View Full Version : Overreaction much?

11-05-2009, 04:58 PM
Okay, so I'm sitting waiting with another group of people for Ageta to spin for alters and Sympatica makes a couple comments, that I didnt log, about how spinners hate her. Then later she does the same thing and I, of course, being me, have to open my big mouth.

The following log is heavily edited to remove room scroll:

Sympatica nods to Emislity.
Sympatica shows Emislity her crystal pin.
Sympatica softly says, "Maybe my perfume holder had spinner repellent instead of perfume."
Sympatica softly says, "Stranger things happen in Ebon's."
Speaking to Sympatica, you say, "You'll get no sympathy from those who've not been chosen yet either."
Sympatica whispers something to Gweniveer.
[Mallowyr Manor, Attic]
Unfinished teak boards make up the lofty slanted ceiling of the attic tower. The furthest wall is inset with arched clear glass windows and scattered with silver-pinned charcoal illustrations. A few odds and ends have been moved toward the corners of the room, leaving the center bare for an intricate flatweave carpet. You also see the Myztyk disk, a grimy pine crate, the Fyrek disk, the Dolchai disk, the violet Edgeleaf disk, the Chene disk, the Telsas disk, the Valurin disk and a filigreed floral brass mirror.
Also here: Alornen, Squire Legionnaire Vilorcasdra, Carew, Jendaarah, Great Lady Sympatica who is sitting, Debia, Elysiana, Livn, Barathustra, Dyreknor, Myztyk, Doriath, Szan, Lady Nightphoenix, Kasia who is sitting, Shiann, Fyrek, Lady Zhao, Lady Jozette, High Lady Katara, Great Lady Anjel, Laeni, Nillosse, Jadzara, Lady Ariisal, Annelie, Olerin, Iluna, Lord Dagleth, Grand Lady Daeffodill who is sitting, Mischung, Lord Netherwinds who is sitting, Lord Tilarium, Grand Lady Dessedemona, Galenblackbard, Rendena, Siledryn, Savina, Great Lady Bellaja who is sitting, Shalaora, Raggler, Neev, Kyaloria, High Lord Doltan, Starleeh who is sitting, Shimeria who is sitting, Renowned Lord Tsin, Katry, Vikks, Grand Lord Sagoth who is sitting, Dzermo who is sitting, Lady Iashara who is sitting, Cyral, Dolchai, Lord Zyther, Lord Sevris, Lady Dienjiini who is sitting, Fleurs, Wulfguy, Akoe who is sitting, Edgeleaf, Emislity, Dieandra, Lady Chene, Ruh who is sitting, Tdem who is sitting, Bremerial who is sitting, Lady Gweniveer, Tashae, Teegan, Loreley, Henrin, Ruup, Lady Nastacia, Valurin, Telsas, Sthos, Lord Farliegh who is sitting, Alifair, Evelith who is sitting, Dreknar, High Lord Virilneus, Lady Seralle, Great Lord Tordane, Faiyth, Nilandia, Khystra, Laphrael, Ghostly Spirit Ageta
Obvious exits: down


(OOC) Sympatica's player whispers, "I wasn't askin for sympathy at all I was talking with my friends."
s>wh ooc sympatica and I was to know that ...how?
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Sympatica, "And I was to know that ...how?"


s>wh ooc sym I'm cranky, didnt mean to take it out on you, my apologies
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Sympatica, "I'm cranky, didnt mean to take it out on you, my apologies."

(OOC) Sympatica's player whispers, "Why outright attack me? i haven't been picked in other 10 merchants, i sat at one for 5 hours yesterday...and i see the same folks git picked over and over..but i wasn't asking you for ANYTHING and right before she did the second spin? my entire house shut down, cable, internet, phone...my conversation was r/p'ing...plain and simple."

s>wh ooc sympatica you are very touchy, it was a simple comment
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Sympatica, "You are very touchy, it was a simple comment."

