View Full Version : Sunfist halp!

10-07-2009, 09:36 AM
Reactivated the other day and am trying out Sunfist for the first time. I am getting a-raped in the warcamps. Got any suggestions for survival for a solo, self-cast THW ranger in the early 60's?

10-07-2009, 09:43 AM
The obvious is spell tanking. No Spellburst in there, so go to town with anything you can get your hands on. It seems you're stressing Self-cast, that is going to make things infinitely more difficult, especially with no shield.

Imbeds for E-wave, quake, or Tremors will also be highly useful. Again, moving outside the realm of self-cast, but being able to lay down a few AoE's to get your kills and get out will be crucial. Haste Imbeds for quick assaults and missions would also likely prove invaluable to your efforts.

I know when I was in there I made decent use of Breeze. The spell doesn't count towards the shroud (I don't think), and even a slight RT delay will be useful, along with dispersing any clouds the Grimswarm cast.

In terms of CM training, are there any you are getting nailed with that you can train in? It would make a big difference to train in the CMANs that they are using most effectively against you. I know sweep is tossed around heavily in there, among others.

Solo in Warcamps is another toughy. If you want to be self cast, teaming up with a pure who can bring the spells you lack would be a great boon, but to try to do both at once is going to be very hard. In most areas, veteran warcampers likely Droit and Belnia would likely be quite willing to show you some pointers, and help you burn through your ranks with relative ease.

Establishing a kill order is also extremely important. I think universally all sorcerers are killed first due to implosion. After that it may vary slightly, but I imagine most target the wizard types next, then perhaps archers for you with you're THW build. How does a typical hunt/task end for you behind the shroud?

10-07-2009, 10:10 AM
The obvious is spell tanking. No Spellburst in there, so go to town with anything you can get your hands on. It seems you're stressing Self-cast, that is going to make things infinitely more difficult, especially with no shield.

Imbeds for E-wave, quake, or Tremors will also be highly useful. Again, moving outside the realm of self-cast, but being able to lay down a few AoE's to get your kills and get out will be crucial. Haste Imbeds for quick assaults and missions would also likely prove invaluable to your efforts.

I know when I was in there I made decent use of Breeze. The spell doesn't count towards the shroud (I don't think), and even a slight RT delay will be useful, along with dispersing any clouds the Grimswarm cast.

In terms of CM training, are there any you are getting nailed with that you can train in? It would make a big difference to train in the CMANs that they are using most effectively against you. I know sweep is tossed around heavily in there, among others.

Solo in Warcamps is another toughy. If you want to be self cast, teaming up with a pure who can bring the spells you lack would be a great boon, but to try to do both at once is going to be very hard. In most areas, veteran warcampers likely Droit and Belnia would likely be quite willing to show you some pointers, and help you burn through your ranks with relative ease.

Establishing a kill order is also extremely important. I think universally all sorcerers are killed first due to implosion. After that it may vary slightly, but I imagine most target the wizard types next, then perhaps archers for you with you're THW build. How does a typical hunt/task end for you behind the shroud?

Archers are the main problem. I've been killed due to the archers three times in the past 5 attempts. My bolt DS is terrible. The rogues can hit me with their cmans, but they are ineffective. The wizards and sorcs haven't posed too much of a problem. Soft heads and poor perception. I am getting nailed consistently by killing another grinswarm, being in hard rt and a ranger walking in and blasting me in the leg with an arrow.

I am not self-cast due to choice however. I just don't know any wizards anymore and I am very impatient.

What are the camp mechanics? Do they spawn at specific times, randomly, or when other grimswarm are killed?

10-07-2009, 10:16 AM
Yeah, spell tank, especially with 101/107/507 and such for Bolt DS. I use scrolls or imbeds most of the time. Statues are useful, too. Soloing, you should get them in waves of three to five, and there's a flat time delay before the next wave, I believe. Make good use of your vines and swarms, and get some summoning lore to make them and your breeze more effective.

10-07-2009, 10:20 AM
Where are you based out of?

10-07-2009, 10:43 AM
I am in the nations right now, but I am not really that attached to it.

[Roll result: 126 (open d100: 19)]
A Grimswarm troll warrior lunges towards you, most likely intending to finish you off!
A Grimswarm troll warrior makes a powerful thrust with his pilum at your face!
The troll warrior manages to ram his pilum right up your nose, giving you more a than a little bit of nosebleed and brain hemorrhage!
You return to normal color.
You no longer feel so dextrous.
The very powerful look leaves you.

That's a fitting ending.

10-07-2009, 10:46 AM
Yeah, 507 would do nicely I think. You're going to struggle as an ambusher there when it swarms. I don't know how I'd cope as a solo THW rogue.

10-07-2009, 10:48 AM
Yeah, 507 would do nicely I think. You're going to struggle as an ambusher there when it swarms. I don't know how I'd cope as a solo THW rogue.

Yeah, its going to be rough. Starting out with no society powers at this level is brutal as well. My defense is shot to shit.

10-07-2009, 10:51 AM
I'd recommend trying to find a partner, at least until you get those powers.

