View Full Version : Gem Value

09-28-2009, 10:10 AM
I know I've seen this list before but I'm having some difficulty searching for it. Does anyone have the chart of gems and their base value (or average or whatever).

Sylvan Dreams
09-28-2009, 10:14 AM
I don't know if this is the chart you're after, but it's the one I use for my purification/chisel scripts. It's from Psinet (under ?gems).

Article "Gems" [AID #363]


(min and max based on how much you're liked, such as race and citizenship)

NOTE: gem chisels and trading ranks increase the max values

Min- the minimum that the gembroker will pay
Max- the maximum the gembroker will pay
Pure- the value of the gem after one verse of 1004
P-Max- the maximum value of the gem obtainable with 1004
Rank- the rarity of the gem

Rarity Min Base Max Pure P-Max
1 5 10 15 11 20
2 25 50 75 55 100
3 50 100 150 110 200
4 250 500 750 550 1000
5 500 1000 1500 1100 2000
6 1300 2500 3800 2750 5000
7 2500 5000 7500 5500 10000

Gem Name: Gem Type: Gem Rank:
Amber 3
Amethyst 3
Bloodstone 2
Coral Blue/Black 2
Coral Red/Pink 4
Cordierite 2
Crystal 1
Diamond 7
Diopside 1
Emerald 7
Garnet Almandine 2
Garnet Green 4
Gem Beryl/Chrysoberyl 3
Gem Aquamarine 4
Jasper 2
Lapis 4
Opal Fire 3
Opal White 5
Opal Black 6
Pearl (based on color not size) 6
Quartz Carnelian/Cats Eye 2
Quartz Citrine/Rose 3
Ruby 5
Sapphire Clear 1
Sapphire Star 4
Sapphire Green/Violet/Yellow 5
Sapphire Blue/Pink 6
Spinel 3
Stone Adventureine 2
Stone Banded Sardonyx 2
Stone Labrodite 2
Stone Morgandite 3
Stone Malachite 4
Stone Rohodiocrosite 4
Stone Turquoise 4
Topaz Blue/Clear 1
Topaz 4
Tourmaline 3


09-28-2009, 10:45 AM
Not the same chart, but certainly helpful. It also appears to be incomplete (all pre-EN gems)

Sylvan Dreams
09-29-2009, 01:24 PM
Did you find a better list?

09-29-2009, 02:18 PM
From my gem collection:

beryl, Kezmonian honey SH Magnificent 5000 No
diamond, faceted black Rift Good 10000 No
diamond, faceted black Rift Fair 9250 Yes
diamond, uncut WL Magnificent 10000 No
diamond, yellow IMT Magnificent 9250 No
dreamstone, blue EN Magnificent 1000 No
emerald, Eye-of-Koar Rift Fair 10000 Yes
emerald, uncut WL Magnificent 10000 No
garnet, sangune wyrm's-eye Rift Magnificent 2900 No
opal, aster Rift Magnificent 12000 No
opal, black WL Magnificent 4800 No
opal, white WL Magnificent 1600 No
orb, golden firemote Rift N/A 11000 No
orb, murky shadowglass Rift N/A 8500 No
pearl, black, large WL Magnificent 5500 No
pearl, black, small WL Magnificent 5500 Yes
pearl, grey, large WL Magnificent 4000 No
pearl, grey, medium WL Magnificent 4100 No
pearl, pink, large WL Magnificent 4000 No
pearl, pink, medium WL Magnificent 4000 No
pearl, pink, small WL Magnificent 4000 No
pearl, white, large WL Magnificent 5000 No
pearl, white, medium WL Magnificent 5000 No
pearl, white, small WL Magnificent 5000 No
ruby, star WL Magnificent 2400 No
ruby, sylvarraend EN Magnificent 9000 Yes
ruby, uncut WL Magnificent 6250 Yes
sapphire, blue WL Magnificent 6000 No
sapphire, pink WL Magnificent 5000 No
sapphire, star WL Magnificent 2500 No
sapphire, violet WL Magnificent 2000 No
soulstone, dull white Rift Magnificent 400 No
spherine, tiny black and blue Rift Fair 100 No
spherine, tiny black and white Rift Above average 100 No
spherine, transparent Rift Magnificent 300 No
thunderstone, deep blue Rift Magnificent 3300 No
thunderstone, deep purple Rift Magnificent 11000 No
thunderstone, smoky grey Rift Magnificent 1000 No

Those are all loresung values. The last column is whether or not the gem is an orb, which doesn't really matter. These gems have all been purified until they couldn't be anymore.