(OOC) Sympatica's player whispers, "No actually you are or you wouldn't have said a word to me."
s>wh ooc sym I can comment to and whom I choose
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Sympatica, "I can comment to and whom I choose."
s>wh ooc sym you've no say in that
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Sympatica, "You've no say in that."
You see Great Lady Sympatica Willowinrose the Herbmistress.
She appears to be a Dwarf.
She is average height and appears to be very young. She has sparkling summer sky blue eyes and ivory skin. She has long, curly coal black hair pulled loosely into a small bun with rose-shaped beads woven into the remaining curls that cascade down to her waist. She has an oval face, a small nose and dimpled cheeks.
She has a pair of white diamond studs in the ridges of both her ears.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a heart-shaped crystal pin, an opal-pinned strawberry red velvet hat, a gold key talisman suspended from a ruby-lined chain, a delicate silver charm bracelet, a red gold handflower strung with glinting fire agates, a ribbon-twined sweetgrass basket, a bright red hooded cloak, a silver icicle-etched pendant, a pair of delicate lace gloves, a bright red gingham dress, a bright red satchel, some bright red leather, a round silk coin purse, a medic bag, a white leather purse, a pearly white bag, a frilly white silk hooped petticoat, some pearly white stockings, and a pair of bright red leather shoes with a dainty ankle strap.
Mischung glances at Sympatica.
s>wh ooc sym this is a very odd and juvenile conversation
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Sympatica, "This is a very odd and juvenile conversation."
s>wh ooc sym especially considering I apologized
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Sympatica, "Especially considering I apologized."
(OOC) Sympatica's player whispers, "Which you began and i'm ending."
s>wh ooc sym you need to grow a thicker skin
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Sympatica, "You need to grow a thicker skin."
(OOC) Sympatica's player whispers, "I don't require advice...and all I saw was 'im cranky'."
s>wh symp if you cant be bothered to read everything perhaps you shouldnt respond
You quietly whisper to Sympatica, "If you cant be bothered to read everything perhaps you shouldnt respond."
* Methais joins the adventure.
(OOC) Sympatica's player whispers, "IF you apologized, it isn't here, it happened when I had weather issues...because I've re-read everything said."
s>wh ooc sym it was the very sentence you quoted where I said I was cranky, try reading entire sentences, jeez
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Sympatica, "It was the very sentence you quoted where I said I was cranky, try reading entire sentences, jeez."
(OOC) Sympatica's player whispers, "By why a total stranger would be so forward and so flagrantly confrontational is beyond me...Everyone is stressed to get work done...but they don't attack someone ...it's just pointless unless you have hurtful intentions.. and that's what you did ...I was r/p'ing wtih those I was with and you were confrontational and it wasn't r/ping because you said you were cranky...that's OOC."
s>wh ooc symp you are the most annoying, childish, crybaby I've ever met in this game, hahaha
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Sympatica, "You are the most annoying, childish, crybaby I've ever met in this game, hahaha."

Sympatica is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.

You laugh out loud!

11-05-2009, 05:03 PM
Hahaha what a bulldyke.

What's with the r/p slash anyway? Was she role/playing? /facepalm

* Methais joins the adventure.

Best part of the log.

11-05-2009, 05:05 PM

11-05-2009, 05:06 PM
Best part of the log.

I left that in while editing the log just for you.

11-05-2009, 05:10 PM
Wow... wtf, you're not allowed to say anything, only she is? Geez... I also liked the weather excuse to try to explain how she only got half of the sentence.

11-05-2009, 05:10 PM
Hah... so she read too quickly and didn't read your apology, you call her out on it so she tries to bring up a different topic instead of saying "oh right you did apologize"

She said she was rping, yet when you RPed back she went to OOC whisper instead of RPing... funny.

11-05-2009, 05:13 PM
I left that in while editing the log just for you.

I :heart: you too.

Did you see how nervous she got after I logged in and started stumbling over her words? Yeah that was all me.


11-05-2009, 05:13 PM
The warn was straight out of the park OTT.
It IS really frustrating when you get no services though so I kinda understand her point but you're right, she overreacted.

Tits. Thx. x.

11-05-2009, 05:14 PM
God, I'm glad I made the last cut on room-order for Ageta yesterday and was the second one spun today. The crowds for her are somehow more obnoxious than any of the others I've seen this EG.

It doesn't help when there's only 2-3 merchants who will work on stuff other than their own shop-specific stuff each day (and 2 of the 3 only work on 10-15 people). People are getting really irritated, especially now with Jeem gone.

