View Full Version : Muslims Invade Capital

09-27-2009, 08:46 PM
"Allah Akbar!" shouted the sea of worshippers in flowing white and gold robes and headwear, following a mid-afternoon recital from the Koran. The estimated 8,000 in attendance chanted and used carpets, blankets, jackets, and plastic tarp as the traditional ground cover on which they knelt in prayer. A sermon afterward urged all Muslims to "God bless America" and avoid the "trap" of hating anyone, particularly Christians and Jews.

The crowd in attendance on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol Building was comprised predominantly of people of color and men, with females seated separately. They arrived from disparate points across the country, mostly the East Coast, to take part in what organizers billed as "Jummah Prayer on Capitol Hill: A Day of Islamic Unity." In Arabic, "Jummah" refers to a day of gathering, usually traditional Friday prayers.

More... (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,555801,00.html)

An open letter signed by 19 activists, mostly conservative Christians and including Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, was circulated in the days prior to the Muslim day of prayer. It called on Abdellah and other organizers to "unequivocally denounce" specific terrorist acts and plots of recent years, starting with the Sept. 11 attacks.

"[W]e note," said the signatories, that "the overwhelming number of terrorist acts are carried out by Muslims, that many Muslim-American groups have terrorist ties and that justification for acts of violence against 'infidels' is found in the Koran."

John Cosgrove, who identified himself as a counterterrorism consultant, called on "American males" to "stand shoulder to shoulder" in the battle to save America from the imposition of Sharia on American law. Sharia is a body of Islamic law used, with varying degrees of severity and harshness toward women, in many Muslim societies. At one point, Cosgrove brandished a book called The Quranic Concept of War to demonstrate the supposedly aggressive and confrontational nature of ancient and modern Islam.

Noting the arguments of some that Thomas Jefferson possessed a copy of the Koran, Cosgrove conceded this was true and added: "He had it so that he could know his enemy, so he could confront them, know them, kill them, and vanquish the Islamic pirates, the scourge of the seas and spreading tyranny abroad. After reading the Koran, founding the Marines and expanding the Navy to go kill them, I think he laid the Koran down thinking perhaps he was done. Sadly, it was not the case."

Anybody who is keeping up with what's happening in Washington should be concerned about this. Just a few weeks ago, Obama failed to attend the prayer breakfast for the National Day of Prayer, the first President to do so since before George W. Bush.

Given the radical views of the organizers, let’s hope neither President Obama nor his spokesman issue any statements or proclamations whatsoever in support of this Muslim day of prayer. The president has already given us plenty of reasons to wonder where his true religious sympathies lie. That last thing he ought to do is give us another by endorsing this event while continuing to distance himself from America’s Christian history and traditions.

More... (http://action.afa.net/Blogs/BlogPost.aspx?id=2147486949)

09-27-2009, 09:23 PM
Just a few weeks ago, Obama failed to attend the prayer breakfast for the National Day of Prayer, the first President to do so since before George W. Bush.

Aren't you clever.

09-27-2009, 09:25 PM
Just a few weeks ago, Obama failed to attend the prayer breakfast for the National Day of Prayer, the first President to do so since before George W. Bush.

I lulzed so much that I think I peed a little bit.

09-27-2009, 09:49 PM
Homosexual Muslim abortion doctors are going to kill all of your children!!!!!

News at 11.

09-28-2009, 04:36 AM
Having grown up in the midst of muslum socioty and not being muslum i can tell you the threat level should be alot higher then it is.

As far as muslums in america, they might belive islam is a religion of peace, and some of them might even be sincere in thier belief however the fact is, the spread of islam is more important to its leaders then its true meaning to its followers.
Thier is an excellent documentary circulating around that explains this as best as i have seen called "bin laden's spy" This is about a highly respected muslum that was captured and turned on islam. But its kind of sad and scary to me, because undoubtetly as he says in the documentary his mentality is that of all of islam's leaders.
I dont know wheter islams followers are to blame for thier ignorance, or whether thier leaders are to blame for thier deception.

