View Full Version : Addendum: The real difference between a Liberal and a Conservative

10-21-2009, 12:53 AM
http://infobeautiful.s3.amazonaws.com/leftright_EU_1416.gif (http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/2009/left-vs-right/)

Discuss. Accurate?

10-21-2009, 01:42 AM
It's more balanced than the other one, but it's too late and my brain is too fried from raiding to really analyze it. It's obviously an over-generalization though, I had very strict, disciplinarian parents, and that relationship wasn't open or based on trust at all, and here I am, perhaps more liberal than any of you.

I think the parent/child relationship thing might be the most inaccurate thing on it, now that I think of it.

10-21-2009, 04:00 AM
The idea that your political views can predict your family situation is laughable at best.

10-21-2009, 08:07 AM
Interesting pictograph. The family part is agreeably laughable.

10-21-2009, 08:09 AM
I think it's explaining ideal rather than cause/effect. How they think it should be done.

10-21-2009, 10:45 AM
What I find laughable is that people think you are one or the other without another choice or a mixed version of the two.

More political distraction from the status quo.

10-21-2009, 01:34 PM
I'm not sure I agree with the whole "left wants to interfere with social lives and the right doesn't" thing. It seems like both sides are equally willing to interfere when something isn't going the way they want.

10-21-2009, 02:12 PM
Pretty accurate.

lolz @ Left Criminals: Social and Economic victims

10-21-2009, 04:05 PM
Pretty accurate.

lolz @ Left Criminals: Social and Economic victims

the victimizers are victims? bullshit.

makes the left sound like a pansy group of enablers.. which they are.. but still

i don't think it's wrong to steal bread if your family is hungry,

but I do think it's wrong to steal $$ for your drug fix.

10-21-2009, 04:37 PM
The pictures of bar graphs are visibly inaccurate. >_<

10-21-2009, 04:46 PM
Including China, where people are murdered instead of jailed.

10-21-2009, 04:47 PM
Oooh China. China is a fun comparison. Their jails are less populous than ours because they kill more people via capital punishment.

But they are so PROGRESSIVE and interested in human rights. /sarcasm

*Bob beat me to it.

10-22-2009, 01:19 AM
No no. Lets talk about China. That conversation has so much more potential. You brought it up. Good idea. I like talking about awesome things and China is A W E S O M E.

1 China wins at killing more buddhists than anyone ever (so super evil geniuses of mass destruction of pacificts = WIN).
2 Chasing away the nicest person in the world and pillaging his childhood home (EFF YOU DALAI LAMA).
3 Torturing its prisoners better than us (starvation and death of criminals...but WHO CARES. they are bad peoples). True we have Dick Cheney. Ok so maybe we are even with China on torture.
4 No due process or release of remains of prisoners to family members (DUH THEY ARE CRIMINALS. They are going to hell anyways.)

China is totally the standard of awesome. We should compare all our silly tree hugging hippy policies to China and try to improve until we are just like them. Keeping order is after all the most important thing there is.

10-22-2009, 01:39 AM
No no. Lets talk about China. That conversation has so much more potential. You brought it up. Good idea. I like talking about awesome things and China is A W E S O M E.

1 China wins at killing more buddhists than anyone ever (so super evil geniuses of mass destruction of pacificts = WIN).
2 Chasing away the nicest person in the world and pillaging his childhood home (EFF YOU DALAI LAMA).
3 Torturing its prisoners better than us (starvation and death of criminals...but WHO CARES. they are bad peoples). True we have Dick Cheney. Ok so maybe we are even with China on torture.
4 No due process or release of remains of prisoners to family members (DUH THEY ARE CRIMINALS. They are going to hell anyways.)

China is totally the standard of awesome. We should compare all our silly tree hugging hippy policies to China and try to improve until we are just like them. Keeping order is after all the most important thing there is.

I kinda understand China's thinking. Imagine if a bunch of hippies in Alaska said "Hey! This is ours!". And the rest of the world believed it and bitched to the US about it all the time. We'd be like, "gtfo! this is our alaska! get your own!"

And torture is totally the new black. It's sooo in style this season. It's part of the 'Human rights violation' look that's big with all the world superpowers.

10-22-2009, 01:59 AM
I kinda understand China's thinking. Imagine if a bunch of hippies in Alaska said "Hey! This is ours!". And the rest of the world believed it and bitched to the US about it all the time. We'd be like, "gtfo! this is our alaska! get your own!"

Just to clarify - you are comparing this Alaska scenario to China's 1950 invasion of Tibet? Your tone seems to imply that you think China's control of Tibet has been something that the Tibetan people support.

10-22-2009, 02:22 AM
Just to clarify - you are comparing this Alaska scenario to China's 1950 invasion of Tibet? Your tone seems to imply that you think China's control of Tibet has been something that the Tibetan people support.

Yes. I totally think that.

10-22-2009, 02:54 AM
Yes. I totally think that.

Was a serious question. Despite the lack of italics, I knew the second part of your post was sarcastic, I was just curious about the part I quoted.

10-22-2009, 02:02 PM
I dont think our criminals have it that bad compared to all those other prisons you are thinking about. I mean, we do give them food 3 times a day and a fair trial. That in and of itself is more than China, Russia or Iran can say.

Iran is another awesome place. I wonder what would have happened if George Bush just killed all the Americans that voted for Gore. Or if Obama just started slaughtering all the Repubs in Congress and then passed the healthcare bill with a pretty smile like TADA!

We should just start slaughtering everyone who disagrees with us, so we can be like Iran.

Personally, I like that we have strict laws. And I like that we punish people who dont follow them. I like that we are more concerned with protecting our law abiding citizens than the criminals.

As an aside I dont disagree that once you break the laws and do time in our society it is hard to get on the right side of the system. Truth. You have to prove yourself worthy. It takes drive and intelligence to understand that being on the right side of the law means you can have a real life with real success but those stories are the best stories. I will agree that there is more we should do to explain this process to those most likely to rehabilitate from their crimes (drug offenses, theft offenses, gangland crimes). But all the worst ones (child molesters, rapists, DUI manslaughter, murder) feed em to the dogs. Better yet, give them to China. :)

10-22-2009, 02:47 PM
If felons could vote we wouldn't have a two party system. As much as rampant idiocy and selfishness offends me... I like having an opposition. The current healthcare situation illustrates a couple things A. Harry Reid/Pelosi are crappy leaders. B. Democrat v Democrat generally leads to even more gridlock than Democrat v Republican.

10-22-2009, 03:23 PM
But all the worst ones (child molesters, rapists, DUI manslaughter, murder) feed em to the dogs. Better yet, give them to China. :)

Leave Glenn Beck out of this

10-22-2009, 03:30 PM
If felons could vote we wouldn't have a two party system. As much as rampant idiocy and selfishness offends me... I like having an opposition. The current healthcare situation illustrates a couple things A. Harry Reid/Pelosi are crappy leaders. B. Democrat v Democrat generally leads to even more gridlock than Democrat v Republican.

Inorite? Blue dog democrats are kind of making all the red states feel lazy right about now.