11-05-2009, 05:15 PM
lol I've gotten two alters (partly due to my own work and home schedule though) so I too understand the frustration.

11-05-2009, 05:21 PM
She's an empath, and a woman. That particular combination is ripe for bitchiness.

11-05-2009, 05:25 PM
GS is srs bizness.

11-05-2009, 05:27 PM
Sympatica has actually been whining at every merchant I've been oh so priviledged to attend with her there. A lot of people are only getting minimal work done, and sit there patiently, but not her. Tisket was in the right, and Sympatica just behaved true to form. In fact at one merchant she demanded to see an item I had made as a gift for a friend, and was insulted when I wouldn't pull it out, and told me I was a mean little girl. :wow2:

11-05-2009, 05:30 PM
I've gotten three services done. Two in one day. (I've gone to 4 merchants total) It was pretty easy, especially since 2 of them were room order. All you have to do is just sit in EG all day and wait for announcements and run there really fast.

11-05-2009, 05:37 PM
Yes, Eliquesa...LOL Let's use YOUR real screen name and how about cut/paste all the omitted things you said that were improper, confrontational, immature and truly out of line...Obviously you are so immature you need to come here to cut someone else down to make yourself big the 'Big Girl"...grow up "cranky" girl as you called yourself....It's obvious you only wanted to intimidate me..YOU omitted 90% of the event.....

Grow up and don't bother people you DON'T know.

Stanley Burrell
11-05-2009, 05:38 PM
Tisket posted boobs so she automatically wins.


Not boobs.


11-05-2009, 05:38 PM
hahaha, the only thing I cut out were room scroll.

11-05-2009, 05:43 PM

HAY U! Get naked or shut the fuck up.

11-05-2009, 05:44 PM
Oh no Tisket! She's not gonna burn it down, but better be careful Sympatica is gonna come decorate it ugly red gingham instead.

11-05-2009, 05:44 PM
I just fucking want a feature alterer to remove my shit tastic unique slots.

I think out of everyone in EG, I have the most room to whine about not getting picked :P

11-05-2009, 05:46 PM
Yes, Eliquesa...LOL Let's use YOUR real screen name and how about cut/paste all the omitted things you said that were improper, confrontational, immature and truly out of line...Obviously you are so immature you need to come here to cut someone else down to make yourself big the 'Big Girl"...grow up "cranky" girl as you called yourself....It's obvious you only wanted to intimidate me..YOU omitted 90% of the event.....

Grow up and don't bother people you DON'T know.
Post the whole thing then... I don't see how any omitted items could explain the way you acted... and nothing explains away the warn. That's just poor, especially when you start by saying your roleplaying, if you're roleplaying, you don't need a warn mechanic to whisk away your problems.

... unless you're role-playing with Agent Michael Skarn.

11-05-2009, 05:46 PM
Yes, Eliquesa...LOL Let's use YOUR real screen name and how about cut/paste all the omitted things you said that were improper, confrontational, immature and truly out of line...Obviously you are so immature you need to come here to cut someone else down to make yourself big the 'Big Girl"...grow up "cranky" girl as you called yourself....It's obvious you only wanted to intimidate me..YOU omitted 90% of the event.....

Grow up and don't bother people you DON'T know.

I love when people post saying "Yeah well you left stuff out of the log so you wouldn't look bad omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!!11" and then don't post the parts they claim were left out.

Yes, Eliquesa...LOL Let's use YOUR real screen name

Omg you outed her character name and RUINED HER FOR LIFE!!! YOU BETTER REROLL QUICK TISKET!!!!!11

A few other things to note:

- We :heart: Tisket.

- We do not :heart: you. At least not until you post boobs HERE (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=35792&highlight=topless).

- Gemstone is not serious business.

- Anything you post will be considered irrelevant until you post boobs HERE (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=35792&highlight=topless).

11-05-2009, 05:48 PM
Sympatica nods to Emislity.
Sympatica shows Emislity her crystal pin.


You lose.

I'm also wondering where she "attacked" you. Hell I think what she said was rather civil in all honesty. Then she apologized..oh wait, you had a power outage, the cable went out, nukes were dropping, the sink had a leaky faucet..you didn't catch that half of the sentence.

