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03-09-2004, 05:25 PM
OK so I headed to Teras to go visit my biatch. Now...someone told me there's a new hunting spot for something around my sorc's train. What's the youngest crit there any how? Just need to know that so I don't sit in The Rock bored out of my mind.
Oh I went to already. Just wanted to see if PC can tell me something that's not on there. Thanks to anyone willing to help.
03-09-2004, 05:33 PM
if you find a map of greymist, let me know. as far as I know, Tsoran hasn't created one yet. I have no idea how to access that area, either.
03-09-2004, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
if you find a map of greymist, let me know. as far as I know, Tsoran hasn't created one yet. I have no idea how to access that area, either.
That's what I heard. I'm going to ask Azze for it as soon as she get's back online. She's already there and she's the one that told me that I could hunt at Kiramon or Graymist. Hopefully she has one.
If someone knows where there is one, post it please, thx.
What's exactly in Greymist?
03-09-2004, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by The Lancer
What's exactly in Greymist?
I dun knowwww Marioooooooo. That's why I'm asking. I've never been there, but from what Adredrin told me the crits are from 25-38?
03-09-2004, 07:15 PM
greymist has critters from 25-40 roughly. The TD's range from upper 80's-lower 120's. Its not a bad area, just expect swarming. Jungle troll chieftains get nasty as they cast tangleweed. Lava trolls can disarm as well.
To get there you go out the north gate, and go north till you reach the road. Once on the road head west until you hit a dead end, climb the trail. In the northern section there is a bridge that leads to more older critters, found in both areas but there are fewer younger ones. Also near the northern section you can be hit by a column of mist. It hurts, trust me. To get out look for the logging road along the eastern edge of greymist... hope that helps.
03-09-2004, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Elrodin
greymist has critters from 25-40 roughly. The TD's range from upper 80's-lower 120's. Its not a bad area, just expect swarming. Jungle troll chieftains get nasty as they cast tangleweed. Lava trolls can disarm as well.
To get there you go out the north gate, and go north till you reach the road. Once on the road head west until you hit a dead end, climb the trail. In the northern section there is a bridge that leads to more older critters, found in both areas but there are fewer younger ones. Also near the northern section you can be hit by a column of mist. It hurts, trust me. To get out look for the logging road along the eastern edge of greymist... hope that helps.
Ju are da bomb Elrodin! Thanks! But damn, if it's that hard to hunt there, I might just stay where I am, LOL.
03-09-2004, 07:21 PM
What's the point of putting level 25 critters with level ~40 critters?
It's like putting cave trolls with rats and expecting people to hunt rats.
03-09-2004, 07:22 PM
The following information was gathered by Ganalon. Was very nicely put together if i do say so myself.
Here's the preliminary scouting report for Greymist:
Giant Fog Beetle
DS 120 to 200
AS 228
CS 160 gas cloud
TD 114
MD 96
gas cloud attack
Jungle Troll
AS 261
DS 140 to 220
TD 88
MD 78
Jungle Troll Chieftan
ranger based, casts thorn, swarm, 2HE
AS 212
DS 149 to 230
TD 105
MD 90
Fire Giant
stream of fire, no weapon
AS casting 196
AS closed fist 264
DS 160 to 240
TD 132
MD 121
Ash Hag
call wind, cloud of ash, no weapon
AS ?
CS 176
DS 120 to 246
TD 73
MD 109
Fire Ogre
casts ball of fire, no weapon
AS casting 168
DS 190 to 230
TD 97
MD 93
Lava Troll
ensnare, no weapon
AS 225
DS 120 to 220
TD 115
MD 132
03-09-2004, 07:24 PM
the youngest creatures here are a joke, the thunder trolls(i think it was, not looking back) are a pretty easy kill. I doubt many will go here before 30, my sorc did alright here at 30 though. Dont know what train your sorc is Lalana but its not a bad area. Im bringing mine back in a couple days, if your still there i can show you a few tricks for the area.
03-09-2004, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by Elrodin
the youngest creatures here are a joke, the thunder trolls(i think it was, not looking back) are a pretty easy kill. I doubt many will go here before 30, my sorc did alright here at 30 though. Dont know what train your sorc is Lalana but its not a bad area. Im bringing mine back in a couple days, if your still there i can show you a few tricks for the area.
Dude, they'd rock me...hard. But, I'll give it a shot, heh. Gotta deed up before I hit the boat, haha. I will be a dyin' tonight. But, yeah, be my guide? :cool:
03-09-2004, 07:55 PM
<<Gotta deed up before I hit the boat>>
1. Deeds don't make a difference.
2. They cost 1k on Teras.
03-09-2004, 08:16 PM
Usually the beetles, chieftans and jungle trolls are in the first area, lava trolls, giants, ogres and hags are in another area. they kinda mix in between though.
Be wary of the frickin steam, it can kill ya if you get a good neck crit.
My ranger hunts there with a group, dunno how I'd do by myself. Swarms can be a pain. When I'm alone I hunt Kiramon. Greymist stuff leaves loot, kiramon only gems.
03-09-2004, 11:01 PM
Well damn, thanks Harks for the 411. With my luck I know I'm gonna walk right into my death, LOL.
:heart: Bob for the 411 on the deeds, cos I didn't even bother doing that, leaving tonight anyway. Go me!
03-09-2004, 11:57 PM
They changed the teras deeds so they are more expensive from what i understand, used to be 1 coin or 1k. Either way i went with 30, left with about 12 a week later.
03-10-2004, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Elrodin
They changed the teras deeds so they are more expensive from what i understand, used to be 1 coin or 1k. Either way i went with 30, left with about 12 a week later.
So right, I'm on the boat now, forgot to get deeds any how. But how do you get deeds there?
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