View Full Version : Quest Hogs
07-23-2003, 01:11 PM
Now this really Irks me. There is like three different Quests going on (or was until the Ring quest ended), and all you ever see is the same people again and again. Something happens in Icemule, the whole posse come about: Kadesha, Peri, etc. Can these people give others a chance? I'm amazed Juspera hasn't stuck her nose into the Icemule stuff yet, as I know she medically needs constant attention.
I was talking to a little halfling the other day who got her first RPA (which made her day), and it just left me thinking as to why this shouldn't happen more.
Atleast WON has been more widespread. The GSS was so localized it was the same people again and again and again. I don't think it has to do with GM favourtism, I just think it's more to do with the more "confident" characters monopolizing the GM's time.
Anyway, end rant.
07-23-2003, 01:15 PM
I think Kadesha gets involved in most quests because she's probably bored. It's not like she can gain anymore experience so all the raising and interactions are just space fillers. :D
07-23-2003, 01:25 PM
Understand that Kade's player gets a whole host of her other characters involved. And they are not at the cap.
07-23-2003, 01:29 PM
Yep..I'm sure that's exactly why she does that.
I was so reluctant to get involved with anything, including the Griffin Sword, because people seem to lump me in with the people who want to be involved in every quest(I got a bunch of baloney from someone in an e-mail actually)
I decided, you know what? Can't make every person happy all the time, so I got involved, and had a great time with the Quest.
Of course, I haven't been playing Ilvane as much myself.
My opinion? I think that people should stop worrying so much about what other people do in the game, and let them enjoy themselves. Get involved yourself, like you did, and that's all.:)
07-23-2003, 01:30 PM
How is Kadesha's participation in a quest bad for you? Does she prevent you from participating? Is she gaining the attention that you desire?
I've never understood the issue with this.
I have made over a dozen attempts to call a truce and befriend Kadesha.
She has told me to go to hell over a dozen times.
In addition to nasty bearded dwarf, the words "mean bitch" come to mind.
Not to mention how much of a shameless glory hog she is. Guess it should be expected when you look like she looks and oink for your eatin' slop.
- --[ Klaive ]-- -
07-23-2003, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
I have made over a dozen attempts to call a truce and befriend Kadesha.
She has told me to go to hell over a dozen times.
In addition to nasty bearded dwarf, the words "mean bitch" come to mind.
Not to mention how much of a shameless glory hog she is. Guess it should be expected when you look like she looks and oink for your eatin' slop.
- --[ Klaive ]-- -
I don't understand why you cannot understand why a priestess of Lorminstra would tell a sorcerer who was a Sheruvian, then a Zelian (right?) to go to Hell. She is a fanatic Liaboan, most folks know that.
07-23-2003, 01:39 PM
I think its the fact that she takes liberties on other players that annoys me about Kadesha. The whole Kade/Achillea thing annoyed alot of people in the GSS. Basically, seeing the same old people again and again really irks me. Sure we're meant to be hero's and villains and all that crap, but give some other folks a chance. We aren't all RP gods. We all don't like forcing ourselves (metaphorically) on situations and GMs.
07-23-2003, 01:57 PM
I've found Kadesha to be nothing but polite and kind to all of my characters.
Then again, I am one to shy away from grand quests and things unless it's something I have time and desire for.
07-23-2003, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I've found Kadesha to be nothing but polite and kind to all of my characters.
Then again, I am one to shy away from grand quests and things unless it's something I have time and desire for.
She turns into psyco bitch when she starts getting pushed out of the storylines....
Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-23-2003, 02:49 PM
I dunno, I've also found her to be nothing but nice. I like Kadesha. She also went WAY out of her way to spend time and effort to ensure dwarves had cures from the rot -- only "hero of Zul" that I'm aware of that went to those lengths.
07-23-2003, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101She turns into psyco bitch when she starts getting pushed out of the storylines....
Oh please.. what female doesn't turn into a 'psyco bitch' eventually.
07-23-2003, 03:08 PM
My schedule's too sporadic to get involved with quests. I'd like to but it's unfair to other folks involved if I start something and then I'm gone for two weeks because I'm in the field or whatever. If they have the time to be active in many quests great more power to them. I try not to let other folks determine the level of fun I will have while I'm in GS, there are just too many other folks to talk to.
Parkbandit might be on to something.....
07-23-2003, 03:25 PM
She hasn't always been perfectly nice to me, but you know..can't take it personally. Everyone has bad days.
I just let it roll off my back!
07-23-2003, 03:57 PM
Seems most women have 4 or 5 bad days a month...and they seem to run consecutively...
