View Full Version : Places of business

RaJu Denjik
11-01-2009, 01:46 AM
Why has landing lost all conception on where to pick boxes and Spell ups?

TSC is for healers
Park is for Casters
East tower is for pickers

Drives me nuts

11-01-2009, 01:48 AM
Why has landing lost all conception on where to pick boxes and Spell ups?

TSC is for healers
Park is for Casters
East tower is for pickers

Drives me nuts

Never knew there was designated places that you MUST go to...I'll remember next time to pick in the park while I'm there.

11-01-2009, 01:56 AM
Why has landing lost all conception on where to pick boxes and Spell ups?

TSC is for healers
Park is for Casters
East tower is for pickers

Drives me nuts

It does make sense for there to be designated places, but I think now that the population is down from its 2000 people a night days, its not as big of a deal. I mean, it would seem totally normal for a character to be picking in the Garden Niche right next to the park as long as there were not hordes of people around.


RaJu Denjik
11-01-2009, 02:27 AM
it just makes it terrible when healers are in the square and some jackass comes in picking boxes and lets loose a scarab or blows them all up. or casters making tons of noise when people are asking for healing the healers miss it and they bleed out i dunno it just makes sense to me

11-01-2009, 05:07 AM
it just makes it terrible when healers are in the square and some jackass comes in picking boxes and lets loose a scarab or blows them all up. or casters making tons of noise when people are asking for healing the healers miss it and they bleed out i dunno it just makes sense to me

I agree. If a locksmith isn't sure he can safely open the box, he shouldn't be in a room like TSC. I have no problem when a capped locksmith is opening boxes well beneath his upper range, but when people are picking higher trap boxes, they should absolutely take everyone's safety into consideration and go elsewhere. Its not like we are lacking Inn tables between the 5 or so inns near the Landing.


Jace Solo
11-01-2009, 08:23 AM
I think casters are doing TSC masses now because they are trying to get the empaths too.

There's been a lot of times when there are no empaths at all in TSC or their napping. It's not like the old days when there is a race to nod at those needing healing

11-01-2009, 08:49 AM
My suggestions.

Kill them, refuse to heal them, uncurse their scarab multiple times to lower it's value, nag them, drag them away, or move away yourself, handle it in character. Have your character take the consequences of such actions.

My rogue constantly suggests to younger locksmiths who are getting audience reps to disarm in TSC East where the light is better, then to come back and pick the box.

Especially during the day, the population is much too small to spread out into special purpose rooms, it would crush RP.

It's more fun to handle my pet peeves in character. Healers going AFK in TSC for long periods of time get crappy tips and robbed blind. I don't sell gems, or give spellups to characters who use TTM in their requests. I don't pick for characters who ask for locksmiths (plural.) If a well known exploding rogue hands my ranger an armed scales trap once, he won't use that smith again ever.

Generally, complaining on the boards is boring and lame. Handling things in character makes the game world a more interesting and believable place.

11-01-2009, 09:00 AM
Concerning scarabs and sanctuaries: They were changed a while back so if a scarab was set off in a sanctuary, it would attack whoever set it off. If they died, then the scarab would leave the room via a normal directional.

Still won't help for idiots setting off scales, but at least no bug problems!

11-01-2009, 11:14 AM
Once upon a time, when I was actually innocent, the Small Park didn't exist and TSSW was the place for spellups...and the well was ONE room. Then times changed, the population exploded, the Park was built, and people moved. And I took a break from GS.

When I started playing a healer that spent a lot of time in TSC (never asleep or afk, 'cause that drives me as nutty as the people looking for healing), I did find it rather annoying to have to decide between continuing to heal or going to get spells to maybe hunt, but whatever. And then I noticed things starting to move back together, and the few people that are around aren't so spread out any more. Which rocks 'cause now I don't have to give up work just to get some spells.

The only thing that annoys me about people casting spells in TSC is when someone uses Rapid Fire to spellup somoene, so there's HUGE screen scroll.

Obviously, folks disarming traps in populated places is dangerous, but some idiot has always done such a thing. That is really awesome news about the scarabs, though.

Sean of the Thread
11-01-2009, 11:56 AM
There used to be designated areas unofficially because of high population however nowadays you just make sure you're disarming a boomer on the dais or preferably TSC when there is a lot of napping empaths.

Also curse items and put them on or under the bench when there are no clerics around or you're just bored and want to laugh your ass off at people having a fit.

11-01-2009, 01:17 PM
Falgrin used to pick boxes at the park all the time.. then again, he did own it.

