View Full Version : Caught Recently?
Jace Solo
10-06-2009, 08:21 PM
Just wondering who's been caught or had GM's looking in on you recently while scripting.
I've noticed a huge decline with their involvement (obviously) and with landy making it to 30 in the grace period I was wondering if anyone has really been messed with lately?
Sure would be nice to be able to forgo those first 30 levels to get to the point where you can be useful to yourself and other people.
Please post incidents or logs below and what time of day it seemed to happen.
10-06-2009, 08:24 PM
The main person who loves catching scripters is Emeradan, in my experience.
10-06-2009, 10:23 PM
Just wondering who's been caught or had GM's looking in on you recently while scripting.
I've noticed a huge decline with their involvement (obviously) and with landy making it to 30 in the grace period I was wondering if anyone has really been messed with lately?
Sure would be nice to be able to forgo those first 30 levels to get to the point where you can be useful to yourself and other people.
Please post incidents or logs below and what time of day it seemed to happen. It really depends on where you script, when you're doing it, and what your scripts do.
I found quite a few locations where I'd never get peep one from a GM while I was scripting, other places I'd get checked in on many times.
Drunken Durfin
10-06-2009, 10:24 PM
Best way to get caught: Brag about NOT being caught in a public forum.
10-06-2009, 10:25 PM
But nothing said on these boards is true and GMs don't read here!!!!one1
10-06-2009, 11:35 PM
I AFK scripted Artisan ranks for somewhere around eight to ten hours a day for over two months without so much as a SEND.
I always just assumed it was an unspoken agreement with staff for having a retarded system in place.
Sean of the Thread
10-07-2009, 09:18 AM
I've scripted over night for a week straight on one character and never heard a peep.
I've also scripted at they keyboard for citizenship and got stopped several times. /shrug
10-07-2009, 09:43 AM
I once got caught afk script cybering with myself.
Andraste said I got the warning cause I didn't invite her. :puke:
Sean of the Thread
10-07-2009, 09:53 AM
Was that thing in the black Ashliana?
Jace Solo
10-07-2009, 11:00 AM
Getting a couple Pms about it. Thank you for the responses. Wouldn't mind more. Know of any really safe spaces to do Artisin Scripting?
10-07-2009, 11:15 AM
Use an alternate front end or additional software. Reduce your repeated 'look' commands. Try to avoid suspicious regular amounts of loot.
Jace Solo
10-07-2009, 12:05 PM
Do you mean "suspicious regluar amounts of (looks)"...or did you mean loot. Cause I'm a little confused.
10-07-2009, 04:30 PM
They look at your repeated use of commands and they look at regular depositing.
10-07-2009, 04:37 PM
Is looking necessary to stay logged in? Why not use rest mode?
Jace Solo
10-07-2009, 04:40 PM
I think he means because most scripts look in a room to target the mob.
I understand the deposit thing too. I ended up in the inn not too long ago. Gotta remember to close group.
10-07-2009, 06:23 PM
A lot of GMs won't do the conventional "Consult Lounge" to you. They will find unique and annoying ways to kill you, disarm your weapon, or even do odd things to your char.
10-07-2009, 07:41 PM
Use an alternate front end or additional software. Reduce your repeated 'look' commands. Try to avoid suspicious regular amounts of loot.
Very true. I once got caught because I made tens of millions in a couple of days.
To avoid being caught, I did the following:
Used an FE that would allow pauses for tenths of seconds so the script would pause 1.X seconds between rooms in order not to move too fast
Would constantly check the character status and logoff if dead or stunned and would leave the hunting area and get healed if bleeding
Would check for unique descriptions in every room of the hunting area so it would not get lost
Would match on Also here:, etc while hunting and leave the hunting area if someone else was there and rest for 30 minutes or so before going back out
Would take a few hours off from hunting during peak hours or only go hunt when there were less than X players logged in
10-07-2009, 08:13 PM
I would've enjoyed the game so much more if I was even close to a competent scripter.
10-07-2009, 08:21 PM
Have sound based alarms when other people show up in a room. Sometimes your unresponsiveness to them will get you busted.
10-08-2009, 04:15 AM
I don't think there's much of a pattern to it. I think it mostly depends upon the vindictiveness and boredom of the pool of GMs who happen to be peeking in on the game at the moment.
The only time I ever got tested was when I was scripting in arch wights (a poor choice for AFK scripting). Even then I was tested during an AFK spellup (which was within policy at the time), rather than while hunting (when I was not AFK) and the GM was kind of a dick about it.
I've mastered 3 guild skills almost entirely with scripting and have never been tested in the process.
Once I did actually script AFK before I even knew that it was against policy. It was in kobolds and I died after netting something like 3k exp. I decided to just keep an eye on scripts while they're running. It's not that big of a deal.
10-13-2009, 10:25 AM
I watch while scripting.. Some GM had it out for me ~8 months ago and tested me every day, 5-10 times a day. I couldn't go hunt without slipping on ice or having my nose itch. I stopped playing for a while. It was the most annoying experience I ever had in Gemstone.
That being said, I haven't been tested at all recently.
I'd imagine that having your company tank and players doing a mass exodus to greener pastures would change your outlook on how fucking obnoxious you want to be to the ones still around. If we want to pay you 15 to 80+ dollars a month to run a script, why fight it?
Jace Solo
10-13-2009, 10:34 AM
I think you're right...
and that scripting you're talking about with all those variables a couple posts before....
I can't even fathom that. You should code real games...or get paid by Simu to progress this one...
I think a price drop to...even 10 dollars a month would make up a lot of ground on the player base.
25 for prem 35 for plat. You might be surprised....I would be...if we got anywhere near 1000 players online again.