09-29-2009, 04:03 PM

Ponzzz's site has a pretty good info, format kinda sucks though cause it's a script. I know I had come across a site that has them all in a nice table at one point...

This is the chart I was thinking of... it's incomplete

09-29-2009, 05:49 PM
These are all the individual items I've sold from my logs, not counting sales out of a container... Majority of this is human in ta'illistim with no trading. I'll have to go through and pull out the gems.

aged scroll 3963 (x2)
ale-stained scroll 410 (x1)
amber studded iron brooch 355 (x1)
amethyst 303 (x1)
amethyst inset mithril ring 11407 (x1)
ancient papyrus 531 (x1)
ancient parchment 2010 (x1)
ancient scroll 2610 (x1)
aquamarine gem 695 (x23)
aquamarine wand 1029 (x51)
arcane scroll 1236 (x3)
arctic titan toe 40 (x2)
augmented breastplate 239 (x94)
azure leggings 42 (x1)
band 31 (x2)
bear hide 226 (x1)
Bearded Ladies' ale 50 (x1)
bearskin leggings 441 (x1)
beryl-inset copper circlet 2491 (x1)
beryl-inset gold alloy bowl 3552 (x1)
beryl-inset gold armband 5982 (x1)
black cape 145 (x1)
black crystal 526 (x4)
black deathstone 101 (x14)
black dreamstone 482 (x26)
black dress 51 (x1)
black moonstone 324 (x19)
black opal 2300 (x14)
black tourmaline 84 (x6)
blood red sheath 571 (x1)
blood red teardrop-etched scarab 2811 (x1)
blood-stained scroll 184 (x1)
bloodwood wand 311 (x67)
blue cordierite 54 (x2)
blue crystal 246 (x24)
blue diamond 5260 (x3)
blue dreamstone 488 (x28)
blue moonstone 1202 (x57)
blue peridot 180 (x11)
blue periwinkle shell 63 (x1)
blue sapphire 3050 (x17)
blue spinel 90 (x4)
blue starstone 98 (x14)
blue tourmaline 96 (x3)
blue wand 987 (x22)
blue wool greatcloak 4374 (x1)
blue-banded coquina shell 547 (x2)
boar tusk 77 (x2)
bone pin 13 (x1)
bone wand 550 (x41)
bone-inlaid amethyst pendant 1531 (x1)
bone-inlaid blue tourmaline neckchain 405 (x1)
bone-inlaid bronze talisman 376 (x1)
bone-inlaid peridot pendant 2988 (x1)
bone-inlaid pewter torc 1751 (x1)
bone-inlaid silver ewer 4171 (x1)
brass box 22 (x5)
brass chest 20 (x2)
brass coffer 21 (x8)
brass strongbox 23 (x2)
brass trunk 21 (x8)
brigandine armor 135 (x7)
bright chrysoberyl gem 197 (x10)
brilliant amber pin 1544 (x1)
broadcloth boots 601 (x1)
broadcloth sack 595 (x1)
brocade snood 766 (x1)
bronze and leopard quartz necklace 116 (x1)
bronze and red dreamstone ring 1852 (x1)
brown zircon 12 (x1)
buckskin pack 546 (x1)
bundle of kiramon mandibles 438 (x1)
bundle of kobold skins 200 (x1)
bundle of orc scalps 282 (x1)
bundle of viper fangs 6597 (x1)
burlap bonnet 116 (x1)
burlap quiver 486 (x1)
burlap shoes 126 (x1)
burnt scroll 123 (x1)
burnt vellum 585 (x1)
canvas cap 284 (x1)
carmiln aegis 1277 (x1)
carved pink tourmaline medallion 598 (x1)
cats-eye moonstone 1228 (x53)
cerulean glimaerstone 2250 (x1)
cerulean satchel 407 (x1)
chain hauberk 194 (x103)
chambray purse 1047 (x1)
chambray tunic 1229 (x1)
chameleon agate 4387 (x6)
charred scroll 944 (x4)
chiseled amethyst pin 917 (x1)
chiseled beryl ring 786 (x1)
chiseled chrysoberyl pendant 818 (x1)
