View Full Version : Malvo escapes the death penalty.
03-10-2004, 10:50 AM
From what I gather, its because he's too young to be put to death... or so the jury thought.
for this trial there are other counties that will be going after his head.
03-10-2004, 10:52 AM
I bet Alabama will off him.
03-10-2004, 11:53 AM
Glad Muhammad's gonna die though. Maybe they should do like that deal in Massachusetts a few months ago. Guy was sentenced to death i na federal case, only MA don't got a death penalty so he's been shipped to New Hampshire for a killing. NH hasn't fried anyone in seventy years and they don't got equipment any more ... so they're gonna have to HANG him!
Man they should televise that, see the fucking murderers dangle!
03-10-2004, 11:59 AM
Too bad the Feds couldn't "off" the two before wasting $millions of taxpayers' money.
Especially when the "trial" is not really about guilt vs innocence, but how severe a sentence can be leveled.
The Justice system needs a re-write, where if the accused IS (obviously) guilty, via DNA testing, indisputable video/audio recording, ballistics, etc...
That the Judge can then (instantly) issue a sentance.
Otherwise, if the evidence is predominantly circumstancial, then it goes with the current Jury-defined system.
03-10-2004, 12:03 PM
Just saw an interview with the prosecutor. He's going to wait until a trial is over in some midwest state (maybe Wyoming) to see if the minor in that case is given the death penalty. I couldn't make out of he said the trial is this fall or next fall though. The defense was of course saying that they're trying to slowly have Malvo see Muhammed as a not-so-nice person.
03-10-2004, 12:04 PM
Murder is murder. Killing someone because of pure evil bloodlust or because the court considers them worthy to be killed is the same thing. Someone is dying. Vengeance is no punishment. Keep murderers in prison for live. Legalize drugs so that "criminals" who use marijuana and the like are not taking up valuable prison space for those who kill and rape. There is an enormous difference between personal choice to use a substance and ending someone's life.
03-10-2004, 12:07 PM
I'm not sure how I feel about the death penalty, personally. I like the 'eye for an eye' idea, but I also don't like the thought of sinking to the level of a murderer.
Then again, I don't really think jail is much of a punishment. I mean, if you're happy with what you have there, then what kind of a punishment is it? Three meals a day, a bed...
Yeah, I don't know. The death penalty seems to be so bureaucratic it's not really much other than a waste of time...
03-10-2004, 12:18 PM
creeeeek ..... creeeek ..... creeeek .....
That's the sound of John Lee swinging for what he done!
The day they executed Ted Bundy I had a party. Served fried fish.
03-10-2004, 12:21 PM
I was going to read this thread, but then I said, out loud, "Oh it's time to care about this. Too bad I don't HAHAHAHAHA."
And that's exactly how I feel.
03-10-2004, 12:25 PM
I'm just glad I didn't know anybody around this area at the time it happened. I would have absolutely freaked out.
I was talking to my mom today and I mentioned something about it, and she was like, YOU LIVE BY WHERE THAT HAPPENED????!!!!
Oh, the joys of having an obsessive-compulsive mother... Try convincing her it's not a regular occurrence. :-\
03-10-2004, 12:29 PM
It was some freaky shit, I'm sure the other Northern VA and MD posters will agree. I couldn't take my dog out for a walk (we played in the back yard). Everytime I had to get gas I was freaking out looking around and getting back into my car quickly. People in my office were calling up the tip-line because they saw a white van (hey, remember that theory) accross the street sitting with the engine running.
03-10-2004, 03:26 PM
I think the trial and yada yada should go through. Once. If you get sentenced to death, you get ONE appeal. ONE. The day that appeal is denied, they take you out back and shoot you in the head.
The end.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-10-2004, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I think the trial and yada yada should go through. Once. If you get sentenced to death, you get ONE appeal. ONE. The day that appeal is denied, they take you out back and shoot you in the head.
The end.
And then someone should be like, yelling in the dead persons face...
03-10-2004, 04:52 PM
Boo to the death penalty.
03-10-2004, 05:10 PM
Malvo's the kid right? I'm not sure. I wasn't privy to the evidence presented at the trial. His age is a factor to take into account. Now the older guy...
One bullet right between the eyes.