09-28-2009, 07:03 AM
Having grown up in the midst of muslum socioty and not being muslum i can tell you the threat level should be alot higher then it is.

As far as muslums in america, they might belive islam is a religion of peace, and some of them might even be sincere in thier belief however the fact is, the spread of islam is more important to its leaders then its true meaning to its followers.
Thier is an excellent documentary circulating around that explains this as best as i have seen called "bin laden's spy" This is about a highly respected muslum that was captured and turned on islam. But its kind of sad and scary to me, because undoubtetly as he says in the documentary his mentality is that of all of islam's leaders.
I dont know wheter islams followers are to blame for thier ignorance, or whether thier leaders are to blame for thier deception.

More importantly, who is to blame for your stupidity and shitty literacy?

Sean of the Thread
09-28-2009, 07:21 AM
More importantly, who is to blame for your stupidity and shitty literacy?

fucking lol so hard

That post made me think more of the MORAN reps than the Koran.

09-28-2009, 10:48 AM
More importantly, who is to blame for your stupidity and shitty literacy?
hee plaes tecksed gaims

09-28-2009, 10:52 AM
More importantly, who is to blame for your stupidity and shitty literacy?

What a lovely ad hominem attack. Attacking the messenger does not invalidate the message. Nice try though. There are some nice questions in there and likely several of them that would apply to organized Christianity as well.

09-28-2009, 11:07 AM
Having grown up in the midst of muslum socioty and not being muslum i can tell you the threat level should be alot higher then it is.

As far as muslums in america, they might belive islam is a religion of peace, and some of them might even be sincere in thier belief however the fact is, the spread of islam is more important to its leaders then its true meaning to its followers.
Thier is an excellent documentary circulating around that explains this as best as i have seen called "bin laden's spy" This is about a highly respected muslum that was captured and turned on islam. But its kind of sad and scary to me, because undoubtetly as he says in the documentary his mentality is that of all of islam's leaders.
I dont know wheter islams followers are to blame for thier ignorance, or whether thier leaders are to blame for thier deception.

Having grown up in the midst of a Muslim society, and not being Muslim, I can tell you that the threat level should be a lot higher than it is now. As far as Muslims in America, they might believe Islam is a religion of peace, and some of them might even be sincere in their belief. However, the fact is that the spread of Islam is more important to its leaders than its true meaning to its followers.

There is an excelent documentary, "Bin Laden's Spy", circulating that explains this concept as best as I have seen. This documentary is about a respected Muslim that was captured and turned against Islam. It is kind of sad and scary to me when he stated in the documentary that his mentality is that of all Islamic leaders. I don't know whether the followers of Islam are to blame for their ignorance, or whether their leaders are to blame for their deception.

A bit more coherent. A solid B, maybe.

09-28-2009, 11:35 AM
More importantly, who is to blame for your stupidity and shitty literacy?

I bet his IQ is higher than 99.9998% of the world's population.

09-28-2009, 11:44 AM
lmao @ this thread

real response later.



09-28-2009, 11:55 AM
Is a muslum related to a lum lum?

I'm one for spelling on the fly and that post even made me wince.

09-28-2009, 05:02 PM
There are some nice questions in there and likely several of them that would apply to organized Christianity as well.There actually weren't any questions. You can tell because questions are marked with the following symbol: ? What the post actually consisted of were ill-formed, sweeping generalizations. Due to their malformation, they can be erroneously applied to pretty much any set of beliefs or principles.

09-28-2009, 07:07 PM
A family booked our restaurant for their patriarch’s 60th birthday party. (ka ching!) It was a mixed crowd and he was of Pakistani decent. Another elder white gentleman read a verse from the Koran to bless the patriarch and the food they were about to eat. Not having ever been exposed to anything remotely muslim I have to say it was very moving.