clear glimaerstone 790 (x10)
clear sapphire 24 (x1)
clear topaz 15 (x1)
clear tourmaline 92 (x10)
clear zircon 22 (x1)
coal black hood 27 (x1)
coal black overcoat 215 (x1)
copper barrette 141 (x1)
copper lockpick 29 (x18)
coral and red sunstone earcuff 9568 (x1)
coral red hat 555 (x1)
coral studded bronze baton 1898 (x1)
cotton knapsack 690 (x1)
crimson hood 15 (x1)
crown conch shell 218 (x1)
crown-of-Charl shell 938 (x1)
crumbling scroll 555 (x1)
crumpled paper 135 (x1)
crushed silk boots 1024 (x1)
crushed silk cap 683 (x1)
crushed silk longcoat 1627 (x2)
crystal amulet 370 (x95)
crystal icicle amulet 550 (x1)
crystal wand 854 (x18)
crystal-edged broadsword 1282 (x1)
cushion-cut alexandrite medallion 4997 (x1)
cyan hat 286 (x1)
damask greatcloak 1166 (x1)
damask leggings 519 (x1)
damask pouch 1221 (x1)
dark brown pouch 510 (x1)
dark paper 1590 (x1)
dark purple armband 280 (x1)
dark red-green bloodstone 43 (x1)
dark scroll 1069 (x3)
deathstone studded ora ewer 3805 (x1)
deep red carbuncle 476 (x2)
delicate peridot medallion 2699 (x1)
delicate silver alloy sceptre 2777 (x1)
deringo short bow 1333 (x1)
double leather 84 (x1)
dragon's-tear ruby 2292 (x2)
dragonfire emerald 8000 (x1)
dragonfire opal 2944 (x28)
dragonfire quartz 518 (x1)
dragonsbreath sapphire 5022 (x8)
dragonseye sapphire 1895 (x1)
drakar dagger 486 (x5)
drake broadsword 402 (x1)
drake crowbill 270 (x1)
drake dagger 238 (x5)
drake falchion 308 (x1)
drake flail 324 (x1)
drake greataxe 277 (x2)
drake greatsword 348 (x6)
drake katar 297 (x2)
drake mace 243 (x3)
drake scimitar 237 (x2)
drake trident 307 (x1)
dram of gold dust 1796 (x155)
eel skin overcoat 441 (x1)
elegant blue starstone medallion 378 (x1)
elegant pewter baton 1684 (x1)
elegant pewter bowl 1314 (x1)
elegant silver alloy earcuff 1974 (x1)
elegant smoky topaz necklace 1945 (x1)
elegant sterling silver jug 3070 (x1)
emerald 5292 (x32)
emerald-set copper alloy ewer 802 (x1)
engraved pewter ring 1352 (x1)
engraved silver bowl 2721 (x1)
enruned chrysoberyl necklace 775 (x1)
enruned ora bowl 2221 (x1)
etched pewter stickpin 1664 (x1)
faceted alexandrite ring 4122 (x1)
faded scroll 726 (x1)
fel box 20 (x2)
fel chest 22 (x5)
fel coffer 21 (x4)
fel strongbox 20 (x7)
fel trunk 21 (x7)
felt bodice 571 (x1)
felt bonnet 598 (x1)
feras dagger 307 (x1)
feras falchion 324 (x1)
feras hammer 342 (x3)
feras mace 248 (x3)
feras mattock 378 (x4)
feras rapier 324 (x1)
fiery jacinth 648 (x2)
fiery red gem 630 (x1)
filigreed bronze flask 748 (x1)
filigreed gold alloy earring 5207 (x1)
filigreed pewter medallion 2221 (x1)
fine amber band 1102 (x1)
fine glass archer statuette 785 (x1)
fine glass sleeping nymph statuette 727 (x1)
fine pink tourmaline barrette 572 (x1)
fine sterling silver jug 2141 (x1)
fire cat claw 227 (x3)
fire opal 183 (x12)
fire rat tail 373 (x7)
firestone 5656 (x2)
flame-cut blue tourmaline earcuff 844 (x1)
flawless soulstone 1492 (x1)
flowing robes 27 (x5)
forest green palimpsest 682 (x1)
forest green scroll 2472 (x1)
gak wool bandana 429 (x1)