03-10-2004, 07:05 PM
I dont think Malvo should get the death penalty. He looked up to the older guy as a father and would have been willing to do anything for him. I think he should get life with no parole. I actually feel a little sympathy for him.
03-10-2004, 07:10 PM
If you feel sympathy for someone, you'll kill them.
Life is just so much easier when you're not alive.
03-10-2004, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I think the trial and yada yada should go through. Once. If you get sentenced to death, you get ONE appeal. ONE. The day that appeal is denied, they take you out back and shoot you in the head.
The end.
And then someone should be like, yelling in the dead persons face...
I think it would be best if we had Bobmuhthol yell in the persons face, "YOU GOT PWN'D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111'"
03-10-2004, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Tendarian
I dont think Malvo should get the death penalty. He looked up to the older guy as a father and would have been willing to do anything for him. I think he should get life with no parole. I actually feel a little sympathy for him.
I can see how sympathy would be felt for him, because I honestly believe he was somewhat brain-washed... but how is life without parole better? He just lives a life behind bars (if you want to call that living) sucking up tons of tax money for the next 60 years. He should get a bullet through the head.
03-10-2004, 09:59 PM
sucking up tons of tax money for the next 60 years.
That's not all he'd be sucking up...if you catch my drift.
03-10-2004, 10:53 PM
The death penalty is the most idiotic thing evar. Although to be fair I've stopped reading the Gemstone Complaints folder.
Originally posted by Tendarian
I dont think Malvo should get the death penalty. He looked up to the older guy as a father and would have been willing to do anything for him. I think he should get life with no parole. I actually feel a little sympathy for him.
Hey, I knew right from wrong at that age and I am sure this kid did too. I wonder how much sympathy for him the families of the victims feel. Dont misunderstand me, I too feel life without parole would be punishment enough IF it was a guarantee he would never see sunshine as a free man again. However sympathy? Not a chance.
03-11-2004, 03:41 AM
Originally posted by Galleazzo
Glad Muhammad's gonna die though. Maybe they should do like that deal in Massachusetts a few months ago. Guy was sentenced to death i na federal case, only MA don't got a death penalty so he's been shipped to New Hampshire for a killing. NH hasn't fried anyone in seventy years and they don't got equipment any more ... so they're gonna have to HANG him!
Man they should televise that, see the fucking murderers dangle!
Hanging snaps the neck as soon as they fall. It's pretty painless. I'd rather people suffer through a more painful death personally.
03-11-2004, 03:46 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I think the trial and yada yada should go through. Once. If you get sentenced to death, you get ONE appeal. ONE. The day that appeal is denied, they take you out back and shoot you in the head.
The end.
You know how many people are found innocent years after they were convicted? As much as I hate to say it, the current appeals process is really the best way to go. A convincted person gets every possible change to prove their innocence before being put to death, it's really a good thing to protect innocent people who are convicted.
How many people were freed after DNA testing? Maybe in 10 years from now when some new form of testing is found out, 100's more will be freed. But they won't be around of course because they only got one appeal.... Give someone a chance to prove their innocence. I mean I don't like when some guy was video taped killing a guy doing appeal after appeal, but really, it's the best way to go.....
03-11-2004, 05:01 AM
I think that's a nice idea and all, 101, but unfortunately it just provides more ammo for people who are anti dealth penalty. They can sit there and say, "Oooh, but it costs millions more to put someone to death than it does to keep them alive." And it's true, because the money to pay for all these appeals comes out of my pocket, and yours.
I think it sucks that people are proven innocent later on, but we have an imperfect justice system. As it is, though, I like it better than any others I've seen.
P.S. Although I've heard that in the UK, if you sue someone in civil court and lose, you have to pay their legal expenses. I think we should do this here.
03-11-2004, 06:46 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
P.S. Although I've heard that in the UK, if you sue someone in civil court and lose, you have to pay their legal expenses. I think we should do this here.
Most European legal systems outside of the U.S. are like that.
You are entitled to a counter suit in the U.S. for legal damages (a.k.a legal costs), but there is no guarantee that one will win such a suit. I much prefer the automatic financial responsibility however.
The reason it won't happen in the States is largely due to the capitol loss our judicial system would incur. Imagine lawyers and judges out of work.... the travesty.
The travesty of the Malvo sentence is that even if he faces extradition and eventually receives t he death penalty in another court, he will still have to serve a rather large portion of his current incarceration before facing whatever means of death a separate court mandates.