07-23-2003, 04:02 PM
You men are begging for a serious beating. :D
07-23-2003, 04:18 PM
I understand the need to get involved with storylines. I personally find it difficult to get myself involved in even one. So yeah, I kind of resent the fact that people find their way into every storyline possible so that those of "lesser status" are once again forced to the background. It's something I get really bitter about.
07-23-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Originally posted by Gemstone101She turns into psyco bitch when she starts getting pushed out of the storylines....
Oh please.. what female doesn't turn into a 'psyco bitch' eventually.
:smilegrin: a human being with my very own cooter, I concur.
07-23-2003, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by TjMaelstrom
I understand the need to get involved with storylines. I personally find it difficult to get myself involved in even one. So yeah, I kind of resent the fact that people find their way into every storyline possible so that those of "lesser status" are once again forced to the background. It's something I get really bitter about.
Because you find it difficult to do so, should we demean those that have no problem getting involved? Is it jealousy or envy then instead of resentment?
If you want to get involved, the tools and opportunities are there for you to do so. I doubt the GMs who are behind the NPCs are actively seeking out Kadesha or anyone else we may feel are these "Quest Hogs".
Personally, if I were someone that wanted to get involved in these quests but felt I couldn't.. I would actively seek out some advice from those who have shown an ability to do so. I'd ask them what their secret is.
I bet most of them would share their 'secrets' and help you get involved.
If you want to get involved.. the only one stopping you is you.
07-23-2003, 04:41 PM
You have to make an effort to be involved. Having friends can help. Having friends who organize non quest based events, and non quest based RP can also help.
I absolutely detest it when passive roleplayers demand that quests be centered around them.
Mind you, I've had more than a few run ins with Kadesha, and have my own problems with her...but that's more due to OOC nonsense, harassment, betraying in a matter unlike a respectable Dwarven cleric (spying on her own side, while invisible), and passing information between her two opposite side characters.
Absolutely none of that means that I don't think people should be involved in lots of quests if they make the effort. Just issues with her actions.
07-23-2003, 05:37 PM
Kadesha has her issues, just like everyone does.
In the end, she really isn't so bad. I think she knows she fucked up with the Achillea thing, and that's probably why she's backed off of it. Is anyone going to get an apology... probably not.
But honestly, she isn't so bad. Maybe she's not as good at expressing herself as some people, and maybe she's got a lot of time on her hands that she doesn't know what to do with, but I can tell you this much -- she goes out of her way to help me, and I'm her enemy. We both know where we stand but that doesn't stop her from being nice to me (even if she does lament the fact that I'm 'evil'.)
Just my two cents.
07-23-2003, 06:23 PM
That was the biggest issue I had with Kadesha, was using Achillea to spy, and using that info with Kadesha.
I don't know if she even saw that as wrong, but I did.
07-23-2003, 06:59 PM
Well, she sold off all of Achillea's stuff, and the only time (to my knowledge) she has used her since Morvule tossed her out of Luukos' worship, was when she 'snuck' into Luukos' temple to try and find where Maimara was hiding with the pommel.
But because I'm not a fricking moron, I laughed at her, and the pale priest threw her out.
After that Achillea's kind of dropped off the face of the planet.
07-23-2003, 07:29 PM
I hear so many mixed opinions about Kadesha/Achillea it's hard to determine just what she's REALLY like, ya know? I mean, I've got no problems against her at all and I'm friendly with both Kadesha and Achillea, but I've run into people that absolutely can't stand her. I guess it's just the way she treats certain people. ::shrug::
07-23-2003, 08:26 PM
The hogs named so far don't sound like the Icemule quest hogs. I never bother participating in quests, though, because the Fury just jumps in and controls anything they can, and then the other Event whores just weasel their way in. A lot of the old event whores have disappeared, though. Maybe they've adopted new bodies.. or are waiting for things to pick up so they can pop in and save the day. Who knows. who cares.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-23-2003, 08:37 PM
Well, when you live in Icehell Penal Colony, there will be quest whores!
Down with Icehell!
Frankly, as a halfling, I'm disgusted its a halfling town!
07-24-2003, 12:48 AM
Melissa is correct.
Miss X
07-24-2003, 09:07 AM
I aggree with Tayre on this, if you live in Icemule, and an event happens, you have no chance of getting involved because the Fury take it upon themselves to take over, whether the town wants them to or not, for example, the thing with the staff the other night, the whole town told Peri to give it back, but oh no, he thought because hes some general or whatever in the fury he had the right to decide what was best for the town for us all. I know myself, and a lot of others lost respect for him, and the fury that night.
07-24-2003, 10:27 AM
1. Merchant Verb.
2. Spinner sets.
5. 3 month rule.
Yet none of the above are actually decreasing the amount of alters anyone can get. Virtually NOBODY uses the merchant verb. Spinners are rigged (it's just code, not actually randomized) etc. etc. etc. Hell, I know somebody who's gotten 4 alters in the last 3 days.