gak wool surcoat 315 (x1)
gak wool trousers 410 (x1)
glaes club 290 (x47)
glaes shield 9933 (x11)
glaesine crystal 44 (x1)
glass wand 373 (x8)
glimmering opalescent scarab 2179 (x2)
glittering scroll 960 (x1)
glowing scroll 2512 (x2)
gnome scalp 16 (x2)
gold and golden topaz medallion 2654 (x1)
gold and red dreamstone earcuff 2760 (x1)
gold and white starstone pendant 8999 (x1)
gold box 242 (x6)
gold chest 237 (x9)
gold coffer 241 (x11)
gold dust 320 (x3)
gold filigree smoky topaz medallion 2355 (x1)
gold ring 1275 (x8)
gold strongbox 234 (x3)
gold trunk 246 (x5)
gold-streaked dwarven miner figurine 11034 (x1)
golden beryl gem 227 (x8)
golden eel pin 45 (x5)
golden glimaerstone 2340 (x1)
Golden Goose ale 41 (x1)
golden knapsack 1016 (x1)
golden moonstone 2514 (x33)
golden paper 2133 (x1)
golden topaz 586 (x26)
golden wand 949 (x3)
green aventurine stone 53 (x2)
green chrysoprase gem 122 (x2)
green dreamstone 595 (x28)
green errisian topaz 499 (x2)
green garnet 710 (x21)
green glimaerstone 902 (x10)
green malachite stone 444 (x22)
green peridot 222 (x24)
green sapphire 886 (x55)
green starstone 1014 (x61)
green tourmaline 106 (x12)
green zircon 107 (x12)
grey moonstone 285 (x13)
grosgrain chemise 264 (x1)
grosgrain hat 252 (x1)
grosgrain quiver 286 (x1)
grosgrain slippers 412 (x1)
hag nose 100 (x2)
halberd 48 (x1)
handful of gold dust 3040 (x110)
haon box 23 (x3)
haon chest 22 (x2)
haon coffer 22 (x8)
haon strongbox 21 (x3)
haon trunk 21 (x5)
heart of smooth black glaes 2280 (x3)
heavy backpack 22 (x1)
heavy grey tusk 577 (x277)
ice axe 41 (x1)
imflass shield 7458 (x4)
indigo dress 256 (x1)
inky black shawl 495 (x1)
iridescent labradorite stone 52 (x1)
iron box 21 (x4)
iron chest 20 (x4)
iron coffer 20 (x4)
iron strongbox 21 (x3)
iron trunk 21 (x5)
iron wand 344 (x43)
ivory and star sapphire earcuff 7882 (x1)
ivory-inlaid fenvaok miniature 6207 (x1)
king helmet shell 1653 (x1)
kiramon mandible 171 (x87)
kobold skin 33 (x1)
large black pearl 2532 (x5)
large grey pearl 2196 (x6)
large white pearl 2550 (x1)
lavender shimmarglin sapphire 2025 (x1)
leather bodice 1830 (x1)
leather breastplate 101 (x3)
light leather 26 (x1)
light pink morganite stone 158 (x9)
light scroll 1638 (x4)
luminous scroll 1366 (x3)
lump of black ambergris 34 (x2)
lump of grey ambergris 155 (x2)
lynx pelt 46 (x15)
Mad Mutt Frothy ale 41 (x1)
madrinol skin 481 (x2)
magenta knapsack 373 (x1)
malachite and chrysoberyl earcuff 680 (x1)
malachite inset iron jug 17 (x1)
malachite inset pewter torc 2555 (x1)
manticore tail 35 (x4)
maoral box 22 (x7)
maoral chest 21 (x7)
maoral coffer 21 (x6)
maoral strongbox 21 (x7)
maoral trunk 21 (x10)
marble huntsman statuette 2359 (x1)
mauve dress 691 (x1)
medium black pearl 2760 (x4)
medium grey pearl 1593 (x3)
medium pink pearl 1965 (x5)
medium white pearl 2293 (x8)
metal aventail 16 (x2)
metal breastplate 210 (x1)
metal wand 1052 (x25)
mithril box 282 (x6)
mithril chest 309 (x7)
mithril coffer 306 (x6)
mithril mace 1231 (x1)
mithril strongbox 296 (x9)
mithril trunk 300 (x6)