11-05-2009, 05:51 PM
>find eliquesa
Brave Adventurer Questing:

>fame eliquesa
Eliquesa has her fame disabled.
>profile eliquesa
Name: Eliquesa
Race: Aelotoi Gender: Female
J>prep 116
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Locate Person spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast eliquesa
Cast at what?
>cast eliquesa
Cast at what?
>cast tisket
Cast at what?
>cast tit
Cast at what?

... shit, I'm out of cyberstalking ideas.

11-05-2009, 05:52 PM
Yeah....how do you only see the "I'm cranky" line, but not the rest of the sentence due to lag when it was all spoken in the same whisper?

Did it go something like this?

(OOC) Tisket quietly whispers to you, "I'm cranky
, didnt mean to take it out on you, my apologies."


Notice how Tisket got less cranky once I logged in...

11-05-2009, 05:52 PM
haha, I am hidden. And likely to stay that way!

11-05-2009, 05:53 PM
>find eliquesa
Brave Adventurer Questing:

>fame eliquesa
Eliquesa has her fame disabled.
>profile eliquesa
Name: Eliquesa
Race: Aelotoi Gender: Female
J>prep 116
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Locate Person spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast eliquesa
Cast at what?
>cast eliquesa
Cast at what?
>cast tisket
Cast at what?
>cast tit
Cast at what?

... shit, I'm out of cyberstalking ideas.

Don't forget 605!!!!

11-05-2009, 05:56 PM
Notice how Tisket got less cranky once I logged in...
Yeah, Tisket sure loves it when I "log in" to her.

Don't forget 605!!!!
The whole point of stalking is you do it without her knowing... and then post it here on the PC.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-05-2009, 06:05 PM
We have a new PC member! I swear the complaints draw the most people to this board than anything else.

11-05-2009, 06:07 PM
I'm rather thinking that Sympatica doesn't realize that the merchants can monitor whispers. I guess it doesn't matter since she seems to have no self control. I doubt she'd be able to restrain herself even if she did know.

(yes, this is a shameless attempt to get her to post here again)

11-05-2009, 06:12 PM
If I was at the auction I'd constantly be whispering praises about the auctioneer to a nearby friend.

11-05-2009, 06:18 PM
Oooh, oooh! I guess she can read SN attached to profiles. *smirks*

[Private]-Sympatica: "what a passive aggressive bitch you are.....amazing you takin jabs too about someone's 'character's' roleplaying alter's...who the hell do you think you are to judge? LOL you are just another catty bitch who can't help but stick the knife in"

Yes, that is so right, minding my own business when a perfect stranger demands to see something private, and throws a fit when I do not let them, and I'm the catty bitch. Well meow sister!

11-05-2009, 06:21 PM
Oooh, oooh! I guess she can read SN attached to profiles. *smirks*

Ageta chose you! Bitch!


11-05-2009, 06:25 PM
Ageta chose you! Bitch!


I know! So there! And Ageta yelled at me coz I totally wasn't ready because someone else was yelling at me in whispers too. And I yelled back at them, but I didn't get a warn interact, you're one up on me there.

11-05-2009, 06:26 PM
Less bickering, more tits.

11-05-2009, 06:27 PM
Less bickering, more tits.

You're the one with the man tits, no? Well post em up!

11-05-2009, 06:32 PM
You're the one with the man tits, no? Well post em up!

Noooo! We see the Tsin bulging hulking wannabe goony mantits too much, I'm afraid what he will post here picturewise. Should have given him my Ageta spot so he could get rid of those terrible feature alters, and quit scaring puppies when he walks by. And I DO mean that in the least catty way possible.

11-05-2009, 06:39 PM
You're the one with the man tits, no? Well post em up!

Tsin would never show his man tits.....However if you mean different....No sorry, not me. Didn't I even send you a picture of my cock, along with all the other ladies oogling over it in PMs?

Or did you miss out on it and wondered why in that damned thread, I forget which..

11-05-2009, 06:40 PM
Noooo! We see the Tsin bulging hulking wannabe goony mantits too much, I'm afraid what he will post here picturewise. Should have given him my Ageta spot so he could get rid of those terrible feature alters, and quit scaring puppies when he walks by. And I DO mean that in the least catty way possible.

I was hoping SOMEONE would...But so far, nothing.