I shit you not during the party two pastors walked in with a family of four and asked for a table for 6. I said we are having a private party and the pastor slipped me a $100 and said see what you can do. I took the table and he tipped another $50 on top of the check. That was quite moving also.

09-28-2009, 08:50 PM
More importantly, who is to blame for your stupidity and shitty literacy?

aww, still feel the pain from the time i ruptured your anal canal i see.

There is alot more deception and lies in islam then thier is in any other religion, its pretty clear if you look at its history. Most other belifes dont belive in killing other people based on thier belief in the first place. As a matter of fact the religion is based on deception , thier are 3 stages of islam , deception, organization, then attack. In america we are still very early on in the deception stage. Except the muslums in america and the rest of the world who get decieved think that thier is reality in ther belief. A good way to explain it to all you retards out there is ask yourself who would have better credibility? the corporate office or the franchises spread out all over the world? The same applies to religion, If the base of your belief teaches one thing, and you recieve a diffrent teaching claiming to be the real teaching. how would you know which teaching has more integrity? Yes , i understand the same can be applied to all beliefs, but the problem is when the main belief is teaching violence and political domination.

09-28-2009, 08:59 PM
هناك الكثير من الخداع والكذب في الإسلام ثم من هو في أي ديانة أخرى ، واضحة جدا اذا نظرتم الى تاريخها. معظم أخرى لا اجد في قتل أشخاص آخرين بناء على اعتقادهم في المقام الأول. وحقيقة الأمر أن الدين قائم على الخداع ، وعلى 3 مراحل من الإسلام ، والخداع ، والتنظيم ، ثم الهجوم. في أميركا ما زلنا في مرحلة مبكرة جدا في مرحلة الخداع. باستثناء في أميركا وبقية العالم الذين يحصلون على خدع أعتقد أن من هو في واقع وجود المعتقد. وهناك طريقة جيدة لشرح ذلك إلى كل ما يؤخر هناك تسأل نفسك هو الذي من شأنه أن يكون أفضل مصداقية؟ مكتب الشركة أو الامتيازات انتشرت في جميع أنحاء العالم؟ الأمر نفسه ينطبق على الدين ، وإذا كانت قاعدة إيمانكم يعلم شيئا واحدا ، وتتلقى التدريس المختلفة التي تدعي أن يكون التعليم الحقيقي. كيف يمكنك أن تعرف أي تدريس أكثر نزاهة؟ نعم ، أنا أفهم أن الشيء نفسه يمكن أن ينطبق على جميع المعتقدات ، ولكن المشكلة هي انه عندما المعتقد الرئيسي هو تعليم العنف والهيمنة السياسية.

Damn...I thought Michaelous' post would look better in the original arabic.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
09-28-2009, 10:10 PM
A good way to explain it to all you retards out there

aww, still feel the pain from the time i ruptured your anal canal i see.

There is alot more deception and lies in islam then thier is in any other religion, its pretty clear if you look at its history. Most other belifes dont belive in killing other people based on thier belief in the first place. As a matter of fact the religion is based on deception , thier are 3 stages of islam , deception, organization, then attack. In america we are still very early on in the deception stage. Except the muslums in america and the rest of the world who get decieved think that thier is reality in ther belief. A good way to explain it to all you retards out there is ask yourself who would have better credibility? the corporate office or the franchises spread out all over the world? The same applies to religion, If the base of your belief teaches one thing, and you recieve a diffrent teaching claiming to be the real teaching. how would you know which teaching has more integrity? Yes , i understand the same can be applied to all beliefs, but the problem is when the main belief is teaching violence and political domination.

