View Full Version : Cool Dog Story

10-01-2009, 06:00 PM

Lost Dog Collects Clues That Lead to Family

As the operator of Love Me Tender animal rescue, Kathy Wilkes-Myers has saved hundreds of dogs, but she's never dealt with a lost pup like Ella.

The saga began one evening this summer when Wilkes-Myers was driving home from work in central Tennessee. On a rural stretch of highway, she spotted a rottweiler along the side of the road. Always on the lookout for dogs in need of help, she stopped the car and approached the black and brown pup.

"I called her, and to my amazement she crawled toward me and tucked her little head under my arm," Wilkes-Myers tells Paw Nation. Emaciated but friendly, it was immediately clear to Wilkes-Myers that this sweet, trusting dog had come from a loving home.

Near the spot where she found the dog, Wilkes-Myers noticed broken glass and skid marks. As she walked the dog back toward her car, she spotted something else -- a pile of personal items, seemingly gathered up by the dog. "I saw this scratched out nest, and all this stuff in the nest," she says -- a toothbrush, a comb, a single shoe.

On the drive back to her house, Wilkes-Myers remembered a terrible car crash she'd driven past at almost that very spot nearly two weeks earlier. She guessed that the dog survived that accident and had gathered up her family's belongings left over from the crash. "I guess that helped give her some comfort," Wilkes-Myers tells Paw Nation.

Using the clues she discovered along the side of the road, Wilkes-Myers began the hunt for the dog's family. She called the highway patrol and an insurance company whose number she found written on a water-soaked notepad at the crash site. Eventually she learned the name of the family who had been involved in the crash.

Miraculously, the entire family of five had survived the rollover accident. They had told rescue crews about the dog, but Ella had been lost in the aftermath of the crash. As the family recovered from serious injuries sustained in the accident, they assumed their pet had been killed, so when Wilkes-Myers contacted the father, Joe Kelly, and told him his dog was alive, he was understandably shocked. Shortly after learning the truth, the Kelly family was reunited with Ella. "We were all in tears. It just gave me chills," Wilkes-Myers says.

Sadly, due to medical expenses resulting from the crash, the Kelly family has been forced to relocate to a home that doesn't allow dogs, CBS news reports. But luckily, Wilkes-Myers is happy to hang onto Ella until the family can take her back. Her 320 acre farm has lots of fenced areas for romping and plenty of other rescue dogs for playmates. "Maybe she thinks she's at camp," says Wilkes-Myers. "She's in dog heaven, and she's doing great.

"I don't think they ever forget their family, but dogs live in the moment," she adds. "Right now, her moment is at Love Me Tender, and she's just as happy as can be."

10-01-2009, 10:06 PM
Sadly, due to medical expenses resulting from the crash, the Kelly family has been forced to relocate to a home that doesn't allow dogs, CBS news reports.

Damn liberal media.

10-01-2009, 10:18 PM
Damn liberal media.


10-01-2009, 10:28 PM
Dogs are awesome. I know I sometimes overuse that word but it really is the most suitable adjective to use when describing canines.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
10-02-2009, 01:07 AM
I thought this was going to be a post about that dog that is like the Ponzzz, only a dog.

The Ponzzz
10-02-2009, 01:14 AM

This one!?


Mighty Nikkisaurus
10-02-2009, 01:19 AM
lol, yes. I was disappointed.

10-02-2009, 11:52 AM
I wish there were more of these kind of stories to offset those tragedies involving dogs.

10-02-2009, 12:06 PM
My mom has told me a story a few times. When she was 7 her family took a trip to DC. They took the dog with them. Somewhere on the way home (I think NJ), it jumped out the back of the station wagon and ran. They tried to catch him, but couldn't. Two years later the dog shows up at the front door in fine condition. It's like some Milo and Otis shit.