 PM
Damn! I never have AFK scripted yet. Except travel scripts...

How does one get caught?

03-10-2004, 03:19 PM
You're AFK scripting, and they do one of a few things: Whisper to you, cause rats (or whatever you're hunting) to do odd things, temporarily sanct a room (causes scripts to hang up), or pop down in the room and follow you around.

They test for about five minutes then zap you into the scripting lounge. You have to read policy 18 before you can leave.

03-10-2004, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Artha
Khaladon busted me for AFK scripting while I was on the crapper earlier :(

This cracked me up. Needed a good laugh since I am headed to work now :(

03-10-2004, 03:23 PM

I prolly get RP awards that way then when they think I am scripting...

I was hunting for like 3 hours once and a half eaten wight came in and tried to dispel. I played with it for a bit and got an RPA...

Never knew they tried things like that!