Anyway, since muddling through that shit is headache inducing, I ran it through the Swedish Chef translator to give everyone a better understanding:

Zeere-a is elut mure-a decepshun und leees in islem zeen theeer is in uny oozeer releegiun, its pretty cleer iff yuoo luuk et its heestury. Bork bork bork! Must oozeer beleeffes dunt beleefe-a in keelling oozeer peuple-a besed oon theeer beleeeff in zee furst plece-a. Es a metter ooff fect zee releegiun is besed oon decepshun , theeer ere-a 3 steges ooff islem , decepshun, oorguneezeshun, zeen etteck. In emereeca ve-a ere-a steell fery ierly oon in zee decepshun stege-a. Ixcept zee mooslooms in emereeca und zee rest ooff zee vurld vhu get deceeefed theenk thet theeer is reeleety in zeer beleeeff. A guud vey tu ixpleeen it tu ell yuoo reterds oooot zeere-a is esk yuoorselff vhu vuoold hefe-a better credeebility? zee curpurete-a ooffffeece-a oor zee fruncheeses spreed oooot ell oofer zee vurld? Zee seme-a eppleees tu releegiun, Iff zee bese-a ooff yuoor beleeeff teeches oone-a theeng, und yuoo receeefe-a a deeffffrent teecheeng cleeeming tu be-a zee reel teecheeng. hoo vuoold yuoo knoo vheech teecheeng hes mure-a integreety? Yes , i understund zee seme-a cun be-a eppleeed tu ell beleeeffs, boot zee prublem is vhee zee meeen beleeeff is teecheeng feeulence-a und puleeticel dumeeneshun.

09-28-2009, 10:45 PM
Zeere-a is elut mure-a decepshun und leees in islem zeen theeer is in uny oozeer releegiun, its pretty cleer iff yuoo luuk et its heestury. Bork bork bork! Must oozeer beleeffes dunt beleefe-a in keelling oozeer peuple-a besed oon theeer beleeeff in zee furst plece-a. Es a metter ooff fect zee releegiun is besed oon decepshun , theeer ere-a 3 steges ooff islem , decepshun, oorguneezeshun, zeen etteck. In emereeca ve-a ere-a steell fery ierly oon in zee decepshun stege-a. Ixcept zee mooslooms in emereeca und zee rest ooff zee vurld vhu get deceeefed theenk thet theeer is reeleety in zeer beleeeff. A guud vey tu ixpleeen it tu ell yuoo reterds oooot zeere-a is esk yuoorselff vhu vuoold hefe-a better credeebility? zee curpurete-a ooffffeece-a oor zee fruncheeses spreed oooot ell oofer zee vurld? Zee seme-a eppleees tu releegiun, Iff zee bese-a ooff yuoor beleeeff teeches oone-a theeng, und yuoo receeefe-a a deeffffrent teecheeng cleeeming tu be-a zee reel teecheeng. hoo vuoold yuoo knoo vheech teecheeng hes mure-a integreety? Yes , i understund zee seme-a cun be-a eppleeed tu ell beleeeffs, boot zee prublem is vhee zee meeen beleeeff is teecheeng feeulence-a und puleeticel dumeeneshun.

I wholeheartedly endorse this post. Bork, bork, bork!

Mighty Nikkisaurus
09-28-2009, 10:55 PM
I wholeheartedly endorse this post. Bork, bork, bork!

Hurty flurty schnip schnip!

