View Full Version : I'm Curious

10-02-2009, 02:57 PM
How viable/fun/worthwhile would it be to say...Have an Open Fighting Ranger with two complete different weapon styles who doesn't hide nor ambush?

I've always had this idea for a "Trophy Hunter" kind of Ranger if you will, who lives more specifically in the wild almost every second of the day and whose main role is to hunt and collet skins as Trophies.

I've always envisioned him as a TWC/Archer toting a bow on his back and wielding two blades. Problem is, it leaves me with no hiding nor ambush ability until later when TPs are free.

10-02-2009, 03:14 PM
It's doable. At 89, Nuadjha could do this:

30 armor (brig)
182 edged (2x)
182 ranged (2x)
182 perception (2x)
136 TWC (1.5x)
91 dodging (1x)
91 PF (1x)
30 MOC (for single-opponent double strike)
91 CM (1x)
89 harness power (1x)
24 MIU (for imbeds)
30 climbing (to get places)
30 swimming (to get places)
91 survival (because it fits your RP idea)

30 Minor Spirit
50 Ranger

76/26 points left over.

10-02-2009, 03:27 PM
It's doable. At 89, Nuadjha could do this:

30 armor (brig)
182 edged (2x)
182 ranged (2x)
182 perception (2x)
136 TWC (1.5x)
91 dodging (1x)
91 PF (1x)
30 MOC (for single-opponent double strike)
91 CM (1x)
89 harness power (1x)
24 MIU (for imbeds)
30 climbing (to get places)
30 swimming (to get places)
91 survival (because it fits your RP idea)

30 Minor Spirit
50 Ranger

76/26 points left over.

Don't be an enabler!



10-02-2009, 03:28 PM
Don't be an enabler!



Bastard! But yea, just something I've been doing while passing time at my rent's house. Never have ever played one I figure I'd see what sort of oddness they are capable of. That and ToR is still not out :(

Edited to add: The Psychiatrist diagnosed me with ADHD apparently...But I thought everyone and their mother in this world was ADHD. Ah well, here's to Wellbutrin and Therapy Sessions!

10-02-2009, 07:28 PM
I have a pali for you...

10-02-2009, 08:24 PM
Totally doable. Like your mom.

10-02-2009, 09:05 PM
I have a pali for you...

I haven't seen you around much ya nub ;)

I'll shoot you an IM when I see you next, I won't be around much tomorrow cause I'm hanging with a friend