modwir box 21 (x7)
modwir chest 21 (x5)
modwir coffer 21 (x8)
modwir strongbox 22 (x4)
modwir trunk 23 (x3)
monir box 22 (x2)
monir chest 19 (x1)
monir coffer 22 (x3)
monir strongbox 22 (x6)
monir trunk 21 (x4)
moonglae opal 2103 (x2)
moonstone cube 403 (x12)
oaken wand 507 (x17)
obscure scroll 1182 (x1)
obsidian flask 510 (x1)
ogre tooth 93 (x4)
oilcloth hat 286 (x1)
oilcloth purse 518 (x1)
oilcloth satchel 542 (x1)
Olak's Ol'style ale 31 (x1)
old papyrus 570 (x1)
old scroll 1216 (x3)
olive green purse 367 (x1)
onyx-inlaid platinum stickpin 7903 (x1)
opaline moonstone 6048 (x9)
opaque spiral shell 64 (x1)
orange imperial topaz 716 (x12)
orange spessartine garnet 727 (x2)
orc claw 37 (x4)
orc hide 19 (x1)
oval-cut blue dreamstone necklace 11019 (x1)
pale blue moonstone 1019 (x3)
pale green moonstone 960 (x3)
pale yellow heliodor 363 (x8)
peach glimaerstone 1664 (x7)
pearl nautilus shell 1378 (x1)
periwinkle feystone 4411 (x9)
piece of amber 155 (x12)
piece of banded onyx 71 (x3)
piece of black jasper 47 (x1)
piece of black onyx 93 (x2)
piece of carnelian quartz 73 (x1)
piece of cat's eye quartz 55 (x1)
piece of cat's-paw coral 1105 (x1)
piece of citrine quartz 91 (x8)
piece of golden amber 227 (x2)
piece of rose quartz 78 (x11)
piece of spiderweb obsidian 108 (x1)
piece of white chalcedony 72 (x1)
piece of yellow jasper 64 (x2)
pinch of gold dust 802 (x91)
pink dreamstone 562 (x24)
pink peridot 151 (x15)
pink rhodochrosite stone 513 (x23)
pink sapphire 2442 (x17)
pink spinel 107 (x8)
pink topaz 437 (x25)
pink topaz studded bronze goblet 1311 (x1)
pink tourmaline 104 (x7)
platinum headband 2232 (x1)
polished black tegula shell 525 (x1)
polished green abalone shell 810 (x1)
polished red abalone shell 643 (x1)
puma fur blouse 482 (x1)
puma fur pouch 970 (x1)
puma fur robes 833 (x1)
pure white scroll 1116 (x3)
purple mantle 1032 (x1)
pyrothag hide 271 (x8)
quartz crystal 11 (x1)
quartz orb 449 (x31)
queen helmet shell 2415 (x1)
rat pelt 29 (x82)
red copper lockpick 29 (x2)
red dreamstone 488 (x21)
red spinel 93 (x9)
red starstone 2253 (x32)
red sunstone 5040 (x16)
reticulated golden orb 1585 (x7)
reticulated iridescent orb 2450 (x6)
reticulated opalescent orb 1750 (x7)
reticulated silver orb 1125 (x12)
rhimar dagger 486 (x4)
ripped blue robes 29 (x1)
rock crystal 6 (x2)
rolton pelt 27 (x1)
rough slab of silver 750 (x2)
round-cut fire opal buckle 1232 (x1)
ruby 3055 (x14)
rune-etched sterling silver tiara 7313 (x1)
rusted metal rod 102 (x1)
sack 26 (x2)
sailcloth pants 201 (x1)
salamander skin 86 (x6)
samite harness 1347 (x1)
satin mantle 1260 (x1)
satin scarf 624 (x1)
scarlet boots 683 (x1)
scorched scroll 1282 (x2)
scrap of troll skin 61 (x3)
scribe statue 919 (x1)
sea-green glaes scarab 3036 (x2)
serge skirt 633 (x1)
serpent skin shirt 551 (x1)
shard of rainbow quartz 1117 (x4)
shimmering paper 750 (x1)
shimmering scroll 8535 (x1)
shimmering wasp wing 530 (x2)
shimmertine shard 693 (x1)
short sword 22 (x1)
silk cape 1313 (x1)
silk surcoat 726 (x1)
silver box 95 (x6)
silver chest 90 (x2)