09-28-2009, 10:56 PM
Zeehe-a is elut mure-a decepshun und leees in islem zeen deeeh is in uny oozeeh releegiun, its pretty cleeh iff yuoo luuk et its heestury. DOIHH! Bork bork bork! Doihh, COOL! Must oozeeh beleeffes dunt beleefe-a in keelligg oozeeh peuble-a besid oon deeeh beleeeff in zee furst blece-a. Es a metteh ooff feck zee releegiun is besid oon decepshun , deeeh ehe-a 3 steges ooff islem , decepshun, oorguneezeshun, zeen etteck. Lee me lone!In emeheeca be-a ehe-a steell fehy ieh oon in zee decepshun stege-a. Ixcept zee mooslooms in emeheeca und zee rest ooff zee burld bhu get deceeefid deenk det deeeh is reeleety in zeeh beleeeff. A guud bey tu ixbleeen it tu ell yuoo retehds oooot zeehe-a is esk yuoorselff bhu buoold hefe-a betteh credeebiltiby, duh...uh...? zee curpurete-a ooffffeece-a oor zee fruncheeses spreid oooot ell oofeh zee burld, duh...uh...? Zee seme-a epbleees tu releegiun, Iff zee bese-a ooff yuoor beleeeff teeches oone-a deeng, uh uh, und yuoo receeefe-a a deeffffrent teecheeng cleeemigg tu be-a zee reel teecheeng, GEEEHEEHEEE.hoo buoold yuoo knoo bheech teecheeng hes mure-a integreety, duh...uh...? Yuh , i undehstund zee seme-a cun be-a epbleeid tu ell beleeeffs, duuhhhh, boot zee prugglem is bhee zee meeen beleeeff is teecheeng feeuless-a und puleeticel dumeeneshun.

Weird, I ran the Swedish Chef translation through a Moron translator, and it gave me back the original. I think.

My favorite part.

09-29-2009, 09:16 AM
There actually weren't any questions. You can tell because questions are marked with the following symbol: ? What the post actually consisted of were ill-formed, sweeping generalizations. Due to their malformation, they can be erroneously applied to pretty much any set of beliefs or principles.

Really, you don't say? Using question marks? How absurd. It won't change the fact that many of the statements imply questions that are valid of any religion, I choose Christianity to pick on as ClydeR started this thread. If a religion cannot stand up to basic questioning from time to time, then what right does it have to continue?

Please, do shut the fuck up.

Yep, typed it all out because I didn't want you to get confused, I know that is common for you.

09-29-2009, 09:19 AM
Anyway, since muddling through that shit is headache inducing, I ran it through the Swedish Chef translator to give everyone a better understanding:

Zeere-a is elut mure-a decepshun und leees in islem zeen theeer is in uny oozeer releegiun, its pretty cleer iff yuoo luuk et its heestury. Bork bork bork! Must oozeer beleeffes dunt beleefe-a in keelling oozeer peuple-a besed oon theeer beleeeff in zee furst plece-a. Es a metter ooff fect zee releegiun is besed oon decepshun , theeer ere-a 3 steges ooff islem , decepshun, oorguneezeshun, zeen etteck. In emereeca ve-a ere-a steell fery ierly oon in zee decepshun stege-a. Ixcept zee mooslooms in emereeca und zee rest ooff zee vurld vhu get deceeefed theenk thet theeer is reeleety in zeer beleeeff. A guud vey tu ixpleeen it tu ell yuoo reterds oooot zeere-a is esk yuoorselff vhu vuoold hefe-a better credeebility? zee curpurete-a ooffffeece-a oor zee fruncheeses spreed oooot ell oofer zee vurld? Zee seme-a eppleees tu releegiun, Iff zee bese-a ooff yuoor beleeeff teeches oone-a theeng, und yuoo receeefe-a a deeffffrent teecheeng cleeeming tu be-a zee reel teecheeng. hoo vuoold yuoo knoo vheech teecheeng hes mure-a integreety? Yes , i understund zee seme-a cun be-a eppleeed tu ell beleeeffs, boot zee prublem is vhee zee meeen beleeeff is teecheeng feeulence-a und puleeticel dumeeneshun.

See, that is funny, pointless, but funny.

09-29-2009, 09:23 AM
It won't change the fact that many of the statements imply questions that are valid of any religion

Maybe I'm just not as smart as you, but I see one possible question.

Could you please show me the "many" statements that imply questions?

NOTE: To answer this question, you will need to know and understand the difference between an implication and an inference.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-29-2009, 09:27 AM
Unless you can communicate your concerns in a fashion that indicates you've got a braincell in your head, your concerns will be lost. Michaelous wins at failing.

