12-03-2009, 08:28 PM
To run with multiple players in your group...
Add in the names of the people in your group in place of Partners_name. You could have multiple by doing ["Dillhole", "Bungbunny", "Dickchin"]
loop {
wait_until { GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.status.dead? } and (GameObj.pcs.to_a - ["Partners_name"]).empty? }
start_script("sloot") unless running? "sloot"
wait_while { running? "sloot" }
And there is my loot routine... btw, deadly, why are you using sloot when the group hunting script I gave you already does it and sorts it for you?
def loot
grabthese=["diamond", "emerald", "onyx", "faenor-bloom", "star ruby", "wand", "aetherstone", "agate", "azurite", "beryl", "bloodjewel", "bloodstone", "bluerock", "caederine", "cordierite", "deathstone", "doomstone", "dreamstone", "eostone", "firestone", "galena", "geode", "hyacinth", "pyrite", "peridot", "rhimar", "riftshard", "riftstone", "rosepar", "wyrdshard", "spinel", "faenor", "blazestar", "despanal", "feystone", "ruby", "pearl", "sapphire", "opal", "jacinth", "garnet", "moonstone", "topaz", "gem", "coral", "sunstone", "starstone", "quartz", "heliodor", "glimaerstone", "carbuncle", "turquoise", "chalcedony", "tourmaline", "obsidian", "zircon", "amethyst", "lapis", "amber" , "sphene" , "shell", "stone", "lapis","gem","mother-of-pearl","lazuli", "jade", "ivory", "nugget", "box", "strongbox", "chest", "coffer", "trunk","flagon", "ring", "miniature", "figurine", "bracelet", "amulet", "armband", "torc", "buckle", "necklace", "earrings", "medallion", "talisman", "earcuff", "crown", "barrette", "pin", "stickpin", "neckchain", "headband", "tiara", "earring", "pendant", "wristlet", "band", "brooch", "chalice", "flask", "clasp", "earing", "ewer","crystal","lockpick","humor", "hair", "crystal", "core", "air", "fire", "water", "earth", "shard", "tooth", "globe", "dust", "essence"]
$boxitems=["box", "strongbox", "chest", "coffer", "trunk"]
$gemitems=["diamond", "emerald", "onyx", "faenor-bloom", "star ruby", "aetherstone", "agate", "azurite", "beryl", "bloodjewel", "bloodstone", "bluerock", "caederine", "cordierite", "deathstone", "doomstone", "dreamstone", "eostone", "firestone", "galena", "geode", "hyacinth", "pyrite", "peridot", "rhimar", "riftshard", "riftstone", "rosepar", "wyrdshard", "spinel", "faenor", "blazestar", "despanal", "feystone", "ruby", "pearl", "sapphire", "opal", "jacinth", "garnet", "moonstone", "topaz", "gem", "coral", "sunstone", "starstone", "quartz", "heliodor", "glimaerstone", "carbuncle", "turquoise", "chalcedony", "tourmaline", "obsidian", "zircon", "amethyst", "lapis", "amber" , "sphene" , "shell", "stone", "lapis","gem","mother-of-pearl","lazuli", "jade", "ivory", "nuggget","flagon", "ring", "statue", "miniature", "figurine", "bracelet", "amulet", "orb", "armband", "torc", "buckle", "necklace", "earrings", "medallion", "talisman", "earcuff", "crown", "barrette", "pin", "stickpin", "neckchain", "headband", "tiara", "earring", "pendant", "wristlet", "band", "brooch", "chalice", "flask", "clasp", "earing", "ewer","crystal"]
$pawnitems=["wand","rod","lockpick","crystal amulet","black crystal","white crystal","blue crystal"]
$alchemyitems = ["s'ayanad crystal","ayanad crystal","t'ayanad crystal","humor", "hair", "core", "air", "fire", "water", "earth", "shard", "tooth", "globe", "dust", "essence",]
craplist=["heavy quartz orb","rock crystal","white flask","corroded ring","tarnished ring","dented ring","rusty bracelet"]
fput "stance def"
RoomObj.npcs.each{ |target|
if target.status == "dead"
fput "loot ##{}"
if RoomObj.loot and !(checkloot.to_a & grabthese).empty?
GameObj.loot.each{ |item|
if grabthese.include?(item.noun) and craplist.include?(
elsif grabthese.include?(item.noun)
if $boxitems.include?(item.noun)
lootcontainer = "#{$boxcontainer}"
elsif $alchemyitems.include?( or $alchemyitems.include?(item.noun)
lootcontainer = "#{$alchemycontainer}"
elsif $pawnitems.include?( or $pawnitems.include?(item.noun)
lootcontainer = "#{$pawncontainer}"
elsif $gemitems.include?(item.noun)
lootcontainer = "#{$gemcontainer}"
fput "get ##{}"
fput "put left in my #{lootcontainer}"
pause 0.25
fput "drop left" if checkleft
if checkmind(7)
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