View Full Version : Empathic Link

09-22-2009, 01:25 AM
Couple of questions with 1117 Empathic Link.

Does it work with the splash damage from Flare 111?
Does it work with the cascading attacks from Empathic Assault?
Someone said that it didn't work with bone shatter, is that true?

09-22-2009, 03:05 AM
Couple of questions with 1117 Empathic Link.

Does it work with the splash damage from Flare 111?
Does it work with the cascading attacks from Empathic Assault?
Someone said that it didn't work with bone shatter, is that true?

All of those are moot, since 1117 is a terrible spell and a complete waste of mana.

09-22-2009, 03:35 AM
I only use it when I'm trying to entertain myself when I'm hunting/bored.

09-22-2009, 11:52 AM
I haven't used empathic link that much because I also consider it too much effort for too little benefit. However, I can tell you that bone shatter does work with it. The problem with empathic link is that if your primary target dies to your spell, the damage tends not to transfer over to the creatures that were linked. Makes the spell worth even less, unfortunately.


09-22-2009, 04:51 PM
Does it work with the splash damage from fire spirit? Say you come into a room with 4 mobs, AOE web them and then link all 4 and then fireball the room. Does each mob take an additional hit from the splash damage (so each one would get hit 4 times for the final cast).

It does sound like a lot of work when a web and a cast of flare or two by itself might be just as effective.