View Full Version : Post your armor!

Jace Solo
10-21-2009, 03:05 PM
With EG coming up I'll be taking a set of armor in to get it altered. I'm looking for anything people have done in the past to compare and contrast to. I'm going to put together my ideas after seeing what others have done and post them on the boards for some more help.

It'll be full plate but I wanna see eerything, right down to robes and accessories to help get my mind turning. If you got it, your proud of it...hell even if your not...if it's altered I'd like to see it. Same for thw swords and axes but of lesser priority. Icing on the cake if you will.

Thanks guys, I appreciate it...
Post away!


10-21-2009, 03:57 PM
This is my 8x hauberk with spikes and acid flares:

Some mithglin mail: Blue-black rings of pure undyed mithglin form a tightly linked suit of mail. High on the left breast, silver-dyed rings join to pick out a triangular fox's head surrounded by gold briars. Oddly, the edges of the mail seem to be slightly pitted from some corrosive substance. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

I like to incorporate an item's properties into its description. I may add the spikes in if I ever re-alter it.

10-21-2009, 04:06 PM
You tap some embossed krodera full plate that you are wearing.

The full plate has been polished to a high sheen, and powerful runes of warding are engraved across the breast-plate. Their contorted shapes twist around each other in a serpentine dance, radiating outward from a central iconic figure. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

I think I like BriarFox's a little better, but as you can see, I agree with him about ncorporating an item's properties. This plate is warding plate, hence the runes. it's not "hit you on the head" obvious, but anyone with any knowledge of elanthian metals should be able to get the clue.

And sometimes simplicity is the way to go I think: here's one of my favorite axes, though I don't use it much anymore. 9.5x and lightning flares:

You remove an imflass double-bit axe from in your leather case.

Twin lines of jagged dark blue run across the edges of the curved axe, their thin forms resembling an arcing bolt of lightning. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

And I found this two days ago. I think this is a very nice description that unlike the other two, it tells part of a story and maybe makes you wonder what it's all about just a little. Nice little box find that's for sure:

You remove an engraved vultite short sword from on a weapon rack.

A blue ribbon is wrapped tightly around the bronze hilt of the short sword, adding a distinctive flair to its appearance. The length of the vultite blade is engraved with simple representations of winged serpents and flower blossoms. Inset into the pommel of the weapon is a simple stone carved with the image of a shield. Lettering of the Common alphabet is stitched into the blue ribbon with white thread.
There appears to be something written on it.

>read my sword
In the Common language, it reads:
Faith always with Lorminstra.

10-21-2009, 04:22 PM
4x hauberk, perm swcp

some glossy violet-sheened armor

Deep ebony links fit together in a very finely meshed suit of armor. A subtle violet sheen courses over the metal creating a marbled blend of hues reminiscent of the night sky. Slight chips in the enamel coating reveal tiny specks of the silvery blue vultite base, only enhancing the image of clustered stars across the twilight background.

I, personally, am quite fond of the design, though I cannot take credit for it. My armor was designed for me by Laphrael (along with a few weapons, as well).

10-21-2009, 04:34 PM
4x doubles

some close-cut silvered ebon leathers ~ Supple ebon leather, burnished unevenly with lustrous metallic dye, presents the illusion of tarnished silver as the base material for this suit of armor, tailored to fit like a second skin. A high collar, clasped with a carved malachite luna moth dangling from a silver chain, closely guards the neck like an attentive lover. Adjustable cross-lacing runs through silver eyelets down to the small of the back with no other buckles or lacing visible to the eye, relying on clean lines for aesthetics. (Design courtesy of Martaigne)

7x DCP doubles

some misty grey elven fighting leathers ~ Silver cording criss-crosses up the length of the spine, designed to draw the supple misty grey leather close to the body like a second skin. In this way it ensures a comfortable fit whilst enhancing the hour-glass figure of the wearer. Two fused glass peacock plumes, set with blue and green shimmarglin sapphire beads, dangle at varying lengths from the elaborate knot at the back of the high collar. The feathers serve as the only adornment to this otherwise modest and utilitarian suit of armor. (Designed with the help of Laphrael)

10-21-2009, 04:42 PM
some spiked obsidian-hued platemail - 4x spiked 38lbs :

Scales of obsidian-hued ora create the massive suit of platemail, each joint fitted with a sweeping arc of metal to form pointed shards and spikes that curve out from the armor in wicked extensions from the waist up. Curved wings jut forth at the neck, designed to arc high over the head, while the legs are composed of layered, downward curved scales with sharp points. The right pauldron is etched with the image of a blood-eagle in flight, talons grasping a single teardrop bloodjewel inset into the metal. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

That's for Auvreaian, my Plat Warrior.