Our legal system at it's finest. Can you hear the tax dollars flushing?
03-11-2004, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
Hanging snaps the neck as soon as they fall. It's pretty painless. I'd rather people suffer through a more painful death personally.
Not if they just tie a slip knot on, attach the other end to a winch, and turn it on, slowly.
03-11-2004, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I think that's a nice idea and all, 101, but unfortunately it just provides more ammo for people who are anti dealth penalty. They can sit there and say, "Oooh, but it costs millions more to put someone to death than it does to keep them alive." And it's true, because the money to pay for all these appeals comes out of my pocket, and yours.
I think it sucks that people are proven innocent later on, but we have an imperfect justice system. As it is, though, I like it better than any others I've seen.
There's a WTF moment. It's better to have folks die for crimes they didn't commit than to dis the death penalty? Total of guys released from death row since DNA testing's come in's up to 37 now.
I want to see killers die, but that's just plain fucked.
03-11-2004, 11:43 AM
I think it sucks that people are proven innocent later on, but we have an imperfect justice system. As it is, though, I like it better than any others I've seen.
You sound like Tom Cruise, pre-getting-fucked-in-the-ass-by-the-system, in Minority Report.
It's all good, til you get accused of a crime you didn't commit.
03-11-2004, 03:41 PM
I'm not worried about the system fucking me in the ass, to be honest. And no, I don't think it's better that innocent people die - but I DO think it's best that we have a system in place that kills people who deserve to die for what they did. I'd rather see that happen than pay for these assholes to rot away in prison and have kidney dialysis on MY dime.
Same goes for people who receive longer-than-life sentences for shit they've done. This woman in Phoenix like four years ago got 172 years to be served consecutively for shaking all her babies so badly they'll all live with brain damage forever.
I say, kill her. She'll be in prison forever with no chance of parole. Why waste money keeping her alive?
Whats wrong with the justice system in the US is that once your convicted you may spend up to 10 years just being on death row. In other countries, you are dead within days sometimes even weeks.
In this case Malvo and his young accomplice (even though he hasnt been given the death penalty) should be put to death as soon as humanly possible.
03-11-2004, 04:30 PM
I actually think the delay is a good thing.
The wait helps make sure that we have reduced the chance that an error is being made by as much as possible.
So they wait 5-10 years, I'd rather wait then increase the chances of making an error that cannot be undone.
Originally posted by Skirmisher
I actually think the delay is a good thing.
The wait helps make sure that we have reduced the chance that an error is being made by as much as possible.
So they wait 5-10 years, I'd rather wait then increase the chances of making an error that cannot be undone. Thats true too. But, the prison system in this day in age is a huge business. People build them to make money, it actually benefits cities and towns to have prisons in them, of course financial growth. I just think if you sentence someone to death, they should die relatively quickly. In the mean time we (tax payers) are keeping these people well fed, for years and years.... I guess when you look at it from either way there are good and bad points.
03-11-2004, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I think the trial and yada yada should go through. Once. If you get sentenced to death, you get ONE appeal. ONE. The day that appeal is denied, they take you out back and shoot you in the head.
The end.
Absolute genius.
03-11-2004, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by DarkelfVoldThats true too. But, the prison system in this day in age is a huge business. People build them to make money, it actually benefits cities and towns to have prisons in them, of course financial growth.
Damn, reminds me of something stuck in my head. Years and years ago the nightly news put on a bit. Illinois was siting a new state prison and these towns were fighting hard to get it for the jobs. One town made a rap video called "Is We Is" and sent it to the media and the selection board. "Is we is or is we isn' -- gonna get ourselves a prison?" The last bit was the whole town, mayor and sheriff and all, dancing on the hillside near the proposed site. It was totally wack.
Wonder if they ever got it.
EDIT: Goddam do I love the Web.
The story of Is We Is (
[Edited on 3/11/2004 by Galleazzo]
although its to imagine towns going through all that, they DO. It was eye opening to actually know that these towns want, and will actively lobby to get a prison built there. Of course it means jobs, profits, and more money but you have to think... if we put some of this money to use for rehabilitation we wouldnt have to be as concerned with locking our doors at night. I used to think "Who'd want a prison in their city?". But, money is money I guess.
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