Your last merchant alteration was 479 days ago.
07-24-2003, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
1. Merchant Verb.
2. Spinner sets.
5. 3 month rule.
Yet none of the above are actually decreasing the amount of alters anyone can get. Virtually NOBODY uses the merchant verb. Spinners are rigged (it's just code, not actually randomized) etc. etc. etc. Hell, I know somebody who's gotten 4 alters in the last 3 days.
Your last merchant alteration was 479 days ago.
What do you mean, the spinners are rigged? I always thought they chose a random character in the crowd.
07-24-2003, 11:19 AM
Without going into technicalities, do you think it is a coincidence that an ice ager who recently reallocated into an archer, as well as Chutnee/Iscikella won elemental bows at the Anfelt? Just that alone is very fishy. However, I am pretty sure (with about 80% confidence) that spinners are in fact CODE and not a randomized die roll.
07-24-2003, 11:46 AM
I think that's just Murphy's Law biting the rest of us in the arse, Soulpieced. Customer service/enforcement/character restoration rigged in favor of those people? Certainly. I think the spinners are about as random as dice rolls, however, which means, in essence, in a small sample, they won't seem that random, and the negative actions you do notice will piss you off.
Murphy's Law implies that folks we detest or who are major RL cash merchants will win everything nice at quality raffles.
I've seen two instances that made me lose all faith in spinners.
One instance the spinner picked the same person four times in a row, and in the other the spinner picked a person five times in a row.
Random my ass.
07-24-2003, 04:44 PM
You know, the old Iscikella is a favorite thing gets kind of old, Soulpieced.
Oh and..Your last merchant alteration was 423 days ago..It's about time I go get some! hehe
[Edited on 7-24-2003 by Ilvane]
07-24-2003, 05:37 PM
oh and Soul, I wouldn't worry too much about favoritism. Most have a suspicion or two of their own (I mean look at how huge concerns is!), but getting everything from your gs-sugar-daddy doesn't really say much about you or your character both ooc and ic. If all speculation is true, the flux of SIMU's gm base, customer base, players base will eventually screw over most of those people.
Oh, I don't care about the favoritism in any way, nor am I jealous of anybody. In fact, I happen to be one of the richest GS players to never have
A) Been a member of Premium
B) Bought or sold anything for real money
C) Been around during ICE
In fact, if you think logically about it. Nothing is truly random, which is where my seemingly complaining about Chutnee/Iscikella (Chutnee uses ranged weapons and is I believe the 2nd oldest bard to use them) favoritism might have shown through..
The seeming odds of a single person getting picked in a room of say 50 5 times in a row is 1 in 3.125 million. Now, when you think mathemtically, not very likely. However, when you use some common sense and realize that the spinner in GS code was not reset to a different counter (person) for whatever reason... things start to appear somewhat fishy.
07-24-2003, 05:53 PM
Chutnee was picked 5 times in a row?
07-24-2003, 06:14 PM
Nono, I was referring to a spinner and Peam claiming to have seen people picked 4 or 5 times in a row. I have also seen the same person picked 2, 3, or 4 times in a row.
07-24-2003, 06:38 PM
Your last merchant alteration was 418 days ago.
Uh. My last alteration was definitely way more than 418 days ago. It was 2 or 3 years ago. This thing broken?
07-24-2003, 06:40 PM
Any merchant work will count. Not just alterations.
07-24-2003, 09:06 PM
Your last merchant alteration was 271 days ago.
Yeah, it's broke. I just got my leather altered barely a month ago, I think.
07-24-2003, 10:11 PM
you can get alterations without that going up. the alterer has to change that at the time the later is done. they also can choose not to
07-25-2003, 01:35 AM
The "broken spinner" thing is due to people in a room having negative qualifiers and just flat out random numbers. You get a lot of repitition in die rolling, and if folks have things like warnings, the people behind the system have stated that it can invalidate them for spinning. I rolled 8 4's in a row once in GS, and I've also rolled 4 100s. As folks should know, (if they've read, say hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy) the more time passes, the more probability decreases. Having played a fair amount of Yahtzee and done a fair amount of card playing in my time, I've seen some really astonishing things show up, and nobody was cheating.
Of course no one would ever believe that, because they love conspiracies. To use another example, I remember another line from Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where Arthur Dent, the stereotypical human, asks Slartibartfast, an alien "responsible for the creation" of the planet, if he "was right, he always though about things going on deep inside the Planet, secret things!" and the alien says, "Everybody in the entire galaxy has that feeling."
Basically, what I'm saying, is like "everyone in the galaxy" thinking secret things are going on deep inside their planet, the vast majority of folks in GS will see any sign of repetition as some evil GM conspiracy.