The dcp padded augmented chain Belnia has SHOULD be Stunseed's personal crest if she wants to show it.

The armor Stun wears now is so awesome, I could not touch it. :)

10-21-2009, 04:44 PM
6x swcp brig

some subdued autumnal-hued armor

Fashioned of deep russet leather lined with soft moss green suede, the armor is fastened by a plethora of thin straps that lay flat along the inside. Overlaying the brigandine are thin metal scales in muted variegated hues of crimson, amber, pumpkin and gold, each one secured by a pair of tiny faenor studs to keep with the natural look and prevent excess sound. Tooled into several of the scales on the left breast is the image of a soaring hawk, a pale blue leaf clasped in its talons. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. (Designed by Lunaryna)

Jace Solo
10-21-2009, 04:44 PM
And I found this two days ago. I think this is a very nice description that unlike the other two, it tells part of a story and maybe makes you wonder what it's all about just a little. Nice little box find that's for sure:

You remove an engraved vultite short sword from on a weapon rack.

A blue ribbon is wrapped tightly around the bronze hilt of the short sword, adding a distinctive flair to its appearance. The length of the vultite blade is engraved with simple representations of winged serpents and flower blossoms. Inset into the pommel of the weapon is a simple stone carved with the image of a shield. Lettering of the Common alphabet is stitched into the blue ribbon with white thread.
There appears to be something written on it.

>read my sword
In the Common language, it reads:
Faith always with Lorminstra.

you found that, like on a hunt? I didn't know gm's took the time to codethings into the generator like that. Obviously I could only drop once ifthey did. If not, lol my n00bn3ss.

Thanks for the responses so far. Keep'em coming!

10-21-2009, 04:48 PM
4x VHCP Leather Breastplate

some jet black golvern-edged armor

Heavy pieces of moulded black leather have been crafted into armor. Held together by several golvern fixtures, the overlapping leather affords superior protection without sacrificing mobility. The chest is artfully tooled with an onyx scimitar over a field of crimson and twisted golvern chains have been afixed to the neck, pauldrons, and waist as subtle embellishments. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

The first line of that alter sucks ass I should have had that fixed...

I miss my old doubles:

6x DCP double leather

some ceremonial Ishan hunts

Heavy leather has been crafted into a suit of armor large enough for a giantman. Black studs rivet the seams, while small onyx-hued rolaren discs have been stitched on for additional protection. The back of the leathers is covered with a large bearskin, the hollowed head forming a fierce-looking helm. The bearskin is bound to the pauldrons with rolaren hammer clasps, each etched with Saramar runes surrounding the symbol of the Ishan from the Grot-karesh Hammer Clan.

They got altered into something retarded I'm sure when they ended up in the hands of Victorae.

10-21-2009, 04:52 PM
a suit of grey banded imflass mail - +32, HCP, 13 lb aug chain

Segmented leather pieces provide sturdy backing for links of various sizes. The suit's irregular construction allows for greater flexibility at the joints where the links are smaller. Across the chest and limbs the addition of several overlapping plates augments the protection afforded. The normal bright hues of imflass have been intentionally dulled resulting in a variegated grey-hued coat whose mottled striping approximates the hues of a slate cliff face. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

10-21-2009, 04:53 PM
Also screw 2h axes and swords, go with polearms!

an onyx-hafted godendag

- This slightly curving blade has been crafted from a darkened steel and veined with onyx. The thick metal has been folded upon itself over and over, giving it a very fine edge and strong forge. Along the blade Saramar runes have been etched their meaning known only to Ishan long since past. The haft has been wrapped in treated leather giving a comfortable yet secure grip. At the base of the shaft a large onyx stone etched with two crossed battle hammers and the letters "A.R." has been securely set.