RaJu Denjik
11-01-2009, 01:22 PM
I only bring it up Based on the Massive Talk in the Square. Frankly i am sure they are all tired of being blow away and having to flee if a Scarab that gets lose not to mention if your AFK resting and not around you come back and your dead not only empath's either Random people who Afk there. I don't think people mind casters that want to come to the square to spell up the empath's as well as others. That's something i think we all appreciate. But its the casters who are just coming into the square yelling ! SPELL UPS ! GUARDS TSC ETC, Creating massive Scrolling for no reason. if you want to spell up i don't see why they cant bring it to the park, or whatever room they feel safe in doesn't have to be anywhere specific it can be the treehouse for all i care but they can yell SPELL UPS from there and have people go there. also I am not saying you have to sit in the Park and get be in an unprotected room just simply go around the corner for the actual spell up and come back when your done if you feel safer sitting in the TSC. I am just taking the Empath's into consideration knowing how meny of them do IDLE afk there when they are healing down.

11-01-2009, 01:35 PM
or casters making tons of noise when people are asking for healing the healers miss it and they bleed out i dunno it just makes sense to meI can't tell you how many times I've come in, asked nicely if anyone could heal me, waited around as I heard crickets chirping because it was so quiet, and watched 3 healers all healing themselves.

Don't blame other people because you're: inefficient, unaware, AFK, or in a pissy mood and I rubbed you the wrong way when I asked.

Now, let's examine this...

It doesn't make sense from a RP standpoint. You say these casters are making tons of noise. Are you imagining that TSC is just one small 5x5 square of ground and everyone is invading the personal space of everyone else? Further, I would imagine that the realistic noise of so many wounded (that we all ignore; oh look, I'm missing all my limbs but can still magically move around under my own power AND I'm not even vocalizing a single bit of discomfort) and all the empaths 'casting' would drown everything else out.

The case could be made about screen scroll then (the whole 'bad weather' = lag slang). At that point I just call you an inefficient healer. Do you crumble in invasions? Or are you just focusing on another character and people casting are scrolling up someone asking for help when you switch back to see if you can get some more XP yet? If the screen scroll bothers you that much, you can make a simple script that squelches various things (such as someone casting) which you start when you show up and then you can make a simple script that removes those squelches when you leave.

RaJu Denjik
11-01-2009, 01:56 PM
like i said i am just bringing What I've herd in the Square to peoples Attention. and more than likely when your talking about asking for healing in the Square and no healers were responding its more than likely they were Auto AFK and using there heal down script. I am not trying to pick a fight where there is none I was just stating something that I've noticed myself and have had the pleasure of hearing when idling in the Square. If things don't change then i honestly don't give a care. Gemstone Has changed Many times over the years where certain classes sit where spell ups are where empaths are where the rogues are. Nothing is written in stone that things can't change again. who knows maybe the empath's will just leave the square entirely and move to helgas tavern for healing I was just merely trying to have a discussion.

11-01-2009, 02:07 PM
I think, with the size of the population and just how spread out it is, we should be promoting everyone coming to one spot versus going to separate areas.

11-01-2009, 02:17 PM
You know... that person at the office who bitches about everything, and no one listens anymore, cause it's gotten to the point you just HAVE to find something to complain about... that's the healers in tsc. Let me break this down for you... TSC is the only audience room left. So you're going to have rogues picking boxes, and sorcerers spamming the screen with their illusions and whatever else is audience. You're going to have people casting mass spells, because that's the only room with mass people in it. Honestly, have your screen ignore the spells and the pickers, so you don't even see it. Set up a noise when your screen sees the word "healers" or "healing" like my empath has. Don't make something SO simple, so difficult and start an uproar about nothing. There is a natural evolution to the way things work around landing and you're now talking about taking it a step backwards. Trust me in my opinion of someone who plays a healer and other characters, it works the best the way it is.

11-01-2009, 03:14 PM
Wow, I miss the screen scrolls from TSSW, E Tower, N Gate, TSC etc... Can't believe people are bitching about it now, when the population is a fraction of what it used to be. Landing alone long time ago had more than what the whole lands has now.

Sean of the Thread
11-01-2009, 03:47 PM
I think English is his second or possibly third language. That and his posts are like fucking screen scroll the way they are written.


11-01-2009, 03:54 PM
it just makes it terrible when healers are in the square and some jackass comes in picking boxes and lets loose a scarab or blows them all up. or casters making tons of noise when people are asking for healing the healers miss it and they bleed out i dunno it just makes sense to me

Not to mention the extra potential casualties from the threat of e-terrorism...