09-29-2009, 10:35 AM
Zeere-a is elut mure-a decepshun und leees in islem zeen theeer is in uny oozeer releegiun, its pretty cleer iff yuoo luuk et its heestury. Bork bork bork! Must oozeer beleeffes dunt beleefe-a in keelling oozeer peuple-a besed oon theeer beleeeff in zee furst plece-a. Es a metter ooff fect zee releegiun is besed oon decepshun , theeer ere-a 3 steges ooff islem , decepshun, oorguneezeshun, zeen etteck. In emereeca ve-a ere-a steell fery ierly oon in zee decepshun stege-a. Ixcept zee mooslooms in emereeca und zee rest ooff zee vurld vhu get deceeefed theenk thet theeer is reeleety in zeer beleeeff. A guud vey tu ixpleeen it tu ell yuoo reterds oooot zeere-a is esk yuoorselff vhu vuoold hefe-a better credeebility? zee curpurete-a ooffffeece-a oor zee fruncheeses spreed oooot ell oofer zee vurld? Zee seme-a eppleees tu releegiun, Iff zee bese-a ooff yuoor beleeeff teeches oone-a theeng, und yuoo receeefe-a a deeffffrent teecheeng cleeeming tu be-a zee reel teecheeng. hoo vuoold yuoo knoo vheech teecheeng hes mure-a integreety? Yes , i understund zee seme-a cun be-a eppleeed tu ell beleeeffs, boot zee prublem is vhee zee meeen beleeeff is teecheeng feeulence-a und puleeticel dumeeneshun.

Oi. fuck. Almost coughed up my breakfast laughing. For the record it was bork bork bork that sent me unhinged.

09-29-2009, 04:22 PM
Unless you can communicate your concerns in a fashion that indicates you've got a braincell in your head, your concerns will be lost. Michaelous wins at failing.

i dont have any concerns just explaining whats going on. But what does it matter when your life is in gemstone anyways.

09-29-2009, 04:43 PM
Anybody who is keeping up with what's happening in Washington should be concerned about this. Just a few weeks ago, Obama failed to attend the prayer breakfast for the National Day of Prayer, the first President to do so since before George W. Bush.


When you composed this thread did you imagine 1m mustachioed sunglass wearing hidden weapon under turbaned people gathered around the White House like it was anti-Mecca? rofl.

I live in DC and your crying the alarm is just so stupid its funny.

Get out and see the world, son. It ain’t as bad as the media tells you it is.

09-29-2009, 04:44 PM
i dont have any concerns just explaining whats going on. But what does it matter when your life is in gemstone anyways.

There has been a new character named Akbar roaming around. This could be very serious. PM me.

09-29-2009, 07:31 PM
Really, you don't say?Yes, really.
If a religion cannot stand up to basic questioning from time to time, then what right does it have to continue?I'd love to see the train of thought that led from this thread to wherever you got this from.

To answer your wholly off-topic question, both Christianity and Islam have withstood (and prospered from) intellectual scrutiny far more probing than yours for over a thousand years.

09-29-2009, 07:59 PM
To answer your wholly off-topic question, both Christianity and Islam have withstood (and prospered from) intellectual scrutiny far more probing than yours for over a thousand years.

Thats not as relevant, what is relevant is that "islam without politics would not survive"(x terrorist) and thats because its an oppressive religion that denies its followers free will. The same cant be said for any other religion. Besides isnt free will the basis for any religion? faith? if you dont have the option for losing faith that speaks volume about authenticity imo.

09-29-2009, 08:25 PM
Are you kidding? Politics made and still makes Christianity what it is. And last I checked, in re: to free will, Christianity said, "Only through Me [Jesus Christ] will you be saved." Doesn't leave much of a choice there.

Oh, and those Ten Commandments aren't really suggestions either.

And you can lose faith in Islam easily. I know lots of secular Muslims, just like I know lots of secular Jews, and secular Christians.