I AFK scripted Artisan ranks for somewhere around eight to ten hours a day for over two months without so much as a SEND.
I always just assumed it was an unspoken agreement with staff for having a retarded system in place.
I lol-scripted fletching all the way to mastered.
Watched House and went out with friends, slept and worked the whole time.
10-13-2009, 10:53 AM
They're probably more tolerant of non-hunting AFK scripters. Wonder how much time GMs spend trying to bust them. Couldn't that time be better spent?
Sean of the Thread
10-13-2009, 10:59 AM
Totally off topic but this thread title reminds me of some of the questions on the driver's improvement test I took.
For example:
Have you ever done anything wrong and not been caught? UHHHH... define wrong and if you answer no to that question regardless you're a fucking liar.
Bunch of questions like that.
10-13-2009, 02:33 PM
Use an alternate front end or additional software. Reduce your repeated 'look' commands. Try to avoid suspicious regular amounts of loot.
XML and Game.Obj
10-13-2009, 04:45 PM
Good advice.
10-01-2010, 04:05 PM
just got busted for afk fletching.. seriously.. why are they still harassing this little shit? damn they already lost like 80% of they're player base from bein fuck heads they keep goin they're gonna lose the fuckin last 200+ people that still play. im sure someones out there doin somethin alot worse then script fletching to look at bastards.. took half my damn ranks im back down to 194 and gave me piercing deathsting
Jace Solo
10-01-2010, 04:09 PM
thread bump, lol
10-01-2010, 04:09 PM
just got busted for afk fletching.. seriously.. why are they still harassing this little shit? damn they already lost like 80% of they're player base from bein fuck heads they keep goin they're gonna lose the fuckin last 200+ people that still play. im sure someones out there doin somethin alot worse then script fletching to look at bastards.. took half my damn ranks im back down to 194 and gave me piercing deathsting
If you want to afk script, shattered is available. Not much you really can bitch about when they gave people who wanted to AFK script a place to go.
10-01-2010, 04:14 PM
Some idiot on LNet got busted a bit ago.
10-01-2010, 04:25 PM
just got busted for afk fletching.. seriously.. why are they still harassing this little shit? damn they already lost like 80% of they're player base from bein fuck heads they keep goin they're gonna lose the fuckin last 200+ people that still play. im sure someones out there doin somethin alot worse then script fletching to look at bastards.. took half my damn ranks im back down to 194 and gave me piercing deathsting
Totally their fault you were breaking the rules you agreed to follow. Excellent post.
10-01-2010, 04:26 PM
well.. one good thing about gettin busted and havin my ranks dropped, i get to earn more exp gettin em back up
10-01-2010, 04:41 PM
well.. one good thing about gettin busted and havin my ranks dropped, i get to earn more exp gettin em back up
You lost the experience associated with those ranks when they busted you down. So congrats on getting that experience again?
10-01-2010, 04:50 PM
You lost the experience associated with those ranks when they busted you down. So congrats on getting that experience again?
actually i lost the unabsorbed exp.. i didnt lose the exp i already learned from the 200+ ranks i lost, so yea.. absolutely congrats to me for bein able to get 300 ranks worth of more exp, first violation takes unabsorbed and half your ranks.. not learned exp. thank you come again
10-01-2010, 04:50 PM
actually i lost the unabsorbed exp.. i didnt lose the exp i already learned from the 200+ ranks i lost, so yea.. absolutely congrats to me for bein able to get 300 ranks worth of more exp, first violation takes unabsorbed and half your ranks.. not learned exp. thank you come again
Yeah I would totally make that public knowledge, there's no way that this would ever be read and corrected.
10-01-2010, 04:52 PM
its in the scripting policy.. they know already
10-01-2010, 05:33 PM
How much did it cost to get rid of your piercing?
I would've enjoyed the game so much more if I was even close to a competent scripter.
And you weren't playing a female character. (In 2009)
10-01-2010, 05:46 PM
How much did it cost to get rid of your piercing?
Liberi Fatali
10-01-2010, 08:53 PM
Since this thread was bumped, I noticed back when it was created in 2009 someone had mentioned about "looking" too much would get you busted. This is certainly true.
Once upon a time, Rhett and I had the "GM" Wizard Front End for some reason. Here's a log of some GMing on my behalf:
[Monitoring Room]
The room is filled with strange messages, appearing in the air in glowing letters, and then just as suddenly disappearing. Do not delete this room.
Obvious exits: none
>'Heh, I don't particularly think I should be here.
You say, "Heh, I don't particularly think I should be here."
[LOOK] Earthdiver has performed 10 room LOOK's in the past 42 seconds. Please monitor for possible scripting.
[Monitoring Room]
The room is filled with strange messages, appearing in the air in glowing letters, and then just as suddenly disappearing. Do not delete this room.
Obvious exits: none
[LOOK] Skule has performed 10 room LOOK's in the past 56 seconds. Please monitor for possible scripting.
[LOOK] Earthdiver has performed 10 room LOOK's in the past 44 seconds. Please monitor for possible scripting.
GM[Justice|s14722] Charge of high crimes against the state went through against , even though justice is turned off. Please use /JUSTICE POWER to turn the law on. Realm is 3.
I'll see if I can find a screenshot of the GM window.
Edit: Here it is:
lol I bet they saw my characters a billion times then.
Typing ''L'' was just as impulsive as ''Sort auto head'' for me.
09-11-2014, 08:42 PM
I just got caught twice in 2 days, script hunting cyclops in Solhaven. By 2 different GMs, both times around 4PM EST to 7PM EST. Still ended up mastering GOS in 2 weeks though, so it was a good run I'd say.
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