View Full Version : Wizard bolt script
10-27-2009, 07:54 AM
Anyone have one that picks a target. I had one that was simply called bolt. and the usage was .bolt spell number. It would auto-target unless you targeted first.
10-27-2009, 08:55 AM
What do you mean "picks a target"? Incanting a bolt will auto-target if you dont' have one selected. I'm guessing you lost your old script or something?
Instead of typing .bolt type inc(ant)
inc 904
10-27-2009, 08:58 AM
Even if you do list a target and the target doesn't exist, it'll auto-target.
10-27-2009, 09:02 AM
I'm kind of confused what you're asking for... are you asking for a script that will pick a target if you don't have one targetted? Have you tried using incant? That's what it does. If you're looking for it to "target clear" if there are issues with your target, just make a script that incants, and then if it gets target issues, sends target clear, then incants again (I haven't had any issues so I wouldn't know what to match)
10-27-2009, 11:43 AM
Sorry, I know about incant, but this nice little script would prep, throw me into stance off, cast the spell and then put me back into defense.
I do not write scripts at all so I loved this little puppy. I have one script that will do this, but I have to pick the creature in the command line that I want to hit...and I've gotten spoiled with the script I used to have. Yeah my computer is in the hospital so I lost it. I have a backup but can't get it to it yet.
If I targeted a seer, and in the command line it was .bolt 908, it would prep, go offense, cast at the seer and then put me into defense. If I had nothing targeted it would cast at the first creature like incant does.
The script i have you have to pick the creature in the command line, .bolt 908 seer or it won't work. If I leave off seer it just hangs.
I love the ease of being able to target the first, second and third griffin in the room and get them incapacitated so they can't call wind me.
I'm kind of confused what you're asking for... are you asking for a script that will pick a target if you don't have one targetted? Have you tried using incant? That's what it does. If you're looking for it to "target clear" if there are issues with your target, just make a script that incants, and then if it gets target issues, sends target clear, then incants again (I haven't had any issues so I wouldn't know what to match)
10-27-2009, 11:46 AM
Macros can do that in fewer keystrokes and more conveniently.
10-27-2009, 11:47 AM
create a new script and just put:
put stance off
put inc %1
put stance def
You can also try macros, personally I have all the bolts I used set to various macros around the number pad ... / is 904, ctrl-/ is 505 .. etc
just add a macro and set this as the command:
\xstance off\rInc 505\rstance def\r
10-27-2009, 11:53 AM
Should probably work.
10-27-2009, 02:43 PM
Heh considering I'm asian, I find this extremely amusing.
Should probably work.
10-27-2009, 03:57 PM
Put those macros on the numpad, you will like it.
put cone on the big zero key b/c you can always hit that in a sticky situation and just clean up the room.
10-27-2009, 06:20 PM
I have macros set up I've used forever. I use the number keys to move around, I'm still on the wizards so I can just see myself killing people by hitting them :) Meteor swarm the dais anyone?
Put those macros on the numpad, you will like it.
put cone on the big zero key b/c you can always hit that in a sticky situation and just clean up the room.
10-28-2009, 01:19 AM
I have macros set up I've used forever. I use the number keys to move around, I'm still on the wizards so I can just see myself killing people by hitting them :) Meteor swarm the dais anyone?
Keep the number keys as moving around, but ween yourself off using / as... info? or whatever... it's useless as info, swap it over to a bolt and it'll be great. As long as it's a targeted spell, if there are no valid targets you'll just prep it, and not cast, no danger there.
904, 906, 908, 910, 505, 516, 518, and 519 fill out the /, *, -, + and ctrl versions of those keys quite nicely.
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