10-07-2009, 12:29 PM
Good advice thus far. It's worth taking the time to make some rods and find a wizard to put the standard spells in them, and don't forget to ask for a dim before heading out.

Let me give you a tip about timing your vine. When you enter a fresh camp, several different timers come into play. The guards have their normal action roundtime, but this doesn't necessarily correspond to the spawning time, especially right at first. After they've spotted you, they give the call of alarm on their next action, which immediately instigates the first wave of normal Grim. However, this first wave's timing has nothing to do with subsequent waves' timing.

The trick is, wait for immediately after the second wave of Grimswarm before casting your vine. The second wave is on the timer that all subsequent waves will be on, so if you time your vine (which has the same RT as the spawn waves) to activate right after each wave, there's a 75% chance that one of the Grim will be proned immediately upon entry, making things far easier as an ambusher. But like Evarin said, target priority is key. Don't go for the prone one every time, go for the most dangerous one first and let the vine occupy the lesser threat while you do.

If you have any summoning lore, breeze is awesome (but it does irritate the shroud when you first cast it). Another fun spell you can get imbedded is maelstrom. And haste will obviously make you several times more efficient.

10-07-2009, 07:59 PM
I'm also going to agree with coming up with a kill order. My warrior was getting killed a couple times a day while soloing there until I made one for myself. After that I stopped dying completely.

10-08-2009, 02:20 AM
I never hunted in a camp without haste.

10-08-2009, 12:43 PM
Thanks for the help so far. I am fairing a bit better now that I am getting used to GS combat again.

What's the deal with warcamp sizes? Are they level based, as in higher the level more grimswarm in the camp. Or is it completely random or locality based?

10-08-2009, 12:55 PM
Thanks for the help so far. I am fairing a bit better now that I am getting used to GS combat again.

What's the deal with warcamp sizes? Are they level based, as in higher the level more grimswarm in the camp. Or is it completely random or locality based?

It's based on time. The camp spawns in a somewhat random location and then grows as time goes on. If no one razes it, it'll eventually max at 500 and grimswarm will start spilling out to attack passersby.

10-08-2009, 01:39 PM
It's based on time. The camp spawns in a somewhat random location and then grows as time goes on. If no one razes it, it'll eventually max at 500 and grimswarm will start spilling out to attack passersby.

That's cool, I didn't know about that. Most I have ever seen in a camp was 250.

10-08-2009, 02:25 PM
That's cool, I didn't know about that. Most I have ever seen in a camp was 250.

Plat camps max out at 250 instead of 500.

Camps start at around 70 or so and grow at about 1 or 2 per hour. At least, that's what I've noticed as a casual observer. Again, plat rates are different.

10-08-2009, 03:22 PM
I've seen 500 camps, though i've been out of the loop, so they may have downtweaked them.

10-10-2009, 09:01 PM
I used to solo hunt war camps all the time, and I agree with what everyone else said about spell tanking and carrying a shit load of haste imbeds.

I was also constantly hiding and stalking, and brought a healthy dose of patience.

Its nearly impossible to sit out in the open and kill them quickly enough. Eventually one of them will get in a lucky cman or spell and you're toast.

The moment I get the camp going, I go back into hiding and stalk around the camp. After the initial wave, the Grims tend to disperse, so I would keep moving around until I found a Grim by himself in a room, then take it out. If a second one walked in, I'd probably take another shot or two at the original Grim and hope to finish it off.

But the moment a third Grim walked into the room, I'd drop back into hiding and wait for the heat to die down.

It takes forever to clear out a camp using this method, but its one of the only ways I found ambushing to be consistently effective.

10-10-2009, 09:28 PM
On the other hand, I soloed hundreds of warcamps as an ambusher just by dropping a vine and a breeze at the path.

10-10-2009, 10:12 PM
On the other hand, I soloed hundreds of warcamps as an ambusher just by dropping a vine and a breeze at the path.

I did the same with open archery. Breeze, vine, occasional 615, haste, and eye shots. 500 giants dead.

10-10-2009, 10:15 PM
I'd hate to try and solo a warcamp as a rogue.

10-10-2009, 11:09 PM
I'd hate to try and solo a warcamp as a rogue.

Couldn't be easier. I used to waste warcamps with ranged- heavy crit weighting + arrows was almost game-breaking.

What race is your rogue? Find a full warcamp, get someone to help you find a key, and then camp out in the hut to the east. If your STR bonus is high enough, you can abuse the fact that Grimswarm will always waste a round to close the chest.

10-10-2009, 11:10 PM
If your STR bonus is high enough, you can abuse the fact that Grimswarm will always waste a round to close the chest.

They fixed that "bug." Now they close the chest and attack instantly.

10-10-2009, 11:11 PM

10-16-2009, 12:00 PM
Dumb question of the day....lots more where this came from....

Does Mass Calm count against the shroud, or do the Grimswarm break the calm anyway like other critters?

10-16-2009, 02:12 PM
They break it instantly. I'm not sure about activating the shroud.