silver coffer 91 (x6)
silver cup 674 (x1)
silver lockpick 727 (x1)
silver strongbox 91 (x6)
silver trunk 99 (x5)
silver wand 359 (x66)
silvery scroll 490 (x2)
sky blue cape 582 (x1)
slate grey scabbard 462 (x1)
slate wand 431 (x1)
small black pearl 2497 (x4)
small grey pearl 2260 (x3)
small pink pearl 1808 (x5)
small red geode 20 (x1)
small silver bar 135 (x1)
small statue 675 (x26)
small white pearl 2436 (x6)
smeared scroll 1069 (x3)
smoky topaz 480 (x30)
snake skin jacket 1028 (x1)
snake skin leggings 379 (x1)
snake skin vest 596 (x1)
snake-head cowrie shell 452 (x2)
some asterfire quartz 831 (x66)
some blue lapis lazuli 642 (x9)
some dragonfire quartz 1637 (x53)
some leopard quartz 71 (x2)
some polished blue coral 28 (x1)
some polished pink coral 340 (x24)
some polished red coral 332 (x20)
sparkling silvery conch shell 943 (x3)
spiderweb turquoise 451 (x3)
split-back pink conch shell 205 (x1)
star diopside 15 (x1)
star emerald 4805 (x12)
star ruby 1226 (x50)
star sapphire 1184 (x63)
starstone inset ora crown 4990 (x1)
steel box 22 (x6)
steel chest 23 (x3)
steel coffer 23 (x2)
steel lockpick 144 (x19)
steel spring 140 (x3)
steel strongbox 21 (x7)
steel trunk 21 (x4)
stiletto 33 (x2)
stone grey jacket 467 (x1)
storm grey hat 144 (x1)
studded bronze torc 609 (x1)
studded leather 120 (x1)
sturdy glaes cup 60 (x1)
suede hood 595 (x1)
suede kirtle 1197 (x1)
suede leggings 662 (x1)
suede quiver 1135 (x1)
tanik box 22 (x9)
tanik chest 22 (x5)
tanik coffer 23 (x6)
tanik strongbox 22 (x9)
tanik trunk 21 (x6)
tattered scroll 2155 (x3)
tegu tailspike 306 (x1)
thanot box 21 (x7)
thanot chest 22 (x8)
thanot coffer 22 (x3)
thanot strongbox 22 (x7)
thanot trunk 20 (x2)
thanot wand 555 (x26)
thrak hide 51 (x7)
thrak tail 247 (x5)
tin amulet 13 (x1)
tiny black pearl 2439 (x5)
tiny grey pearl 1827 (x4)
tiny pink pearl 2143 (x11)
tiny white pearl 2234 (x3)
topaz-inset pewter orb 2592 (x1)
torn scroll 198 (x1)
trilliant-cut golden topaz pin 1805 (x1)
troll eye 87 (x6)
turquoise inset pewter flask 2303 (x1)
turquoise stone 406 (x25)
turquoise-set silver alloy talisman 2546 (x1)
twisted wand 554 (x58)
twohanded sword 63 (x1)
uncut diamond 4809 (x57)
uncut emerald 4635 (x1)
uncut maernstrike diamond 3484 (x3)
velvet tunic 1173 (x1)
violet sapphire 997 (x60)
violet spinel 87 (x8)
viper fang 622 (x323)
viper skin kilt 612 (x1)
viper skin quiver 1061 (x1)
war hammer 34 (x10)
warped black tome 13 (x1)
watered silk bandana 696 (x1)
white crystal 291 (x6)
white dreamstone 510 (x31)
white flask 246 (x13)
white opal 811 (x38)
white robe 27 (x3)
white starstone 2352 (x22)
white sunstone 4222 (x6)
wolverine pelt 36 (x1)
wooden ball 13 (x1)
wooden box 22 (x4)
wooden chest 21 (x3)
wooden coffer 20 (x7)
wooden strongbox 21 (x4)
wooden trunk 21 (x3)
worm skin 55 (x1)
wrinkled paper 166 (x1)
wrinkled scroll 284 (x2)
yellow dreamstone 374 (x21)
yellow hyacinth 390 (x2)
yellow sapphire 879 (x46)
yellow sunstone 4116 (x12)
yellow zircon 113 (x9)
yellowed paper 1215 (x1)
yellowed scroll 435 (x1)

Total: 4,595,981