09-29-2009, 08:31 PM
Thats not as relevant, what is relevant is that "islam without politics would not survive"(x terrorist) and thats because its an oppressive religion that denies its followers free will. The same cant be said for any other religion. Besides isnt free will the basis for any religion? faith? if you dont have the option for losing faith that speaks volume about authenticity imo.A quote from Christianity's fundamental prayer, with added emphasis mine: "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done". A quote from Christianity's exemplar: "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will."

Both religions strongly endorse choosing to submit human will to God, but this is not the same as denying or oppressing free will - free will doesn't evaporate when a choice is made. Choosing to be a Christian or a Muslim is fundamentally no different than choosing to be a vegan in the following way: any of those choices can be grappled with, changed, subtly altered.

Stanley Burrell
09-29-2009, 08:33 PM
We should follow Narcissiia's fine example and just keep quoting Michaelous using a different language parody generator each time:

There is alot more deception and lies in islam then thier is in any other religion, its pretty clear if you look at its history. Most other belifes dont belive in killing other people based on thier belief in the first place. As a matter of fact the religion is based on deception , thier are 3 stages of islam , deception, organization, then attack. In america we are still very early on in the deception stage. Except the muslums in america and the rest of the world who get decieved think that thier is reality in ther belief. A good way to explain it to all you retards out there is ask yourself who would have better credibility? the corporate office or the franchises spread out all over the world? The same applies to religion, If the base of your belief teaches one thing, and you recieve a diffrent teaching claiming to be the real teaching. how would you know which teaching has more integrity? Yes , i understand the same can be applied to all beliefs, but the problem is when the main belief is teaching violence and political domination.

There iz alot mo' deception an' lies in islam then thier iz in any other religion, its fine ass clear if ya peep at its history. Most other belifes dont belive in killing other peeps based on thier belief in da first place. As uh matter o' fact da religion iz based on deception , thier iz 3 stages o' islam , deception, organization, then attack. In america we's iz still very early on in da deception stage. Except da muslums in america an' da rest o' da world who git decieved th'o't dat thier iz reality in ther belief. A pimp-tight way ta explain it ta all ya retards out dere iz ax yourself who would gots bettah credibility? da corporate office or da franchises spread out all over da world? The same applies ta religion, If da base o' yo' belief teaches one thin', an' ya recieve uh diffrent teaching claiming ta be da real teaching. how would ya know which teaching has mo' integrity? Yes , ah dig' da same can be applied ta all beliefs, but da problem iz when da main belief iz teaching violence an' political domination. in the hood

09-29-2009, 11:52 PM
Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod. I'm doing Texas! (again...teehee)

Thar ees arlot uv deeseptshun an laz een that thar eeezlam thayin thar iz een Thee Almy'ty Loard an yoo now....them thar jewz. Them thar mohamedz, they gotz thray thangs bout 'em bad, but now m'kant member cause'm that thar wild turkeys came took'm way, HAHAHAHA! Now sayin...what did'n yoo want'n gin?

09-30-2009, 06:43 AM

09-30-2009, 06:49 AM
Both religions strongly endorse choosing to submit human will to God, but this is not the same as denying or oppressing free will - free will doesn't evaporate when a choice is made. Choosing to be a Christian or a Muslim is fundamentally no different than choosing to be a vegan in the following way: any of those choices can be grappled with, changed, subtly altered.

again you are approaching both religions out of context here. In saudi arabia if a muslum decides he doesnt want to be a muslum anymore, he is killed along with his family. if a woman shows her toes she is considered a prostitute and is killed legally by the government, so don't try to explain to me that is free will. Thats because that is a muslum socioty which you have no idea about. But when a muslum comes to a diffrent socioty, oh yea they are equal to other religions all of the sudden? you are not making sense.

Sure christianity has commandments as well, but we can choose if we want to follow those commandments and not risk being killed for it. Because afterall the supernatural god will have his judgement with you no matter what. But in islam your judgement is carried out on earth hence you take away from the integrity of a supernatural god to begin with.

