View Full Version : Taking offers on "a colorful gem-encrusted mask" - 1004 mask

Sylvan Dreams
11-02-2009, 11:23 PM
a colorful gem-encrusted mask

Garish, ugly, flamboyant, and eccentric are some of the words that could be used to describe this theatre mask. Made of hammered silver, the multi-hued mask is encrusted with tiny samples of most known gems. Miniature polished peridots, diamonds, glimaerstones, garnets, and deathstones mingle with bright shards of emerald, moonstone, ruby, riftshard and topaz. Miniscule etched musical notes fill the spaces between the gemstones.

Spell knowledge 1004

I won it, immediately stuck it in my container, and have not touched it since.

TRADES only.
NO weapons unless it's an oddity that is a falchion, thrown weapon, or area effect.
No armor.
No shields.
I will consider multiple items for this one.
I like scripted oddities and things that give you cool abilities, even if they are not combat-oriented.

Don't ask me what I want, because I seriously do not know, as I didn't expect to get so much stuff I wanted from this auction. PM, IM or e-mail me with your offers.


Sylvan Dreams
11-03-2009, 12:09 AM
Would be interested in tossing in other things with the mask for a non-chartreuse glamour crystal or maybe even a pair of wings. I don't care if the glamour crystal is not from this auction, either, as long as the colors aren't awful.