View Full Version : Playershops Script
10-28-2009, 12:41 PM
I'm starting to get to the point where this script isn't requiring regular tweaking, so I'll go ahead and put it on the repository.
For those of you willing to contribute to this resource by gathering data - this is the time to step up and do that. You can send output - found in lich/scripts/citizendata/ to
You'll need to download both citizendata.lic and citizendata_input.txt off the repository. Please note that while citizendata indicates that you can specify a set range of rooms to cover, the website only accepts FULL LOGS. So just run ;citizendata without parameters, and make sure it completes the full scan.
Also note that all psinet baggage and zoom options should be disabled before running this script. And of course, arcane symbols is necessary for scroll reading.
11-06-2009, 07:15 PM
I did a scan of Illy but I don't think it got to the website. Am I doing something wrong?
[citizendata: ext_id is 730]
[citizendata: current room id is 730]
[citizendata: match: true]
| Saving XML file: Do not kill script!
| Shops counted: 41
| Interior rooms counted: 99
| Containers counted: 176
| Items counted: 1575
| Save successful!
--- Lich: citizendata has exited.
11-06-2009, 07:19 PM
You should be able to find the XML output in lich/scripts/citizendata. Repository's citizendata.lic doesn't automatically upload to V's server, because V doesn't want the login information to be made public.
11-06-2009, 07:27 PM
And when I find the output what am I supposed to do?
11-06-2009, 07:45 PM
Previously you would want to e-mail it to me and I'd get upload it manually, but since we've got people doing the auto-upload that's not really necessary.
Actually, the reason there hasn't been updates in a few days (I assume why you ran the script) is due to a glitch with the server updater. Virilneus is aware of this, and just manually hit the refresh script. A lot of the towns are now current, including Illistim.
If you want to run a town on a regular basis just let me know in-game.
11-06-2009, 07:57 PM
If its all under control I won't worry about it. Just wanted to get my newly opened shop into the system and thought I could help out some. But I understand why its being done that way.
11-06-2009, 08:09 PM
This thing work for Plat yet?
Because of the portals, one person could map everything out pretty easily. I wouldn't mind doing it once a day (even have plenty of symbols to get the scrolls)... We do have an additional area in landing (around dragonspine road). But other than that I doubt there'd be much of an issue.
11-07-2009, 10:12 AM
That's something you'll have to talk to Virilneus about.
On the upside, it sounds like it'd be super-easy to setup a script to just run citizendata.lic once for all towns.
If someone can get me a log file for plat, I can make it.
That additional landing area will require some script edits, and whatnot.
11-07-2009, 03:10 PM
You can get versions of citizendata.lic and citizendata_input.txt from the repository that output the xml, as opposed to uploading it automatically to the server. I'd start by playing around with those, Deathravin.
As far as adding the additional area, that's no problem assuming it's mapped in map.dat. Take a look in citizendata_input.txt and you should be able to figure things out from there.
If it's not mapped in map.dat, you'll have to bribe Tillmen.
11-19-2009, 01:57 PM
Bump just because not enough people know this is out there and because I needed the link again.
11-19-2009, 02:23 PM
alright and this is a testing one two, see'n if I did the sig's right and all
EDIT: Hey it worked but it's gawd aweful oogly, I'll clean it up later
EDIT2: Much better, but how can I name the link Teeah's Magical shop,Ta'Illistim room 1, editing it directly into the [url] link so I don't have to have both, anyone?
11-19-2009, 02:59 PM
EDIT2: Much better, but how can I name the link Teeah's Magical shop,Ta'Illistim room 1, editing it directly into the [url] link so I don't have to have both, anyone?
*url=*Title of Link here*/url*
Sub [] for *'s
Example: Teeah's Magical shop,Ta'Illistim room 1 (
and by the way, you don't need the "And Search Names" bit in the url.
And don't forget to register and claim your shop
11-19-2009, 07:11 PM
Much better thank you
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