10-21-2009, 05:01 PM
I don't do armor for myself that often, but here are some designs I've done for other people.

some fitted scarlet doeskin leathers ~ Twisting crimon silk laces descend the center front to pull the suit of supple doeskin close for a sleek fit. Emerald blazestar vines coil about the arms and legs, black widow spiders crafted from despanal-inlaid onyx hiding beneath golden topaz oak leaves.

Charcoal-hued vultite twists and folds upon itself in a liquid damascened pattern resminiscent of veined marble. Their dark despanal eyes glaring out at the world, twin viper head pauldrons cast in stark ebon mithglin bare their fangs to guard the upper arm while appearing to pierce the wearer's flesh. Sanguine eahnor rivulets slither down the arms from the puncture wounds, their crimson trails pooling at the fingertips.

And a fragment from another permutation of that design: Charcoal-hued vultite twists and folds upon itself in a liquid damascene pattern reminiscent of veined marble. Eahnor veins infuse the dark grey metal with a series of scales, gleaming faintly when struck by light at the correct angle.

10-21-2009, 05:08 PM
Huntress Chainmail - 4x SWCP hauberk

some silvered fine chain armor
Rolaren links, coated with a shining silver enamel, are masterfully crafted into a fine, fitted mesh designed to conform to the wearer's body. Several of the links, retaining their original deep blue-black hue, form the shape of an eight-pointed star along the flat of the back.
(with matching sets of void-flaring arm/spiked leg greaves)

Huntress Plate - 7x DCP MBP

an eahnor-edged pure white corselet
Hardened vultite coated in a matte white enamel forms the slim-fitting corselet. Brilliant crimson eahnor accents each hinge and reinforces the scaled metal across the ribcage. The backplate remains unadorned save for a faintly beveled eight-point star whose cardinal tips stretch across the shoulder blades and down the spine.
(with matching sets of disintegration-flaring arm/spiked leg greaves)

10-21-2009, 05:08 PM
some imflass halfling-sized fullplate (prime) - +32, 22 pounds, heavily crit padded

10-21-2009, 05:13 PM
Found some more designs I did for other people.

a slender matte black vultite corselet ~ Numerous oiled leather straps slide into ebon-painted buckles to secure the corselet, precisely fitted for optimum movement. Leather thongs interweave the riveted links of the six-in-one chain underlying the joints and suede edges each plate to deaden any sound that may betray the wearer's location to their target. A single blood-red rose blooms upon the left breast, the armor's only ornamentation.

"some shale-hued,vultite chain,armor" or "a suit of shale,green vultite,chain" for the base Show: Swirling, variegated greens course over the metal links, their multifaceted hues resembling fine shale. Nearly blending with the chain's color, a layer of fine marbrinus offers comfort and flexibility to the wearer, while a myriad of silk stitches serves to anchor the armor to the material and muffle any sound. Numerous tangleweed vines spiral and interweave through the links, their bright green color suggesting the remote possibility that they might still be alive.


10-21-2009, 06:45 PM
RE: box found vultite short sword:

Yeah the GMs do drop some really nice stuff into the treasure hopper. From what I understand, they like to see who gets it when they get the chance.

Oh, and just to clarify, the critter was actually carrying it. It wasn't found in a box.

10-21-2009, 06:57 PM
some spiked obsidian-hued platemail - 4x spiked 38lbs :

Scales of obsidian-hued ora create the massive suit of platemail, each joint fitted with a sweeping arc of metal to form pointed shards and spikes that curve out from the armor in wicked extensions from the waist up. Curved wings jut forth at the neck, designed to arc high over the head, while the legs are composed of layered, downward curved scales with sharp points. The right pauldron is etched with the image of a blood-eagle in flight, talons grasping a single teardrop bloodjewel inset into the metal. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

That's for Auvreaian, my Plat Warrior.

I think that's one of the nicest plate designs I've seen before.