You belt out, "ALLAH ACKBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
You become visible again.
Arkans traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
>cast at my che
Washee cackles!
You gesture at a plain iron chest.
The chest vibrates slightly but nothing else happens.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
* Razcor just bit the dust!
cast at my che
cast at my che
cast at my che
Arkans gestures at Washee.
Arkans stares deeply into Washee's eyes.
CS: +384 - TD: +264 + CvA: -21 + d100: +56 == +155
Warding failed!
Washee collapses to the ground screaming!
Washee is stunned!
Rern leaps from hiding to attack!
Rern swings an uber 10x permablessed falchion at Augie!
AS: +326 vs DS: +525 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +83 = -89
A clean miss.
You gesture at a plain iron chest.
The chest vibrates slightly but nothing else happens.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You gesture at a plain iron chest.
The chest vibrates slightly but nothing else happens.
[Spell re-prepared]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
cast at my che
You gesture at a plain iron chest.
You hear a soft click from the chest and it suddenly flies open.
Suddenly, a plain iron chest gives off a loud sizzle, and explodes in a bright flash!
Being closest, you take the brunt of the blast!
... 50 points of damage!
Massive blow to your chest collapses your sternum!
You are stunned for 8 rounds!

The chest's casing is blasted into hundreds of tiny flechettes!

You are severely perforated!
... 35 points of damage!
Shot destroys eye and the brain behind it!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
A luminescent aura fades from around you.
Your concentration on the image fades.
You no longer bristle with energy.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves you.
You feel less confident than before.
You feel the extra courage wane.
You feel your extra magical awareness leave you.
You feel the surge of magic depart.
You notice the faint image of yourself disappear.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
You come back into focus.
The layer of protection fades away.
You become solid again.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
The translucent sphere fades from around you.
You feel your extra strength departing.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 10 mins...
Augie is struck by flechettes!
... 15 points of damage!
Surgical strike removes Augie's left eye!
She is stunned!
... 15 points of damage!
Strike just below the jaw, nice shot to the neck!
Washee is struck by flechettes!
... 15 points of damage!
Shot to the hand slices a finger to the bone!
... 15 points of damage!
Well aimed shot, punctures upper arm!
Dozens of flechettes fly off to the northeast!

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You are a ghost! You must wait until someone resurrects you, or you decay. Either way, it won't be long now! (HELP for more details).

11-01-2009, 09:01 PM
I only bring it up Based on the Massive Talk in the Square.I only bring it up Based on the Massive Talk in the Square.
like i said i am just bringing What I've herd in the Square to peoples Attention.I'll bet you can't name five people who have agreed with you. I wonder how many I can find who disagreed:

Someone deeply says, "Why dont you guys cast in the park."
Boora says, "It's lonely in the park."
Kanderud says, "Dis is a sharing and caring place."
Kiriane says, "That's pretty rude."
Kiriane says, "I guess that's to be expected coming from your kind."
Speaking to Someone, Virina says, "You seem to be the noisiest one here."

Also, speaking of people being generally inane, I wonder who did this?

Lazym quietly asks, "Anybody here that can bless?"
Someone nods to Lazym.
Someone recites deeply:


Someone wiggles his fingers at Lazym.
Someone deeply says, "Roltan be with you."
Lazym forces a grin and laughs nervously.

11-02-2009, 01:25 PM
just as a little side note. If im working on LM and need an audience TSC is the best place to go. There are always enough people there . Mostly i disarm my box elsewhere then come in pick it and leave. Purely just for the rep.

11-02-2009, 01:39 PM
Roltan blesser is pretty damn funny.

11-02-2009, 01:53 PM
Roltan blesser is pretty damn funny.

I wonder if it's our resident "moran" guy.

11-02-2009, 04:52 PM
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end of the space, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep.

From a town/RP perspective it seems that since this is a bazaar, littered with shops...that merchanting from here, reciting that your offering spellups for a price, singing that you're willing to loresong for a fee, or offering your locksmithing services would be perfectly in character.

In fairness so would offering healing for a fee or just for fun.

It's also a place where adventurers meet to talk about their adventures, so drinking, carousing and horseplay would be acceptable from a RP perspective.

Now, being a person that plays an empath that's a whiney little bitch screaming "You shouldn't pick that here"...Or don't spell up it hurts my ears/eyes, and I can't eat my cyberchocolate and get fat both in game and real life means...

You Lose!!!

Bet chu were wishing that you could reroll at life.

11-26-2009, 08:38 PM