Do GM conspiracies occur? Certainly. Have some of them revolved around Iscikella? Perhaps. Do any of them revolve around the GS random number/random picking systems? I doubt it.
07-25-2003, 12:16 PM
One that really burns me was during the sword quest in EN. The Fury was there.. (of course, they gotta have their nose in EVERYTHING) and there was a trial to hang/kill/harm Sepher, a friend of mine. Well, I was never involved in the RP from the begining, and I never wanted to be involved in that RP (Adredrin would have litte care to, he really only cares about Icemule as a whole..and if some small elven city is going to sign its own death wish, so be it.). So I buy a glass amulet and atempt to watch the trial while invisible, wanting to watch, but not wanting to be involved, a silent witness so to speak. Well, Sraven (really old empath for you that don't know) is told by Valicar to cast Dispell Invisiblity every 10 secends or so..and she proceeds to do this for the next 3 hours or there abouts. It pissed my off so bad, and whats worse Adredrin can't do a thing about it. She is spelled to the gills, about 80-90 levels older, and has the entire Fury there keeping her spelled up. What are you suposed to do? You can't even unactively take part in the story, cause they won't let you! Urg, it pissed me off.
[Edited on 7-25-2003 by LordAdredrin]
07-25-2003, 01:13 PM
Did you ask Valicar to have her stop as you simply wanted to watch?
There was probably a reason why he told Sraven to do that every now and then... but I'm sure it wasn't to annoy you.
And there's always hiding.
07-25-2003, 01:16 PM
Regarding spinners.... A GM which shall remain nameless admitted after some heated discussion over the Anfelt spinners that spinners are random BUT can be given restrictions. That is how they can use the 4 month rule and they do indeed impose some restrictions you don't know about. For example, above mentioned GM said that if she was spinning for say 10 people, she would normally set the spinner to pick someone that hasn't had any alteration (according to the merchant verb) in over 2 years for the first 2 spins, then would add those who didn't have an alter in over 1 year and so forth going down to include everyone at the last 2 spins. I would imagine that there are other kinds of restrictions that can be given to spinners. Just my suspicion based on the piece of information revealed.
07-25-2003, 02:51 PM
Soo basically if the spinners can be "set" then there IS a code and it isnt at all random.
07-25-2003, 04:29 PM
We know that the spinners can be set. What's your point? It's random for whatever the spinner is set for. A lot of times they'll set it to only people who have never had merchant work.
07-25-2003, 04:31 PM
This is not breaking news, everyone that has remote interest in merchants knows this. 'A GM admitted that they do it!!!' GMs will say out loud what the restriction(s) is/are. We've known this for years.
07-25-2003, 04:43 PM
Heh, I've been absent for awhile and I have a bit to say about this folder.
With regards to Kadesha, I find that CHARACTER fun to deal with at times. She and my sorceress have had some very intense dealings. I don't appreciate her use of Achillea, and I think she lost a lot of credibility there - but lesson learned. She's not a bad person or anything.
Someone said something about Perigourd, so I had to respond to that. IMO, that guy is a frigging idiot. He and my sorceress were having a discussion one day and he whispered to her (me, really) "Too bad you'll never be a high enough level to do anything to me." I've met 15 year olds that play GS that are better at RP than he is. Puh-lease.
Speaking of, I thought he was out of the Northern Fury. I have a lot of respect for Valicar as a player, because he's managed to pull together this huge PRO and keep it together (albeit with a LOT of help from others, Chantreuse, Grandevr, Zosopage and Sherysse, to name a few).
The problem with the Fury tends to be when they take on idiots (like Peri) that make a bad name for the rest of them.
Anyway, that's all I have to say for now.
07-25-2003, 05:18 PM
Regarding spinners.... A GM which shall remain nameless admitted after some heated discussion over the Anfelt spinners that spinners are random BUT can be given restrictions. That is how they can use the 4 month rule and they do indeed impose some restrictions you don't know about. For example, above mentioned GM said that if she was spinning for say 10 people, she would normally set the spinner to pick someone that hasn't had any alteration (according to the merchant verb) in over 2 years for the first 2 spins, then would add those who didn't have an alter in over 1 year and so forth going down to include everyone at the last 2 spins. I would imagine that there are other kinds of restrictions that can be given to spinners. Just my suspicion based on the piece of information revealed.
Soulpieced 1, peons 0
07-25-2003, 09:52 PM
See the point sailing above everyone's head, even Soulpieced's. My point was that, with a lot of obvious or hidden restrictions set, that it can result in a person getting picked over and over again, thus giving the appearance of "favoritism"/not randomness. Add to that sheer, natural, random repetition...
Now, what was that about peon, Soul?
[Edited on 7-26-2003 by Warriorbird]
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