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View Full Version : Universal Movement Script - TA.CMD

11-05-2009, 04:10 AM
Hello Everyone,

This one should be good to go.

Here's where to get it:


Here's what it does:

Universal Movement Script for Ta'Vaalor, Elven Nations

This script recognizes every room in the area so it doesn't matter where you start it.


---- Town Gates ----

Amaranth Gate
Annatto Gate
Vermilion Gate
Victory Gate

--- Essentials/Gathering Spots ---

Bank of Ta'Vaalor
Adventurer's Guild
Lake of Fear Dock
Ghaerdish's Furs and Pelts
Areacne's Gems of Ta'Vaalor
Ta'Vaalor Antique Goods
Legendary Rest Tables
Tyrnian Court

----- Taverns and Inns -----

Dancing Dahcre
Malwith Inn
The Legendary Rest
Helgreth's Tavern

------ Town Services ------

Wyvern Keep
Cartage Office
City Clerk
Citizens' Office
Deed Conveyance
Town Forge / Forging Supply Store
Triage Station
Glimaerseen Moving Company
Permit Office (Player Shops)
Real Estate Office
Surname Registry

Delivery Service
Bank of Ta'Vaalor, Exchange
Hall of Justice
Public Lockers
New Look Paviion
Hall of the Arkati
Travel Office

----- Places of Interest -----

Four Winds Tent
Ta'Vaalor Historical Society
Small Stone Shed
Silverwood Manor
Theatre Andaire
Voln Forecourt
Some Other Place...

-------- Shops --------

The Ta'Vaalor Armory
Sweethen's Bakeshop
Deantia's Bridal Accoutrement (Burned Down)
Clentaran's Clerical Supply
Dye Shop
Vonder's Archery Supply
Ta'Vaalor Fine Furnishings (Burned Down)
Tmareantha's Jewels
Elantaran's Magic Supply
Merchanting Warehouse (Player Shops)
Ambra's Musicalities
Player Shops
Annatto Rations Shop
Samyrle's Salon
Phisk's Sundry Wares
The Ta'Vaalor Weaponry

-------- Guilds --------

Bard Guild
Cleric Guild
Empath Guild
Warrior Guild

-------- Homes --------

Marble Springs

/\/\/\/\/\Hunting Areas/\/\/\/\/\

Catacombs (Fanged Rodent)

****** Amaranth Gate ******

Barefoot Hill (Fire Ant)
Briar Thicket (Kobold)

Barley Field (Agresh Troll Scout)

Apple Orchard (Black Leopard/Agresh Bear)
Vineyard (Agresh Troll Warrior)
Foothills (Black Leopard/Plains Lion/Agresh Troll Chieftain)
Grassland (Plains Ogre/Plains Lion/Agresh Troll Chieftain)

Entrance to Fethayl Bog (Bog Wight/Bog Spectre/Warrior Shade)
Fethayl Bog, Underground Crypt (Same as above)

****** Annatto Gate ******

Toadwort, Grasping Mire (Fanged Goblin/Mistydeep Siren/Fanged Viper/Water Moccasin)
Toadwort, Blackened Morass (Fanged Viper/Water Moccasin/Bobcat)
Toadwort, Fetid Muck (Fanged Viper/Water Moccasin/Darkwoode)

Neartofar Forest (Neartofar Orc/Plumed Cockatrice/Neartofar Troll)

Lunule Weald, Slade/Knoll/Felwood Grove (Crazed Zombie/Niishra/Sacristan Spirit/Grimswarm Orc Wizard)
Zelia's Shrine - Perish Glen/Zealot Village (Tree Spirit/Frenzied Monk)

****** Vermilion Gate ******

Neartofar Forest/Hillside/Stockade (Black-Brown Boar/Black-Brown Bear/Ogre Warrior)

Glaise Cnoc, Cemetery (Skeleton/Lesser-Greater Ghoul/Moaning Phantom/Dark Vysan)
Catacomb (Dark Apparition)
Plains of Bone, Outer Circle (Bone Golem/Death Dirge/Ghost Wolf)
Plains of Bone, Boneyard (Shadowy Spectre/Wolfshade)
Plains of Bone, Ruins
Plains of Bone, Mound Top/Virktoth's Path (Dark Shambler/Arch Wight)

****** Victory Gate ******

Rambling Meadows, Lower Fields (Young Grass Snake/Thyril)
Rambling Meadows, Orchard/Upper Fields (Striped Relnak/Spotted Leaper)
Rambling Meadows, Hilltop (Crested Basilisk/Centaur)

Yander's Farm (Black Rolton/Spotted Gnarp/Brown Gak)
Turnip Patch (Spotted Lynx/Lesser Red Orc)
Wheat Field (Giant Marmot/Raider Orc)
Barley Field (Great Boar/Darc Orc)
Corn Field (Great Stag/Grey Orc)

Once again, you can start the script anywhere considered part of "Ta'Vaalor" (Everything up to Sylvarraend Road)


11-26-2009, 03:01 AM
Got a few new targets (Sunfist Outpost) and fixed a few room.
