View Full Version : LEFT and RIGHT

10-17-2009, 02:30 PM
Is there any way to disable the goddamn "STOW LEFT" and "STOW RIGHT" features that target whatever's in your hand? Or at least require that I type out the entire word instead of just "STOW LE"? I'm getting pretty fucking tired of walking around with no shield and a leaf in my right hand.

I checked under PSINET OPTIONS, but I don't see anything there that fits this particular feature...anyone have an idea about how to change it?

10-17-2009, 02:44 PM
... wouldn't it be easier to stow lea instead of all this snooping around and what not? habbits i know :)

10-17-2009, 02:49 PM
... wouldn't it be easier to stow lea instead of all this snooping around and what not? habbits i know :)

Habits is exactly right. Ever since I first did it, I've tried to make a point of typing out the whole word, but sometimes a slip. And because it's so automatic, I don't even notice. I did the majority of a bandit task with ambrominas leaf in my right hand and nothing in my left, and didn't even notice anything wrong until I died and had to backtrack to figure out where the fuck all my DS had gone.

I'm trying to remember, but it'd be nice to not get totally fucked when I do slip.

Sylvan Dreams
10-17-2009, 04:59 PM
Is there any way to disable the goddamn "STOW LEFT" and "STOW RIGHT" features that target whatever's in your hand? Or at least require that I type out the entire word instead of just "STOW LE"? I'm getting pretty fucking tired of walking around with no shield and a leaf in my right hand.

I checked under PSINET OPTIONS, but I don't see anything there that fits this particular feature...anyone have an idea about how to change it?

No, STOW LEFT/RIGHT are not psinet commands. They are GS verbs. If you find yourself typing the same thing over and over that's causing a problem, I would recommend setting an alias in psinet to correct it to what your intent is.

Though, I really don't get how "stow le" is translating into you storing your shield and girding yourself with a leaf instead.

10-17-2009, 05:19 PM
I really don't get how "stow le" is translating into you storing your shield and girding yourself with a leaf instead.

He's got a leaf in one hand and a shield in the other. He means to type 'stow leaf' but types 'stow le' and it acts as 'stow left' and puts his shield away.

Sylvan Dreams
10-17-2009, 05:40 PM
I don't know if you can add to the voodoo typo corrections, but that might be an option too. (To have it change le to leaf)

Maybe set an LE alias to change le to leaf.

10-17-2009, 05:46 PM
No, STOW LEFT/RIGHT are not psinet commands. They are GS verbs. If you find yourself typing the same thing over and over that's causing a problem, I would recommend setting an alias in psinet to correct it to what your intent is.

Huh. I didn't realize that. I guess I can try using ALIAS to fix it.

Though, I really don't get how "stow le" is translating into you storing your shield and girding yourself with a leaf instead.

What Nuadjha said, precisely.

10-17-2009, 06:48 PM
Yeah ALIAS lets you do things how you want. Just make sure to back up your ALIASes in a text file or something cause they have been wiped a time or two with updates.

Also, even if the initial issue was because of Psinet features you would have the option of disabling it. Psinet Options>Voodo>Typo Corrections has a bunch of stuff enabled that you can turn off if you want.

10-17-2009, 11:20 PM
... just use stow.

Don't specify what it is in your hand, just stow, it'll put whatever is in your right hand in your main container.

I'd also suggest setting up scripts for things like this... I take it you're getting a leaf out, eatting it, and then putting it away (and possibly drawing a weapon afterwards). No reason to type that out. Make a script of .heal %1
and have it:
Put shea
put get %1
put eat %1
pause 1
put stow
put gird

(been a while since I wrote a SF/Wiz script, if that's right)

10-18-2009, 05:10 PM
Maybe set an LE alias to change le to leaf.The trouble with that is aliases don't trigger when they aren't at the beginning of a line/command. You could make a "stow le" alias, though, and achieve the desired functionality.