09-30-2009, 12:43 PM
You're just plain wrong, and you're an idiot.

09-30-2009, 09:35 PM
again you are approaching both religions out of context here. In saudi arabia if a muslum decides he doesnt want to be a muslum anymore, he is killed along with his family. if a woman shows her toes she is considered a prostitute and is killed legally by the government, so don't try to explain to me that is free will. Thats because that is a muslum socioty which you have no idea about. But when a muslum comes to a diffrent socioty, oh yea they are equal to other religions all of the sudden? you are not making sense.

Sure christianity has commandments as well, but we can choose if we want to follow those commandments and not risk being killed for it. Because afterall the supernatural god will have his judgement with you no matter what. But in islam your judgement is carried out on earth hence you take away from the integrity of a supernatural god to begin with.You're confusing a religion with a government that claims (erroneously) to follow that religion. That you are not currently risking your life in [parts of] America by wearing an "I'm an atheist, suck it xtians!!" shirt does not mean that you would be safe in every so-called Christian society that has ever existed. The brutal religious repression of Stalin's Russia does not demonstrate some intolerance fundamental to atheism, etc. etc.

09-30-2009, 09:40 PM
I am pretty sure that white Christians have wreaked more hell on people that don't look like them or worship the same God than any other group of people.

09-30-2009, 11:04 PM
But that was oh so long ago and that shit don't count no more, son, just like slavery. We should just get over it.

10-01-2009, 01:05 AM
I am pretty sure that white Christians have wreaked more hell on people that don't look like them or worship the same God than any other group of people.
Stalin and Mao would disagree.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
10-01-2009, 01:21 AM
I'm pretty sure people just like wreaking havoc on other people and sometimes religion is a convenient enough excuse to sway the masses.

10-01-2009, 03:07 AM
I am pretty sure that white Christians have wreaked more hell on people that don't look like them or worship the same God than any other group of people.

I'm so sick of your christian bashing. It's so obvious that people unfairly talk shit about christianity while giving every other religion a free pass.


10-01-2009, 06:44 AM
You're confusing a religion with a government that claims (erroneously) to follow that religion.

actually that is exactly what i am trying to say. islam is a religion that combines government and religion, and back to my original point that is the reason islam would not survive without politics and government. if there is no authority then who is going to enforce such stupid rules? no one and thus true islam dies. now all the followers of islam that are in non muslum socioties can claim peace and harmony all they want because they are free to say whatever they want, these people i have no problem with besides the fact that thier ignorant of the original intentions of thier religion. but these muslums are non threatening. Despite the fact they still have to pay homage to mecca, a city that enforces the previous.

10-01-2009, 12:09 PM
What country did you supposedly grow up in? apologize if I missed it.

10-01-2009, 05:02 PM
actually that is exactly what i am trying to say. islam is a religion that combines government and religion, and back to my original point that is the reason islam would not survive without politics and government. if there is no authority then who is going to enforce such stupid rules? no one and thus true islam dies. now all the followers of islam that are in non muslum socioties can claim peace and harmony all they want because they are free to say whatever they want, these people i have no problem with besides the fact that thier ignorant of the original intentions of thier religion. but these muslums are non threatening. Despite the fact they still have to pay homage to mecca, a city that enforces the previous.I am not denying that actual Islam does not separate religion and politics. What am I pointing out is that what any entity says about itself isn't necessarily so. It is plausible for a government to be Islamic, but it is totally incorrect to say the Saudi government is Islamic.

10-01-2009, 06:10 PM
I am not denying that actual Islam does not separate religion and politics. What am I pointing out is that what any entity says about itself isn't necessarily so. It is plausible for a government to be Islamic, but it is totally incorrect to say the Saudi government is Islamic.

even though they both essentially mean the same thing, i see your point and i am in agreeance with it.