Another odd duck
10-21-2009, 06:59 PM
My favorite, won in a 4-Winds raffle years back, 6x, no padding or such, designed by Tigermist, I believe.

>tap brig
You tap some tooled glaes-scaled brigandine that you are wearing.
>look brig
The finely tanned leather has been blackened and embossed with the faint image of a rearing stallion. Covering the leather are polished and lightly oiled glaes scales, each handmade and slightly different in shape. A thin lining made from the skin of eels covers the underside of the leather. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

10-21-2009, 07:00 PM
I picked a picture of a darkie warrior ( deemed my Auv avatar, the golden knight is Stun ), and took my time writing it based off of how I picture him to play. Being a TWC up close in your face kind of character, the fact he could visably grind into a foe in his armor seems sweet.

Kinda almost like the Gutbuster Brigade from Drizz's story, but 10x cooler. Maybe even 20x cooler.

10-21-2009, 07:08 PM
You reach out and touch your Dhe'nar battle armor.
>look my armor
Polished vaalin studs have been securely riveted into the thick ebon-hued leather. The leathers have been custom tailored to the curves of the wearer, providing a snug fit. Though well maintained, variations in color and shading on the scales of this armor suggest of recent repairs. Tiny holes on the left breast suggest the outline of an eight-pointed star, but the marks are mostly obscured by the lacquered image of a frost-wreathed golden ring inset with a small chain-bound heart. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

I used to know the stats on this, but then it got changed a bit for some reason I cannot recall why. It's female only armor, and I know its 4x enchanted with some pretty good padding?

10-21-2009, 07:18 PM
It is 4x Exceptionally Crit padded brig w/ Regyy's fire resistance.

10-21-2009, 07:20 PM
6x MCP Brig W/ Masterful Pierce Resistance

A heavily strapped suit of brackish green kraken-scale armor.

10-21-2009, 09:32 PM
Lysistrata's last regularly worn armor.

a long fine eahnor chain byrnie
Designed with clean, simple lines, the byrnie is like an unusually long armor tunic of brilliant red eahnor chainmail. Each sleeve terminates in a sharp point halfway down the forearm, matching the zigzag hemline around the knees. Every move sends a scintillating wave across the surface of the polished mail and the rings chime together almost musically.

10-21-2009, 11:13 PM
I couldn't make up my mind; merchant lost his patience and created this:

some torn and tattered battle armor
Loose strands of hardened leather dangle from the sides of the armor and large chunks have been ripped and torn from the back. Many people have been through battle in this armor and is an example of some of the worst fighting technique known throughout Elanthia. The previous owner of this armor must have taken a beating. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

reg. 7x brig

10-21-2009, 11:15 PM
I always wanted to get an old barrel to use as armor. For some reason those silly GM's would never allow it :(


10-21-2009, 11:16 PM
Some bright silvery leather.

5x fulls.

I'm so l337 I'm 1338.

10-22-2009, 12:05 AM
some sleek veniom-traced armor
Traceries of silvery veniom have been worked into wisp-like patterns upon the broader surfaces of this leather armor, twining about its golden fittings and studs. Each matched stud is of burnished gold, and etched with a leaping stag at its center. A low-slung greatbelt cinches about the base of the armor, held fast with a black steel ring buckle. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

9x void-flaring lbp

And since it's at least partially a 2-hander:
a midnight black espadon with roiling emerald wisps blazoned along the length of the blade

one of 5 forms it can take, 2x bastard sword, fantastically damage weighted

Jace Solo
10-22-2009, 12:30 AM
Pretty awesome bastard sword. The arms coming in are awesome. Thanks for the ideas...keep em coming!

10-22-2009, 02:14 AM
a distinguished set of Vaalorian-crafted platemail

You carefully examine the set of platemail and determine that the weight is about 44 pounds.

The armor is set upon the left breast with an oversized medallion, framed in twining gold and silver. The medallion's background is a perfect, bloody crimson enamel, inlaid with a gold wyvern. A line of tiny metallic characters cuts across the center of the circle, bisecting it neatly in two.

In the Elven language, it reads:
For honor, pride, and glory.

Has void flares.