I'll even PAY them for a slot at this point, just to remove all of these ugly things.

11-05-2009, 07:12 PM
See? Empath + woman = crazy psycho bitch.

11-05-2009, 07:16 PM
Women + just about anything = crazy psycho bitch

I should probably run now.

11-05-2009, 07:27 PM
This thread sucks.

11-05-2009, 08:43 PM
My friends and I have noticed that whenever Velvette doesn't get picked or loses an item in the token room or misses out on room order she always sighs. Every time. So we've started sighing everytime she walks in the room.

I'm thinking Sympatica needs her own custom "you've entered!" verb. I suggest cry since anyone who says a word to her is a crybaby.

11-05-2009, 08:44 PM
Also Tisket's PC is in the room and looking at the name all I can think of is a jewish taco.

11-05-2009, 08:49 PM
My friends and I have noticed that whenever Velvette doesn't get picked or loses an item in the token room or misses out on room order she always sighs. Every time. So we've started sighing everytime she walks in the room.

I'm thinking Sympatica needs her own custom "you've entered!" verb. I suggest cry since anyone who says a word to her is a crybaby.

QUIT would be even more epic.

11-05-2009, 08:53 PM
If anybody expects a mass amount of alters in an open ticket event they're a fucking idiot.

11-05-2009, 09:27 PM
Just received this via PM from sympatica:

no Sympatica does realize merchants hear whispers...duh Sympatica's been in the lands since 1995 and you don't have as many 'pals' as ya think since one messaged me with this link to find the crap you wrote, because unlike you? Folks do respect me. You are attention seeking because otherwise who goes on a public board whining...LOL I love the photo by the way it looks like you are trying to practice BJ's..ROFLMAO


11-05-2009, 09:29 PM
It's not Tisket's fault. The citrus juices leak into her brain and make her horny.

ETA: That's not just a photo of Tisket, it's actually a live video feed. Most people don't realize that she spends her entire life making that BJ motion in front of her computer. Impressive, no?

11-05-2009, 09:30 PM
I love the photo by the way it looks like you are trying to practice BJ's..ROFLMAO

Oh no Tisket, she's onto you!

11-05-2009, 09:32 PM
It's not Tisket's fault. The citrus juices leak into her brain and make her horny.

I am NOT giving up my limetar. Whine all you like.

11-05-2009, 09:33 PM
Worst thread ever.

11-05-2009, 09:35 PM
For a long time, I thought Tisket was a guy. True story.

11-05-2009, 09:37 PM
For a long time, I thought Tisket was a guy. True story.

My text is masculine. What can I say.

11-05-2009, 10:25 PM
She appears to be a Dwarf.

There's your problem.


I'd hit it.

11-05-2009, 10:27 PM
My text is masculine. What can I say.

Hairiest sans serif I've ever seen.

11-05-2009, 10:41 PM

I can't figure out what Laphrael has to do with this situation. Without going back to look at the log itself, I don't think she was even there. Or are you just being retarded again?

11-05-2009, 10:42 PM
i see the same folks git picked over and overAs soon as anyone says this, anything and everything you say is automatically justified, forever (actually, longer).

Referring to connection problems as "weather" in OOC conversations also drives me up a wall.

11-05-2009, 11:32 PM
no Sympatica does realize merchants hear whispers...duh Sympatica's been in the lands since 1995 and you don't have as many 'pals' as ya think since one messaged me with this link to find the crap you wrote, because unlike you? Folks do respect me. You are attention seeking because otherwise who goes on a public board whining...LOL I love the photo by the way it looks like you are trying to practice BJ's..ROFLMAO


11-05-2009, 11:34 PM
I can't figure out what Laphrael has to do with this situation. Without going back to look at the log itself, I don't think she was even there. Or are you just being retarded again?

She was in the room!

11-05-2009, 11:38 PM
Wow. Posting in the RP forum is bad for my rep.

11-06-2009, 08:26 AM
Women + just about anything = crazy psycho bitch

I should probably run now.

No, we pretty much already know you're a dick. :>

11-06-2009, 08:35 AM
Wow... there are just levels of "not getting it" fail going on left and right for her in this thread.

11-06-2009, 10:57 AM
No, we pretty much already know you're a dick. :>
